superadoRegent's Park West (CaliforniaPosts: 2,660MI6 Agent
...or...or maybe like in DAD where Bond is fixed up to look like the South African diamond smuggler to steal his identity, in that scene of Skyfall Bond improvises with hydrogen peroxide he steals from a pharmacy, bleaches his stubble white, then assumes the identity of the Albert Finney character?
"...the purposeful slant of his striding figure looked dangerous, as if he was making quickly for something bad that was happening further down the street." -SMERSH on 007 dossier photo, Ch. 6 FRWL.....
(And a note; that previous slate that said "35mm" must have been referring to which lens was being used, as evidenced by the above photo. So, likely all digital.)
Off the top of my head and without even the benefit of a half-a-dozen single malts, I can think of so many reasons to explain Craig's appearance and not one of them suggest that the sartorially splendid and carefully coiffed real Bond has been sacrificed by the Axis of Evil that is Mendes/Craig/EON. Instead they all suggest that Bond's having a spot of bother either from within or without and that hints at a good and gripping plot. Although I wouldn't wear trousers that short myself, I have no idea whether this is a fashion statement...or perhaps that Bond just stole the clothes from someone else, was fed a growing solution that caused him to sprout up two sizes, or had no money and bought his outfit from a Thrift shop. However, I will not be losing sleep over it. Now, if he was wearing a Justin Bieber t-shirt...
no i have heard from two sources one more reliable than the other that skyfall uses as yet unused bits from the yolt novel...with m allowing 005 and 006 to die 15 or 20 years ago and it now coming back to haunt her...might be tosh but i think there is some truth to it
no i have heard from two sources one more reliable than the other that skyfall uses as yet unused bits from the yolt novel...with m allowing 005 and 006 to die 15 or 20 years ago and it now coming back to haunt her...might be tosh but i think there is some truth to it
Admittedly, it's been a few years since I read YOLT, but I don't recall that particular detail. . .
Vox clamantis in deserto
SeanConnery007The Bond Archive - London, EngPosts: 169MI6 Agent
Anyone else noticed that on the latest clapper-board photo, that on the left hand side in blue text are the letters QU and what could be an A? The letters are back-to-front on bottom left hand side. It was announced that Quantum were not part of SKYFALL though so perhaps I'm reading too much into it?
Anyone else noticed that on the latest clapper-board photo, that on the left hand side in blue text are the letters QU and what could be an A? The letters are back-to-front on bottom left hand side. It was announced that Quantum were not part of SKYFALL though so perhaps I'm reading too much into it?
QU I see the letter but not the A, I do not read Quantum, moreover, with the new era Craig, may not be Spectre, and if Quantum, is not it?.
But this tablet is not written Quantum
no i have heard from two sources one more reliable than the other that skyfall uses as yet unused bits from the yolt novel...with m allowing 005 and 006 to die 15 or 20 years ago and it now coming back to haunt her...might be tosh but i think there is some truth to it
Bond's loyalty to M is tested as her past comes back to haunt her. As MI6 comes under attack, 007 must track down and destroy the threat, no matter how personal the cost.
Dont wait for your ship to come in. Swim out and meet the bloody thing.
The dryness of a martini refers to the amount of vermouth used in the drink, with a dry martini having little (or even no) vermouth. So it can very well be a vodka-martini, just a "dry" one. Although I remember Bond usually has a medium dry martini (Dr. No, LTK spring to mind) in previous films.
Edit: O wait, I just realized; Bond orders a dry martini in CR.
James Bond: Dry Martini.
Barman: Oui, monsieur.
James Bond: Wait... three measures of Gordon's; one of vodka; half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it over ice, and add a thin slice of lemon peel.
Maybe the real experts know an earlier film in which Bond orders his martini "dry", but off the top of my head I can't remember one. Maybe Craig just doesn't like vermouth. -{
Scene 59A - Does that mean Bond drinks early in the Movie? (How many scenes got a typical bond movie? 100? 150?) ;-)
And... Dry martini? So no vodka martini?
Not sure how they do the scenes. Check out the pic posted before this one. It's Scene V64BA.
I don't think there is any rhyme or reason, it is all based upon location availability, but usually the biggest / more dangerous scenes are saved for nearer to the end, so you don't have a repeat of what happened during The Crow.
Scene 59A - Does that mean Bond drinks early in the Movie? (How many scenes got a typical bond movie? 100? 150?) ;-)
And... Dry martini? So no vodka martini?
