SPECTRE Disapointed me a bit.



  • Thunderbird 2Thunderbird 2 East of Cardiff, Wales.Posts: 2,785MI6 Agent
    Is there anyone who does like the "Foster Brother" idea ?

    Their work on Dr Who and Thunderbirds Are Go has been phenomenal! Especially the latter.
    This is Thunderbird 2, how can I be of assistance?
  • GoldenEye85GoldenEye85 Posts: 278MI6 Agent
    I just watched Spectre for the first time yesterday and I must say I was quite impressed with it. I liked how they made everything that has happened to Craig was at Blofeld's hands. Although they only mentioned Green from Quantum once, so that was interesting for me. Sad to see the old MI6 building get demolished.

    Speaking of which did anyone else pause it to see if there were any familiar names on the memorial wall? I was hoping to see Silva at least. Since the series has been rebooted, I know 006 likely wouldn't be on it, unless there is more than one plaque.

    The action was as good as Skyfall. Two women and both survived, that doesn't happen very often in the Craig films. The theme song was good, like the previous film, it sounds like it could have come from one of the older films.

    I put this at number 5 in my list on my signature!
    1, GE 2, CR 3, SF 4, TWINE 5, Spectre 6, TMWTGG 7, DAD 8, LALD 9, AVTAK 10, LTK 11, Octopussy 12, Moonraker 13, TLD 14, GF 15, QOS 16, Tomorrow 17, FYEO 18. TSWLM Not seen much: Dr. No, Russia, Thunderball, Twice, Majesty.

    1: Brosnan 2: Craig 3: Moore 4: Dalton 5: Connery and 6: Lazenby
  • Doctor KnowDoctor Know Posts: 20MI6 Agent
    JTM wrote:
    Spectre really does have the "lick stamp, mail in" feeling to it. The result of which, is it's not a film I want to watch again.

    Changed that last sentence a little for you. Even with its story flaws, I loved Spectre. Not ashamed to say I went to see it three times in the theatre and have watched it many times since I grabbed the blu-ray.

    No need, mate. This is the thread to voice your disappointmet with Spectre. Don't get me wrong, Spectre is shot great, directed great and looks great, but several of the actors (Craig, Waltz, Scott, Seydoux) are so low energy in the film; that you forget this is supposed to be a go get'em action franchise. Add the story flaws, Spectre's master plan to control the world, the retroactive contiunity of Blofeld being responsible for everything bad that's happened to Bond, and Blofeld's "sinister" plan to drill holes in Bond's head so he doesn't recognize the Bond girl he just met a few days ago. The film really didn't hit the mark as hard as Casino or Skyfall.

    The Honest Trailer guys got it right. Captain America TWS told a more compelling story of a hero going against a clandestine, Octopus logo organization, with aspirations to control the world, better. Which is funny because at the time, people were calling TWS a James Bond/Mission Impossible movie featuring Captain America.

    Even looking at the other Spy films released in 2015

    Mission Impossible 5
    Fast and Furious 7
    Bridge of Spies
    The Man From UNCLE

    Bond's outing was really by the numbers and really didn't bring anything new to the table. With the Furious, Mission Impossible and even Kingsman, the creative minds try to inovate ideas from the genre to make each new film feel fresh.
  • walther p99walther p99 NJPosts: 3,416MI6 Agent
    JTM wrote:
    Spectre really does have the "lick stamp, mail in" feeling to it. The result of which, is it's not a film I want to watch again.

    Changed that last sentence a little for you. Even with its story flaws, I loved Spectre. Not ashamed to say I went to see it three times in the theatre and have watched it many times since I grabbed the blu-ray.

    No need, mate. This is the thread to voice your disappointmet with Spectre. Don't get me wrong, Spectre is shot great, directed great and looks great, but several of the actors (Craig, Waltz, Scott, Seydoux) are so low energy in the film; that you forget this is supposed to be a go get'em action franchise. Add the story flaws, Spectre's master plan to control the world, the retroactive contiunity of Blofeld being responsible for everything bad that's happened to Bond, and Blofeld's "sinister" plan to drill holes in Bond's head so he doesn't recognize the Bond girl he just met a few days ago. The film really didn't hit the mark as hard as Casino or Skyfall.

    The Honest Trailer guys got it right. Captain America TWS told a more compelling story of a hero going against a clandestine, Octopus logo organization, with aspirations to control the world, better. Which is funny because at the time, people were calling TWS a James Bond/Mission Impossible movie featuring Captain America.

