Lack of new Bond game news

Is anyone else surprised or shocked by the lack of news of any company stepping forward with interest of picking up the 007 video game license? The exception is that one blurb about Telltale having interest, but nothing has come out of that yet either. Plus that was a while ago.

I mean we are at least half way through the current run of systems and technically only the Wii U has seen a new entry in 007 Legends with the lackluster free DLC ending already in place. But nothing else since then.
1, GE 2, CR 3, SF 4, TWINE 5, Spectre 6, TMWTGG 7, DAD 8, LALD 9, AVTAK 10, LTK 11, Octopussy 12, Moonraker 13, TLD 14, GF 15, QOS 16, Tomorrow 17, FYEO 18. TSWLM Not seen much: Dr. No, Russia, Thunderball, Twice, Majesty.

1: Brosnan 2: Craig 3: Moore 4: Dalton 5: Connery and 6: Lazenby


  • OddjoblofeldraxorinOddjoblofeldraxorin CaliforniaPosts: 195MI6 Agent
    Yeah, I am. Bond games are usually the only video games I look forward to other than Resident Evil and Street Fighter. Telltale game would be cool, or something like Bloodstone.
  • PPK 7.65mmPPK 7.65mm Saratoga Springs NY USAPosts: 1,241MI6 Agent
    I am pretty surprised myself since 007 Legends was a big let down for all gamers and Bond fans alike. You would think that Telltale Games or somebody else would pick up the baton and run with it. I remember when the Tomorrow Never Dies game for Playstation flopped in 1999, that did not stop EA from continuing to make games based on the James Bond series. Hopefully soon, a new game will come out. In the mean time I still have a majority of the pervious video games to hold me over.
  • welshboy78welshboy78 Posts: 10,299MI6 Agent
    Its strange compared to the good ol days!

    I mean there is not even a game for Star Wars The Force Awakens which could poss be the number 1 grossing film of all time!
    Instagram - bondclothes007
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,296MI6 Agent
    Actually, it isn't all that surprising. Most studios and publishers are shying away from videogames based on movies these days, at least on the consoles. There has always been this implicit requirement that a game be released right around the same time as the movie and most have suffered for it, not having enough time to make a quality product, leading to poor sales and reviews. Think back to the high profile movies released over the past couple of years and hardly any of them have had a console based videogame tie in.

    Some movie tie-ins are going to mobile devices these days but I think that is a temporary thing too. The "free to play" model on phones and tablets is very misleading and you invariably are expected to keep pumping money into the game to keep advancing and unlocking stuff. That kind of a model will only work for so long before people get fed up and move on from that as well.

    Ultimately, I just wish a publisher would get the Bond license and try to come up with an original game not connected to the movies at all rather than releasing something that just rehashes parts of a movie or other game (way too many Bond games were just Call of Duty clones). That was how WB revived the Batman videogame franchise with the Arkham games, but I'm not holding my breath for EON to get a publisher to do the same thing with Bond.
  • WardWard Maryland/LondonPosts: 195MI6 Agent
    TonyDP wrote:
    Actually, it isn't all that surprising. Most studios and publishers are shying away from videogames based on movies these days, at least on the consoles. There has always been this implicit requirement that a game be released right around the same time as the movie and most have suffered for it, not having enough time to make a quality product, leading to poor sales and reviews. Think back to the high profile movies released over the past couple of years and hardly any of them have had a console based videogame tie in.

    Some movie tie-ins are going to mobile devices these days but I think that is a temporary thing too. The "free to play" model on phones and tablets is very misleading and you invariably are expected to keep pumping money into the game to keep advancing and unlocking stuff. That kind of a model will only work for so long before people get fed up and move on from that as well.

    Ultimately, I just wish a publisher would get the Bond license and try to come up with an original game not connected to the movies at all rather than releasing something that just rehashes parts of a movie or other game (way too many Bond games were just Call of Duty clones). That was how WB revived the Batman videogame franchise with the Arkham games, but I'm not holding my breath for EON to get a publisher to do the same thing with Bond.
    Interesting point. Force Awakens was the biggest thing ever to ever, but it had minimal content in it's co-blockbuster "Battlefront 3".

