Welcome & Comings & Goings



  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    Alex wrote:
    So long as you don't know how Frau Loeffelholz feels Alex, I'm sure we can all get along fine....
    Not with insensitive comments like that we cant! X-(

    Was I speaking to you anyway?

    I'd go mad without Nap to comfort me... :)) -{
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,532MI6 Agent
    edited December 2011
    Yeah, sorry, had logged off when I realised that was a bit off...

    Then again, who says Loeffs is the dumpee?

    bTW there's a short story in Loeffs' post.... why has he had no access to the internet, and this coincides with his break-up.... what was found on his hard drive.... :#

    It's true I'm not the most sensitive of blokes. The Samaritans only let me man the phones for one night as three of my callers committed suicide. They wouldn't have minded, but two of them were wrong numbers... :# *

    Oh, Loeffs, I'm sworn off the Skyfall forum to avoid spoilers so that's one area of ajb you won't find me. :)

    * Red Dwarf joke.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    Oh, Loeffs, I'm sworn off the Skyfall forum to avoid spoilers so that's one area of ajb you won't find me. :)

    Quite; I remember that you're not big on advance info. Oddly, I've rather missed our unique friendship B-)

    And for the record, I was not the dumpee, but rather the dumper ( ?:) ). And then I was the dumpee. It's been a busy year for me. Did some writing as well...
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,532MI6 Agent
    This will keep you warm over the Xmas season, Loeffs: :D


    BTW if you key Napoleon Plural into Google images you get a rather strange insight into the inner workings of my twisted mind, in picture form. :o
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    This will keep you warm over the Xmas season, Loeffs: :D

    Only now saw this...thank you, sir B-)
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • Moore ThanMoore Than EnglandPosts: 3,173MI6 Agent
    It's nearly five years since I last posted here. I tried logging in and also registering under my old user name, but no joy. Some of you may remember me as Moore Not Less.

    To try and cut a long story short. I basically gave up everything to look after my Mother when she was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease. She very sadly passed away in March 2009. I spent the next year or so grieving and settling her affairs (with considerable help from my two brothers). Some time late in 2010 I purchased Quantum of Solace on DVD. It was my first contact of any kind with James Bond in over three years. Unfortunately, the film was a disappointment and did little to re-ignite my interest. Not long afterwards I purchased a mini-computer ( My first real contact with the internet in over three years).

    My visits here were infrequent to begin with but as time passed I found myself here more often, to the point where I have now plucked up the courage to log back in and hopefully make a useful contribution.

    It's good to be back. :)
    Moore Not Less 4371 posts (2002 - 2007) Moore Than (2012 - 2016)
  • Mr MartiniMr Martini That nice house in the sky.Posts: 2,709MI6 Agent
    Welcome back Moore Than (or Moore Note less)!!!!! I remember you from back when. Looking forward to your contributions!!!
    Some people would complain even if you hang them with a new rope
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,916Chief of Staff
    I remember you, Moore, and I have to express my sympathies. . .my own mother died of the same disease (called Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis [ALS] or Lou Gehrig's Disease here) in 2003. I know what you endured.
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,308MI6 Agent
    Welcome back Moore Than. I also remember your very witty and entertaining posts (maybe its just me but I always thought you perfectly caught the humor of your namesake). I am very very sorry for your loss but happy to see you making the rounds again.
  • Moore ThanMoore Than EnglandPosts: 3,173MI6 Agent
    Thank you Mr Martini, Hardyboy and TonyDP for your kind words and sympathy. I will try and live up to the reputation of my previous incarnation as Moore Not Less.
    Moore Not Less 4371 posts (2002 - 2007) Moore Than (2012 - 2016)
  • AHDKAHDK EuropePosts: 17MI6 Agent
    edited April 2014
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 28,230Chief of Staff
    Nice to have you here, AHDK....look around and enjoy -{
    YNWA 97
  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent
    welcome back, Moore Than

    and welcome AHDK!!! best Bond forum on the net, this :D
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?

