Photos of Bond from the set...



  • YouknowthenameYouknowthename Carver Media GroupPosts: 500MI6 Agent
    And another +1 for Sir Miles. One can either write off Skyfall based on a few piccies, or simply await the end result.
  • welshboy78welshboy78 Posts: 10,299MI6 Agent
    At the end of the day we have a shoot taking part in London in the winter OUTDOORS - hardly glamourous Bond is it? What are people expecting, bulging biceps in a polo shirt?

    This scene will probably be about the same length as the scene we saw the last time Bond was in London!! :))

    What irks me the most is that we can't see what bloody watch he is wearing -{
    Instagram - bondclothes007
  • PaperbillPaperbill FloridaPosts: 810MI6 Agent
    welshboy78 wrote:
    At the end of the day we have a shoot taking part in London in the winter OUTDOORS - hardly glamourous Bond is it? What are people expecting, bulging biceps in a polo shirt?

    This scene will probably be about the same length as the scene we saw the last time Bond was in London!! :))

    What irks me the most is that we can't see what bloody watch he is wearing -{

    Ha, I was thinking the same thing
  • PaperbillPaperbill FloridaPosts: 810MI6 Agent
    All I can is I am unimpressed by the Skyfall "look" so far
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    Who's the old guy in the Tom Ford Suit. :v It Can't be Bond, can It ? ;)
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • GaddGeneGaddGaddGeneGadd Posts: 189MI6 Agent
    He looks like old Rog in AVTAK :D :D :D

    But relax people, wait till the film comes out. THAT IS WHY THEY CALL IT

    M O V I E M A G I C !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's like complaining about spaghetti sauce before the pot is even out of the cupboard AND you just started slicing the first onion.

    :v :v :v
  • StrangewaysStrangeways London, UKPosts: 1,469MI6 Agent
    Can't believe they were filming in Trafalgar Square yesterday. That's just ten mins on the bus from my house! Aaaggghhh. I should have been there ?:) ?:) ?:) ?:) ?:)
  • zaphodzaphod Posts: 1,183MI6 Agent
    Sir Miles wrote:
    zaphod wrote:
    Too depressed to even comment...

    But not THAT depressed as you made a remark ;)

    Why people have to be SO negative over a couple of stills is beyond may be better for you to lie down in a darkend room until the film comes out.

    I would have to be dead for that to be the case. Truth is I really did set out to write something and just ran out of steam. I'm going to stay away for a while for two reasons : first is a bit Pollyanna ' if you can't say something nice...' second when I come back all may be well, with a sharp and crisp looking Bond, and more information that somehow explains this Bond as Tramp thing...

    Keep a seat for me

  • superadosuperado Regent's Park West (CaliforniaPosts: 2,654MI6 Agent
    The newest pics confirm that the white stubble on DC (along with unkempt everything) in the Landrover shoot was not unintentional and now that DC is in a suit we know at least it's on purpose...and as it's been said, it would be interesting what Sam Mendes and the script have in store.
    "...the purposeful slant of his striding figure looked dangerous, as if he was making quickly for something bad that was happening further down the street." -SMERSH on 007 dossier photo, Ch. 6 FRWL.....
  • Smiert-SpionamSmiert-Spionam Posts: 318MI6 Agent
    I don't care what anybody says. I'm still super excited and I think a dark, bleak London will be a nice contrast to slightly more glamerous locations. Remember Istanbul and Shanghai have been mentioned as shooting location so it's not as if DC will be spending his entire time freezing his tits off in Trafalgar Square :)
    Smiert Spionam
  • scaramanga1scaramanga1 The English RivieraPosts: 845Chief of Staff
    I personally think Craig looks ok in those photos. In context when we see the film it will become apparent the choices that have been made. I for one think that he looks more serious and brooding -which considering the current state of affairs in the world is not surprising. Anyway there is no point hypothesizing about what we see in off camera shots really -because when the film has been made and edited it and finally released then such shots will make sense. as for what Sir Miles and Moonraker 5 had to say amongst others I heartily agree. Reserve judgment for the final product ladies and gentlemen. The reviews will be more interesting than tittle tattle about some photos and whether the main protagonist of the movie needs a shave.
  • delon64delon64 RiyadhPosts: 176MI6 Agent
    perhaps fiennes blofelds devilish plan is to hold all the worlds razor blades hostage so poor fellas can only buy the blofeld skyfall fusion? worse a plot than qos bolivian water supply drivel...i seem to recall the producers thinking of updating bonds image with a tache after connerys first goodbye pre ohmss to make him more hair has been a consideration before...the ant and dec tab collar shirt and ankle swinging pants are just odd and they do look shrunk...not stylish just too small
  • superdaddysuperdaddy englandPosts: 917MI6 Agent
    Old Dan does seem to like his ankle biters.
  • Lady RoseLady Rose London,UKPosts: 2,667MI6 Agent
    Another article on the Trafalgar Square scenes ....

