Imaginary Conversations

BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,425Chief of Staff
edited June 2021 in General James Bond Chat
Some of these have a grain of truth in them, but don't be looking for accuracy.

Mid 1950s.(London.)

Chandler: Another drink, Ian?
Fleming: But of course. Three measures of Gordon's, one of-
Chandler: Yes, I think we've all got the recipe by now. Ian, you must try harder to merge genre fiction with your literary ambition.
Fleming: I know, but it's all getting too much for me. In fact, I'm considering not continuing the series, and that could mean the death of Bond.
Chandler: Oh, don't do that my boy!
Fleming: What do you mean?
Chandler: I'd never kill off Philip Marlowe, I might need him again someday. In my next book, I'm going to marry him off!
Fleming: Hmmm.... marry him off...
Chandler: Yes, less of a big sleep and more of a long goodbye.
Fleming: Thanks, Ray, I'll keep that in mind for later.
Chandler: So, you won't kill him off then?
Fleming: I'll give it some thought. I'd never say never again.
Chandler: Be careful now...

Late 1950s (Fleming’s Jamaica villa, Goldeneye)

Kevin: So, guys, it’s time we got down to writing this thing.
Ian: But of course. I have this idea about a plane-
Jack: A planeload of celebrities! It gets hijacked and Bond has to save them all?
Ian: Well, I was thinking more of a warplane with atomic bombs onboard.
Jack: Right! And it comes down in the Bahamas-
Ian: And an evil organisation steals the two bombs-
Jack: And threatens the Western powers-
Ian: And Bond gets sent there, where he meets-
Jack: His American pal Felix-
Ian: And the beautiful Domino, who is the mistress of the mysterious Largo-
Jack: Who works for the evil organisation-
Ian: Called SPECTRE. The leader is called Ernst Stavro Blofeld-
Jack: And their HQ is in Paris-
Ian: And they bribe a NATO pilot called Petacchi-
Jack: Whose sister is the beautiful Domino-
Ian: Who Bond seduces. There’s a lot of swimming underwater-
Jack: As Bond and Felix go hunting for the plane-
Ian: Which they find, but Largo has already hidden the bombs-
Jack: And we have this great underwater battle-
Ian: At the end of which Largo has Bond at his mercy, till he’s killed by Domino.
Kevin: (Scribbling away.) Sounds great guys. Let me just add “Written by Kevin McClory, Jack Whittingham and Ian Fleming” and we’re ready to go.

Late 1970s (On set.)

Roger: My name’s Bond, James Bond.
Lewis: Cut! And print! Ok, everyone, that’s us for the day.
Cubby: Well done as usual, Roger.
Roger: Thanks, Cubby. Fancy a game of backgammon?
Cubby: (Looks at watch.) Not enough time- let’s go and see how Maurice is doing shooting the titles.
(They wander over to the next set, where Maurice Binder is busy with a succession of beautiful models in various stages of nudity.)
Maurice: Hi guys, just give me a moment here.
(He kneels before one of the models and works away.)
Roger: I, er, hate to disturb a man at his work Maurice, but what exactly are you up to?
Maurice: I’m smoothing down her pubic hair with this Vaseline so it won’t show in silhouette. Got to keep the censor happy.
Cubby: (Jaw dropping.) Pubic hair? Vaseline?
Roger: Let me get this straight- Cubby, you’re the producer of this movie and I’m the star. Why does HE get all the good jobs?

Late 1980s. (On set, open air.)

John: Right, Tim, all I need is a few close-ups of you on this plane model and then we’ll get Paul Weston to take over for the really high shots.
Timothy: It doesn’t look that hard, John, I’d like to have a crack at that myself.
John: No can do, Tim, the insurance company won’t have it. Cubby would have both our heads.
Tim: Well, Cubby isn’t here- go on, let me try.
John: (Doubtfully.) Hmm… just be careful.
(Dalton gets onto the plane, high up in the air, as Glen starts filming. Behind them, Cubby’s Rolls drives up to the set and he gets out.)
Cubby: Morning, John.
John: Ah… hello, Cubby.
Cubby: Shooting going well? Where’s Tim?
John: (Stalling for time.) Tim?
Cubby: Yes, where’s Tim?
(Glen points abashedly up in the air.)


