
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,081Chief of Staff
    Reviews only please...I'll remove all posts that aren't from now on..
    YNWA 97
  • jasper_lamar_crabbjasper_lamar_crabb Posts: 169MI6 Agent
    Sir Miles wrote:
    Reviews only please...I'll remove all posts that aren't from now on..
    Sir Miles is clearly having a bad day today. A shame he needs to take it out on forum members, though. He's closed a number of threads today but isn't guiding the OPs to the threads where they should be posting their remarks. Poor moderating.

  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    Sir Miles is clearly having a bad day today. A shame he needs to take it out on forum members, though. He's closed a number of threads today but isn't guiding the OPs to the threads where they should be posting their remarks. Poor moderating.



    There are clearly 'stickys' marked for SPECTRE reviews. Perhaps he assumes that people can read thread titles...and warnings about deleting non-review posts here {:)

    Sorry, Sir Miles. I'd go along with a dustpan if I could -{
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,081Chief of Staff
    Sir Miles wrote:
    Reviews only please...I'll remove all posts that aren't from now on..
    Sir Miles is clearly having a bad day today. A shame he needs to take it out on forum members, though. He's closed a number of threads today but isn't guiding the OPs to the threads where they should be posting their remarks. Poor moderating.


    Yeah...sorry for trying to squeeze a life in between closing and deleting threads...please bend over whilst I wipe your bottom 8-)
    YNWA 97
  • jamesm123jamesm123 LondonPosts: 184MI6 Agent
    Well just saw Spectre. Great to have the gunbarrel back where it belongs. Awful song. Lots of older movie references. Live & let die in Mexico, the funeral scene had shades of thunderball and spy who loved me when they go to the ruins mixed together. Felt a bit thunderbally, i.e. , 4th movie etc. I knew from reading the books that Oberhauser must have been Bonds brother. Didn't expect full blofeld with cat & facial scar. Funniest bit was when M told C what "C" must stand for. Lea Seydeux was absolutely stunning but not quite Eva Green. Tied up a lot of left over loose ends.
    Honestly really liked it. Even felt a bit Living Daylights at times :)
  • bonded123bonded123 Posts: 291MI6 Agent
    Many reviews mention SPECTRE is like a Roger Moore Bond film! Wow - that is surprising given the shift in tone when Craig was cast. Can't imagine anyone expected Craig's fourth film to be giving off a Moore Bond vibe.
  • Shady TreeShady Tree London, UKPosts: 2,982MI6 Agent
    edited October 2015
    I enjoyed SPECTRE. It was fun watching Daniel Craig, in his own inimitable style, playing with a more traditional Bond formula, including several elements which had been rested for a number of years. The film's allusions to Bond movies of old are too numerous to list at this time, but Mendes and the writers do enough work on theme, texture and relationships to make this more than simply a 'by numbers' or 'greatest hits' offering, as some critics have complained: it's a movie with a trajectory of its own. Lea Seydoux adds a beguiling quality to the film, and it's interesting that Monica Bellucci is apparently spared the generic 'sacrificial lamb' death for which she'd seemed so firmly set up. Also, it's good to see Mendes developing the supporting characters which he'd cast as Bond's MI6 allies in SF, lending Craig's loner Bond a more familial context. I was touched (more than I'd ever have expected to have been) by Dame Judi's brief appearance, casting a shadow over the new movie in giving her last assignment to Bond.

    I liked SPECTRE's 'ret-conning' of the three previous Daniel Craig films - how the movie claims the gamut of villains since CR for membership of the ultimate criminal organisation in cinematic Bond lore, overriding Quantum. ('Ret-conning' is the retrospective imposition of continuity - a term familiar to sci-fi and comic book fans.) The idea that 'you-know-who' was, all along, boss of the lot of them manages to convince because we have an actor of the stature of Christoph Waltz in the Number One hot-seat! I agree, too, with what Chasing Bullets, in his excellent review, observes about the inflections of Fleming's 'Octopussy' in the situation of the Mr White character: Jesper Christensen's cameo all but steals the show. The main question now is whether the definite sense of closure at the end of SPECTRE means that Craig's Bond really has taken a final bow. In the packed cinema which I attended, I'd guess that it was only a fear that Craig may not return which explained the largely muted mood of the audience as the final credits rolled.

