chrisno1chrisno1 LondonPosts: 3,347MI6 Agent
This is the only other scenario I have. It was teh second one I did, after Icebreaker, but to be honest, I dont like it very much. Its interesting how some elements of Fleming or Gardner or the movies themselves creep into my treatments, while as I watch the movies I see elements of Gardner's ideas and those of my own appear. I'm not suggesting plagarism, I just reckon we all think along the same lines!


I liked License Renewed and thought it a good updating of the Bond novels. I was particularly fond of the attention to details like guns and cars that Gardner used, though I was less interested in these when I wrote this scenario. The novel contained some good action and well crafted set pieces, many of which I have included here, though not all in the same order or circumstance. The two sections I cut out were the tedious Highland games chapter and the scenes at Royal Ascot, which was very similar to those in AVTAK I was happy also to have Bond bed his women with some gusto, something Gardner seemed to shy away from in his novel. This included the appearance of “Q’ute”.
Finally I also switched climax from a Starlifter jet to a luxury yacht. This was primarily done because the ending of TLD is very similar to Gardner’s novel and I didn’t want to repeat anything so fresh in my mind but also because I wanted to expand the story with a chase section (a la TB and OHMSS) and I couldn’t think of a reason for Murik to go to Tenerife other than to hide on his luxury boat and maybe escape some nuclear fall out! I think there are a lot of action scenes and some good ideas here; though at times it might be a bit slow; I was surprised how similar it is to Gardner’s novel, but feel I have expanded it enough to give it some cinematic feel.

Hope you enjoy reading it!!



James Bond
Lavender Peacock
Anton Murik
Ana-Maria Maskin

Ann Reilly “Q’ute”
Bill Tanner
Falzetti (an Italian business man)
Donal (the butler)
Kenovic (the scientist)
Major Barron
Military Base Commander


A parachutist descends towards the outskirts of the base, attracting attention from the guards inside the compound. It is James Bond. Soldiers come to apprehend him.
In his office the Base Commander examines the few possessions Bond has with him; a torch, a pen, a packet of Curiously Strong mints and a pocket Psion organiser. Disdainfully he leaves them on his desk and orders Bond be taken to the cells while he decides what to action to take. As Bond is escorted across the compound a small group of civilian women carries food across to the barracks. One of the girls is Irene, and she blows Bond a kiss, which he returns.
In his cell, Bond is visited by Irene, who has some food for him. She wishes him luck. Inside the cous-cous is a key. Bond opens the cell door and surprises the three soldiers in the guard room, defeating them in a vicious fight.
Meanwhile, Irene enters the Commander’s quarters and begins to seduce him.
Bond has changed into a soldier’s uniform. He enters the office and picks up his gadgets. Using the Psion gadget Bond locates the safe and traces the combination. Opening the safe he finds a jiffy bag containing a microchip, which he confiscates. Bond exits, leaving the pen on the desk, a tiny infa-red beam winking across the room.
Bond steals a motorbike and Bond heads straight for the perimeter fence. Once there he tosses some of the mints at the fence and they explode on impact, allowing him to escape. The noise attracts the attention of the guards, who start to give chase.
The Commander leaps from his bed and rushes into his office, breaking the infa-red beam. The pen explodes.
While Bond drives away, he points the torch skywards and releases a flare. The guards are in their jeeps shooting at him. Bond throws some more of the mints behind him in an attempt to distract his pursuers.
Overhead a transport plane drops a winch rope. Bond clasps the wire to his belt and is hauled to safety, much to the astonishment of the soldiers.


A dark haired, bearded man enters the connections lounge. He enters the gentleman’s lavatory and finds an empty cubicle. As he closes the door a cleaner enters and starts to swab the sinks.
In the cubicle the man opens his briefcase to reveal a make up kit and a full change of clothes. He removes his disguise to reveal Franco, a terrorist. Franco puts on a new disguise and exits the cubicle. His flight to Edinburgh has just been announced.
Behind him the cleaner speaks into a communicator, giving full details of Franco’s progress.

Bond is testing a new handgun, under the expert eye of the female munitions expert, Ann Reilly, popularly known as Q’ute. Bond takes her to dinner and then drives her home. Ann’s luxury apartment has lots of gadgets allowing Bond a few puns; they make love.
Bond is woken by his watch alarm. A call has come in from M’s office. It is 2.35am.

