The magic wasn't there. Good actors, but lacked the chemistry of the original.
I thought the writing was pretty decent and the chemistry of the original was something that was allowed to grow over time...this latter version didn’t have that luxury...
There is a less fun audio clip of him (Odd Karsten Tveit) when he was one of the two first journalists into Sabra-Shatilla, the refugee camp where Israel's allies massacred the inhabitants while the IDF stood guard for them around the camp and made sure the killers had light enough to murder the civilians at night. You can hear Tveit throwing up while he is counting dead bodies. Many evanglical Christians and conservatives hate him.
"One thing Democrats are best at is exciting our base. We do this with coming up with stories we know will make you angry."
Really? Isn't that the other party's speciality? Just a recent examples are the more than a dozen Republicans who will probably be voted to Washington who belive top Democrats (including Hillary) are pedophile satanists. Trump retweeted a tweet supporting this conspiracy theory.
but the video has some really good points, some questionable and cringable.
There is a parody of the Republican party - his name is Donald Trump )
Just about fun, IMHO a missed opportunity: it's too "In your face" to make people start thinking. If you want to make propaganda, it has to be more fine grained and insidious. It does have the merit of summing up the inconsistencies in the thinking of the new age american socialism and third wave feminism.
I actually thought it wasn’t that bad...
I thought the writing was pretty decent and the chemistry of the original was something that was allowed to grow over time...this latter version didn’t have that luxury...
Didn't the cast of the remake do the show onstage for a while first, though?
I do remember there being a stage version...but can’t remember if it was before of after...
-Mr Arlington Beech
Another from ScimanDan countering
The idea that Mt Rushmore is made
From " Heavy paper "
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! This is great. How have I missed this, I don't know!!
So far I have been following Thunderf00t in 'tube, but ScimanDan seems to be a great addition!
-Mr Arlington Beech
Don't know yet, haven't seen everything...
-Mr Arlington Beech
Buying and repairing cars and setting challenges etc. -{
Die hard battery advert and
A bad lip reading from Trump
Trump is even more skilled than we thought, now he can train raccoons!
A satirical Advert for the Democratic party
I'm sure there'll be one for the Republican's too
Really? Isn't that the other party's speciality? Just a recent examples are the more than a dozen Republicans who will probably be voted to Washington who belive top Democrats (including Hillary) are pedophile satanists. Trump retweeted a tweet supporting this conspiracy theory.
but the video has some really good points, some questionable and cringable.
There is a parody of the Republican party - his name is Donald Trump
On a similar vein here's Peter Kay and Misheard Lyrics
Just about fun, IMHO a missed opportunity: it's too "In your face" to make people start thinking. If you want to make propaganda, it has to be more fine grained and insidious. It does have the merit of summing up the inconsistencies in the thinking of the new age american socialism and third wave feminism.
Here's a little bit more balanced piss take on the election:
-Mr Arlington Beech
Donald Trump vs Joe Biden, Teflon Don vs MC Stammer!
-Mr Arlington Beech
Touring St Petersburg by tank
Ithaca by C.P.Cavafy read by Sean Connery
Music by Vangelis.
I think most Bond actors have great voices, certainly Connery, Moore, Dalton and Craig.