Is Bond crying in Thunderball?



  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,801MI6 Agent

    I still think Moore would have been the one for OHMSS. The opening is basically an episode of The Saint anyway, then he’d be able to handle the Sir Hilary comedy stuff so much better, and as we saw later, his Bond was much more comfortable in romantic and more loving situations in FYEO, OP etc.

  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 36,991Chief of Staff

    Yes, I think you're right @emtiem. That sounds terrific - and he'd have handled the "This never happened to the other fellow" line so much better if they'd have kept it in. That would have been the equivalent of a halo appearing over his head 😁.

  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,801MI6 Agent
    edited November 2023

    Ha! Yes, you can imagine him rolling his eyes slightly and saying: “Well, that never happened to the other fellow”

  • MI6_HeadquartersMI6_Headquarters Posts: 168MI6 Agent
    edited November 2023

    Had Moore was available in 1969, I don't think OHMSS would've been his film.

    It would've been probably, The Man With The Golden Gun, as originally intended, set in Cambodia.

    They wanted to film TMWTGG back in 1969 following YOLT, and Moore was their supposed Bond to play in that film, but he still have contractual obligations with The Saint.

    But hey, count me in as someone who wants to see it, I think it would've been a lot more better than what we've got in 1974.

    More grounded.

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