  • richmenstoysrichmenstoys GermanyPosts: 1,482MI6 Agent
    best Bond forum in the world :007)
    **everybody needs a hobby**
  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent
    Back again after a hiatus. Still looking for work. Bleh.
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?

  • Mr MartiniMr Martini That nice house in the sky.Posts: 2,709MI6 Agent
    Pendragon wrote:
    Back again after a hiatus. Still looking for work. Bleh.

    Welcome back. Away watching your Rockies split the series with my Giants?
    Some people would complain even if you hang them with a new rope
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,532MI6 Agent
    This Sticky isn't very Sticky. More like Slippy.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent
    Mr Martini wrote:
    Pendragon wrote:
    Back again after a hiatus. Still looking for work. Bleh.

    Welcome back. Away watching your Rockies split the series with my Giants?

    I caught some of that, yeah...I'm worried about my boys. Their pitching has taken a dive in the last few games...
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?

  • JarvioJarvio EnglandPosts: 4,241MI6 Agent
    Just thought I'd pop by and say hi... don't come here too often these days, but with the anticipation of skyfall, I've been drawn back. How is everyone?
    1 - LALD, 2 - AVTAK, 3 - LTK, 4 - OP, 5 - NTTD, 6 - FYEO, 7 - SF, 8 - DN, 9 - DAF, 10 - TSWLM, 11 - OHMSS, 12 - TMWTGG, 13 - GE, 14 - MR, 15 - TLD, 16 - YOLT, 17 - GF, 18 - DAD, 19 - TWINE, 20 - SP, 21 - TND, 22 - FRWL, 23 - TB, 24 - CR, 25 - QOS

    1 - Moore, 2 - Dalton, 3 - Craig, 4 - Connery, 5 - Brosnan, 6 - Lazenby
  • GordoLeiterGordoLeiter Posts: 462MI6 Agent
    Greetings you guys im new to the forums, nice to meet you all.
  • Colonel SmithersColonel Smithers Posts: 21MI6 Agent
    Hello All,
    This is my first post and I would like to introduce myself. First, I want to thank Chief of Staff Sir Miles (Paul) for all his help in getting me signed it. I was having some issues logging in and Sir Miles was able to fix the problem quickly, so thank you Paul.

    My name is David and I am a long time James Bond fan. I am an English-American living in the USA (currently the pacific northwest). I was born in Virginia and raised in the US (Southeast), UK (London) and elsewhere around the world as my father was with the American Embassy (and my mother is English). I have served in the US Navy as an Intelligence Specialist and now I am a banker, albeit a poor one.

    The first Bond film that I remember seeing in its entirety was ‘Live and Let Die’ in 1973 at the Odeon on Streatham High Road. Another early memory I have is sometime in the early ’70’s, my brother and I were watching ‘Goldfinger’ on TV and right in the middle of the great scene of Bond about to be cut in two by Goldfinger’s evil laser, our dad walks in and says time for bed and shuts off the TV. Arrrrgggghhh!!! Well, luckily I now know how the scene ends (I won’t tell you in case you haven’t seen it) ;)

    I instantly feel in love with the Bond films and was always excited when I saw at the end of the film “James Bond will return in…..” To this day, that last line about Bond returning is always a nostalgic favourite of mine. Interestingly, after I saw Live and Let Die, I liked the theme song so much; I went out and bought the soundtrack with my pocket money. I say interestingly because within about 5 years I discovered The Beatles and I have been a huge Beatles fan ever since. My two great passions are The Beatles and James Bond 007. So, in a way Bond led me to The Beatles (and no, I do not need earmuffs).

