Bond 25 wishlist



  • Gala BrandGala Brand Posts: 1,172MI6 Agent
    Number24 wrote:
    According to the ending of the 2006 movie "Blood Diamonds" the price of diamonds are kept artificially high by the big diamond companies by keeping large quantities of stones off the market. In other words lots of diamonds are kept in storage somewhere and very few people know about it.

    This can be the basis of a Bond movie. The villan burglars one or more of these diamond storages. Since these Diamonds officially don't exist the robbery of the Century can't be reported to the police. He contacts the diamond companies that he can do two things: he can dump the diamonds in the market en masse and destroy the diamond market for decades, but still make a fortune. The bankability, credibility and myth of diamonds might be destroyed for generations.

    The other option is having the diamond companies pay him a huge fortune to have the stolen diamonds back quietly. The MI6 becomes involved because the money from this theft and blackmail will go to ….. financing terrorism has been done, but financing organiced crime (SPECTRE?), a coup, a war or something like that.

    This plot offers new twists on very Bondian themes. "Diamonds may be forever, but the value of them won't be …"
    New and exiting locations offer themselves, particularely sub-Saharan Africa and Jerusalem. The villan or a hanchman can relax on illegal safaris.

    Fleming wrote a non-fiction book about the international diamond market called "The Diamond Smugglers," which was released in 1957 to very good reviews (better than some of the JB books). The movie rights were purchased but nothing was ever made.
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    Yes, the links between Bond and diamonds are very strong. In fact they are so strong the writers must be very inventive and give it a very fresh angle.
  • LicencetochatLicencetochat Posts: 74MI6 Agent
    I want craig on skiis, and with some funky beach boys music in the background :))
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    I think both wishes has very bad odds at any good bookmaker's.
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    Number24 wrote:
    Later SPECTRE plans some evil scheme and MI6 turns to the jailed Blofeld in desperation. Blofeld will only talk if he gets a fine dinner with Madeline Swann. They sit together in Blofeld's cell wearing a dress and tux, eating as if they are in a top resturant. The MI6 are watching on CCTV, tensly waiting for information and ready to send SWAT in to intervene if Blofeld tries anything. In a reverse of Dr No Blofeld tries to hide a knife, Madeline discovers it. They play an inteligent cat and mouse game where both of them tries to get more information without giving away too much.

    I think this could be a nice way to give Madeline and Blofeld something interesting to do without making the plot and screentime about them.

    Why would Blofeld help MI6 by giving them information? After he was captured SPECTRE is divided, both fractions with a leader. One part of SPECTRE is loyal to Blofeld and wants to break him out of prison. The other part is led by a leader who wants to be the new Number 1, so he/she wants to keep Blofeld in prison and make his mark with a spectacular crime. Blofeld doesn't want the usurper to win, so he supplies Madeleine and MI6 with information about his competitor. When Bond uses this information to stop the spectcular plan, the loyalists manage to spring Blofeld from jail at the end of the movie.
  • HowardBHowardB USAPosts: 2,752MI6 Agent
    Number24 wrote:
    Number24 wrote:
    Later SPECTRE plans some evil scheme and MI6 turns to the jailed Blofeld in desperation. Blofeld will only talk if he gets a fine dinner with Madeline Swann. They sit together in Blofeld's cell wearing a dress and tux, eating as if they are in a top resturant. The MI6 are watching on CCTV, tensly waiting for information and ready to send SWAT in to intervene if Blofeld tries anything. In a reverse of Dr No Blofeld tries to hide a knife, Madeline discovers it. They play an inteligent cat and mouse game where both of them tries to get more information without giving away too much.

    I think this could be a nice way to give Madeline and Blofeld something interesting to do without making the plot and screentime about them.

    Why would Blofeld help MI6 by giving them information? After he was captured SPECTRE is divided, both fractions with a leader. One part of SPECTRE is loyal to Blofeld and wants to break him out of prison. The other part is led by a leader who wants to be the new Number 1, so he/she wants to keep Blofeld in prison and make his mark with a spectacular crime. Blofeld doesn't want the usurper to win, so he supplies Madeleine and MI6 with information about his competitor. When Bond uses this information to stop the spectcular plan, the loyalists manage to spring Blofeld from jail at the end of the movie.