    I am trying to resist but .... DC is ageing rather rapidly (and thats after seeing him on Children In Need as well ). :#
  • PredatorPredator Posts: 790Chief of Staff
    He looks too old. He looks too young. He's too short. He's too blonde.

    Give me strength.

    It's unfortunately not that long since I recall wincing at a Bond who had spent months being tortured in a North Korean jail, only to appear with a highly convincing glued-on beard and a beer gut.

    Commenting on a few Daily Fail stills is not going to reveal anything other than people's preconceptions. Will it reveal the plot? Not yet and frankly, if you want the plot now, then you're not giving the writers, director and actors nearly enough credit.
  • GaddGeneGaddGaddGeneGadd Posts: 189MI6 Agent
    Lady Rose wrote:
    Another article on the Trafalgar Square scenes ....

    I am trying to resist but .... DC is ageing rather rapidly (and thats after seeing him on Children In Need as well ). :#

    DC has always looked older than he is. That was the one major concern I had when he was cast in the reboot role. But then again Connery looked younger in NSNS than he did in DAF ( 12 years older and he looks younger :)) ) SO there is hope Rose. B-)
  • scaramanga1scaramanga1 The English RivieraPosts: 845Chief of Staff
    superdaddy wrote:
    Old Dan does seem to like his ankle biters.

    If you look in most British fashion magazines that is a fashionable look these days. Obviously with each generation of 007 the movies reflect the fashions of the time. Such as Moore's Safari jacket. I personally like that look - it is a contemporary nod at the sixties heritage of Bond. I personally think Tom Ford has done well with Craig's styling as far as the clothes are concerned.
  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    Forum - Where people meet to discuss topics of public interest.

    This being a James Bond forum, people come to discuss James Bond. A thread was started with pictures from the Skyfall set. So one would expect people would discuss the photos that were posted. People have made various comments, some are excited, some are trying to guess the plot, some are trying to see what watch is being worn and some have discussed the appearance of the actor portraying Bond. Some have noticed and are concerned the actor has graying hair, is unshaven and appears to have not slept in a couple days.

    No one has said the movie is doomed; no one has insulted the actor or made personal disparaging remarks. Yet almost every DC appearance comment, including LR's simple comment that DC is aging quickly, has been followed by a swift moderator chastising. Well I am sorry, but DC does not look good in those photos. I don't know the plot of the film, maybe there is a reason for the look, but commenting just on the photos, that is my comment. I will add that Connery did not look good with a Japanese haircut, Moore did not look good in the safari jacket and Brosnan did not look good with a beard.

    I will also add I have not given up on the film, I have previously stated they have an excellent cast and I have liked the director’s previous work. So a year before the film opens, I still believe the film could be good.
  • superadosuperado Regent's Park West (CaliforniaPosts: 2,654MI6 Agent
    Predator wrote:
    He looks too old. He looks too young. He's too short. He's too blonde.