  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,425Chief of Staff
    Mid 1970s. (On set of "The Satanic Rites Of Dracula")

    Dracula: Now I have you at my mercy, Van Helsing.
    Van Helsing: (Produces crucifix) Not so fast, Count Dracula!
    Director: Cut! And print!
    Cushing: So, how are the kids Chris?
    Lee: Oh, they're fine Peter. My wife asks if you want to come for dinner on Saturday.
    Cushing: That would be lovely, thanks. Did you enjoy that James Bond film you did?
    Lee: It was great fun! I enjoyed it very much- well, except for Harry Saltzman of course.
    Cushing: Do you think you'll be back for another?
    Lee: Shouldn't think so, I was killed at the end.
    Cushing: That should not be a problem- I've killed you seventeen times in this series and here we are shooting another one!
    Lee: What have you got next?
    Cushing: Oh, a chap named Lucas has sent me a script- some sort of space wars thing.
    Lee: What's your character name?
    Cushing: I think it's Grand Moff Tarkin or something like that.
    Lee: Hmm, that'll never amount to much. You won't catch me doing that!
    Director: Back on set please, gentlemen.
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,425Chief of Staff
    1965. (A recording studio.)

    Barry: Now, Tom, this is in a very high key. You'll need to watch the high B at the end-
    Jones: Yeah, yeah. Gimme the mike.
  • CoolHandBondCoolHandBond Mactan IslandPosts: 7,624MI6 Agent
    Barbel wrote:
    1965. (A recording studio.)

    Barry: Now, Tom, this is in a very high key. You'll need to watch the high B at the end-
    Jones: Yeah, yeah. Gimme the mike.

    Jones: Good lyrics about Largo, Don
    Black: No they’re about Bond
    Jones: Really? Most of the words seem to be about Largo to me
    Black: Well, I suppose they could apply to both but does it matter? No one’s gonna be talking about it in 2020 are they?
    Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.
  • SpectreOfDefeatSpectreOfDefeat Posts: 404MI6 Agent
    A Turkish hillside. 1963.

    YOUNG: And…back on set please, next up we’re going to shoot the exterior of the train as it goes by.
    CUBBY: Where’s Ian?
    CUBBY: Fleming. Haven’t seen him lately. He was wearing a white jumper and carrying a stick…
    YOUNG: Can’t worry about things like that now, chaps. Everyone back on set.
    CUBBY: Where has the fellow got to?
    YOUNG: Never mind. Extra in the white jumper with the cane, start walking…
    CUBBY: He looks familiar…
    YOUNG: Haven’t time for that now, gents. Extra over there- stand by the train when it passes, will you? Clapperboard at the ready…
    CUBBY: Oh dear, where can he have gone?
    YOUNG: ...Action!

    "The spectre of defeat..."

  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,425Chief of Staff
    :D :D :D That's the idea, guys!

    Early 2000s. (On set.)

    Brosnan: Could you just run over that one more time, please?
    Tamahori: Sure, you're on this ice cliff, see, and trying to get the parachute off the vehicle you've been using.
    Brosnan: Ice cliff... parachute...
    Tamahori: Then the ice cliff falls into the water, but you're ok cos you got this parachute and you parasail over the waves and back to land.
    Brosnan: Parasail...
    Tamahori: Don't look so worried, Pierce, we'll fix it up with a bit of CGI. It's gonna be great!
  • Charmed & DangerousCharmed & Dangerous Posts: 7,358MI6 Agent
    edited July 2020
    Stratford-upon-Avon, early 1600s

