The AJB Glossary (So Far)

LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
edited August 2019 in General James Bond Chat
Hello! {[]

I've just assembled a glossary of AJB terms, phrases and utterances for the entertainment and erudition of members both young and old, both novice and veteran, currently viewable below...

Naturally, I'm including all of the simple and obvious ones (TWINE means The World Is Not Enough, for example)...but I'm also addressing such things as Bonditics, Flemingists and Cinematic Bond Traditionalists...and I'd like your help. If you can think of any particular phrases, acronyms, sayings, etc., that are unique to the AJB online Bond experience, please share them here. I'm already at approximately forty entries...but I'm sure I can't remember them all.

Obviously I'm not just referring to the nonsense I've come up with on my own; if you can think of any, please include the person who coined the phrase if possible, so that I can assign proper credit/blame :v Let's see how many of these we can come up with...

Like pinball, this is for amusement purposes don't be afraid to have fun with it.

AC - Suggested by AJB member hehadlotsofguts - Audio Commentary

AJBers - Suggested by AJB Moderator Predator - The collective term for members of this, the greatest online Bond community in the known world.

"Babs" - Nickname/term of endearment for Barbara Broccoli, daughter of "Cubby" Broccoli. Producer of the James Bond films; widely credited/blamed for the Craig Era/reboot.

Barry Bonds, The - Coined by AJB member Sir Hillary Bray, this term refers to the Bond films scored by brilliant composer John Barry. Any reference to steroid-jacked former outfielders for the San Francisco Giants baseball club is purely coincidental.

Because Movie- Coined by AJB member Gymkata. When something unnecessary or illogical happens to further the plot or set up a joke.

Beloved Character - Suggested by AJBer Barbel, this refers to characters from the Bond films who essentially have their own fan base. The great Desmond Llewellyn (Q) is a prime example.

"Big Tam" - Sean Connery's nickname as a youth.

Bond-Centrist - One of the Bonditical parties. This Bond fan is possibly (or probably) well-read, re: Fleming, and finds value in transferring a bit of the literary heritage to the Big Screen---and yet, finds enough to like in Cinematic Bond's broader, lighter-tone outings (most of the time) to afford them a generous measure of dispensation, whilst condemning excesses on either side. Favourite Bonds: Any (don't try to label me; I won't stand for it!). See the 'Your Bond Party Affiliation' thread.

Bondian - The essence of being like, or summoning positive comparisons to, James Bond.

Bondian Chaos Theory - Coined by AJB member 7289. The point at which The Theory of Bond Relativity collides with the Bonditical party system, automatically and instantly rendering all personal opinions about James Bond irrefutably irrelevant.

Bonditics - A surprisingly controversial notion, particularly among some moderators :# : The world of Bond fandom, divided along party lines in a fashion similar to that of political parties...except that this is all in fun. Bonditics employs a three-party system: Flemingists, Cinematic Bond Traditionalists and Bond-Centrists.

Bondiverse - The Bond universe, to include both the world of fictional superspy James Bond...and the fever-pitched hopes, dreams and disappointments of his fans.

Bond #__ - Suggested by AJB member youknowmyname - Generally the working title for the next Bond film, whether in pre-production or during actual principal photography, when the actual title of the film is yet to be revealed (or hasn't been thought up! :o ).

Bondology - Suggested by AJB member youknowmyname - The not-so-scientific study, and tireless discussion, of all things Bond.

Brozzer - Slang/term of endearment for Pierce Brosnan.

Casual Audiences/Casual Bond Fans - Suggested by Bondtoys - People for whom a James Bond film is "just another movie"...and also used to deride fans who don't enjoy Timothy Dalton's performance, offering the easy explanation that the "grittier" tone of the Dalton Bonds isn't as appealing for people who don't know much about Fleming and Bond - or, maybe they simply can't get over the fact that Roger Moore had to retire at some point.

Chief Of Staff - Suggested by AJB Babe Lexi - The moniker given beneath the avatar of an AJB Moderator.

Cinematic Bond - The James Bond depicted in the films; often bears little or no resemblance to the James Bond in the novels by Ian Fleming.