    If there is a new Bond actor in 26 I would think that EON wouldn't want to bring the same Blofeld back. That being said, a different ending could be that Blofeld gets broken out but a bit earlier in the film. Mayhem ensues with Blofeld and his loyalists, Bond then tracks Blofeld down except unlike the end of SPECTRE where Bond opts not to execute Blofeld, he kills Blofeld. I will throw this back to Number24 (or anyone else who wants to give it a shot) to come up with how Bond dispatches Blofeld and a memorable line for Bond to say before he liquidates Blofeld (I would think the line should reference Bond correcting the mistake he made by sparing Blofeld at the end of SPECTRE).
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    Why wouldn't EON want to bring Blofeld back? Such as an iconic villan should be used in more than two movies. Cristoph Waltz's Blofeld wasn't as impactful as he should have been, but we know Waltz can impress with a better script. I'm in favour of a soft Craigxit with the same M and Scooby Gang and no clear break in continuity (insofar there is any in Bond movies). it's not necessary to have Craig's Bond kill Blofeld. They tried to link Vesper's death to Blofeld in SPECTRE, but I think it was so long ago and so clumisly done I don't think the audience will demand Blofeld's death in Bond25.

    When they finally kill Blofeld I think the Garden of Death is the perfect way to do that. If tht can't be done I like the planned ending of DAF where Bond and Blofeld fight it out in a salt mine sounds good.
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    On second thought, Blofeld doesn't have to escape in in this storyline for Bond25. Bond can stop the SPECTRE plan and kill the usurper. The loyal Number 2 rebuilds SPECTRE for Bond26 and springs Blofeld from prison. Finally in Bond27 we get the Garden of Death.
  • caractacus pottscaractacus potts Orbital communicator, level 10Posts: 4,044MI6 Agent
    Number24 wrote:
    Daniel Craig's Bond hasn't saved the world yet, has he? ... It would be great if he got an old fashioned Atomic bomb ticking away or something ...
    could you imagine Craig in a clown costume, trying to defuse a ticking A-bomb while the children and generals laughed at him?
    He'd tell them to piss off, and stomp away in disgust leaving them all to get blown up.
    It'd be a new twist though, we definitely haven't seen that before in a Bondfilm.
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
  • HowardBHowardB USAPosts: 2,752MI6 Agent
    Number24 wrote:
    Why wouldn't EON want to bring Blofeld back? Such as an iconic villan should be used in more than two movies. Cristoph Waltz's Blofeld wasn't as impactful as he should have been, but we know Waltz can impress with a better script. I'm in favour of a soft Craigxit with the same M and Scooby Gang and no clear break in continuity (insofar there is any in Bond movies). it's not necessary to have Craig's Bond kill Blofeld. They tried to link Vesper's death to Blofeld in SPECTRE, but I think it was so long ago and so clumisly done I don't think the audience will demand Blofeld's death in Bond25.

    When they finally kill Blofeld I think the Garden of Death is the perfect way to do that. If tht can't be done I like the planned ending of DAF where Bond and Blofeld fight it out in a salt mine sounds good.

    Well...ok, but I do want to see Craig waste someone DN/Connery style in Bond suites him. :) -{
  • IndyRSIndyRS Posts: 17MI6 Agent
    -Lana Del Rey title song
    -Blofeld to return and ham it up in a few scenes.
    -Bad ass female villain henchman

    I'd also love for a big bad villain lair to return. I miss the films climax taking place in a huge over the top evil headquarters.
  • IceQIceQ Posts: 301MI6 Agent
    Yebba would make a perfect addition to the Bond song alumni - listen to My Mind or her recent Mark Romson song...
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent

    Some thread necromancy here. I think this is a great time to list our hopes and fears for NTTD one last time.

    There is so much I find hope in for this time. The director, title song, trailers, cast, locations 😁 and so on.

    My fears are thankfully far fewer. I fear the plot can go too far towards sci-fi because of some aspects of the Safin character. I also fear that Nomi may still be 007 when the credits roll. Especially if Bond dies or "dies". This is Bond to cause people (even Amazon) to belive Lynch is the obvious lead in Bond26. I hope Nomi is a great character with a great story, but letting her keep the 007 designation would be a very bad choice. If a man and/or white person get cast as 007 many will feel the series cheated them of a black female Bond, again leading to a (social) media backlash against the series and the new actor. I don't think any of my fears will become reality, but I'm not 100% sure.

    What are your hopes and fears at this point?

  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    edited September 2021

    I have many concerns if Bond 'dies.' But the very possibility - which is clearly the strongest ever in the history of the franchise - will certainly add hype and buzz to the release. But if that occurs, it will be a spoiler that cannot be contained. It will be like a nuclear detonation across fandom.

    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent

    I think the net would be exploding now if Bond dies. Don't you?

  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,402Chief of Staff

    Not necessarily…yet 😁

    And any ‘death’ could be left ambiguous…like in the novels FRWL & YOLT 🍸

    YNWA 97
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