M congratulates Bond on his foray into the Middle East. Q is delighted with the stolen microchip; there is a wealth of information about terrorist activity – including some startling revelations about Franco, the world’s number one terror suspect. It appears Franco has been recruiting personnel for an operation in the very near future. Franco has also become complacent and agents have twice traced him from Cairo via Ireland and then Belgium into Scotland. Because of Franco’s mastery of disguise the agents lost him close to the Mulcaldy estate in the Grampians.
Anton Murik, the Laird of Mulcaldy, is the billionaire industrialist; head of El Dorado Energy and a champion of nuclear energies. His background, though not under scrutiny, is shrouded in some mystery.
Bond glances through the file on M’s desk. There doesn’t seem to be any direct link to Franco. M is less certain, Franco’s last recorded activity was sabotage of a French nuclear power station at Saint Laurent. Bond notes that Murik founded the Roussillion fashion house. His ward is one of their models, Lavender Peacock. M wants Bond to go to Milan for the spring fashion shows; he needs to gain the Laird’s confidence and infiltrate the estate.

Bond meets Falzetti, a wealthy businessman, who has already received communications from London that he is required to “disappear” for a few days. He is looking forward to the holiday. Bond explains it will be necessary to destroy Falzetti’s Ferrari. The businessman shrugs; he has 27 more.

Bond attends the Roussillion fashion show. He spots Anton Murik and his beautiful assistant, Ana-Maria Maskin. Lavender Peacock is striding down the catwalk, just one of dozens of models. She is wearing an expensive necklace of emeralds.

Backstage Bond is able to snap the catch of Lavender’s necklace. As she and Murik head towards their limousine, he accosts them and returns the emeralds. Murik chastises Lavender and then invites Bond to join them at the casino.

In the casino Bond observes Falzetti, betting heavily and losing at roulette. He is surrounded by women and making a lot of noise. Bond prefers the baccarat table, where Murik is holding court with Ana-Maria. Bond proceeds to beat Murik soundly, while relating his life story: retired army major, now a freelance contractor. Murik asks if he is staying long in Milan; Bond explains he must leave for an important engagement tomorrow afternoon.
Bond leaves the gambling table and meets Lavender at the bar. Over champagne he learns that Lavender, usually referred to as his niece, is not related to Murik at all. She is an orphan. She insists Bond visit them at Castle Mulcaldy, just to relieve her boredom. Caber, Murik’s henchman approaches. It is time for Lavender to return to her hotel.

Bond enters his own hotel suite. He detects a woman’s scent. Ana-Maria is waiting for him. Murik will be busy all night, so there is plenty of time to get better acquainted. They kiss and Ana-Maria removes her dress.
After making love, Ana-Maria and Bond try to gain information from each other. Bond suggests she is a faithless nymphomaniac, instantly making an enemy of her. Ana-Maria leaves, promising Bond an unpleasant time should they meet again.

Bond is driving fast in his Aston Martin. He notices two cars, forward and back tailing him. There is a high speed chase along the mountain roads. Using his cars equipment, Bond sends one of the cars careering off the road and down the mountain side where it explodes. The second car crashes into some trees. Bond is able to interrogate the driver. It was Murik who sent them.

Bond reaches a clearing where Falzetti’s Ferrari is parked. Bond destroys it with fire bombs. He telephones Falzetti, asking if the Swiss chalet is to his liking.

It is dusk and Bond drives through the sleepy village of Mulcaldy. Leaving his car he studies the castle estate on foot. He is set upon by three Doberman pincer dogs and some guards. Bond is grappled by Caber. He retaliates by head butting him, splitting the giant’s nose. He is saved by Ana-Maria Maskin, who is civil, but clearly unhappy at his sudden appearance.

In the castle, Murik is dressed for dinner. Bond is invited to stay. Lavender and Ana-Maria are in attendance, as is a disguised Franco, who is introduced to Bond as a business associate, Torquez. Lavender is excited; Bond has arrived in time for Murik’s birthday party. Over dinner Franco is wary of Bond, but Murik seems very pleased to see him, taking him into his confidence. The ladies retire to the drawing room; Bond wonders if the offer of employment Murik made in Milan is still open; Murik asks Torquez to entertain the ladies while he discusses business with Bond.

Murik pulls aside an ancient tapestry to reveal a hidden door which leads to his office in the dungeons. Bond outlines his price for work; Murik explains he has contacts who will trace his details; Bond can stay until after the party, by then a decision will be made. During the discussion Bond is able to plant a micro bug on the underside of Murik’s desk.