    Anne: Good morrow, husband, I trust thee hath slept well?
    Will: Good morrow, Anne. Nay, I hath had a sleepless night.
    Anne: Prithee, sire, that causes me great sorrow to hear. May I enquire as to the reasons for thine sleeplessness? Wast thou carousing at Ye Royal Gambling Tavern again?
    Will: Why Anne, I was plagued by visions of series of new plays I must write.
    Anne: Plagued? Perhaps I may call thee a physician, nay? Thou shalt not live twice, as thou knowest, husband.
    Will: Thankee my lady, but nay.
    Anne: Thou hast finished thy latest play then, about ye ball of thunder? Ye Tempest?
    Will: I dreamt of a new character, a most civil servant. Though he ist called Sir James, he hath also a number: Naught Naught Seven.
    Anne: Ooh, I like the sound of this. Is this servant in ye service of her majesty, most discreetly?
    Will: Aye, 'tis so. This Knight, Sir James, is sent by his boss, a man... or mayhap a woman, or mayhap a man again, I've still to work it out... anyway, Sir James is despatched to vanquish the foes of merrie England, though he actually be half-Scot and half-Swiss.
    Anne: Heavens plummet! I knowest that solely for thine eyes are thy drafts, but I would love to hear a little more, husband. I wouldst hope it would give thee a modicum of comfort to know that thy gilded fingers shalt be true of aim, like ye yeoman with a gilded crossbow that thou art. Dost thou have titles yet for these plays of daring-do?
    Will: Well, I'm sure I can think of something along ye way...
    "How was your lamb?" "Skewered. One sympathises."
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,425Chief of Staff
    :)) :)) :))
    Loved that! (Of course!) Nicely detailed.
    Have you seen "Upstart Crow", C&D?
  • Charmed & DangerousCharmed & Dangerous Posts: 7,358MI6 Agent
    edited July 2020
    Yes! My youngest daughter is crazy for Shakespeare, and we love Upstart Crow (or 'ye further adventures of Blackadder' as it should really be called). Are you a fan, Barbel?
    "How was your lamb?" "Skewered. One sympathises."
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,425Chief of Staff
    Absolutely, it's hilarious- and as you say very Blackadder.
  • Charmed & DangerousCharmed & Dangerous Posts: 7,358MI6 Agent
    This 'imaginary conversations' thread is a great idea, btw. -{ I'm sure some of these have, as you say, more than a grain of truth in them!
    "How was your lamb?" "Skewered. One sympathises."
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,425Chief of Staff
    Mid 2000s. (On set.)

    Daniel: You have got to be joking, Martin.
    Martin: No, it's really simple. You strip off, we tie you to that chair with no seat, and Mads whacks your balls with this length of rope. Several times. What's not to understand?
    Daniel: No f*cking way am I going to do that!!!
    Martin: We could change it to a carpet beater if you prefer.
    Daniel: Not going to happen!!!
    Martin: It'll be a great scene. Mads will deliberately miss hitting you where it counts.
    Mads: Martin, is it all right if I put on my glasses for this scene? I wouldn't want to hit Daniel straight in the balls by mistake. Several times.
    Martin: No, I'm sure you can manage without them. Now, Dan... Dan? Where did he go?
  • SpectreOfDefeatSpectreOfDefeat Posts: 404MI6 Agent
    Pinewood Studios. 2008.

    MARC FORSTER: Move the camera…set up…action…CUT!
    DANIEL CRAIG: What’s my motivation in this scene?
    MARC FORSTER: We’ll fix it in editing, Dan. Move the camera…set up…action…CUT!
    JUDI DENCH: What’s my line again?
    MARC FORSTER: I don’t know, we haven’t finished writing it yet. Move the camera…set up…action…CUT!
    BARBARA BROCCOLI: I hope you know what you’re doing, guys…
    MARC FORSTER: Action! CUT! Action! CUT! Action! CUT! (Laughs maniacally)

    "The spectre of defeat..."

  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,425Chief of Staff
    Late 1960s. (On a beach.)

    Hunt: So you think you're ready to go then George?
    Lazenby: Yeah, no worries.
    Hunt: Ok, action!
    Lazenby: My name's James, James Bond.
    Hunt: Cut! No, George, do it like you did in rehearsal.
    Lazenby: Ah, sure, Peter, I get it.
    Hunt: Right. Action!
    Lazenby: My name's James, Bond James.
    Hunt: Cut!
    Rigg: Look, I have an idea- would it help if I said "Your name's Bond, James Bond" then he only has to say "Yes"?
    Hunt: No, he has to say it.
    Baker: I could dub it in?
    Hunt: No, too early for that.
    Lazenby: I can get it Peter, really I can.
    Hunt: Of course you can, George, we'll try it one more time- and if it doesn't work, we'll see what happens with the other fella.
  • caractacus pottscaractacus potts Orbital communicator, level 10Posts: 4,167MI6 Agent
    Barbel wrote:
    Rigg: Look, I have an idea- would it help if I said "Your name's Bond, James Bond" then he only has to say "Yes"?
    Hunt: No, he has to say it.
    Baker: I could dub it in?
    Hunt: No, too early for that.
    haha, poor George.
    I really noticed that last time I watched the film.
    That's the unfortunate flipside of ProsAndCons-ifying as you watch, suddenly realising the best Bond film ever actually stars a lead actor who is barely trusted to deliver his own dialog.
  • SpectreOfDefeatSpectreOfDefeat Posts: 404MI6 Agent
    A soundstage at Pinewood, 1987.

