(Spoilers for NTTD) Shakespeare's Bond: Work area (All welcome!)



  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,457Chief of Staff
    At the end of Dr No, when Bond goes through the tunnel:

    An easily-escapable cell. Sir James lies unconscious on the floor.

    Sir James: ...Oh, I prithee don’t do that again, Felix, ‘tis still sore... (Awakes.) Ah.(Looks around.) Hmm, there seems to be some sort of vent...
    (Sir James enters ye vent.)
    Sir James: ‘Tis tight in here... Hmm, what ist that ahead? ‘Tis moving! Oh, only a little spider. (Sir James carefully avoids treading on ye spider.) Could be worse, I am glad ‘twasn’t a bunch of tarantulas! Now, what ist this...?
    (Sir James emerges from another vent.)
    Sir James: Well, that was most convenient.

    Can anyone think of some funny, silly hazards for him to meet along the way?
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    edited April 2018
    a hen party, with Bond having to fight them off telling them he's not a stripper
    a bunch of charity "muggers" collectors
    a bunch of insane Memorabilia collectors ( as you could put in a few guest appearences )
    with Bond escaping by opening a Boxed set of trainers from the spy play
    " The spy who wore my green trainers "
    A selection of Peanuts ( could Bond have an allergy )
    a selection of feathers that tickle
    a section of cute kittens
    a section with misplaced Apostrophes ( Grocer's to Grocers' )
    a section of Sean Connery Impersonators
    a karaoke section.
    various after shaves sprayed on to his face from sales staff
    having to put together some ikea furniture ..... with no instructions !
    an area of social faux pas, like red wine with fish, or holding a knife like a pen, to drive
    Bond crazy
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,457Chief of Staff
    {[] {[] {[]

    Lovely stuff, thanks TP, I'll get to work on that.

    ("Physician Nay" doesn't end well, and I want to fix it up a bit. Of course all ideas welcome! Since we can't have Sir James fight the physician over a nuclear reactor, I'm thinking about reverting to Fleming and having Nay die covered in bird droppings.)
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    Only a suggestion but could the good Dr keep bird poo for business. While keeping other excretions ( sweat, urine etc )
    As a hobby ?
    Dr " Urine injected in to the forehead to remove wrinkles "
    Sir James: Bollocks !
    Dr. " Um ? Yes I shall call it ..... Botox !
    Sir James: and thy pond of sweat ?
    Dr : a man's got to have a hobby.

    Or it could be a lake of tears collected from www.Daniel Craig is not James bond.com
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,457Chief of Staff
    Inspired, sir- consider him slimed (well, close enough) :D !
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,457Chief of Staff
    Slotted in below:

    Physician: Much have I achieved on this naked little island. 'Tis here that I have perfected a new system of injecting urine into the forehead to remove wrinkles.
    Sir James: Bollocks!
    Physician: Very close- I shall call it ... Botox!
    Sir James: And thy pond of sweat?
    Physician: A man's got to have a hobby. Employment I do offer thee, Sir James, for most impressed I am with thine calibre.
    Sir James: Employment, for whom?
    Physician: I doth belong to an organisation called Spectre.
    Sir James: Ah, thou do make codes for ye Tsars.
    Physician: Nay, that ist a Lektor. I work for Spectre.
    Sir James: I see, thou do make songs with girl groups.
    Physician: (Growing impatient.) Not Spector, SPECTRE! The Special Executive for Counter-Intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion.
    Sir James: Doesn't that spell SEFCITRAE?
    Physician: It depends, Sir James, on how good thine spell checker ist. Mine ist from Cambridge and more accurate than a dictionary when he's sober.
    Sir James: You have a servant to check your magic spells?
    Physician: Nay, SPELLING!
    Sir James: Mine employment shall be avenging Quarrel and the Duke of Strangways.
    Physician: Alack, thee I have misjudged, merely a constable without wit thou be. Guards, take him to ye easily-escapable chamber- but beat him up first!
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    Perhaps there should be a joke about the spell checker?

    - It depends on how good your spell checked is. Mine is from Cambridge and he is more accurate than a dictionary when he's sober.
    Bond: - You have a servant to check your magic spells?
    Ney: - Ney, SPELLING!