    Of course, being a Bond and Beatles fan, I must also be a collector, right? Yes, I am. I collect all The Beatles music and have collected since 1978. For a long time I was a heavy collector of the original memorabilia such as games, toys, film items, autographs, etc. As a Bond collector, I collect James Bond Corgi Toys, soundtracks, and autographs. I have all the Fleming novels (Centenary Collection in a red die-cut 007 box) and Bond DVD’s (Special Edition) and now have the Blu-Ray’s on order from Amazon. I also have a few of the 1965 Gilbert Bond figures and some Johnny Lightning 40th Anniversary cars.

    My passion for collecting James Bond Corgi Toys started in 1973-1974 when I got my first James Bond Corgi DB5 with red tire slashers (my very first Corgi was the 1968-1969 Yellow Submarine, see it all makes sense now) My second Bond Corgi was the 1977 Lotus Esprit underwater car. Thankfully, I still have all three of these original Corgi Toys and I have since added many others from the Director’s Cut and Definitive Bond collections. I love Corgi’s and wish they were still made in Great Britain.

    My Bond autographs only include 8x10’s of Roger Moore, George Lazenby (both bought from Bond Stars), and Richard Kiel, who my wife and I met about 10 years ago as he was sitting outside an autograph store signing in Las Vegas. I recently added Sean Connery to the list when I bought a signed copy of ‘Being a Scot’ from Cole’s Books in Bicester, Oxfordshire. I plan to clip the autograph and have it framed with a nice photo of Connery as Bond. I want to add Brosnan, Dalton, and Craig to the collection and look forward to discussing recommendation on where to find authentic autographs.

    Well, enough about me, let’s get on with chatting about our favourite MI6 agent, Mr. James Bond, 007.

    Colonel Smithers.
  • minigeffminigeff EnglandPosts: 7,884MI6 Agent
    and now I am a banker, albeit a poor one.

    :)) Well I'm not buying that!! Poor banker my arse!

    Welcome to the forum mate, don't be shy to get involved, we don't 'bash noobs' round here, and as long as you're not here to shoot in, flog tat and shoot out people should get on with you fine.

    Hope you find your experience here a good one, and bear in mind there are some here that take the piss chronically (that'd be me), so give as good as ya get :p

    Welcome aboard pal.

    MG -{
    'Force feeding AJB humour and banter since 2009'
    Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
  • 001001 ClassifiedPosts: 68MI6 Agent

    Been reading a lot of the forums here, and decided to join up. Looking forward to interacting with all of you.
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,916Chief of Staff
    Welcome aboard, 001!
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • 001001 ClassifiedPosts: 68MI6 Agent
    Hardyboy wrote:
    Welcome aboard, 001!
    Thank you kindly.
  • Mr MartiniMr Martini That nice house in the sky.Posts: 2,709MI6 Agent
    Welcome 001!!!
    Some people would complain even if you hang them with a new rope
  • 001001 ClassifiedPosts: 68MI6 Agent
    Mr Martini wrote:
    Welcome 001!!!
    Thanks. Feeling very welcome already.
  • JacobJacob DenmarkPosts: 297MI6 Agent
    Have been here since early June and have a few posts already, but now I fell over this thread, so I thought I'd better introduce myself.

    My name is Jacob, I'm 17 years old and from Denmark. Currently I am attending a business school (starting my second year in August) and after that I'm going to the university.

    Primarily I'm a fan of the modern Bond-way of living, alas my favorite movies are CR and QoS. I especially enjoy the DC-style and try to get my hands on high quality clothes (as much as my wallet allows).

    In my spare time I relax, train Krav Maga, work out (for an overall strength and cardio) and play airsoft (bit of a collector of high quality combat gear).

    Looking forward to getting even more tips regarding styled clothing from this forum.

    :) -{
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    Always nice to hear from a fellow fan. Keep posting. :)

    sadly you'll get no tips on clothing from me.
    I'm a slob. :))
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • FelixLeiter ♀FelixLeiter ♀ Staffordshire or a pubPosts: 1,286MI6 Agent
    edited August 2012
    Relax darling, I'm on top of the situation -{
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