Am I missing something... but why do you think this scene is serving dry martini's....??
And Peppermill is spot on... a dry martini is the amount of vermouth used vs vodka (or gin)... when I was bar tending, I used to make a dry martini by swilling a small amount of vermouth in the shaker, tipping out any excess, then pouring in the vodka and ice, shaking then pouring. This would produce a very dry martini....
...served with an olive of course
She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it. ~ Mark Anthony
Scene 59A - Does that mean Bond drinks early in the Movie? (How many scenes got a typical bond movie? 100? 150?) ;-)
And... Dry martini? So no vodka martini?
Am I missing something... but why do you think this scene is serving dry martini's....??
And Peppermill is spot on... a dry martini is the amount of vermouth used vs vodka (or gin)... when I was bar tending, I used to make a dry martini by swilling a small amount of vermouth in the shaker, tipping out any excess, then pouring in the vodka and ice, shaking then pouring. This would produce a very dry martini....
...served with an olive of course
and for the ultimate dry martini you just wave the closed bottle of vermouth over the glass
Scene 59A - Does that mean Bond drinks early in the Movie? (How many scenes got a typical bond movie? 100? 150?) ;-)
And... Dry martini? So no vodka martini?
Not sure how they do the scenes. Check out the pic posted before this one. It's Scene V64BA.
I don't think there is any rhyme or reason, it is all based upon location availability, but usually the biggest / more dangerous scenes are saved for nearer to the end, so you don't have a repeat of what happened during The Crow.
^This. They shoot scenes in the cheapest order. So if they book a shooting location, they film all the scenes at that location together and then move to whatever they could book next. On location stunts are in the latest parts of the production for various reasons including avoiding disabled or injured actors that would compromise whatever is left to film. This could be very close to the end for all we know.
^This. They shoot and number scenes in the cheapest order. So if they book a shooting location, they film all the scenes at that location together and then move to whatever they could book next. On location stunts are in the latest parts of the production for various reasons including avoiding disabled or injured actors that would compromise whatever is left to film. This could be very close to the end for all we know.
I'm not an expert in film making, but shouldn't the scene number indicate where the scene is taking place in the storyline? Like scene 1 comes before scene 2? They don't have to film it that way of course ;-)
^This. They shoot and number scenes in the cheapest order. So if they book a shooting location, they film all the scenes at that location together and then move to whatever they could book next. On location stunts are in the latest parts of the production for various reasons including avoiding disabled or injured actors that would compromise whatever is left to film. This could be very close to the end for all we know.
I'm not an expert in film making, but shouldn't the scene number indicate where the scene is taking place in the storyline? Like scene 1 comes before scene 2? They don't have to film it that way of course ;-)
I'm no expert either! I think you're right there, my mistake. I guess I was thinking of shooting order or something. ;%
LoeffelholzThe United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
May just be an American tradition, but in recognition of "No Shave November," I'll give Craig a pass. For now. :v
Mellowing in our advancing age, no doubt :v
Anyway...having been away for far too long, and still playing catch-up, I must say I'm comforted by the familiarity of the debate :x
Check out my Amazon author page!Mark Loeffelholz
"I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
"Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
LoeffelholzThe United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
how about a contribution to the glossary: CRAIGIRL as a synonym for a Craig Fangirl, in particular yourself ?
Sounds good to me... although where the hell is Loeffs these days.... he came back briefly, then left again... ?:)
I'll make a suggestion in the Glossary thread :x
I'm baaaaaack...and will give it careful consideration, Lex my dear :x
Check out my Amazon author page!Mark Loeffelholz
"I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
"Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
Daniel Craig stripped off his tuxedo for filming yesterday at the Four Seasons hotel in Canary Wharf, London, for a "Skyfall" scene where 007 is swimming in a luxurious pool at night with echoes of Pierce Brosnan's spa scene in "GoldenEye". It is understood this location will be doubling for scenes in Shanghai.
The spa was closed to hotel residents and the windows facing nearby apartments blacked out. Residents of the adjacent luxury apartments Canary Riverside were warned that only the film crew were entitled to photograph during this time, but shots have emerged anyway. It is understood that the location in the film will also feature a glitzy martini bar.
Daniel Craig stripped off his tuxedo for filming yesterday at the Four Seasons hotel in Canary Wharf, London, for a "Skyfall" scene where 007 is swimming in a luxurious pool at night with echoes of Pierce Brosnan's spa scene in "GoldenEye". It is understood this location will be doubling for scenes in Shanghai.
