Any chance of the old, jolly emoticons coming back?

Posts are getting awfully dry and dour without them - mine own included. They managed to express a range of nuanced emotions. I'll admit I don't know how to insert emoticons using the keyboard - but those I see come across as fiddly and charmless, like something that falls out of a fortune cookie. I can't even figure out what they mean sometimes - the one of a monkey? Does that mean, I'm a monkey? Or you're a monkey - an insult? Should that kind of crap Twitter-style emoticon, open to misinterpretation, be available anyway?
I've been on Twitter for a year and it strikes me that if the same emoticons that were available to AJB only a few months ago were available on Twitter it would be a funnier, more forgiving place.
"This is where we leave you Mr Bond."
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Roger Moore 1927-2017
I've not tried on my laptop, but I can use the same emoticon menu as my phone. 😐😶🤗🤫😴🤠
The emoticons show up on the PC version of the site but not on the mobile version of the site. I find that if you type out into the post field what you're looking for on your smartphone such as "angry" face it'll bring the relevant emoticon up. That might be one way around it for smartphone users.
I’ve got the emoticon button at the bottom of my reply window. Even on mobile.
See 🤩
Hmm. It's not showing up for me. Maybe it depends what browser you use on your mobile or whether your device is iPhone or Android?
This is what I see on my Android smartphone:
It's there in Chrome for me and works, although the emoticon symbol is whited out. Not all of the emoticons are available though, I get generic squares for some of them. Compare my screen capture to Asp9mm's.
Nothing on my Apple Mac re Emoticons - oh, no, hang on, there they are, in a faint ghost unlike the Pic, and Attachment things.
But these Emoticons are ugly. They're not like the old ones - you can't quite tell what they're meant to denote, and there's about 100 of them. It's like having a wardrobe full of clothes you don't want to wear. They're Twitter emoticons basically - just rubbish.
So I revert to my original question - can we get the old jolly emoticons back? Or have they gone the way of VHS tapes?
Roger Moore 1927-2017
I agree, they're quite hard to see what they denote and as I commented earlier I don't know why the icon is shown in light grey.
Does anyone else just see country initials for the flags?
Don't see any flags... We do of course have avocados and oranges and telephone boxes I mean WTF? They're like things six year olds collect. 'I'll trade you one of these for two of those...'
Roger Moore 1927-2017
It doesn't feel like AJB without the old emojis, I understand what you mean Napoleon. Hopefully SiCo will take note but I think it might be a difficult request for SiCo to incorporate into his plans. He is also busy plotting complete, total, utter worldwide domination.
7. LALD 8. TWINE 9. Skyfall 10. AVTAK 11. CR 12. TLD 13. YOLT
14. TMWTGG 15. Moonraker 16. TSWLM 17. Thunderball 18. FRWL
19. Dr. No 20. DAF 21. LTK 22. DAD 23. QoS 24. Spectre 25. NTTD
I’m not really sure what you mean as you have every emoji available to you 🤷🏻♂️
I don't presume to speak for anyone but I think what members are referring to are the old more AJB-specific emoticons like the 007 smiley face that winked and wore a tuxedo. More Bond specific emoticons, basically. There were a few of those and while they were nice (and seemingly designed specifically for a Bond forum like this) I'm OK with them not being there any more. I understand how difficult the changeover to new forum software must've been and I'm sure @SiCo had enough on his plate without designing new emoticons as well.
🌀 I don't know what it's meant to be, but to me it could pass for a gunbarrel.
You see, that's what I mean - what the hell is that? A devil? A Chinese person carrying a watering block? The old emoticons aided communication with nuance and/or clarification, the new ones just have you squinting and thinking, is Sir Miles having a friendly dig at me? Just a dig? What is that thing?
Roger Moore 1927-2017
That could work. 🙂
It’s a person shrugging their shoulders…looks very clear to me…but I’ve no idea what you can see…take a screenshot and post it here.
🤷🏻♂️ I can see it now but my screen has to be made a lot larger and even then, not really. It could be someone just holding up their arms...
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Even on my mobile it’s pretty clear - and I’ve got poor eyesight too 🤣
The old emojis are pretty much dead as far as I can see, but I will look again to see if there is a way to integrate them.
As for the new emoji icon that only seems to appear on devices that don’t have an emoji keyboard, ie Windows etc.
On mobile you can use any emoji you want from the emoji keyboard. 🥸🍸
Agreed it’s not as personal to the site but it’s the way the web is going / has gone!
Well, I don't know, I checked out loads of emoticons - we have various fruits and things, I can't seen anything useful imo. @SiCo seems to be giving me a wave which is nice, it might also be a baseball pitcher. We used to have a Cheers! two beers clinking together, or a Martini glass to denote raising a glass, all kinds of things that I worked into the script. Still, I appear to be in the minority here.
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Part of the problem seems to be that some of the emoji aren't supported on Windows by the looks of things. Above I added a Martini glass on an iPhone but it is 2 squares on windows.
I am looking into it, one of the other problems is the originals are so small compared to what the software wants to use!
They are not lost or forgotten, just old and retired!
Another problem I’ve just discovered. Because we are using the rich editor I don’t think I can change the emoji. I may have to admit defeat on this one I’m afraid. I will have another look later.
Thanks for looking into it, @SiCo - it was a real blast from the past to see some of those! But like I say, it's an impressive array of
emoticons above but I just can't see myself using any of them, flags and the faces I just can't make out, aside from the one with tears.
Roger Moore 1927-2017