    Engaging acting, brilliant cinematography, breathtaking action and spectacle... there's a lot to admire, here.
    Critics and material I don't need. I haven't changed my act in 53 years.
  • Lady IceLady Ice Posts: 279MI6 Agent
    jamesm123 wrote:
    Well just saw Spectre. Great to have the gunbarrel back where it belongs. Awful song. Lots of older movie references. Live & let die in Mexico, the funeral scene had shades of thunderball and spy who loved me when they go to the ruins mixed together. Felt a bit thunderbally, i.e. , 4th movie etc. I knew from reading the books that Oberhauser must have been Bonds brother. Didn't expect full blofeld with cat & facial scar. Funniest bit was when M told C what "C" must stand for. Lea Seydeux was absolutely stunning but not quite Eva Green. Tied up a lot of left over loose ends.
    Honestly really liked it. Even felt a bit Living Daylights at times :)

    I thought it felt a bit Living Daylights as well! :D I think it was partly Madeleine's dress.

    Saw that 'C' joke coming as soon as Bond said 'I shall call you 'C''. Not quite set up as obviously as Christmas Jones but still a really obvious joke.

    What did people think of 'C'? I thought he was the weak link; it was essentially a copy-paste of his role as Moriarty with shades of Jim Keats from Ashes to Ashes. Such a boring unnecessary character; I guess he serves as a contrast to M but is one really needed?
  • PredatorPredator Posts: 790Chief of Staff
    Quick review:

    A little shriek of excitement as the gun barrel appears immediately after the studio splashes and straight into the action ... and a piece of cinematic joy. That tracking shot! Oh my! The PTS delighted me and started the film on a high.

    I found the title sequence quite Binderesque, but sorry, still don't like the majority of Sam Smith's theme (although the cues throughout the score are tasteful and appropriate).

    Thankfully I have kept away from the spoilers (and sorry to say any news on the production via AJB) but I found the whole film quite engaging. Dashing from one location to the next was great, but I just wish they had padded out Tangiers and Austria especially. It all felt very rushed and can only assume that these locations suffered more in the edit (at the expense of moody, film noir lingering shots of the lead characters).

    This sense of being rushed almost made me thing that they were cramming far too much into the film. I would have preferred a lot more characterisations (I felt Bellucci's character & C needed more fleshing out) at the expense of the cable-car scene, the (great but overlong) car chase and the denouement, which did feel 5 minutes too long.

    One aspect that the production team seem very attached to is the need to constantly reinforce the heritage of the story arc. Constant references to past characters to me show that they are not confident in maximising the characters they have in this film. A bit weak in my opinion.

    On the whole though another enjoyable romp. It was good, but not great and I wonder if we need a bit of a change of direction as this particular story arc has reached a conclusion (yes, still some loose ends but that will be for the next man).

    Favourite moment: the Hildebrand Safe House ... still keeping the door open for this title I hope. Oh and my inner voice channelling Austin Powers during the Spectre coven scene.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Western Mass, USAPosts: 9,062MI6 Agent
    Posts skimmed quickly only with one eye shut... I am excited!
    Dalton & Connery rule. Brozz was cool.
  • ToTheRightToTheRight Posts: 314MI6 Agent
    I'll admit it....I haven't exactly been avoiding spoilers. Fun reading everyone's reviews here. I really can't wait for this one November 6th!
  • JG007JG007 Manchester , United KingdomPosts: 276MI6 Agent
    Saw the film last night , not going to give a full review as its only fair for people to form their own opinion on it.

    For me it was excellent , I do think it's genuinely worth seeing more than once as its a very detailed plot and storyline , I'm actually seeing it again today.

    The one thing I will say however is , ignore all the hype over what the papers are saying about Craig not doing another or not !!

    After seeing that performance and how he looks in the film with regards to age , he has 100% got another one in him for sure! He looks fresh and in my opinion younger than he did in Skyfall believe it or not.

    There is of course the very last scene which may indicate otherwise but films always give a twist like that and make you think a certain way to set up a surprise for the next one.

    It will all come clear though for those who see the film and I'd love to hear the opinion of those who have seen the film.

    All in all , this for me could creep into my top 5 after a few more views -{
  • LiparusLiparus Posts: 11MI6 Agent
    A truly stunning film. With the exception of the trailers, and despite seeing the battered props / vehicles at Pinewood earlier in the year, I have managed to avoid spoilers consistently throughout production, and was overjoyed as I loved watching it like a child! , it is a great Bond film, one which will be enjoyed further IMO with repeat viewings.

    Having eaten a splendid dinner at Rules before hand; In the packed Leicester Sq Odeon, we had the organist playing a compilation of classic Bond tunes, then the audience cheered through the Star Wars trailer which confirmed we would have an atmospheric crowd, then then the gun barrel appeared it was like being at a match! just perfect.

