Guardian Games Blog talks 5 007 movies that would make great games

PredatorPredator Posts: 790Chief of Staff

A nice little piece discussing 5 Bond films that could have (or still could) made a great game.



  • jetsetwillyjetsetwilly Liverpool, UKPosts: 1,048MI6 Agent
    I still can't believe they've turned From Russia With Love into a game but not Moonraker.
    Founder of the Wint & Kidd Appreciation Society.

  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    Problem is a lot of the setpieces from those games were already used in some existing Bond games. Nightfire had some Moonrakerish elements, Jaws appeared as a baddie in a couple of games already and several games had ski sequences. As for Casino Royale, it was largely covered during the flashback section of the QoS game.

    If you're going to adapt a game, I'd vote for The Spy Who Loved Me as Roger More never got a game and it has a pleothora of action sequences that could be expanded into a videogame. Start off with the ski case (complete with quicktime sequence at the end to deploy the chute); throw in action sequences in the housing complex (with Shandor as your final boss) and around the ruins in Egypt (give Jaws a few henchmen to take out); the Lotus Esprit car chase, underwater sequence and jet-ski would give you the obligatory vehicle sequences; and the fight on the Liparus and final confrontation with Jaws and Stromberg as Atlantis sinks would round out the levels.
  • darenhatdarenhat The Old PuebloPosts: 2,029Quartermasters
    I have to admit that a Thunderball game sounds appealing, especially if it had a bit of a sandbox feel to it - island-hopping around the Bahamas to find clues to the missile locations.
  • Mr BeechMr Beech Florida, USAPosts: 1,749MI6 Agent
    darenhat wrote:
    I have to admit that a Thunderball game sounds appealing, especially if it had a bit of a sandbox feel to it - island-hopping around the Bahamas to find clues to the missile locations.

    Get a whole island to explore with rendezvous popping up for story missions.

    Plus a nice dance here and there.
  • scaramanga1scaramanga1 The English RivieraPosts: 845Chief of Staff
    Love the idea of Thunderball as a game it would be awesome. But also agree that one of Roger Moore's Bond films should be given the game treatment and use his voice too just like they did with Connery's in FRWL. Yes I know his voice (Connery's) sounded a little old in the game - but for me it just added something to it. :)
  • PPK 7.65mmPPK 7.65mm Saratoga Springs NY USAPosts: 1,248MI6 Agent
    Personally, I would love it if The Living Daylights were made into a video game. The war games, holding onto the assassin's Land Rover and fighting him in it. Sniper scene, Aston Martin Chase, escaping the Tangier police force after "assassinating" General Pushkin, Cargo net fight, and the show down with Whitaker and a few of his goons for good measure.
  • GoldenEye85GoldenEye85 Posts: 278MI6 Agent
    I think Die Another Day could have made a pretty decent game. I can imagine a mission where using the cloaked car to spy in a similar way, or in a game version of the simulation.

    I say give the Bond license to Eurocom and let them choose who they release the game through. It seems anytime Eurocom touches James Bond it's gold

    Of the older films, well elements of quite a few films have been used in several games. GoldenEye 64 had elements of Live and Let Die/Golden Gun/Spy Who Loved Me and Moonraker, in TWO levels. the Aztec Complex and Egyptian Temple.
    1, GE 2, CR 3, SF 4, TWINE 5, Spectre 6, TMWTGG 7, DAD 8, LALD 9, AVTAK 10, LTK 11, Octopussy 12, Moonraker 13, TLD 14, GF 15, QOS 16, Tomorrow 17, FYEO 18. TSWLM Not seen much: Dr. No, Russia, Thunderball, Twice, Majesty.

    1: Brosnan 2: Craig 3: Moore 4: Dalton 5: Connery and 6: Lazenby
  • PredatorPredator Posts: 790Chief of Staff
    One could almost say that they shouldn't have bothered with the DAD film and just made it a game ... :p
  • GoldenEye85GoldenEye85 Posts: 278MI6 Agent

    It was a good movie. I enjoyed it quite a bit. The part that did annoy me though was that they made WAY to many references of it being the 40th anniversary and the 20th movie in the series. The watch comment was okay as was the room with all the old gadgets from the previous movies.

    But I felt that the overall story was pretty good, maybe the CGI was a bit overused, but for the parts they did it in it was decent.
    1, GE 2, CR 3, SF 4, TWINE 5, Spectre 6, TMWTGG 7, DAD 8, LALD 9, AVTAK 10, LTK 11, Octopussy 12, Moonraker 13, TLD 14, GF 15, QOS 16, Tomorrow 17, FYEO 18. TSWLM Not seen much: Dr. No, Russia, Thunderball, Twice, Majesty.

    1: Brosnan 2: Craig 3: Moore 4: Dalton 5: Connery and 6: Lazenby
  • Mrs.BryceMrs.Bryce Posts: 139MI6 Agent
    I really do want a Roger Moore James Bond game, I would play it over and over. Not even joking.

    I think any of his films, apart from maybe A View To A Kill, would make good games, The Spy Who Loved Me would be amazing, and I would play a Live And Let Die game too. I really, really want a game with Roger in it. Octopussy wouldn't be half bad either, many action sequences.

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