Cinematic Bond Traditionalist - One of the Bonditical parties. More guided by the traditions and norms established by the films themselves, as they've unfolded over the past 46 years. Might not have ever read Fleming; if so, considers the books well separate from the films, and feels they should remain so. The CBT will generally prefer the bigger-scale, 'spectacle'-style Bonds, and won't mind a lighter tone. Favourite Bonds: Roger Moore, Sean Connery, Pierce Brosnan. See the 'Your Bond Party Affiliation' thread.

Circle of Life, The James Bond - Obliquely suggested by AJB member arthur pringle, and immediately affirmed by thread's author: The notion that whenever a current Bond actor is replaced by The New Guy, the current Bond actor immediately becomes 'passe'...and the deserving target of endless slagging off and all sorts of merciless derision...but when The New Guy's time is done, and The Next New Guy comes along...

Codename Theory, The - Suggested by AJB member i expect u2 die - A longstanding theory, circulating in various pockets of Bond fandom, which purports that 'James Bond' is merely the code name of a number of British Secret Service agents, over the past fifty years, who have taken on the identity of 'James Bond' and assumed the '007' identification number. Presumably, this is a means of explaining why James Bond has had different faces on film from 1962 to the present day (rather than the mere recasting of a film role---when actors lose interest, demand too much money, or simply grow too old to keep leaping off burning vehicles).

Copyright - Suggested by Predator - The reason why AJB has never allowed MGM/UA/Sony images of the Bond films to be posted on the site.

CR - Casino Royale

CR-06/CR-67 - Suggested by Thunderbird 2 - A convenient shorthand way of delineating between the wildly different film versions of Casino Royale, based on the year of their release.

Craig Bashers - Suggested by Predator - The antonym of the Craig Optimist. These Bond fans collectively wish that Daniel Craig had stuck to small independent films---or perhaps become a dockworker or tobacconist---instead of taking on the mantle of James Bond.

Craigger - Nickname/term of endearment for Daniel Craig.

Craigirl - Coined and suggested by Bondtoys, and seconded by Lexi - A variation on 'fangirl;' pertaining to those lasses who rather fancy Daniel Craig.

Craig Optimist - Those who, during the production of CR, remained optimistic that Daniel Craig could be an effective James Bond.

Craig Wars - That wild, dangerous and violent time, beginning on 14th October, 2005, with the official announcement of Daniel Craig as the sixth actor to portray James Bond on film, a colossal event which split Bond fandom along distinct lines. From simple, random border skirmishes---with a few rounds being exchanged in the dead of night---to all-out, Ardennes-style armoured combat...complete with tanks, aircraft and covert operations...this mammoth conflict had to be experienced to be appreciated. Ask one of the veterans about it. Chances are, they'll merely shake their head, and drink their cocktail in silence. As to when this conflict ended...well, that's the question, isn't it? As with the Cold War, bullets are rarely fired in anger anymore...but there is a distinct unease within the quiet...

Craigxit - Coined by Number24, in reference to Daniel Craig's inevitable exit from the role of James Bond.

CR Contrarian's Playground - An ultimately failed experiment; a Craig Wars-era attempt to create a safety zone for Craig/CR/reboot haters, skeptics and doubters to voice their concerns, criticisms and insults without fear of reprisal---essentially a de-militarized zone---routinely infiltrated by Craig supporters with sabotage on their minds. One of the few (if only) threads to be locked...and then unlocked. Still viewable to the curious, like images of the extinct dodo bird.

"Cubby" - Nickname/term of endearment for the late Albert R. Broccoli, co-founder of Eon Productions. Quoted as saying that the James Bond films will last "until doomsday."

DAF - Diamonds Are Forever

DAD - Die Another Day

Daltonite - Suggested by AJB member dr. evan-gelist, and seconded by zebond - A term of respect for a given element of Timothy Dalton's portrayal of James Bond.

Daltonism - ...and, by means of rebuttal by AJBer Bondtoys - "a synonym for embarrassing Dalton-Fanboy activities."

dandified banter - Coined by AJB luminary superado to describe posts by Loeffelholz during one of their many (and colourful) Craig War border skirmishes, circa '05 - '06. - Used in lieu of the actual name of the anti-Craig site(s), who used a unique brand of photographic manipulation, crass homophobia and simple-minded singularity of purpose to organize a boycott of CR...leading to the film's worldwide gross of nearly $600 million.