    TIMOTHY DALTON: (scowls intensely) The name's Bond, James Bond.
    JOHN GLEN: That’s…great, Tim.
    TIMOTHY DALTON: Something wrong, John?
    JOHN GLEN: No, nothing. Just carry on as you were.
    TIMOTHY DALTON: (glares ferociously) The name's Bond, James Bond.
    JOHN GLEN: There’s something a bit…I don’t know…
    TIMOTHY DALTON: (frowning) What is it?
    JOHN GLEN: Don’t you think your delivery’s a bit…serious?
    TIMOTHY DALTON: (glowering fiercely) Of course not. I’m trying to portray the suppressed psychological resentment a man would feel at having to conform to the wishes of a grotesque and tyrannical body such as MI6, and convey something of the guilt and shame Bond would undergo at having to live up to the expectations of behaving like an international playboy. Its all a metatextual commentary on the fractured existentialist duality of the protagonist, linking cleverly to Orwell, Sartre, Proust and Shakespeare…John…have you fallen asleep?
    CUBBY BROCCOLI: How’s Bond 15 coming along, everyone?

    "The spectre of defeat..."

  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,425Chief of Staff
    Late 1970s. (Cubby Broccoli's office at Pinewood. He looks out of the window at the activity below, then throws his arm around Michael G. Wilson's shoulders.)

    Cubby: Someday, son, all this will be yours.
    MGW: What, the curtains?
    Cubby: Not just the curtains but the whole world of James Bond. The quarrels over budgets, the reluctant stars, the script conferences, jetting round the globe, maverick directors, publicity stunts... and you're gonna love it!
    MGW: Just you show me the ropes, Cubby, I'll do all that.
    Cubby: And get your sister to help, once she's old enough.
    MGW: Sure, I was planning on that anyway.
    Cubby: Above all, you gotta remember that the public is fickle. There's always other studios with other hero characters trying to muscle in on our territory.
    MGW: You mean like Matt Helm or Our Man Flint or Harry Palmer?
    Cubby: Exactly! I saw 'em all off and we're still going. Who knows what someone's gonna come up with in the future?
    MGW: Superheroes? Like Captain America and Iron Man?
    Cubby: Nah, that'll never catch on. Maybe they'll turn TV shows into films? But all you gotta do is one thing, Michael- just keep making the Bond movies as regular as clockwork, say every two years. That way even if you make a bummer then there's another before too long, and the public won't let someone else take over.
    MGW: I'll remember that, Cubby. What could possibly go wrong?

    (I couldn't resist the "curtains" line)
  • Charmed & DangerousCharmed & Dangerous Posts: 7,358MI6 Agent
    :)) :)) :)) Love the curtains line!

    London, 2005.

    Barbara: Welcome on board Dan!
    Daniel: Thanks Babs! It's great to have the gig, finally.
    Barbara: So, have you given any thought as to how you'll portray bond?
    Daniel: Well I want to stamp my own personality on the role. We've had Sean, the school bully, and Roger, the school prefect, and George, the school dropout. We've also had Timmy the Thesp, and Pierce, the smoothie. So I was thinking...
    Barbara: Yes? I'm all ears!
    Daniel: I was thinking I'd hit the gym. Hard. Play a really tough, ex-military 007. Update him from RNVR to ex-SBS. When you launch me at the Press Conference, maybe on a speedboat surrounded by other SBS types, I want to look tougher and more dangerous than them, no life jacket, that kind of thing.
    Barbara: Umm...
    Daniel: And I really want Bond to be competent, and charming, and smooth, and especially I think the audience would love Bond to get back to bedding as many chicks as possible, none of that one-girl-per-movie stuff like Tim Dalton, or just one or two like Pierce.
    Barbara: Umm...
    Daniel: And the films, I'd really want to go back to old-school, exciting missions. None of that silly let's-make-it-personal stuff like Pierce had to put up with, with Alec Trevelyan and Paris Carver.
    Barbara: Umm...
    "How was your lamb?" "Skewered. One sympathises."
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,425Chief of Staff
    :)) :)) :))
    Now if only that one was true!
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,425Chief of Staff
    Barbel wrote:
    1965. (A recording studio.)

    Barry: Now, Tom, this is in a very high key. You'll need to watch the high B at the end-
    Jones: Yeah, yeah. Gimme the mike.

    Jones: Good lyrics about Largo, