Music of Bond podcast launch

Hey everyone! Just wanted to share that JW of James Bond Radio fame, Chris Wood, and I have launched a new Music of Bond podcast. We are looking forward to digging in to the scores, source music, and history of Bond music. Available now on Apple and Spotify!
That sounds a bit of me: I'll be checking this one out!
I guess you'll be diving into the new LALD and OP scores pretty soon?
Almost certainly! Very excited to dig into those!
Keep your eyes out for TLD score discussion next week.
Subscribed! 😁
Much appreciated! :)
Thanks! I'll definitely check it out. I've been missing a good James Bond music podcast since JBR ended. I've also just seen that there is an episode on The Living Daylights soundtrack (Probably my favourite Bond score) so I'm double happy about that.
Yeah! That episode went live last night.
Such a killer score! Really enjoyed getting in to that one.
I enjoyed listening to the LIving Daylights soundtrack review. I can never get enough of that score.
One thing that surprised me was the amount of love for the 'Into Vienna' track. That's a track that I often skip, firstly because I don't really like the arrangement very much with the poppy drums and the melody played on synth. Secondly, because I have a habit of disregarding tracks on soundtrack albums when they don't actually appear in the film. If I was putting the original soundtrack together I'd have rather had some of the other music from the film that didn't make the original album.
Also Suscribed 😀
Much appreciated!
Episode 3 is up now! No Time To Die - The Songs!
This one was a lot of fun to get into. Good discussion on the source music in the film!
Definitely checking this out. I have all the soundtracks. Took me ages to find LTK. That one needs an expanded version desperately.
Much appreciated! Also, your username is incredible.
Hope you enjoy the show!
I don't know how I missed this news, but at this moment I'm just glad that "
TheMusic of Bond" is back.Instagram: 007flavoured