DC - Daniel Craig

Dinner Theatre Bond - Bond films with a more broadly-played, somewhat self-conscious comedic approach, typified by most of the Roger Moore era.

DN - Doctor No

'double-taking pigeon moment, a' - highlighted by AJB member Osato - a moment in a Bond film (origin: MR) which stoops lower than most in search of a cheap laugh.

DSOAPP Edition, The - Suggested by AJB member Bondtoys - Based on the conspiracy theory/hypothesis that Quantum of Solace, the most polarizing Bond film ever, secretly consists of two versions: a good one, and the "Dog S**t On A Paper Plate" Edition---which everyone who truly hates the film must have seen.

Edioting- Suggested by AJB member Number24. Editing carried out by an idiot. The noun would be "Ediotor".

EON - Production company founded by Harry Saltzman and Albert R. "Cubby" Broccoli; currently run by Barbara Broccoli and Michael G. Wilson. Owner of exclusive film rights to the James Bond character. Rumoured to stand for "Everything Or Nothing," although this has been denied by the principals.

fanboy - Any male whose admiration of some aspect of pop culture---Bond, Star Trek/Wars, comic book heroes, etc.---borders on the unhealthy, and threatens an otherwise promising social life.

fandom - A community of fans, whose interest in something keeps them at their computer, and online, past their bedtime, waiting in cinema and book store queues, etc.

fan-girl - Suggested by AJB babe Lexi, who reminds us that not all Bond fans are male! Besides, who says that an unhealthy interest in pop culture is gender-exclusive??

Flemingist - One of the Bonditical parties. Those whose Bond frame of reference descends primarily from Fleming's novels. These Bond fans generally prefer the less comedy-driven, less outlandish (or, at least, more understated and/or 'realistic') plot lines...and of course, Fleming-adapted (or inspired) material. Favourite Bonds: Sean Connery, Daniel Craig, Timothy Dalton, George Lazenby. See the 'Your Bond Party Affiliation' thread.

Force of Havit - Coined by Westward_Drift - "The reflexive desire for, and purchasing of, Bond memorabilia without regard to want, cost, or personal preference."

(Formerly) Poor Danny - Daniel Craig, in the period after CR's release (and obvious worldwide success).

FRWL - From Russia, With Love

FWIW - (For What It's Worth) - which is usually not the grand, worldwide scheme of things.

FYEO - For Your Eyes Only

GE - GoldenEye

Geezer Bond - James Bond, when portrayed by an actor who's obviously too old to be leaping off buildings, etc.

GF - Goldfinger

GL - George Lazenby

Golden Gun Conspiracy, The - Suggested by AJB member perdogg - The theory that another author completed (and altered) the TMWTGG novel, after Ian Fleming's death, so that Literary Bond would survive.

GUAK - Suggested by AJB Moderator Alex - "Give Us A Kiss!" Intended by Alex as a means of responding to virulent critics of FYEO...but easily adaptable to all kinds of social (and Bondian!) situations...

Gun barrel - Suggested by by Predator - The classic, pre-title 007 introductory sequence...currently under some renovation in the Craig Era.

Hardy-smacked - The fate of a redundant thread, necessarily by the hand of the redoubtable Hardyboy, AJB Moderator and Thread Cop Extraordinaire. Check the news articles and use the forum search tool, people!!!

Higgins Sarcastic - Suggested by Barbel; coined by Sir Miles - To fly in the face of all reason and logic, stick determinedly to a point of view when beset from all sides, and bluff if out when cornered.

IF - Ian Fleming, creator of James Bond.

IFP - Ian Fleming Publications, Ltd. Formerly known as Glidrose. Controlled by the Fleming estate; owns the literary rights to the James Bond character.

IMO - (In My Opinion) - One of the quickest and most common ways to assure fellow posters that you're not presuming to have the final and infallible word on any given issue.

IMHO - (In My Humble Opinion) - IMO, with a bit of extra sugar.

IMNO - (In My Nonsensical Opinion) - Suggested by AJB member 007 James, this variation embraces the fascinating premise that comparisons---especially with regard to Bond actors---are complete nonsense...and since you can't compare anything without first having an opinion about it... :v

IMRO - (In My Ridiculous Opinion) - Coined by AJB member (and Craig/CR defender) highhopes, this variation pre-supposes that not all Bond opinions are reliably humble. A member using this acronym acknowledges, de facto, that his opinion is worth no more than what anyone pays to read it.