    Was the Quantum game the point of divergence? IIRC the game was supposed to be Casino Royale but the timing didn't work.
  • martinimartini Posts: 289MI6 Agent
    Yeah, I am. Bond games are usually the only video games I look forward to other than Resident Evil and Street Fighter. Telltale game would be cool, or something like Bloodstone.

    I loved Bloodstone.
    "It is better to be as well dressed as possible to stave off, at least for a very little bit, the total collapse of civilization"
  • yoyoyojoyoyoyojo Posts: 46MI6 Agent
    As long as Eon controls any aspect of this we will not see any games of quality what so ever. They are completely out of touch. Wow we get a crappy generic free-to-play? What moron would approve of that?

    Also games don't need a direct tie in to benefit from the movies. Look at the Arkham Knight series, has the same look and feel of the Dark Knight series without being a direct tie in. Same with battlefront, no direct tie in but definitely benefited from the movie.

    But a big congrats to you all. Based on you comments you are smarter than anyone associated with Eon when it comes to a viable video game strategy.
  • hehadlotsofgutshehadlotsofguts Durham England Posts: 2,109MI6 Agent
    Have you ever heard of the Emancipation Proclamation?"

    " I don't listen to hip hop!"
  • WardWard Maryland/LondonPosts: 195MI6 Agent
    It is amazing to think what big business Bond does at the box office, and what perfect material it is for a video game. And yet. I do think to give over the hump with sales, the game has to actually be *good*. A lack of decent games has created a vicious circle - not sure what the way out is, unless an indie makes a great game that blows up or a bigger company just takes a risk.
  • PPK 7.65mmPPK 7.65mm Saratoga Springs NY USAPosts: 1,241MI6 Agent
    Saw this article and I thought it sums the present situation for all of us:
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,082Chief of Staff
    PPK 7.65mm wrote:
    Saw this article and I thought it sums the present situation for all of us:

    Yes...this was reported just two posts up from yours and seven days ago...
    YNWA 97
  • PPK 7.65mmPPK 7.65mm Saratoga Springs NY USAPosts: 1,241MI6 Agent
    @ Sir Miles Sorry about the double post, I will try to be more careful in the future.

    I do hope that Curve Digital gets to make a James Bond game that is decent, as much as I love revisiting the older games in the series I would really like to see a new game in the near future.
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,082Chief of Staff
    PPK 7.65mm wrote:
    @ Sir Miles Sorry about the double post, I will try to be more careful in the future.

    I do hope that Curve Digital gets to make a James Bond game that is decent, as much as I love revisiting the older games in the series I would really like to see a new game in the near future.

