Resizing Matchless Craig Blouson

I have recently bought the limited edition Matchless Craig Blouson and I love but the sleeves are definitely too long. As there is my first screen accurate and frankly really expensive piece I’m wondering what people’s thoughts about resizing it? I would just be taking up the sleeves but I wasn’t sure if that destroys the value.

It is also worth noting it does have a mark on the front so it is never going to be worth full price again.



  • PandemicPandemic Posts: 148MI6 Agent

    Where do you live? There are some excellent and experienced specialists who can do a great job with leather alterations, but there is potential for disaster if you take it to someone inexperienced. They may also be able to help with the stain.

  • JamesFergyJamesFergy Posts: 7MI6 Agent

    I live in Scotland and that’s good advice, there’s a guy in my street who has done a good job of a suede jacket I had before but that was significantly cheaper.

  • PandemicPandemic Posts: 148MI6 Agent

    oh wow, I was going to suggest a few London places, but Scotland is the home to some of the best leather jacket craftsman in the world.

    Drop Greg Fields a line to explain what you want and see if he will do it:

    Otherwise, try Aero:

    They both do repair work on vintage jackets they didn’t make, but you might want to gently remind them that Matchless is no longer around, so you can’t send it back to them for alterations.

  • Bond_AmbitionsBond_Ambitions Melbourne, AustraliaPosts: 473MI6 Agent

    I think it’s worth mentioning that the design is supposed to have slightly longer sleeves than a typical jacket. Take a look at how it fits in the movie.

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