Izzy worthy - Suggested by AJB Moderator jetsetwilly. A euphemism for a woman of quite phenomenal attractivess, as seen in the "Izabella Stuff" thread in Off Topic Chat.

Jason-Come-Lately - Jason Bourne, the central character of the Bourne franchise of action films. A touchstone for critics of post-DAD James Bond Films, who accuse Eon of copying the Bourne films en route to the staggering commercial success of the Daniel Craig Era.

JB - No, not James Bond---but you can use it that way if you like! As AJB member (and renowned musician) Barbel reminds us, this stands for John Barry, the musical craftsman who defined Bond through music in the early days of the film series, and who continues to influence those who pick up his mantle.

JHOCHT, The Society Of - Jealous Husbands, Outraged Chefs and Humiliated Tailors. According to AJB contributor bigzilcho, a super-secret society---more fearsome than SPECTRE or Quantum---dedicated to the destruction of James Bond since time immemorial.

Kool-Aid - This refers to the decades-ago mass suicide in Guyana, by followers of cult leader Jim Jones, who served up cyanide-laced grape Kool-Aid. 'Kool-Aid drinkers' are said to be blindly committed to a principle---at all costs.

LALD - Live And Let Die

Lazbians - An extremist faction within the Flemingist Bonditical party who sees only George Lazenby as the true one and only James Bond...and dismisses all others as false Bonds.

LCH - See "Legion of Craig Haters, The"

Legion of Craig Haters, The - Speaks for itself, really---much more focused than the Craig Bashers, who merely sneer and make snarky comments in social situations---this crowd holds a grudge. You know you you are, and you bask in the warmth of your a lizard sunning itself on a rock. When Craig finally turns in the tux, you'll feel like T.E. Lawrence at the end of Lawrence of Arabia...can you ever really go home? B-)

"Line, The" - Suggested by AJB member Dan Same - What else? "Bond...James Bond."

Literary Bond - The James Bond of the novels---particularly the originals written by Ian Fleming---not to be confused with the James Bond depicted in the films.

LTK - Licence To Kill

MI6 Agent - Suggested by Lexi - The moniker given underneath the avatar of all AJB members.

"Mickey" - Nickname/term of endearment for Michael G. Wilson, stepson of "Cubby" Broccoli, and producer of the James Bond films.

Mo - Suggested by Hardyboy, this refers to AJB babe Monique.

Mods - Suggested by i expect u2 die, this is short for the moderators of AJB...a.k.a., Those Who Must Be Obeyed.

Moonie - Coined by Monique, this is a term of endearment for moderator Moonraker 5.

MR - Moonraker

NSNA - Suggested by Predator - Never Say Never Again, the 'separatist' James Bond film produced by Kevin McClory in 1983 (as a result of long-festering litigation between himself and Ian Fleming, followed later by Eon Productions), starring Sean Connery in his final screen appearance as 007.

NTTD - No Time to Die - Formerly known as Bond 25.

OHMSS - On Her Majesty's Secret Service

'Old Man Steptoe' - A comparison made by AJB member Napoleon Plural in reference to Daniel Craig, in the historic Craig Wars-era thread of the same name.

OP - Octopussy

Original Flemings, The - A 'shorthand' means of identifying the original fourteen Ian Fleming books (12 novels, 2 short story collections...and distinguishing them from the subsequent 'continuation' James Bond novels by Robert Markham (Kingsley Amis), John Gardner, Raymond Benson and Sebastian Faulks (thus far).

Other Place, The - Suggested by Barbel, in reference to the 'other' Bond site, MI6 Community, who (rumour has it) refers to us in the same way.

Our Founder - Added by Barbel - Ian Lancaster Fleming (1908-1964)

"party line vote" - see Bonditics - an abbreviated way of saying that support for a particular Bond film depends upon fan's particular tastes---specifically, their Bonditical party: Flemingist, CBT or Centrist---a theory which engendered a bizarre wave of aggravation in the immediate run-up to the release of QoS :#

PB - Pierce Brosnan

Pendulum, The - Suggested by Barbel, and expanded upon: a) The manner in which a particular film is not highly thought of at first then grows in stature over the years, i.e. OHMSS. Or perhaps the opposite, i.e. FYEO. b) the cyclical nature of the series as a whole, with a lavish OTT entry (YOLT, MR, DAD) being succeeded by a more down-to-earth caper (OHMSS, FYEO, CR). c) The way in which the James Bond film franchise gradually moves---in terms of style and tone---from one extreme (dark and gritty) to the other (camp and broad comedy)...and back again.