    Give me strength.

    It's unfortunately not that long since I recall wincing at a Bond who had spent months being tortured in a North Korean jail, only to appear with a highly convincing glued-on beard and a beer gut.

    Commenting on a few Daily Fail stills is not going to reveal anything other than people's preconceptions. Will it reveal the plot? Not yet and frankly, if you want the plot now, then you're not giving the writers, director and actors nearly enough credit.

    At least they chose fake beard hair with no gray in it! DC is still too young in "cinema years" to sport graying hair, most particularly for the Bond mythos, IMO, no matter how deconstructionist the current interpretation has been. I think it's perfectly fair and normal for a Bond fan to be alarmed by this and to voice that out, and belittling this is like telling an atheist to have faith, lol.
    "...the purposeful slant of his striding figure looked dangerous, as if he was making quickly for something bad that was happening further down the street." -SMERSH on 007 dossier photo, Ch. 6 FRWL.....
  • delon64delon64 RiyadhPosts: 176MI6 Agent
    so we can say anything we like about the snaps as long as it is positive?
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,894Chief of Staff
    I'm speaking for myself here--not as a moderator--but what's troublesome isn't people saying "Daniel Craig looks terrible in that shot," it's people implying that Craig's appearance here means the entire movie is going to look like garbage and will no doubt be garbage. My position has always been that we have no context, no story, and have seen nothing else from the movie, so raising complaints about the film is ridiculous. It also seems--as was said above--that people are using these few shots as an excuse to justify their preconceived opinions about Craig, and so we get the same old complaints we've been listening to since 2006. It's gotten older than old--which, I know, is how some people feel Craig looks. You just can't win. . .
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    From Thunderpussy,
    Who's the old guy in the Tom Ford Suit. It Can't be Bond, can It ?
    Yes my ego is shuch That I even Quote Myself. :p

    Mabey because Poor Old DC has had a lot of Bashing over time ( None from me, off course :v ) Many of his fans Immediately asume that Any Comment which is unfavourable, Must be a Personal attack on Him. Rather than a Comment on how the Photo from the set looks. As Barry Nelson pointed out, Mabey Bond is supposed to look tired and haggard for the scene. Who Knows at the moment we're all guessing and surley thats part of the fun so that next year we can all look back and see who was closest to the eventual Outcome from the movie.
    IMHO DC looks old and the greying beard doesn't help, I think that's a fair comment, Others will disagree saying he's the epitome of youth and vitality, very much in keeping with a young man recently made a double o.
    I for one wish the Movie nothing but Good luck, I am a Bond Fan after all. It's in my interest to have a good movie. Although I will keep commenting on these photos as they come out, trying to join the dots so to speak.
    But I do have to disagree on the safari Jacket, Moore looked Brilliant in them, as do I.
    I now have three in my collection and wear them all the time, even in winter. and they do look well with my platforms. :))
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • Lady RoseLady Rose London,UKPosts: 2,667MI6 Agent
    Mabey because Poor Old DC has had a lot of Bashing over time ( None from me, off course :v ) Many of his fans Immediately asume that Any Comment which is unfavourable, Must be a Personal attack on Him. Rather than a Comment on how the Photo from the set looks.


    I'm not giving up on the film at all. Quite the contrary.

    I think there is an awful lot to look forward to with some interesting casting and a great director. I am also a big fan of Craig.

    What I was merely commenting on is that Craig is not holding up very well in the in the looks department which, IMO,for an actor playing Bond, is not a good thing. I am also not basing this on a few stills from the movie. I have seen him a few times recently, most notably on TV, Friday evening, and I thought the same thing.

