Autograph Reference Section



  • texas007texas007 Houston, Texas 77041Posts: 2,352MI6 Agent
    Is this really her hand writing and signature?
    Thank you
  • LastRatStandingLastRatStanding ScotlandPosts: 296MI6 Agent
    I've been considering for a while trying to get a few autographs through the mail. If anyone has experience with this let me know who are the best to try for first time round! Cheers
    Now, they only eat rat.
  • SkociaSkocia GlasgowPosts: 28MI6 Agent
    I've been considering for a while trying to get a few autographs through the mail. If anyone has experience with this let me know who are the best to try for first time round! Cheers

    Try here
    Stop Getting Bond Wrong! !
  • YouknowthenameYouknowthename Carver Media GroupPosts: 500MI6 Agent
    I've been considering for a while trying to get a few autographs through the mail. If anyone has experience with this let me know who are the best to try for first time round! Cheers

    Director John Glen was quickly to reply.

    Unfortunately, Ebay messed up a lot... As signatures are offered for sale by the dozen, many stars have stopped signing by mail. Some of them send back a reference to their website and the autographs for sale on that site.
    Other don't respond at all, sadly... You can always try, but be sure not to send (emotionally) valuable items to sign as you might never see them again.

    As Skocia suggested, you can also get genuine autographs at an acceptable price on
  • campbelldropoutcampbelldropout Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    If you search the web you can find certain celebrities that have their own websites with information about autograph signatures. Jane Seymour has some site but autograph requires a donation to her charity, Richard Kiel has a site I believe he charges $10 to sign items, Tanya Roberts has a website I believe it is 25 for signed autograph. I would recommend buying the Bond trading cards because these are most likely authentic since a company paid the stars to sign these autographs. I have not used bond stars but their prices are extremely high. Yes I would pay $70 bucks for a Roger Moore autograph but some of the other stars that price is outrageous (just my view).
  • LastRatStandingLastRatStanding ScotlandPosts: 296MI6 Agent
    Bondstars are currently doing a joint signing session with Sir Roger Moore and Richard Kiel. Double signed picture + dedication for £68. Orders in by 5:00pm on the 21st of this month - just incase anyone interested wasn't aware :)
    Now, they only eat rat.
  • bondaholic007bondaholic007 LondonPosts: 878MI6 Agent
    edited June 2013
    Hi guys,

    I have recently brought this selection of autographs on eBay. However getting excited about the price, I did purchase it without complete satisfaction that these are genuine autographs. The seller states that he brought them from UACC registered dealers at collection fairs.






    I hope your expertise will shed more light. The Daniel Craig one in particular does look different to the one I have already (which I know is real). It shows his full name on it, and its a promotional image. This is something I know he did a few years back with his full name, (pre Casino Royale), and it is now just DC.

    I have entered panic mode and have compared them to the authentic ones (which I got in person), and some do seem slightly different...

    Thanks guys!
  • LastRatStandingLastRatStanding ScotlandPosts: 296MI6 Agent
    How much did you pay for the collection Bondaholic?
    Now, they only eat rat.
  • bondaholic007bondaholic007 LondonPosts: 878MI6 Agent
    Ah well that was the other thing that made me more suspicious it was £85 for the collection. I saw the listing about 10 minutes after it was listed.
  • Disco VolanteDisco Volante Surrey, EnglandPosts: 543MI6 Agent
    Roger Moore's is faked (the one with Tanya Roberts) and I think the Daniel Craig one is too.
    The others look genuine to me (I paticularly like the shot of Lois Maxwell).
  • ShogunateDKShogunateDK Posts: 2MI6 Agent

    I was wondering if I could get someone's opinion on this autograph I purchased. It was purchased from Autografica, but I believe they got it from Bond Collectibles. What concerns me is that I've recently discovered that they've listed almost near identical pieces on their website and Ebay page. They've sold 20 Daniel Craig/Olga Kurylenko signed photo's since April of this year, also! This is my autograph below:

    Thank you.
  • LastRatStandingLastRatStanding ScotlandPosts: 296MI6 Agent
    I've pretty much stopped buying autographs from anywhere apart from Used to buy a few on Ebay and other places but there's plenty on Bondstars to keep me going for a while. Here's my most recent from the Sir Roger Moore / Richard Kiel signing they held in late May, pretty pleased with it :) :
    Now, they only eat rat.
  • ShogunateDKShogunateDK Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    Hi ShogunateDK,

    Unfortunately bondcollectibles is a dealer to be very wary off, particularly their ebay sales. Both Craig & Kurylenko have signatures that are easily forged and its extremely hard to tell what is genuine and what is not.
    To me the Kurylenko looks okay but the Craig I am fairly certain is not the real deal.