PM - Private Message - the means of confidential communications between MI6 agents on AJB.

Poor Danny - Daniel Craig, during the period of time immediately following his announcement as the new James Bond, throughout the production of CR (during which time the tabloids had him unable to drive a stick, obsessed with ladies' toiletries and gay/nude scenes, losing both front teeth whilst filming, terrified of firearms, ad infinitum) and up until the film's premiere.

Precious Classic Formula - The patented formula for James Bond films (currently evolving in the Craig Era). Pre-CR, this generally meant that: Bond has a PTS adventure; Bond gets briefed by M, flirts with Moneypenny and gets his gadgets from Q; Bond meets the villain of the piece in a social setting before actual hostilities begin; Bond goes through a number of action set-pieces, getting laid in-between by Bond Girls both good and evil; Bond confronts the villain in the villain's lair and ultimately triumphs.

Premature Condemnation - The tendency of fandom---particularly in the internet era---to take one piece of potentially negative or controversial information, and use it as a means to assert that a particular film (or Bond actor, or whatever) is terrible...before it is ever released, or viewed for proper informed judgment.

PTS - Pre-Title Sequence - The opening sequence in any Bond film (except for DN), taking place before the credits/titles run.

Pussy Galore's Flying Circus - Suggested by jetsetwilly. The collective noun for AJB's sauciest female correspondents...

QoB - See 'Quantum Of B******s'

QoBs - Coined by Bondtoys, who feels that QoB is too imprecise - See 'Quantum of B******t'

QoS - Quantum Of Solace

Quantum Of B******s - Coined by Napoleon Plural - a term of derision for Quantum Of Solace

Quantum Of B******t - Coined by Bondtoys, who wanted his own trademarked QoS insult :))

Quartermaster - Suggested by Lexi - The moniker given beneath the avatar of AJB members who write feature articles, blog articles and news updates for AJB.

reboot - The controversial restarting of the Bond mythos, with CR showing a Bond who's just received his '00' status. A seismic event, the aftershocks of which continue to shake the beds of some AJB members in the small hours of the morning.

Reviled Daniel Craig, The - A Craig Wars-era term; currently retired. See: Poor Danny

Reviled QoS, The - Quantum of Solace---especially during the two-week lag-time between the U.K. and U.S. releases of the film, when slaggers carried the day...

RM - Roger Moore

Roger The Codger - Coined by AJB member Jamesbondjr - Roger Moore, in his later Bond career.

SC - Sean Connery

scrotacular - Coined by AJB Moderator Hardyboy - uber-manly, macho-themed. Example: the film 300.

Seannery - Suggested by AJB member Pendragon - for those too lazy to type out Sean Connery, but not entirely comfortable with the acronym 'SC.'

SF - Skyfall


TB - Thunderball

TD - Timothy Dalton

Theory of Bond Relativity, The - The hypothesis that every Bond film (and novel) is overrated and underrated by someone, due to the diversity of Bond fandom and the absolutely correct nature of any one Bond fan's personal opinion...on an exclusively self-assessed basis.

Timboys- Suggested by AJB member Higgins. Devoted fans of Timothy Dalton's interpretation of James Bond.

TLD - The Living Daylights

TMWTGG - The Man With The Golden Gun

TND - Tomorrow Never Dies

"Topic closed" - When used by an AJB moderator, the death knell for the thread in question.

tripe - No, not just the Scottish delicacy...coined by AJB member JennyFlexFan, this refers to Casino Royale (2006), if you're a truly dedicated Craig Basher...or a member of the Legion of Craig Haters...

TSWLM - The Spy Who Loved Me

TWINE - The World Is Not Enough

Unholy Three, The - Coined by AJB member highhopes, this refers to three of the most vocal of the Vocal Minority: darenhat, Napoleon Plural and Dan Same.