The spa was closed to hotel residents and the windows facing nearby apartments blacked out. Residents of the adjacent luxury apartments Canary Riverside were warned that only the film crew were entitled to photograph during this time, but shots have emerged anyway. It is understood that the location in the film will also feature a glitzy martini bar.
I look forward to six pages of dissection!
(And a note; that previous slate that said "35mm" must have been referring to which lens was being used, as evidenced by the above photo. So, likely all digital.)
(Credits go to HalfHitman HalfMonk)
Are these green laser beams? And what about these signs on the left? Looks interesting :-)
Admittedly, it's been a few years since I read YOLT, but I don't recall that particular detail. . .
QU I see the letter but not the A, I do not read Quantum, moreover, with the new era Craig, may not be Spectre, and if Quantum, is not it?.
But this tablet is not written Quantum
"Queue Here for
International Quantum
Room 11
" Honest Joe's Discount Sale "
Room 14
"D Greene, We hardly knew Ye, Lunch "
No, I think it's QU8 - or whatever the symbol is under the roman numeral looking II (higher up)
There is an example of what the E would look like, in the word under 'QU8' - INTE (I take it that will say INTERNATIONAL?)
Dry martini?
Scene 59A - Does that mean Bond drinks early in the Movie? (How many scenes got a typical bond movie? 100? 150?) ;-)
And... Dry martini? So no vodka martini?
Edit: O wait, I just realized; Bond orders a dry martini in CR.
James Bond: Dry Martini.
Barman: Oui, monsieur.
James Bond: Wait... three measures of Gordon's; one of vodka; half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it over ice, and add a thin slice of lemon peel.
Maybe the real experts know an earlier film in which Bond orders his martini "dry", but off the top of my head I can't remember one. Maybe Craig just doesn't like vermouth. -{
Not sure how they do the scenes. Check out the pic posted before this one. It's Scene V64BA.
I don't think there is any rhyme or reason, it is all based upon location availability, but usually the biggest / more dangerous scenes are saved for nearer to the end, so you don't have a repeat of what happened during The Crow.
Am I missing something... but why do you think this scene is serving dry martini's....??
And Peppermill is spot on... a dry martini is the amount of vermouth used vs vodka (or gin)... when I was bar tending, I used to make a dry martini by swilling a small amount of vermouth in the shaker, tipping out any excess, then pouring in the vodka and ice, shaking then pouring. This would produce a very dry martini....
...served with an olive of course
and for the ultimate dry martini you just wave the closed bottle of vermouth over the glass
Thanks for the heads up on that.... funnily enough I saw the link to his interview in the daily mail the next day...
Even the boys are talking about it here )
I have to say he's looking mighty fine on the cover.... :x
^This. They shoot scenes in the cheapest order. So if they book a shooting location, they film all the scenes at that location together and then move to whatever they could book next. On location stunts are in the latest parts of the production for various reasons including avoiding disabled or injured actors that would compromise whatever is left to film. This could be very close to the end for all we know.
The officiall 007 twitter account posted this with the caption "Dry Martini?"
I'm not an expert in film making, but shouldn't the scene number indicate where the scene is taking place in the storyline? Like scene 1 comes before scene 2? They don't have to film it that way of course ;-)
I'm no expert either! I think you're right there, my mistake. I guess I was thinking of shooting order or something. ;%
Mellowing in our advancing age, no doubt :v
Anyway...having been away for far too long, and still playing catch-up, I must say I'm comforted by the familiarity of the debate :x
"I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
"Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
I'm baaaaaack...and will give it careful consideration, Lex my dear :x
"I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
"Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
Daniel Craig stripped off his tuxedo for filming yesterday at the Four Seasons hotel in Canary Wharf, London, for a "Skyfall" scene where 007 is swimming in a luxurious pool at night with echoes of Pierce Brosnan's spa scene in "GoldenEye". It is understood this location will be doubling for scenes in Shanghai.
The spa was closed to hotel residents and the windows facing nearby apartments blacked out. Residents of the adjacent luxury apartments Canary Riverside were warned that only the film crew were entitled to photograph during this time, but shots have emerged anyway. It is understood that the location in the film will also feature a glitzy martini bar.
Credit goes to (
The hotel looks classy, I hope they have some night shots from the outside of it.
From goldeneye,we don´t see in a swiming pool