Murik has business to discuss with Torquez; Bond makes his excuses and retires. In his room Bond turns on his ipod and listens in to the conversation between Murik and Franco.
They begin to discuss arrangements for an operation entitled Warlock. Franco is concerned about the appearance of Bond; there is something familiar about him. Franco becomes agitated and demands more money for his services, slamming his fist on the desk. At this moment the micro-bug falls to the floor and Bond has difficulty picking out the conversation, but hears phrases like “San Sebastian”, “219”, “Santa Cruz”, “Golden Sky” and “co-ordinates to be finalised.”

Later Bond is trying to sleep. There is a knock at the door and Lavender enters. The automatic bolts slide into place and they are locked in. Lavender is worried about the future; there is something very sinister going on and she feels trapped. Bond sympathises. He teases her, but they sleep back to back with a pillow between them.

Under the ruse of a morning jog, Bond has the locks released on his door, allowing Lavender to exit his room also. On his run, Bond observes Franco leaving in a helicopter.
Over breakfast Lavender asks Bond to accompany her riding. Over a romantic picnic lunch Lavender reveals more about herself. Bond is aware they are being watched by the gamekeeper.

That evening Murik holds a traditional highland ball for the Mulcaldy residents. Bond attends dressed in a kilt. Murik takes him to his office. Murik has checked his identity and trusts him; the Laird explains that in the next two days he is planning an operation that will revolutionise world economics. Unfortunately Torquez has the ability to wreck his plans. Murik wants Bond to assassinate him. Bond asks for one night to consider the offer. When Bond returns to party, where he dances a reel with Lavender and tells her he is leaving that night, but that Murik must not know of it.

That night Lavender enters Bond’s room again, allowing him to manipulate the locks. She has one of Murik’s ancient pistols in her hand. Bond thanks her. They kiss passionately. Lavender returns to her room. Bond tries to escape but is caught by Donal. Bond shoots him dead and runs to the Aston Martin. Bond escapes from the castle, but is pursued along the estate roads. The residents of Mulcaldy fire machine guns at him. Bond is eventually forced down a treacherous forest track. The track ends suddenly at a precipice and Bond is lucky to stop the car from toppling over the edge. Bond jumps from the car and tries to run away, but the helicopter approaches and the guards shoot him with a tranquilizer dart.

Moneypenny still has no word on 007, though there was some extraordinary activity at the castle last night. M declares an all station alert for any contact from Bond.

Bond awakes. Lavender is in attendance, looking scared. Murik explains that despite Bond’s pathetic attempt at escape, he still needs him to perform the assassination. Bond learns that in two days time there will be a series of terrorist atrocities around the world involving the destruction of sixteen nuclear power stations. This will allow El Dorado Energies to instigate his own Ultra-Safe Reactor. Franco was useful when he was training the individuals to carry out these atrocities, but his usefulness has expired and he is the one crucial link to Murik. Bond notes that so are he and Lavender. Murik has everything under control; wards and their lovers can disappear in many strange circumstances.

Murik’s entourage, including McKinnon, Browning and Whiting, drive from the airport to Santa Cruz harbour. Once along the Avienda Cuba the crowds celebrating the February Fiesta become so great they decide to abandon the cars and proceed on foot. Murik points to his resplendent £15m yacht, Golden Sky. At this moment a samba troupe dances past, trying to tempt them to dance. It is all the opportunity Bond needs and he escapes. There follows an exciting chase through the carnival streets, during which Bond, Caber and McKinnon destroy a packed restaurant in a fight and then he evades Ana-Maria and Whiting by dancing with a beautiful woman in an open air disco.

Bond thanks his dance partner with a kiss. Over her shoulder he sees the Hotel San Sebastian. He enters the hotel and proceeds to Room 219. Franco answers the door and Bond and knocks him down, snatching the fallen gun. Bond asks him how to stop Warlock, explaining he represents the British Secret Service. Franco won’t tell him. Bond suggests money could be paid.
Ana-Maria and Whiting have also seen the hotel and decide it is a perfect opportunity to kill Franco.
A firework goes off directly outside the window, distracting Bond. Franco attacks and in the fight Bond kills him with a shard of glass he throws like a Frisbee. The door smashes open and Whiting opens fire; Bond returns fire and leaps through the window and onto a passing carnival float. The gunfight continues down the street, masked by the sound of the fireworks.