Van Nutter Syndrome, The - Coined by AJB member bigzilcho - Named after Rik Van Nutter, who played Felix Leiter in TB, this is said to pertain to any actor whose primary claim to fame is simply being in a Bond film.

Vocal Minority, The - Suggested by AJB member (and leader of the Cinematic Bond Traditionalist Party!) Tee Hee - A term often used to describe Craig's (and the reboot's) most outspoken detractors.

YOLT - You Only Live Twice

Any thoughts/additions? I'll edit them in.

Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
"I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
"Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM


  • 72897289 Beau DesertPosts: 1,691MI6 Agent
    An excellent idea and worthy of a "sticky".

    Having participated in a few of the discussions which lead to an AJB terms, I often find myself wanting to utilitze this "shorthand", but ocassionally wonder if I am using it "properly".

  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,915Chief of Staff
    It's just a shame that a word I coined in my review of 300 didn't catch on--"scrotacular," used to describe a macho, uber-manly movie. Ah, well, at least I loaned my (screen)name to something. . .
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    edited August 2008
    Hardyboy wrote:
    It's just a shame that a word I coined in my review of 300 didn't catch on--"scrotacular," used to describe a macho, uber-manly movie. Ah, well, at least I loaned my (screen)name to something. . .

    Well...since we're defining the vernacular here...I'm putting it in, since I fear the list might be greatly lessened without it... {[]
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • bigzilchobigzilcho Toronto, ONPosts: 245MI6 Agent
    Great job, Loeff! Your summary of The Craig Wars was hilarious! And yes, I shake my head and drink my cocktail in silence.

    Additions? With your indulgence:

    THE VAN NUTTER SYNDROME- Named after the Felix of TB, Rik Van Nutter, this term is used to describe any actor whose only claim to fame is by being in a Bond film. Other examples: Daniela Bianchi, Harold Sakata, Claudine Auger.

    SPECTRIFIED- A term used to describe any and all unanswered questions about Blofeld in the series. Derived from the question:"What the hell happened to SPECTRE?"
    Questions about Blofeld and continuity problems? That's SPECTRIFIED territory. Volumes have been written by Bond-fans concerning the mysterious fate of Blofeld and his organization. If you have even spent one minute contemplating this you are in a SPECTRIFIED state of mind.
    This a place with no answers and no exits. Nothing is solid and everything is speculative.

    Example:"You got me so confused...I'm SPECTRIFIED!"

    THE RED GRANT CLONE FACTORY- Used to describe all silent blond henchman. As in:"Yeah, sure Necros was a good villian but he's just a clone from the Red Grant factory."
    The Red Grant clone was a popular model that spilled beyond Bond into other movies but, in the end, no clone has ever been as dangerous as the original model of 1963, Robert Shaw.
    Some Bond-fans maintain the factory is not a metaphor but an ACTUAL factory pumping out Red Grants. Madness, you say?
    Max Zorin cackles with glee at your naivete.

    STAIN-LESS STEEL DELICATESSENS- Used to describe any cringe-worthy line that has no place in a Bond movie.As in:"Throw that joke into the stain-less steel delicatessen." Or, perhaps,"Wow, that was a great car flip in TMWTGG but who the hell was the genius that put in that awful stain-less steel delicatessen sound effect?"

    THE SOCIETY OF JHOCHT- The secret society of jealous husbands, outraged chefs and humiliated tailors who M describes as being the real enemies of James Bond. Details are sketchy at best. The members move like the wind through the corridors of power. Conventional wisdom is that M was being flippant when asked who would want Bond killed. Top-secret reliable sources reveal that the old man was on the level. The Society of JHOCHT exists...but only in has no shape or form...only an idea. Death to 007. For all the slights.
    A rumour (that was never confirmed) was that Kronsteen from FRWL was an original member whose wife Bond had seduced. Which makes sense when one consider's Kronsteen plan was not only to kill Bond but humiliate him in the process.

    There are those who speculate JHOCHT never existed, an urban myth in intelligence circles. Top secret reliable sources, however, maintain that M slipped for a moment and that the truth came out.

    One thing is for sure, James Bond has left a trail of jealous husbands, outraged chefs, humiliated tailors and who knows how many bartenders and security guards you can add to the list.
    JHOCHT exists in 2008 only as a fleeting memory.