    Anything from bondcollectibles just isn't worth taking the risk on but thats just my opinion! :)

    Thanks for getting back to me. I contacted the dealer I purchased the autograph from and they've refunded my money, thankfully.

    Could you recommend some dealers who have great reputations for Bond related autographs? I need to find a Daniel Craig that is the real deal! :D
  • TQTQ Posts: 5MI6 Agent
    Hi ShogunateDK,

    Unfortunately bondcollectibles is a dealer to be very wary off, particularly their ebay sales. Both Craig & Kurylenko have signatures that are easily forged and its extremely hard to tell what is genuine and what is not.
    To me the Kurylenko looks okay but the Craig I am fairly certain is not the real deal.

    Anything from bondcollectibles just isn't worth taking the risk on but thats just my opinion! :)

    Thanks for getting back to me. I contacted the dealer I purchased the autograph from and they've refunded my money, thankfully.

    Could you recommend some dealers who have great reputations for Bond related autographs? I need to find a Daniel Craig that is the real deal! :D

    Hey Shogunate,
    Daniel Craig is quite a difficult one to get and be certain of its authenticity.
    Celebrity Authentics ( is the only company who has an agreement with him however they have postponed an actual signing with him for literally 2 or 3 years now. If you are prepared to wait I'd say that's the only way to be 100% certain of authenticity but if you're not prepared to wait (understandably) here's a couple of things to look for:

    There was also a series of Bond collector cards which were officially signed by Craig such as this:
    Weirdly enough, despite these being authentic they do not resemble his more common autographs.

    I'd suggest you wait and go for a full autograph. As is often mentioned, lately he really only ever signs DC rather than his full name. I have a number of examples of both his full name and his shortened one and let me tell you, the initials are a little disappointing. Its better to wait until a proper one comes up as they are far rarer and much more satisfying (as well as maintaining value.) Never pay more than $30 for his initials!

    Whilst DC was performing with Hugh Jackman on Broadway he signed quite a number of charity items which were then auctioned off through charities like WAMCARE and Action for Youth. When he signs for charities he signs his full name and usually writes a message :'thank you for supporting ..... Love Daniel Craig.' Look out for these on ebay as they turn up from time to time and I have yet to see a faked one.

    Look for early autographs, his signature has changed over time, it used to be quite legible and rounded. Look for Layer Cake promotional material.

    As mentioned by another poster there are certain sites that seem to have far too many of the same autograph and they are best avoided, however it is worth mentioning that some of these certain sites often have some excellent vintage stuff.

    Finally with DC, his autograph changed regularly so there's not one 'DC autograph' as with Roger Moore or George Lazenby. Lately he's started moving away from the DC initials and into a weird D followed by squiggle resembling his last name such as this :

    Just do your research, rather than trust any company or seller, save a whole lot of confirmed real autographs in a word document and look at them all side by side, you'll notice there are patterns and similarities. Once you have viewed as many authentic examples as possible you will be in a better position to judge them for yourself. You should only ever trust yourself in the world of autographs!

    Hope some of this helps!
  • GrindelwaldGrindelwald Posts: 1,317MI6 Agent
    edited October 2013
  • GrindelwaldGrindelwald Posts: 1,317MI6 Agent
    edited October 2013

  • GrindelwaldGrindelwald Posts: 1,317MI6 Agent
    Please comment.......
  • TQTQ Posts: 5MI6 Agent
    Hey mate,

    Unsure of the first few photos you posted.

    The photo of the Dalton looks good, rushed but authentic. Its always rare to get a Dalton on a Bond shot so go for it.

    The youtube links:
    The vintage Connery is also good. The way he writes 'best wishes' is almost easier to identify than his actual autograph. A nice example of his handwriting. Well worth grabbing at a reasonable price. Vintage Connerys are the best and always the nicest.
    I couldnt help with the Drax girls nor the first Dr No.
    The second Dr no, with Ursula Andress is good, however, I think you could find a better example of here autograph and handwriting easily. She is not particularly rare so hold out and find a vintage one signed in pen- clearer and more special.
    The third Dr no, with Ursula Andress in corner- again Id hold out for a better example.
    The fourth under Dr no with Diana Rigg looks good.
    The final one you've posted- the Roger Moore looks a little suss to me. I'm not familiar enough with the others to help you but if I was buying it on the merits of the Moore, I wouldn't buy it.