    (just an idea.......)
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,457Chief of Staff
    :) I've added that in!
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,457Chief of Staff
    First stab at incorporating TP's ideas for the tunnel:

    Act 4, Scene 3. An easily-escapable chamber. Sir James lies unconscious on the floor.

    Sir James: ...Oh, I prithee don’t do that again, Felix, ‘tis still sore... (Awakes.) Ah. (Looks around the cell.) Hmm, there seems to be some sort of vent...
    (Sir James enters ye vent.)
    Sir James: ‘Tis tight in here... Um, what ist that ahead? ‘Tis moving! Oh, only a little spider. (Sir James carefully avoids treading on ye spider.) Could be worse, I am glad ‘twasn’t a bunch of tarantulas! Now, what ist this...?
    (The vent opens to a large room, full of middle-aged women.)
    1st Woman: Ah, he ist here girls- Hello, handsome!
    (The other women cheer.)
    Sir James: What? I prithee, am I expected?
    2nd Woman: Thou art late! Let us get started!
    1st Woman: Aye, get them off!
    Sir James: ...er, get what off?
    3rd Woman: Thine clothing! Art thou not our male stripper for this evening? ‘Tis our works night out.
    Sir James: Stripper? Nay, I think it not.
    2nd Woman: Grab him!
    (Ye crowd of women lunge toward Sir James, who rapidly leaps back into the vent.)
    Sir James: Methinks I had a narrow escape there- now, let us see what ist down this turning...
    (Ye next section of the tunnel ist lined with feathers. Sir James narrowly avoids being tickled to death, then avoids squashing a group of cute kittens.)
    Sir James: A close shave that was! Now, what ist down here...?
    (Sir James emerges from the vent to see ye Physician peering intently into a sunken pool.)
    Sir James: Hmm, this must be his store of urine to use for injections... Now, I wonder...?
    (Sir James sneaks quietly up behind, then kicks ye Physician into the pool.)
    Physician: Argh! Get me out of here!
    Sir James: Not for all the pee in China.

    (Sir James races into ye next chamber, where he finds Honey.)
    Sir James: Honey, art thou all right?
    Honey: Of course, Sir James, just let me finish eating this crab. Wouldst thou like one?
    Sir James: ...er... Perhaps later, but let us make haste to a boat!
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,457Chief of Staff
    The previous scene, amended to include the pool of urine + the spelling line:

    Act 4, Scene 2. A dining room.

    Honey: Lo, Sir James, see here! A goldfish bowl, with one goldfish swimming in it.
    Sir James: Hm, surely that should be GoldenFish? And it hath a silver fin.
    Physician: About 75p, Sir James. (They turn to see ye Physician.) Thou were wondering about its cost.
    Sir James: Aye, 'tis so.
    Physician: With me shalt thou dine, Sir James, while I doth tell thee mine history. I prithee, drink this mead that has been stirred not, though shaken it be.
    Sir James: And yet no hands doth thou have. Tell me: here I have noted a mountain of bird poo, a pool of urine and a pond of sweat.
    Physician: Much have I achieved on this naked little island. Ye bird poo ist for business. The pool, 'tis there that I have perfected a new system of injecting urine into the forehead to remove wrinkles.
    Sir James: Bollocks!
    Physician: Very close- I shall call it... Botox!
    Sir James: And ye pond of sweat?
    Physician: A man's got to have a hobby. Employment I do offer thee, Sir James, for most impressed I am with thine calibre.
    Sir James: Employment, for whom?
    Physician: I doth belong to an organisation called Spectre.
    Sir James: Ah, thou do make codes for ye Tsars.
    Physician: Nay, that ist a Lektor. I work for Spectre.
    Sir James: I see, thou do make songs with girl groups.
    Physician: (Growing impatient.) Not Spector, SPECTRE! The Special Executive for Counter-Intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion.
    Sir James: Doesn't that spell SEFCITRAE?
    Physician: It depends, Sir James, on how good thine spell checker ist. Mine ist from Cambridge and more accurate than a dictionary when he's sober.
    Sir James: You have a servant to check your magic spells?
    Physician: Nay, SPELLING!
    Sir James: Mine employment shall be avenging Quarrel and the Duke of Strangways.
    Physician: Alack, thee I have misjudged, merely a constable without wit thou be. Guards, take him to ye easily-escapable chamber- but beat him up first!
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,457Chief of Staff
    Thanks for the help, guys, I always have trouble with finishing these off (since the actual film endings are more visual and action-oriented than dialogue heavy).

