Her Majesty's DBS Restoration Update: Fun Photos Part Deux

As promised, some more fun photos and my narration...

Current state of Her Majesty's DBS. Missing the engine, seats, carpets and the odd and sundry items such as the exhaust, gearbox, console, radiator, etc. Very happy with the door shuts,window frame alignment, and operation of the door lock mechanisms, which took ages to put right.

One of the most difficult items to find was a set of the original HR Owen Concessionaire plates, usually attached to the threshold. I am going to try to reproduce these plates, as I could only find this one, and have been looking since 2008, as the chap did not include these in the sale of the car. Little did I now at the time how difficult and collectible these plates are. I have to engineer some fasteners with undercut oval heads, as there is little meat to screw into on the polished stainless thresholds. The plates need to be removable for polishing (yearly).

Ladies, please! One reason why you never want to buy the car used in the auto shows. Guarantee you they had to replace or repair that bonnet! I breathe on mine and it dents. Note the ungainly front spoiler on the DBSV8, made of glassfibre. AML claimed that this spoiler was needed to keep the front end down at high speeds, however, the prototype V8 cars were simply early, Sharkmouth versions (like ours) and they were sent to LeMans for high speed testing, and performed very well. The truth of the matter can be found in Dudley Gershon's book, and my own interviews with Aston veterans, that the Sharkmouth, all aluminum, was an extremely complicated, time consuming, and costly panel to make. I should know, I made the buck for my DBS, and spend around $25,000 with a coachbuilder to fabricate and fare in the lower valance, adding reinforcement to keep from flapping (and cracking paint) at high speed. Look how feminine and happy those gals are, as opposed to the frumpy, angry feminists who come out of colleges today....

This photo is absolute gold! Shooting on the 25 de Abril Bridge, a sister bridge of the famous Golden gate Bridge, which I drive over 3 times per week. May, 1969. The crew had removed the back window of the lead DBS to get those wonderful shots. Here, George Lazenby has a fag, while lovely Diana goes over some lines. Director peter Hunt is the chap with the megaphone. Note a second DBS in the background, used for the side shot, with French lighting. Note that Tracy is wearing the ring, and the weather is very hot that May. Flowers are wilting. I just love this shot, and it is my phone screensaver.

An ordinary DBS Driver's seat (RHD). Note the direction of the pleats. What you see in the film during Lazenby's intro is a stock black seat out of another car, and the pleats are 90 degrees from this original DBS seats (same as used in the DB6, MkII)

...And a nice little sliding tray to be used for chewing gum, lip balm, documents, and odd items. The FRWL attache knife (thanks Ed!) will be added and I shall build one for the passenger's seat as the glovebox in this car is occupied with the AR-7. Got the idea from the Goldfinger DB5, and that feature, unused in the film, was in the book "The Most Famous Car in the World'" which is a Bible for any DB5 fans. The DB5 version had an AR-7, knife, hand grenade, and a Luger! I made the tray, using some slimline sliders welded to aluminum spacers. Made the seat 3/8" higher, but I can use that at my height, and it all works perfectly, with a nice magnetic catch. "Mr. Stitch" in San Mateo, Ca did the trim work. I visited the fabric store to source the red velvet, and forgot about all the lovely women who frequent fabric stores. Struck up a conversation with a seamstress. She asked what the red velvet was for. "Why, for my coronation robes," I answered, "My nephew said that he was going to crown me next week!" Got a laugh...and a number...

And back to construction shots. This is the famous ZF power steering box, with the external ram. Later cars changed to a less complicated Adwest system, which I feel was less precise. Here, I am sorting out the hose situation in anticipation of installation- after the engine goes in as the sump rides very close to this unit, and I don't want to damage it during engine installation.

Hope you've enjoyed this segment of Her Majesty's DBS Restoration. Hopefully next time I can share some engine completion (second round) photos, and possible installation. Thank you all for the support, and at this point, she may make the San Francisco Auto Show this Thanksgiving Holiday in November.

Cheers, Tom


  • 00Stirl00Stirl Posts: 64MI6 Agent

    Just superb. Keep going.

    My Z3 revamp V2.0 has stalled somewhat but I continue to gather items related to original marketing etc. Will show and tell probably next year.

    Re your favourite pic ready for final scenes, the GB screen sticker is notable and not on both. Did they remove before filming I wonder?

  • The Red KindThe Red Kind EnglandPosts: 3,338MI6 Agent

    Thanks for the latest update and pics, Tom.

    I agree, that photo shooting on the 25 de Abril Bridge, is absolute gold. Have you thought about writing a book on the OHMSS DBS including all these wonderful stills from the film and your restoration?

    I think once complete we need a proper celebration of your efforts and the completed masterpiece!!

    Keep up the incredible work..! 🍸️

    "Any of the opposition around..?"
  • Gebruder GumboldGebruder Gumbold San FranciscoPosts: 551MI6 Agent

    Thank you both for the kind comments.

    As I race to the finish line in time for the SF Auto Show, my plans for the DBS include, but are not limited to:

    Pebble Beach Concours Aug 2025, AMOC Concours Spring 2025, return to her birthplace at Newport Pagnell, Spring or Autumn 2025, coinciding with the AMOC concours, possible entry into the Concours of Elegance 2025, and a re-enactment of the College of Arms arrival on the same trip.

    I shall then work for the next 20 years to pay off those dreams...

    Thank you, Tom

  • UNCLE27UNCLE27 EnglandPosts: 1,145MI6 Agent

    Absolutely incredible attention to detail! πŸ‘‹πŸ‘

    Hope the rest of the build goes well. Can’t wait to see the finished car. Amazing.

  • VolcanoCatVolcanoCat Posts: 12MI6 Agent

    Awful; an insult in fact... LUCKILY enough, I'm willing - thank me later, to take this automobile off your hands and I'll, um, scrap it or something. If you were, by any stretch deluded enough NOT to see this for the utter shamefaced lie I'd be amazed. Yeah, it's breathtaking. From the photos? It looks at least as good as on the screen. One of the finest cars in Film History and ideally, it should be on display around the planet. Bravo! I only wish I had the chance to see/drive/dribble over this peerless DBS in person.

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