    What non-Bond stuff after are you thinking about. I can help with most modern movie stars and even if I am not familiar with a particular one Im happy to take a look and give you my thoughts. I have sourced and sold many autographs and consider it a passion of mine.

  • GrindelwaldGrindelwald Posts: 1,317MI6 Agent
    edited October 2013
    -Yup , feel confident about the 60s Connery......only neg thing is that it's inscribed.

    -Rigg I obtained myself so that is 110% legit (dragging a linen backed 2sh around isn't always fun , lol)

    -the Andresses came from her last U.K con , 2009.

    -Moore never sgd the FYEO , you're referring to someone else's sig (Moore sgd another page from this press dossier but not part of this page)

    -the DN Gaysons came from Bondstars so those too are good.
  • GrindelwaldGrindelwald Posts: 1,317MI6 Agent
    edited August 2013
  • matt691matt691 Posts: 29MI6 Agent
    Does anyone know anywhere (best place) to get addresses for Bond stars for sending letters?

    Checked fanmailbiz which is quite popular but Timothy Dalton last feedback received on a success was 2008.
  • TQTQ Posts: 5MI6 Agent
    -Yup , feel confident about the 60s Connery......only neg thing is that it's inscribed.

    -Rigg I obtained myself so that is 110% legit (dragging a linen backed 2sh around isn't always fun , lol)

    -the Andresses came from her last U.K con , 2009.

    -Moore never sgd the FYEO , you're referring to someone else's sig (Moore sgd another page from this press dossier but not part of this page)

    -the DN Gaysons came from Bondstars so those too are good.

    the other sigs : Pleasence , Celi (legit maybe ?) , Jurgens , Steppat , Kitzmiller (most fans wouldn't know wth it looks like so who knows) , Gothard.

    I wouldnt worry about the inscription. I know some people dont like this but at the end of the day, it just means you have more of Connery's handwriting which is cool, even if it is someone elses name. Truth is, if you want a nice vintage Connery (like the one you have) then chances are its going to be inscribed.

    I didn't realise you owned all these, I though you were looking for opinions before you bought them, so please don't take offense at my comments about the Andress one- its still a beautiful poster and you know 100% it's authentic which makes it even more special!

    Ah yes the joys of collecting, I know the pain. Still, having an authentic Rigg on a special 2sh is very cool!

    And that would explain why the Moore didn't look right, I thought as the youtube description said it was signed by him it meant he was on the page, and the autograph in the (from memory, links gone now) bottom left corner was the only one that slightly resembled his so I assumed this is what they were calling Moore's signature.

    A great collection mate!
  • TQTQ Posts: 5MI6 Agent
    matt691 wrote:
    Does anyone know anywhere (best place) to get addresses for Bond stars for sending letters?

    Checked fanmailbiz which is quite popular but Timothy Dalton last feedback received on a success was 2008.

    Connery sends pre-printed or secretarial back through mail, if he even replies so don't bother.
    Both Lazenby and Moore now sign for so I've heard they don't reply through mail nowadays.
    Dalton is also a very picky signer. You could try with the address from fanmailbiz but I wouldn't hold my breath. I know he generally won't sign Bond related material anyway.
    Pierce Brosnan sometimes still replies if you send him a request through his fan club. Usually he sends back preprints but there are apparently times when he will sign himself ( so you could try your luck.
    Daniel Craig is also an occasional signer through mail. He used to be great with this but as his career has become more and more crazy he tends to send preprints or seretarials back now. The best way to get Daniel Craig is to send a request to the place where he is working. So at the moment he is preparing for a run of 'Betrayal' at New York's Barrymore Theatre and is performing there from the 3rd of November. Try sending a request to him at that address as this worked for many people during his run of A Steady Rain.

    I know I didn't quite answer your question by providing addresses for each but hopefully this helps.
  • GrindelwaldGrindelwald Posts: 1,317MI6 Agent
    edited October 2013

    Thanks TQ.

    Anyway , that's the Moore sig that I was talking about....he did not sign the other page of the brochure , bummer.

    I assume they all were collected in '81 by someone named Bill (RIP) , he was a reporter.