    Any ideas for stretching and improving this one? We can't have an atom bomb, and Oddjob can only say "Ah-har" or something similar.

    Act 9, Scene 2. A coffer of great riches.

    Sir James: Art thou not tempted by all this gold, He of the Gilded Finger?
    He of the Gilded Finger: Most surely not- but then, I am a compulsive liar.
    Sir James: Hmm, not sure whether to believe you on that one...
    He Of the Gilded Finger: Alack, removing ye gold does not fit my plan.
    Sir James: And what now?
    He of the Gilded Finger: In this instance thou art exactly where I doth desire, Sir James.
    Sir James: Till thine manservant a fuse doth blow.
    He of the Gilded Finger: Goodbye, Sir James. (Exits.)

    Act 10, Scene 4. High above another sea.

    He of the Gilded Finger: With mine plans hast thou interfered for a final time, Sir James.
    (Exits in great haste through window.)
    Sir James: With thine gilded harp shalt thou play.
  • Charmed & DangerousCharmed & Dangerous Posts: 7,358MI6 Agent
    Could the “coffer of great riches” be situated on top of a volcano as a booby-trap? Golden lava would seem appropriate and maybe references to YOLT? If I get a moment I will come up with something but please don’t wait for me -{
    "How was your lamb?" "Skewered. One sympathises."
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,457Chief of Staff
    {[] Goldfinger, er, C&D, it's an inspired idea. I've slipped it into the dialogue:

    Sir James: Thine vile scheme cannot prevail, He of the Gilded Finger. (Sips.) Good mint julep, though.
    He of the Gilded Finger: Most well-informed thou art, Sir James, though mine scheme shall yet succeed. The great coffers of those across the sea art situated below a volcano- I shall cause this to erupt, sending a golden shower of lava over all their gold, which will cause the value of my gold to increase many times.
    Sir James: Mine apologies I do proffer, He of the Gilded Finger, for brilliant ist thine scheme.
    He of the Gilded Finger: I am the man, the man with the Midas touch.

    ...to set it up for later, though changing the coffer's location to below the volcano so the lava covers it when it's made to erupt.

    Now, how to fit that in to the final scenes?
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    Bond sails away after stopping Gilded Finger's plot. Bond goes below deck where Gilded Finger is hiding and he attacks Bond with an axe. Golden Finger misses Bond and accidentally hacks a hole in the hull of the ship. Bond escapes the room and locks Gilded Finger in the flooded room. Golden Finger goes down with the ship while Bond floats away in a yellow life boat together with a wench clad in her undergarments.
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,457Chief of Staff
    Perfect! Here it is "Shakespearised":

    Act 10, Scene 4. A port where a ship awaits.

    Lord Felix: Our honoured leader ist looking forward to thanking ye personally, Sir James.
    Sir James: And I to meeting him and shaking his hand.
    Lord Felix: Er, be careful when thou do that, do not comment on his hands. Strong beverages for three await thee on board.
    Sir James: Only three?
    Lord Felix: ‘Tis only a short journey.

    (Sir James boards ye ship.)
    Sir James: Steward, I prithee, where ist mine cabin?
    Steward: Down here, sir.
    (Sir James goes below and into a cabin, to find He of the Gilded Finger awaiting him armed with an axe.)
    He of the Gilded Finger: Surprised to see me thou art, Sir James?
    Sir James: Art thee going to meet ye President too?
    He of the Gilded Finger: Headed for Cuba am I- Pussy ist now in charge of this vessel, and thou hast interfered with mine plans for ye last time!
    (He lunges for Sir James with ye axe, but Naught Naught Seven ducks and the axe strikes the bulkhead. Water starts gushing in, and He of the Gilded Finger ist swept away into ye sea. Sir James rushes up on deck heading for ye ship’s wheel where he finds Pussy struggling to keep ye ship on an even keel.)
    Pussy: Help me, Sir James!
    Sir James: But of course- come with me!
    (Sir James leads the way to a small yellow canoe, thrusting Pussy inside (inside ye canoe 8-) ) then shoving it into the water. They float away, watching ye great ship sink.)