    But, for a brief moment in 1974 the original M offered a tantalizing possibility: what if Blofeld was really just a former tailor from Prague who was insulted by Bond's opinion of his suits?

    Alas, since the original M is gone...we will never know.

    I trust you will use this information with the utmost discretion, Loeff.

    That is all I can say...for now.
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,915Chief of Staff
    Hardyboy wrote:
    It's just a shame that a word I coined in my review of 300 didn't catch on--"scrotacular," used to describe a macho, uber-manly movie. Ah, well, at least I loaned my (screen)name to something. . .

    Well...since we're defining the vernacular here...I'm putting it in, since I fear the list might be greatly lessened without it... {[]

    Gawsh, thanks, Loeff! ;%
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • bondaholic007bondaholic007 LondonPosts: 878MI6 Agent
    PTS - Pre title sequence sequence
    IMO - In my opinion
    SE - Sean Connery
    GL - George Lazenby
    RM - Roger Moore
    TD - Timothy Dalton
    PB - Peirce Brosnan
    DC - Daniel Craig
    IF - Ian Fleming

    Hope they help
    I amy recommend a search feature for the page.
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,915Chief of Staff
    There's also IFP for Ian Fleming Productions. And maybe Mickey and Babs should be added to the glossary as well. Some real Bond newbies might not know who Cubby is, either. Or I dunno: I could be suggesting Sesame Street for Bond Freaks!
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent
    edited August 2008
    Hardyboy wrote:
    It's just a shame that a word I coined in my review of 300 didn't catch on--"scrotacular," used to describe a macho, uber-manly movie. Ah, well, at least I loaned my (screen)name to something. . .

    well...the word certainly made my day, Hardy! I think that I shall have to work it into my regular vocabulary :D :))

    ooh. but back to suggestions. I've seen the word Seannery used here when someone was too lazy to type out Sean Connery

    ~Pen -{
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    Great suggestions, everyone, thanks! -{ Most of them have gone straight in. I hope we will eventually get a "sticky" for this...

    In addition to suggestions for additions to this resource...anyone who wants to take on the role of ombudsman/fact checker is welcome to do so, since I want to be as factually correct as possible!
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • 72897289 Beau DesertPosts: 1,691MI6 Agent
    I would like to submit "Big Tam" Sean Connery's nickname as a youth. I think it fits him perfectly... I have used this in posts much to the confusion of many members.
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    I think, it's not perfectly matching to the thread, but my first book about the James Bond movies 30 years ago (and then the only one in Germany on the market) had the author referring to "Roger Bond" and I always liked this very much!
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • LexiLexi LondonPosts: 3,000MI6 Agent
    What about Craigger...sort of like Brozzer, only for Craig, suggesting he was more "craggy" looking.

    This is not my term, as I've seen it banded around various websites and Bond related articles.
    She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it. ~ Mark Anthony
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,530MI6 Agent
    Fans of 1970s pulp horror books may be aware that the 'Babs' nickname derived added sauce by being the name of the sexed-up character in James Herbert's Lair whose adulterous nighttime excursions lead to a ravenging of a very different nature.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • MoniqueMonique USAPosts: 696MI6 Agent
    edited August 2008
    Well done Loeff!! That Contrarian Playground brought back some memories! :D And Loeff, ever the diplomat would make an appearance every few threads to try to get it back on track and let us vent in peace!! :)) Those Craig crashers just wouldn't leave it alone! Ah tried, and we appreciated it.

    It also made me miss some of the missing posters like MBE, arthur pringle, and Moore Not Less. It was also very nice to see Tony and Rogue commenting on CR, as they haven't really been too vocal on QOS. Even though the direction is not pleasing some fans, at least those guys are still around, which makes me happy. I wish some of the other ones would come back. :(
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    Lexi wrote:
    What about Craigger...sort of like Brozzer, only for Craig, suggesting he was more "craggy" looking.

    This is not my term, as I've seen it banded around various websites and Bond related articles.

    Can't believe I forgot that one---I use it all the time :o It's in!
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    Monique wrote:
    Well done Loeff!! That Contrarian Playground brought back some memories! :D And Loeff, ever the diplomat would make an appearance every few threads to try to get it back on track and let us vent in peace!! :)) Those Craig crashers just wouldn't leave it alone! Ah tried, and we appreciated it.