    Even looking at the other Spy films released in 2015

    Mission Impossible 5
    Fast and Furious 7
    Bridge of Spies
    The Man From UNCLE

    Bond's outing was really by the numbers and really didn't bring anything new to the table. With the Furious, Mission Impossible and even Kingsman, the creative minds try to inovate ideas from the genre to make each new film feel fresh.
    Agreed completely, this a checklist Bond film where they made sure they ticked all the boxes of what makes a Bond movie without actually doing anything that would make the film stand out amongst the rest. There are scenes and moments I enjoy but mostly it's all just so run of the mill and that's partially why it barely left a mark on audiences. It unfortunately suffered the same fate as Quantum of Solace following the explosive success of Casino Royale, except Skyfall set even higher expectation with its lightning in the bottle success.
  • The Red KindThe Red Kind EnglandPosts: 3,332MI6 Agent

    SPECTRE = The whole is less than the sum of its parts

    But, at the end of the day, it's still a Bond film. I still viewed countless times at the cinema and on DVD. The great moments help make up for the shortcomings of the overall film.
    "Any of the opposition around..?"
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 SwitzerlandPosts: 870MI6 Agent
    This may not be the right thread for me as I love SPECTRE :))

    I think every James Bond film I have seen at the cinema (TLD and onward) has had some minor disappointments. Nothing can be perfect really, except for The Living Daylights and GoldenEye :D

    There are some valid points made in this thread.

    The torture scene doesn't seem to have any lasting effect on Bond except for feeling a bit dizzy for like 5 seconds.

    Bond gunning done the chopper was way cool in my book but of course highly unrealistic.

    The colour filters that were used almost constantly bother me to be honest. Where have the times gone when a James Bond film looked colourful and full of life (DN to DAD).
    I don't get all that "must be gritty and serious" stuff. It's not the cinematic Bond in my opinion.

    That's why I love SPECTRE overall best in the current era. It was entertaining and fun from start to finish. Something I could not with good conscious say about Skyfall or the admittely wonderful, great Casino Royale.
    QOS is entertaining and fun as well, but that's a different story for another thread.

    Monica Bellucci...oh what a dream come true. Sadly it was not much of an appearance but I am thankful anyway for the little screen time she got and most importantly SHE DID NOT DIE. And she got rescued by Felix Leiter, off screen. At least that part was done right I'd say.

    I honestly wanted Jeffrey Wright back in SPECTRE, and he could have made a "cameo" appearance rescuing Monica Bellucci. Oh well...

    I think the main reason why SPECTRE disappointed many people a bit is the fact that Skyfall did something different and that appealed to a great number of people. The last film that got that kind of ticket sales numbers was The Spy Who Loved Me.
    So many expected SPECTRE to be Skyfall Part II as it also was marketed that way with the teaser trailer.

    Expectations. It all boils down to that. What do I expect? Everyone has different expectations.

    Mine are to be entertained and have fun. Bond has always been about that for me first and foremost. Because I love all the films of the first 40 years. Diversity is given in this franchise and that's a wonderful thing.

    Maybe in a few years SPECTRE will be looked upon more favourably. When the dust has settled about Skyfall (which it still hasn't in my opinion) people can look at SPECTRE on its own and appreciate more what a wonderful film it actually is.

    Let's hope so anyway.
    Dalton Rulez™
  • chrisisallchrisisall Western Mass, USAPosts: 9,062MI6 Agent
    Just watched SPECTRE again the other night, and the only bits I wasn't keen on were the filters used in many shots- it was the most distracting in the Mexico scenes. And while I actually liked Thomas Newman's music for the most part, he's certainly no David Arnold. Other than that, I love the flick.
    Dalton & Connery rule. Brozz was cool.
  • Revolver66Revolver66 Melbourne, AustraliaPosts: 470MI6 Agent
    I think that Spectre did try and be Skyfall Part II and it failed abysmally. The whole Bonds childhood connection, foster brother, falling in love and ending in the MI6 headquarters was all an attempt to make it personal and achieve the similar emotional weight that Skyfall carried. Unfortunately it didn't work anywhere near as well as Skyfall did because all of these story choices were either undercooked or just plain bad ideas. On top of that, they tried to have it both ways and make it a fun, traditional Bond film. That aspect of the film is good, however they wanted it both ways and it is the more serious elements of the film that completely undermine it. So when people say that it is just a traditional Bond film and people didn't like that because Skyfall wasn't then I disagree. If it was just a traditional Bond film then it would be vastly superior to what it turned out to be. The personal elements has muddied the water of the film and the previous Craig outings and that is the films fatal weakness. Still, it's nice to see that there are people that love it -{ I wish I did too really.
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