    Personally I wouldn't waste my time with Dalton/Brosnan , you only get PPs......Moore might sign for free but it doesn't happen very often & Laz charges....wrote him many yrs ago but no reply.

    What about these early 80s Streeps...talked to a dealer , he said they look legit :
  • TQTQ Posts: 5MI6 Agent

    Thanks TQ.

    Anyway , that's the Moore sig that I was talking about....he did not sign the other page of the brochure , bummer.

    I assume they all were collected in '81 by someone named Bill (RIP) , he was a reporter.

    Personally I wouldn't waste my time with Dalton/Brosnan , you only get PPs......Moore might sign for free but it doesn't happen very often & Laz charges....wrote him many yrs ago but no reply.

    What about these early 80s Streeps...talked to a dealer , he said they look legit :

    Yeah that Roger Moore looks good, very nice piece!

    As for the Meryl Streeps, not an autograph I'm familiar with but here's my two cents:

    The first one is spot on. Her autographs seems to have quite rounded confident letters and a flow to them, and so that first one to me looks like a very nice example. Note there's no hesitation and there's the very characteristic M and S.

    The second one, and again this is not an autograph I'm familiar with so don't take my thoughts too seriously, looks a little problematic. Firstly note the formation of the M- The first stem does not loop at the bottom but rather looks like quite sharp. If you research her autograph, you'll notice there is a loop every time. This raises a flag for me because the movement in involved in creating the loop is quite different than that required to create the sharper 'v' shape. Its not a movement which changes based on conditions (eg rushed or at a table.)
    The letters to me also look a little tighter, smaller and more bunched up than her usual style, less confident and 'flowy.' To me it doesn't feel right, but again if you trust the dealer then that's far more conclusive than my opinion about an autograph I've only spent minutes researching! If you haven't yet purchased it, I might think twice just because if you do ever decide to sell it on, a potential buyer or dealer might have the same thoughts as I do.

    You clearly have a great collection though so keep them coming! Have you got any Craigs?
  • GrindelwaldGrindelwald Posts: 1,317MI6 Agent
    edited October 2013
    No , I don't have any Craigs....I collect mostly 60s-80s period.
  • matt691matt691 Posts: 29MI6 Agent
    Can I get some opinions on my Hervé Villechaize please,

  • BondFanSince77BondFanSince77 FinlandPosts: 61MI6 Agent
    matt691 wrote:
    Hervé Villechaize

    May I ask where you bought this one?
    I have been collecting and selling Bond autographs since 1997, but
    I'm not so familiar with the Hervé Villechaize autograph, because it is quite rare..
    Unfortunately my opinion for this one is..FAKE.
    The reason for my opinion is..
    1. He mainly wrote his firstname H like in the photo 1.,very curvy..
    BUT as you see in the photo 2. his has signed H like in yours..
    BUT, the main thing we have to Z in Villechaize.
    That is totally different as in your autograph.
    In your autograph it goes right, left, right left and then goes upper right, the left and curves down and ends there.
    It does not look at Z at all.. It should go up and end as an E, and end to the right.
    But this is only my opinion..

    Photo1. villechaize_herve_1943_1993.jpg

    Photo 2. 203875.jpg
  • matt691matt691 Posts: 29MI6 Agent
    To me it looks like this autograph came from Bondcollectibles?

    Yes it was, but from his Ebay sales. Was a while ago but come to realise they are probably not worth the paper they written on, seeing as the same ones are available day in day out even your somewhat more expensive ones like Christopher Lee going for peanuts.
    Unfortunately my opinion for this one is..FAKE.

    Thanks, like say wasn't much so nothing lost. It is just a shame that he seems to have built up such an amazing reputation as the number one Bond autograph expert and just flogs a load of probably fakes on Ebay.

    And even his website is way overpriced, he has the photographer from Dr No up for 125 (think its Euro) but on the Autographia sales which are in-person it is at a buy it now price of £25.
    Good luck with your collecting

    Thanks :) I am trying to get into requesting autographs through the post with sending photographs but am still at the collecting addresses and buying photo stage.

    I know it is probably to be expected for the earlier Bond films but it is a great shame to read that a lot of the actors have passed on. Ofcourse I knew of a lot of the more famous roles but didnt know Bob Simmons passed all the way back in 1987.

    Another question for you guys is that quite a few Bond stars have their own websites where you can purchase autographs, I take it that it would be pointless to send them photos to sign? Ofcourse I can understand why they do it but posting say 25 requests out and having to pay £625 :(
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