    Words fail to express how special the Day of The Dead sequence is. It is the finest PTS yet - there is always a danger in saying this when a brand new film is released, but this is an epic tracking shot which then turns into a visual feast. It's practically a short film in itself.
    The rest of the film is edited to suit the mood, and Craig's humour is well placed with the tension, and his character's development in the series, is finally matched with the supporting MI6 cast, Ralph Fiennes' M, in particular.

    The SPECTRE assembly is great to finally see, with Bond then exposed and forced to flee.

    The car chase works on the whole, and the intercut scenes with Moneypenny as well as the 009 prototype car / Fiat driver add a bit of humour to what would be otherwise too long. The scene with White is a strong contrast and sets up the rest of the story and the intro of Madeleine. The rest of the Austrian scenes seem slightly rushed, and whilst the chase is good, I like the fact that Bond needs her more than she needs him, and this leads to some good dialogue and her backstory which is well explained hence the travel to Morocco.
    I actually don't mind that the SF soundtrack is re-used as the scenes are based on nostalgia and link the characters accordingly.

    The train fight is breath-taking, then the pace of the film then slows to good effect as the tension rises, and there is something vey sinister with the desolate location and black Rolls Royce as they set off to the inevitable showdown and reveal in the desert facility.
    The tie up of the previous DC films was good, the history of Bond and the villain (ESB) was a bit contrived, but ultimately believable, and I was shocked by the brutality of the torture, and the gadget was well placed; not clumsy, the escape was then quick and realistic, and allowed a good if not slightly underwhelming conclusion in London. It felt a bit Spooks / Dark Knight / Mission Impossible but they are always good drama, so fitted neatly, and different to most Bond endings, but I was also relieved to see that Andrew Scott is not trying to be the known Moriarty character,(he's just a weasel) .....again not knowing any spoilers, I was convinced Blofeld would pull a gun / something / have a detonator / control etc, which would take out Madeleine / M / ....but in the end allowed his arrest and the next / (hopefully) final DC movie. Loved the ending....if this is DC's swansong, they have accounted for this well.
  • bonded123bonded123 Posts: 291MI6 Agent
    I've read the leaked screenplay and there is no torture scene that I can remember. I think the torture scene was a last minute addition to the storyline? I guess so.
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,081Chief of Staff
    bonded123 wrote:
    I've read the leaked screenplay and there is no torture scene that I can remember. I think the torture scene was a last minute addition to the storyline? I guess so.

    It was.
    YNWA 97
  • Kent007Kent007 Posts: 338MI6 Agent

    My review of SPECTRE on my blog nearly ended up at essay length :))

    Overall thoughts would be:

    -Though they handled SPECTRE and ESB brilliantly
    -Think it's the funniest Bond film in a long, long time.
    -Craig was fantastic once again.
    -Hoyte Van Hoytama did a great job with the cinematography
    -Lea Seydoux and Ben Whishaw the best of the rest in terms of cast. Thought Waltz got better and better once the film got to Morocco.
    -Action was good but not amazing. Will have to watch again but felt a bit like it was 8/10, not higher
    -Like how the M v C and Bond v Oberhauser plots ran in parallel to each other and then culminated in the film's climax
    -It felt like Craig's final film at the end but they left the option open for another which I think was deliberate. Hopefully anyway. Would love to see Mendes come back for Craig's final film.
    "You are about to wake when you dream that you are dreaming"
  • blame_thatcherblame_thatcher Posts: 199MI6 Agent
    It seems that fans are enjoying the film more than the regular cinemagoer. For that reason it won't come close to matching Skyfall's box-office and will be perceived by mediocre people as a failure.

    The film has too many narrative problems to be great, and I don't mean plot holes and lapeses in logic like Skyfall had, it just doesn't have a story that reaches a dramatically satisfying conclusion.
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    It seems that fans are enjoying the film more than the regular cinemagoer. For that reason it won't come close to matching Skyfall's box-office and will be perceived by mediocre people as a failure.

    While that's certainly possible, it might be best to give it more than a day in release before its time of death is logged by the coroner ;) IMO, it's a shame that many---even here---will dismiss SP as a failure if it doesn't unseat the #1 hit in British film history :# Regardless, it will be interesting to come back to this particular post in two months' time, after it has been in worldwide release on thousands of screens ;)
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • writingsonthewallwritingsonthewall SpainPosts: 421MI6 Agent
    It seems that fans are enjoying the film more than the regular cinemagoer. For that reason it won't come close to matching Skyfall's box-office and will be perceived by mediocre people as a failure.