    Thanks, Mo :x It was a crazy time, wasn't it?
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • JamesbondjrJamesbondjr Posts: 462MI6 Agent
    edited September 2008
    I'd like to throw my term of endearment for Roger Moore into the equation

    Roger the Coger

    Used due to the fact he's cracking on a bit in his later films
    1- On Her Majesty's Secret Service 2- Casino Royale 3- Licence To Kill 4- Goldeneye 5- From Russia With Love
  • LexiLexi LondonPosts: 3,000MI6 Agent

    can we put in fan-girl (mainly becasue I am one where it comes to you all know!)

    Kool aid...I had no idea what this was, but now I know, and it's a term I have only heard on here.

    Craig Optimist...(having just read the entire CR Contrarian's playground thread....:o blimey, good times...:s ) you Loeff used this often.
    She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it. ~ Mark Anthony
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    Good ones, Lex. They're in! :)

    Jamesbondjr's 'Roger The Codger' also makes the cut...just because :007)
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • jetsetwillyjetsetwilly Liverpool, UKPosts: 1,048MI6 Agent
    Can I put in a suggestion that the legendary Pussy Galore's Flying Circus gets a mention - the collective noun for AJB's sauciest female correspondents?

    And also "Izzy worthy" as a euphemism for a woman of quite phenomenal attractiveness?
    Founder of the Wint & Kidd Appreciation Society.

  • Dan SameDan Same Victoria, AustraliaPosts: 6,054MI6 Agent
    edited September 2008
    Great thread Loeff. {[] I can't think of any good additions at the moment, however I'm really enjoying this thread. :D
    "He’s a man way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine. And when they start not smiling back—that’s an earthquake. and then you get yourself a couple of spots on your hat, and you’re finished. Nobody dast blame this man. A salesman is got to dream, boy. It comes with the territory." Death of a Salesman
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    edited September 2008
    Good ones, JSW! They're in -{

    And thanks, Dan {[] I'm glad you like it... :D

    EDIT: I could've swore this thread had a "sticky" NOTE on it a second ago... ?:)
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,439Chief of Staff
    JB: When used in a musical context, John Barry- the composer/arranger/conductor of so many signature Bond pieces that David Arnold himself calls "The Master".
  • MoniqueMonique USAPosts: 696MI6 Agent
    Can I put in a suggestion that the legendary Pussy Galore's Flying Circus gets a mention - the collective noun for AJB's sauciest female correspondents?

    Thanks for remembering that jetset! I almost forgot about our little Circus! Sadly, I think I'm the only original one of us left! You were even an honorary member! :v

    The name will always work though because it doesn't look like AJB will ever be male only! :D
  • i expect u2 diei expect u2 die LondonPosts: 583MI6 Agent
    edited September 2008
    I remember us often discussing 'The Codename Theory', a phrase coined by Lee Tamahori. This theory sees each Bond as a different person, merely operating under the same 'codename'. It is an idea treated with hostility by most Bond fans!

    On the AJB front, may I suggest 'Mods', the simple word used in reference to the site's moderators

    Also PM - Private Message.

    And both Ali Kerim Bey 46 and FROSTY (for those of you who remember ;) ), can be used to describe immaturity, or insanity.
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    Thanks, Barbel and IEU2D...your additions have been assimilated B-)
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • Tee HeeTee Hee CBT Headquarters: Chicago, ILPosts: 917MI6 Agent
    Another brilliant idea on your part Loeffs! {[]

    Why am I not surprised that "Roger The Codger" made the final cut? :p :))

    Once again, well done! -{
    "My acting range? Left eyebrow raised, right eyebrow raised..."

    -Roger Moore
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    Thanks, buddy {[] I hope everyone's having some fun with it...

    I'm always looking for additions, so be thinking about it :v
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,546MI6 Agent
    A very entertaining thread! I have to admit I am a bit sorry I never made any term worthy of the list, and that includes my typo "Vesperm Lynd":#
  • Tee HeeTee Hee CBT Headquarters: Chicago, ILPosts: 917MI6 Agent
    The Vocal Minority has often been used to describe Craig's (and the reboot's) most outspoken detractors.

    Perhaps there's a place for this in the glossary.
    "My acting range? Left eyebrow raised, right eyebrow raised..."

    -Roger Moore
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