    Pussy: But how art we going to be rescued, Sir James?
    Sir James: No time for rescue this is!
    (His mouth comes ruthlessly down on hers.)

    Always room for improvement, if anyone has ideas.
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,457Chief of Staff
    Now, next task is to work Charmed & Dangerous's volcano idea into this scene:

    Act 9, Scene 2. A coffer of great riches.

    He of the Gilded Finger: Kirsch, place Sir James in ye centre. Oddjob, watch him.
    Sir James: Art thou not tempted by all this gold, He of the Gilded Finger?
    He of the Gilded Finger: Most surely not- but then, I am a compulsive liar.
    Sir James: Hmm, not sure whether to believe you on that one...
    He Of the Gilded Finger: Alack, removing ye gold does not fit my plan.
    Sir James: And what now?
    He of the Gilded Finger: I shalt now arrange for ye volcano above us to erupt, leaving you here to share the fate of the gold in being covered with lava. In this instance thou art exactly where I doth desire, Sir James.
    Sir James: Till thine manservant a fuse doth blow.
    He of the Gilded Finger: Goodbye, Sir Ja-
    (From outside ist heard the sound of fighting. Quickly, He of the Gilded Finger runs out of the massive door and locks it behind him.)
    Kirsch: What? This cannot be!
    (He runs to ye door and struggles to open it, but Oddjob slays him with a single blow.)

    Particularly, how does Sir James stop it?
  • Dirty PunkerDirty Punker ...Your Eyes Only, darling."Posts: 2,587MI6 Agent
    Ice cubes and a fridge?
    It not losing its shill is a priority, it'd be a pity for it to be above 38 degrees Fahrenheit.
    a reasonable rate of return
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,457Chief of Staff
    How does Sir James find a huge amount of ice?
  • Dirty PunkerDirty Punker ...Your Eyes Only, darling."Posts: 2,587MI6 Agent
    Barbel wrote:
    How does Sir James find a huge amount of ice?
    I assume air drops are out of the question :))
    A magic spell by The Wizard?
    a reasonable rate of return
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,457Chief of Staff
    Hmm, I'd like to avoid that. Perhaps Felix could arrange something- winged chariots dropping ice?
  • Dirty PunkerDirty Punker ...Your Eyes Only, darling."Posts: 2,587MI6 Agent
    Barbel wrote:
    Hmm, I'd like to avoid that. Perhaps Felix could arrange something- winged chariots dropping ice?
    Would certainly be ambitious.
    Maybe give a leg or two on comedy but it does re-use the same concept with thine golden urine.
    I'll think of something...
    a reasonable rate of return
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,457Chief of Staff
  • Dirty PunkerDirty Punker ...Your Eyes Only, darling."Posts: 2,587MI6 Agent
    a reasonable rate of return
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,457Chief of Staff
    :)) :)) :))
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    Could the lava be diverted ? via River, Waterfalls
    use of a spell to cause rain ( Raindance )..... or River dance, Bond
    doing a bit of Irish dancing ? ( Always thought Bond needed a big
    song and Dance number ) :D
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,457Chief of Staff
    I'm not sure that I could carry that off- you wanna try?
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,457Chief of Staff
    Missing bits:

    1) James and Oddjob fight- how does it end? (no electricity)

    2) Felix & his men break down the door, tell James GF is headed for the top of the volcano (? Pussy is driving)

    3) James chases & stops the lava, but GF & Pussy escape. I like TP's dance idea but I'm not the right guy to write it.
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    Bond desperately throws everything he can find at Oddjob (mention some silly things), including a random bucket that turns out to be full of tar. Next Bond throws a pillow full of feathers at him. Oddjob (covered in tar and feathers) laughs at Bond and reaches for a flamable object (torch, candle etc.) for some dumb reason. Oddjob goes up in flames.
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    One of the objects Bond throws at Oddjob should be a delicatessen in stainless steel.
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    And a pigeon.
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