    While that's certainly possible, it might be best to give it more than a day in release before its time of death is logged by the coroner ;) IMO, it's a shame that many---even here---will dismiss SP as a failure if it doesn't unseat the #1 hit in British film history :# Regardless, it will be interesting to come back to this particular post in two months' time, after it has been in worldwide release on thousands of screens ;)

    Waiting for release in my country myself, I couldn't agree more in that I'd love for SP to perform soundly. However, those of us who didn't feel quite at home with Skyfall will understand it if its follow-up, with it being (as those of you who have already watched it) more faithful to the Bond lore, is less embraced by the general public. Nothing wrong with a more fan-friendly film, especially if, even if it doesn't break any records, it performs adequately.
    "Enjoy it while it lasts."
    "The very words I live by."
  • broadshoulderbroadshoulder Acton, London, UKPosts: 1,363MI6 Agent
    Just seen it


    Vesper was part of spectre - who'd have think it?
    1. For Your Eyes Only 2. The Living Daylights 3 From Russia with Love 4. Casino Royale 5. OHMSS 6. Skyfall
  • broadshoulderbroadshoulder Acton, London, UKPosts: 1,363MI6 Agent
    Jag wrote:
    Spectre is getting mixed reviews, but the consensus emerges that it is better than QoS, which was probably the lowest point in the franchise.

    No thats die another day

    The chickenshit entry
    1. For Your Eyes Only 2. The Living Daylights 3 From Russia with Love 4. Casino Royale 5. OHMSS 6. Skyfall
  • TennysonTennyson A View to a KillPosts: 606MI6 Agent
    It seems that fans are enjoying the film more than the regular cinemagoer. For that reason it won't come close to matching Skyfall's box-office and will be perceived by mediocre people as a failure.

    While that's certainly possible, it might be best to give it more than a day in release before its time of death is logged by the coroner ;) IMO, it's a shame that many---even here---will dismiss SP as a failure if it doesn't unseat the #1 hit in British film history :# Regardless, it will be interesting to come back to this particular post in two months' time, after it has been in worldwide release on thousands of screens ;)

    Waiting for release in my country myself, I couldn't agree more in that I'd love for SP to perform soundly. However, those of us who didn't feel quite at home with Skyfall will understand it if its follow-up, with it being (as those of you who have already watched it) more faithful to the Bond lore, is less embraced by the general public. Nothing wrong with a more fan-friendly film, especially if, even if it doesn't break any records, it performs adequately.

    Question - if you were a 12 year old boy and watched this as your first bond film, would it create that excitement in the franchise that no doubt we all got with our first film. If you think the answer is yes, then the film has been a success imho.
  • LiparusLiparus Posts: 11MI6 Agent
    Tennyson wrote:

    While that's certainly possible, it might be best to give it more than a day in release before its time of death is logged by the coroner ;) IMO, it's a shame that many---even here---will dismiss SP as a failure if it doesn't unseat the #1 hit in British film history :# Regardless, it will be interesting to come back to this particular post in two months' time, after it has been in worldwide release on thousands of screens ;)

    Waiting for release in my country myself, I couldn't agree more in that I'd love for SP to perform soundly. However, those of us who didn't feel quite at home with Skyfall will understand it if its follow-up, with it being (as those of you who have already watched it) more faithful to the Bond lore, is less embraced by the general public. Nothing wrong with a more fan-friendly film, especially if, even if it doesn't break any records, it performs adequately.

    Question - if you were a 12 year old boy and watched this as your first bond film, would it create that excitement in the franchise that no doubt we all got with our first film. If you think the answer is yes, then the film has been a success imho.

    Yes - and scare you also like Jaws in the Spy who loved me when I was 7!
  • sniperUKsniperUK UlsterPosts: 594MI6 Agent
    Just back, good but not my favourite, at time it seemed to be "this from Dr No" "This from FRWL" "This from Thunderball" "This from YOLT" etc , and Austin Powers ,really ! My wife at one stage said "Which chair is the electric one" and she wasn't far wrong.
  • welshboy78welshboy78 Posts: 10,299MI6 Agent
    Well I loved it waaaayyy more then Skyfall but its hard to compare as diff films.

    I think this film does not stop for a breather until the torture scene and then off it blazes again at furious pace. It feels like a 90 min movie not 140ish as its jammed packed with everything!!!