    It's not really a least you didn't open a thread for it :D

    I just find it funny how mi6 try and report it as 'their' story when it was reported on several days ago :))
    YNWA 97
  • Miles MesservyMiles Messervy Posts: 1,763MI6 Agent
    The Arkham series could be a fantastic template for a modern Bond. The Arkham games feature no direct tie-in to a film (loosely based on the comics, actually), and give players a large and interactive open world to play in. I think people would get a kick out of roaming around an open world as Bond. Customizable weapons, clothing, and gadgets would keep things fresh. And if the player could hop on a plane and leave one city in order to traverse to other exotic locations (think the travel system in the Mass Effect games), it would be all the better. This is, of course, never going to happen, for many of the reasons expressed above. But there's no good reason why someone couldn't, first and foremost, make a sophisticated, modern game and then sprinkle it with Bond elements. I hardly think that would deter anyone from buying it. Goldeneye 64 was a classic for that very reason. But instead of blazing a new trail, they have (both literally and figuratively) just attempted to remake Goldeneye for the past twenty years.
  • WardWard Maryland/LondonPosts: 195MI6 Agent
    I had a quick play around with Just Cause 3 - again, very Bond-esque. The state rooftops would remind most people on this board of the Quantum of Solace chase -{
  • BruceMurdockBruceMurdock OhioPosts: 133MI6 Agent
    I'd love a Bond game like the Arkham. Think of the alternate skins that could have you play as each Bond actor.
    "No for me."
    "You forgot the first rule of Mass Media Elliot! Give the people what they want!!!"
    "I never miss..."
    "Time to face gravity!"
  • PPK 7.65mmPPK 7.65mm Saratoga Springs NY USAPosts: 1,241MI6 Agent
    If we do see a new game in the near future, I would rather it be a original story with James Bond rather than an adaptation of a film. Many of the best video games featuring Bond in the past, I feel are the original stories like Nightfire, Everything Or Nothing and Bloodstone. I would think that someone would could come with a decent story that is independent of the film series and make it a decent game to play.
  • bond2002bond2002 UKPosts: 55MI6 Agent
    I am surprised no company has taken the rights over would love to see another original game
  • PPK 7.65mmPPK 7.65mm Saratoga Springs NY USAPosts: 1,241MI6 Agent
    I hope that soon somebody does get the rights. I was left pretty frustrated with 007 Legends that I ended up trading it in for another game before I even finished it. Even on the easy setting, I kept dying during the first level of the game. Hopefully their is a publisher out their who understands the James Bond character and makes a better game in the near future. I do hope that we see more games on consoles and not IOS since a lot of those are cheaply made cash ins as Tony DP noted.
  • GoldenEye85GoldenEye85 Posts: 278MI6 Agent

    I did finish it a total of two times, including the DLC for it (seriously, what was so secret about that made them wait to put it on the game?) I waited a LONG while in between playthroughs....about a year and honest and truly, it is NOT as bad as I had remembered it. Yes it is a CoD clone, but then so were GoldenEye Reloaded and Quantum of Solace, yet those get praise? I still don't get it!

    Eurocom did a great job on updating the gameplay, gun play and overall feel from GE Reloaded, for once in areas that I felt needed to be tweaked on that game. For example when you crouched on GE and aimed down the site of your weapon it would pop you up regardless if you were next to a short wall or not, on 007 Legends you only pop up if you are next to the short wall, otherwise you just aim down the site.

    At first I was disappointed that when the movie level ended that there was zero mention of it for the rest of the game, but then I really thought about it and except with a few examples, the same thing can be said about the Bond movies too. The stories in the films are self-contained too, so that no longer bothers me.

    The level of difficulty is strong for this game. Unlike GoldenEye Reloaded where the classic GE N64 007 health mode is reserved for the super hard mode of the game (THAT was a gauntlet, let me tell you). Well on 007 Legends the classic health mode is separate from the difficulty setting, so you can use it and still play on a lower setting.

    Furthermore those levels in 007 Legends can get very tough. Especially the areas that require a high level of stealth to get through. There is one on the License to Kill section and Moonraker......That level, the last of the normal game was super hard. You are swimming in the zero gravity and your goal at the end of the level is to stop even ONE poison plant pod from being launched. To do this you need to use the Moonraker laser to destroy the arms that send the pods out. If you miss one, you still have a chance to destroy it before it launches, but doing so will release the chemical in the area making you lose health and die if you don't finish in time.

    After not playing for a while, like I said, I was able to go back and give it a real play through and I really enjoyed 007 Legends.
    1, GE 2, CR 3, SF 4, TWINE 5, Spectre 6, TMWTGG 7, DAD 8, LALD 9, AVTAK 10, LTK 11, Octopussy 12, Moonraker 13, TLD 14, GF 15, QOS 16, Tomorrow 17, FYEO 18. TSWLM Not seen much: Dr. No, Russia, Thunderball, Twice, Majesty.