Bond reaches a pubic phone booth and seizes the chance to call London, but despite beginning a transmission, he is surprised by Browning. Bond uses the receiver to assault him and escapes again, this time into the Plaza De Espana where a salsa band plays on a huge stage decorated like a Roman temple. Bond climbs the scaffolding backstage, but his gun falls from his waistband. Finding the gun Ana-Maria and Caber climb the scaffold too. There they accost Bond, but Ana-Maria slips and falls to her death. Caber moves in for the kill, but on learning Bond has contacted his superiors, he decides to take him to the Laird.

Moneypenny reports that a call has come in from Tenerife, but it was too short there was no identifiable trace. Bill Tanner mentions that Murik has a yacht in Tenerife. M issues orders.

Murik asks if Bond is impressed with the yacht – his safe haven from potential fall out. He shows Bond to the control centre where Kenovic makes the final preparations for communication. Murik begins the call to arms: “Section One: War”, “Section Two: War” etc. The world governments now have 24 hours to meet his demands or there will be mass nuclear destruction. Bond is allowed a final night to live his dream – he can sleep with Lavender.

Murik outlines his demands to the governments.

In their cabin Lavender is desolate. Bond is helpless, dependent only on his message getting through. The door has the same locks as the castle, but Lavender shows Bond the porthole locks, which are screwed down. She produces a metal nail file and through the night they work at the screws until the porthole is free. But it is only big enough for Lavender’s slim frame. She is able to climb out and onto the deck above, but has to hide from Caber, McKinnon and the patrolling guards in the motor launch garage.

In the morning, the Captain receives reports of a vessel keeping a parallel course to their own. He is not unduly concerned. After less than an hour it changes course. While Murik still has no word from the governments, Bond anxiously waits for Lavender’s aide.

Underwater a troop of SBS frogmen, led by Major Barron, abandon their underwater jet packs and, using grappling irons, assault Golden Sky. Lavender seizes the opportunity to escape her hiding place and manages to free Bond, at the same time fighting off McKinnon. They rush to the control centre where they find a flustered Kenovic. Bond prevents the atrocities with pure guess work: “Section One: Lock” etc. Behind him Murik and Caber take Lavender hostage, but Bond plays on Caber’s volatile nature and he tosses the girl aside to engage Bond in combat. Bond kills the giant with the Scotsman’s dirk. Murik shoots a panicking Kenovic and escapes in a submersible.

Murik slips across the estate grounds towards his castle. Bond is waiting for him in his office. He has details of how Murik inherited the estate after murdering his half brother and denying Lavender’s true kinship. Murik raises his gun, but Bond is too quick and throws the case of documents at him. Murik escapes and Bond gives chase. Murik is wounded in the leg, but wings Bond in the arm. Murik refuses to surrender and Bond kills him.

Falzetti is surrounded by beautiful women and thanks Bond for a wonderful vacation. But why did Bond send away the beautiful models he sent to stay with him while he recuperates. Bond replies he has the best model in the world and she is quite a lady. He turns to embrace Lavender.



  • chrisno1chrisno1 LondonPosts: 3,347MI6 Agent

    James Bond DANIEL CRAIG
    Lavender Peacock SOPHIE MONK
    Anton Murik PETER CAPALDI
    Mary Jane Maskin KIM CATTRALL
    Ann Reilly "Q'ute" ALICE EVANS

    Too elaborate on my choices:
    Daniel Craig - if it aint broke, dont fix it
    Sophie Monk - an Australian singer / actress
    Peter Capaldi - off beat Scot (I also though of John Hannah, Gregor Fisher, Malcolm McDowell)
    Kim Cattrall - I needed and older woman for MJM and she would fit the bill very nicely
    Vitali Kilitscko - ex-WBC heavyweight champion; he's Ukranian and if he cant speak English or act very well, he can be a silent heavy like Oddjob
    Vincent Cassel - a fine French actor, but would he deem Bond as beneath him?
    Alice Evans - maybe a bit old for Q'ute now, could always be Moneypenny, i remember her from that terrible film Abduction Club

    Ian McDiarmid - I never warmed to Judi Dench, and I think McDiarmid has the low profile, but acting esteem to carry this off
    John Cleese - not everyone's cup of tea but I rather liked him, he wouldnt be such a buffoon in my film/
    my main concern is that all the Bond girls are blonde (though I am partial to blondes...) and also that I did pinch the idea of Kim Cattrall from elsewhere, but it is a wonderful idea.

    This took so much thought (im really not very good at this!) and Im trying to be different; my main concern is that all the Bond girls are blonde, but I am partial to blondes....
  • Weezer12Weezer12 Posts: 21MI6 Agent
    That's awesome, Chris. I love the idea of Emperor Palpatine as a Bond villain!
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