    Loved the ending - about time Bond finished the film with a smile and girl and I was suprised to see the DB5 up and running again - that really was a huge suprise!! They def made it to conclude DCs tenure but who knows what will happen!!

    I have no negatives at all except

    1) Monica could have had a bit more time
    2) Torture method was a bit too high tech which for some reason did not sit well with me (but being picky here)

    It was also very very funny. People mention Moore, well its not quite like that at all - tons of jokes but diff humour!!

    Cant wait to see again, all a blur but I put that down to a few Vespers in Dukes before we got to Leicester Square!!!
    Instagram - bondclothes007
  • HatThrowingHenchmanHatThrowingHenchman Russia With LovePosts: 1,834MI6 Agent
    Jag wrote:
    Spectre is getting mixed reviews, but the consensus emerges that it is better than QoS, which was probably the lowest point in the franchise.

    No thats die another day

    The chickenshit entry

    you really use every opportunity to display your dislike for the Brosnan films, don't you? :p
    "You see Mr.Bond, you can't kill my dreams...but my dreams can kill you.Time to face destiny" - "Time to face gravity"
  • Robbo88Robbo88 Newcastle, England.Posts: 253MI6 Agent
    edited October 2015
    To start off I've saw Spectre twice today. Once at 7am and again at 11am. Just too make sure I wasn't missing anything. The 7am was empty so I had he pleasure of watching it to myself :D.

    I was smiling from ear to ear when the gun barrel sequence returned. I loved the pre-credits sequence, the CGI didn't look as bad as it did in the trailer. I thought the helicopter sequence reminded me of FYEO. The credits sequence I thought was one of the best, showing you the past characters like Silva etc.

    So more positives, I thought Madeleine Swann was gorgeous. Great choice for a Bond girl. The gun fights were more realistic, near the end at Blofeld's complex, Bond is dispatching people with a couple of shots each. Instead of spraying wildly. I loved the different locations. Glad they went back to the globetrotting aspect. The entire train section I loved. As a throwback to FRWL and LALD. Dave Bautista did what was needed of him. He kicked Bond's ass one on one. I still think he could return. He did just get pulled off a train.

    Christoph Waltz stole the film for me. Every scene he was in, he just oozed charisma. Even though he appeared to be of a sane mind, he just looked like he was ready to snap. As soon as he confirmed he was Blofeld, I nearly shouted in utter delight. Soon as the watch exploded and he flew back. I knew he was going to be back with the scar. I'm so glad they didn't kill him. I loved the look he gave Bond right at the end when Bond walks off to see Miss Swann. He knows he's going to kill her. Nice to see Q and M getting a bit more to work with. I laughed at Bond's flat hahaha :)).

    Some negative stuff now. The thing I don't get is though. How long is this set after Skyfall? Since Bond has been tracking Sciarra for a while apparently. But he received the video from M a few days after her funeral. I was a bit disappointed they blew up MI6 headquarters. I thought they might of done it to the new building. I thought Daniel Craig was sort of ringing it in. He didn't seem to be very charming and just kept referring to himself as a killer and an assassin. Granted that's the script of course. But he just didn't seem as interested in previous films. I wish they had of got Eva Green to record some footage for the tape he picks up. Monica Bellucci was underused. They even mentioned Felix and he didn't appear.

    Final verdict.

    I liked it. But I need to soak it in more. If this was DC's last Bond movie, it wouldn't surprise me. I just hope they keep Blofeld alive for another two movies at least. I just think Madeline should of said her name was really Tracy as they rode off in the DB5. Leaving it open for a wedding in the next one. Obviously it's not following the books anymore so you could have that happen. Just seems ridiculous how quick Bond fell in love. Ready to leave MI6 at the drop of a hat.
    "Sic Parvis Magna"
    "Greatness From Small Beginnings."
  • broadshoulderbroadshoulder Acton, London, UKPosts: 1,363MI6 Agent
    edited October 2015
    This isn't the place to talk about that Bond film.
    1. For Your Eyes Only 2. The Living Daylights 3 From Russia with Love 4. Casino Royale 5. OHMSS 6. Skyfall
  • Shady TreeShady Tree London, UKPosts: 2,982MI6 Agent
    edited October 2015
    Robbo88 wrote:
    Christoph Waltz stole the film for me. Every scene he was in, he just oozed charisma.