    1: Brosnan 2: Craig 3: Moore 4: Dalton 5: Connery and 6: Lazenby
  • welshguy34welshguy34 Posts: 219MI6 Agent
    I would love to see another Bond game get made, but would prefer it to be an original story rather than a tie-in of any movie.
  • GoldenEye85GoldenEye85 Posts: 278MI6 Agent
    Yeah, I have seen this before and it does look incredible. Just don't get too attached to it or be surprised if Nintendo: The Bond game license holder when GE 64 was made, Rare: the game's creator and Microsoft: The current owner of Rare, send out a orders to make them stop.

    I'm not trying to be a downer here, but Nintendo is still VERY picky and doesn't like fan projects. They just shut down some others regarding the original game boy game Metroid 2 Return of Samus, Pokemon Uranium and some others. Microsoft/Rare might not care, but since Nintendo still holds stake in the game, they still have say so in it.
    1, GE 2, CR 3, SF 4, TWINE 5, Spectre 6, TMWTGG 7, DAD 8, LALD 9, AVTAK 10, LTK 11, Octopussy 12, Moonraker 13, TLD 14, GF 15, QOS 16, Tomorrow 17, FYEO 18. TSWLM Not seen much: Dr. No, Russia, Thunderball, Twice, Majesty.

    1: Brosnan 2: Craig 3: Moore 4: Dalton 5: Connery and 6: Lazenby
  • welshboy78welshboy78 Posts: 10,299MI6 Agent
    No missions??
    Instagram - bondclothes007
  • GoldenEye85GoldenEye85 Posts: 278MI6 Agent
    No, this is multiplayer only.
    1, GE 2, CR 3, SF 4, TWINE 5, Spectre 6, TMWTGG 7, DAD 8, LALD 9, AVTAK 10, LTK 11, Octopussy 12, Moonraker 13, TLD 14, GF 15, QOS 16, Tomorrow 17, FYEO 18. TSWLM Not seen much: Dr. No, Russia, Thunderball, Twice, Majesty.

    1: Brosnan 2: Craig 3: Moore 4: Dalton 5: Connery and 6: Lazenby
  • welshboy78welshboy78 Posts: 10,299MI6 Agent
    Ah shame. My mates aint gamers :))
    Instagram - bondclothes007
  • JoviusJovius Albuquerque, NMPosts: 42MI6 Agent
    There are bots though.
  • GoldenEye85GoldenEye85 Posts: 278MI6 Agent
    Speaking of GoldenEye. Here is what this game would have looked like if an agreement could have been reached between Microsoft and Nintendo, for the Xbox Live Arcade.
    1, GE 2, CR 3, SF 4, TWINE 5, Spectre 6, TMWTGG 7, DAD 8, LALD 9, AVTAK 10, LTK 11, Octopussy 12, Moonraker 13, TLD 14, GF 15, QOS 16, Tomorrow 17, FYEO 18. TSWLM Not seen much: Dr. No, Russia, Thunderball, Twice, Majesty.

    1: Brosnan 2: Craig 3: Moore 4: Dalton 5: Connery and 6: Lazenby
  • PPK 7.65mmPPK 7.65mm Saratoga Springs NY USAPosts: 1,241MI6 Agent
    I really hope that we get a new game down the road. As previously mentioned, Telltale Games sounds like they are a best studio to make a new game since their CEO is a James Bond fan and knows what it takes to make a video game based on the series successful.
    Even with the number of the number video games tied into movie shrinking, their are still a few gems out there. All that is needing is a competent studio, a decent story and gameplay that does copy and paste the Call Of Duty formula. I would hope that once the wheels start turning on Bond 25 we will have another video game on the way.
  • PPK 7.65mmPPK 7.65mm Saratoga Springs NY USAPosts: 1,241MI6 Agent

    Looks my prayers got answered:Coming Soon - It really is this time. GoldenEye 007 is coming for Nintendo Switch and Xbox - James Bond 007 :: MI6 - The Home Of James Bond (

    Plus, it was reported recently that IO Interactive (makers of the popular Hitman franchise) is still working on Project 007 which is set for release in 2025 at the earliest due their present workload with other projects.

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