    Bearing in mind he will have had make up artists doing some magic for these shots, it is a genuine concern. Hopefully the camerman will work some further magic and it will be alright on the night as they say .....
  • superdaddysuperdaddy englandPosts: 917MI6 Agent
    We have had old Dan's rookie agent maybe this is a Quantum leap to the future and he is now a burnt out bitter agent who;s made a massive booboo and is given one last chance to redeem himself, hence the tired, shabby. my life sucks look.
  • David SchofieldDavid Schofield EnglandPosts: 1,528MI6 Agent
    At this stage I have sufficient faith in Craig's comment that this will be "classic" Bond and that these abstract shots appear out of context - we don't really know where JB's been or what he's been up to to warrant the look he has.

    Then again, he's kitted up in Tom Ford... in a pair of trousers that are too short (don't be **** stupid anyone who thinks it'll ever be "James Bond-fashionable" to wear half-mast trousers), with a tab/button down 'American' collar and a thin(ish) tie. (I'll let the tight-fitting overcoat go as that may be TF's style) So why, unless he's undercover, is he hybrid scruffy bastard in mega expensive clothing?

    So my hope is it's undercover Bond, however bizarre and will play-out neatly in the story.

    Remember, Craig is on a sticky wicket after the, erm, unsual QOS, Mendes is not a traditional Bond director... If they knack it up Bond no 7'll be in next, and Mendes credibility as a director even more strained.

    Therefore, all things as they are, I think DC and SM are on the case, and probably just teasing us with these early scenes.
  • Convenient PocketConvenient Pocket Posts: 51MI6 Agent
    My word the knives are certainly out for poor Daniel - aren't they?
  • David SchofieldDavid Schofield EnglandPosts: 1,528MI6 Agent
    My word the knives are certainly out for poor Daniel - aren't they?

    Would you say that being on an XXXX millions fee would qualify DC as "poor"? Nor was he co-erced into the look he's got.

    No, DC's fair game. And not suffering one bit.

  • Bond_James_BondBond_James_Bond +++ Classified +++Posts: 569MI6 Agent
    Mr Beech wrote:
    Back on topic...

    if the production is using Jaguar and Land Rovers - that means Ford are no longer involved (as with the previous 2 films), which could also mean no more Aston Martin and probably does.
    Could we see Bond now taking control of a Jaguar? Maybe the new Jaguar C-X16 or XK at least?

    The deal doesn't rely on Ford. It has happened with and without Ford. Aston Martin is very likely to be back given how big the brand association has gotten.

    The rumour circulating now is that Bond will drive the new Range Rover Evoque. Several reliable sources are claiming.
    The name's Bond_James_Bond
  • HalconHalcon Zen TemplePosts: 487MI6 Agent
    At this stage I have sufficient faith in Craig's comment that this will be "classic" Bond and that these abstract shots appear out of context - we don't really know where JB's been or what he's been up to to warrant the look he has.

    Then again, he's kitted up in Tom Ford... in a pair of trousers that are too short (don't be **** stupid anyone who thinks it'll ever be "James Bond-fashionable" to wear half-mast trousers), with a tab/button down 'American' collar and a thin(ish) tie. (I'll let the tight-fitting overcoat go as that may be TF's style) So why, unless he's undercover, is he hybrid scruffy bastard in mega expensive clothing?

    So my hope is it's undercover Bond, however bizarre and will play-out neatly in the story.

    Remember, Craig is on a sticky wicket after the, erm, unsual QOS, Mendes is not a traditional Bond director... If they knack it up Bond no 7'll be in next, and Mendes credibility as a director even more strained.

    Therefore, all things as they are, I think DC and SM are on the case, and probably just teasing us with these early scenes.

    thought the exact same thing when i saw the button down and skinny tie. Bond is obviously trying to blend in in this part of the movie. his facial expressions say it all! he's nervious and looking over his shoulder, something is up.

    dont worry too much folks...
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 21,990MI6 Agent
    I actually think DC ooks good in those photos. His hair has seldom looked as good and dark. He isn`t clean shaven, but it looks shaved and well kept to me. I know even less about fashion than I do about personal grooming, so I won`t comment on his clothing. Just my two cents.
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