    Waltz is ideal casting as Blofeld, though I do find more compelling the two performances he gave for Tarantino, in better written roles. Still, I love, here, how Waltz blends together a consummate concotion of previous Blofelds. Of them all, he looks most like the suave Max von Sydow of NSNA, but we also get the shadowy chairman of the board from FRWL and TB; in the surreal torture scene, we get the sadistic bent of the Telly Savalas version crossed with something of the absurd camp of the Charles Gray incarnation; the PTS helicopter thrills bring to mind the FYEO PTS with its Blofeld cameo; there's a clinic on a snowy peak in Austria and, of course, in a surprise development, we even get the facial scar of Donald Pleasance's twisted inadequate. Add to this a hint of Doctor No, the Largo of NSNA and a back-story which re-works elements of Fleming's short fiction... and we end up with a magnificent villain! A day on from my first viewing of SP, and I find it's the oddness of Blofeld in the torture scene, together with the dreamlike imagery of his Persian cat, which haunts me the most... aside from Lea Seydoux, naturally, and the cinematic triumph of the Day Of The Dead!
    Critics and material I don't need. I haven't changed my act in 53 years.
  • UnderwaterBattle007UnderwaterBattle007 Posts: 284MI6 Agent
    Robbo88 wrote:
    To start off I've saw Spectre twice today. Once at 7am and again at 11am. Just too make sure I wasn't missing anything. The 7am was empty so I had he pleasure of watching it to myself :D.

    I was smiling from ear to ear when the gun barrel sequence returned. I loved the pre-credits sequence, the CGI didn't look as bad as it did in the trailer. I thought the helicopter sequence reminded me of FYEO. The credits sequence I thought was one of the best, showing you the past characters like Silva etc.

    So more positives, I thought Madeleine Swann was gorgeous. Great choice for a Bond girl. The gun fights were more realistic, near the end at Blofeld's complex, Bond is dispatching people with a couple of shots each. Instead of spraying wildly. I loved the different locations. Glad they went back to the globetrotting aspect. The entire train section I loved. As a throwback to FRWL and LALD. Dave Bautista did what was needed of him. He kicked Bond's ass one on one. I still think he could return. He did just get pulled of a train.

    Christoph Waltz stole the film for me. Every scene he was in, he just oozed charisma. Even though he appeared to be of a sane mind, he just looked like he was ready to snap. As soon as he confirmed he was Blofeld, I nearly shouted in utter delight. Soon as the watch exploded and he flew back. I knew he was going to be back with the scar. I'm so glad they didn't kill him. I loved the look he gave Bond right at the end when Bond walks off to see Miss Swann. He knows he's going to kill her. Nice to see Q and M getting a bit more to work with. I laughed at Bond's flat hahaha :)).

    Some negative stuff now. The thing I don't get is though. How long is this set after Skyfall? Since Bond has been tracking Sciarra for a while apparently. But he received the video from M a few days after her funeral. I was a bit disappointed they blew up MI6 headquarters. I thought they might of done it to the new building. I thought Daniel Craig was sort of ringing it in. He didn't seem to be very charming and just kept referring to himself as a killer and an assassin. Granted that's the script of course. But he just didn't seem as interested in previous films. I wish they had of got Eva Green to record some footage for the tape he picks up. Monica Bellucci was underused. They even mentioned Felix and he didn't appear.

    Final verdict.

    I liked it. But I need to soak it in more. If this was DC's last Bond movie, it wouldn't surprise me. I just hope they keep Blofeld alive for another two movies at least. I just think Madeline should of said her name was really Tracy as they rode off in the DB5. Leaving it open for a wedding in the next one. Obviously it's not following the books anymore so you could have that happen. Just seems ridiculous how quick Bond fell in love. Ready to leave MI6 at the drop of a hat.

    I agree with everything you have said.

    I found it puzzling that after Bond finds out Blofeld has been the orchestrator behind all Bonds pain over the last 10 years, surely he would have blown his head off on the bridge.

    Also in the timeline are we still pre Dr No? Or has that mission been and gone. Do we just ignore all the previous films Blodfeld has appeared in because the reallity of it is if the Dr No mission hasn't yet taken place, Bond can't kill him until after DAF is out the way.

    Another character I'm hoping they bring back at some stage is Quarrel. As we know he is killed in Dr No (both book and film) it would be great to meet up with him again, and I hope also Leiter makes an appearance next time round.

    Already can't wait for the announcement on the next one 3 years is a hell of a long time to wait, but wait we must I fear.

    "Do you expect me to talk? "No Mister Bond I expect you to die"
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