Peter Vollmer's Per Fine Ounce

DavidJonesDavidJones BermondseyPosts: 269MI6 Agent
edited April 2024 in James Bond Literature

An oddity, this. Really, the book has nothing at all to do with Geoffrey Jenkins' idea for a Bond novel, yet seems to exist entirely because of it. The interview Vollmer gave at the time is curious in that he seems not to profess any interest in Jenkins at all, despite continuing his character Geoffrey Peace.

It seems, at the time, Jenkins' agent or estate wanted to exploit their rights to Jenkins books somehow, and concluded that the only contemporary significance he had was his almost-connection to Bond. After failing to unearth the original manuscript, the decision appears to have been taken to ... well, bluff it, really, and make a new novel with the same title and location, and hope that this was enough to snare the interest of Bond fans.

I don't mean to sound cynical, not least as I haven't read the book and it might well be excellent, but it seems rather suspect and not a little misleading.

Does anyone else have any thoughts on this?

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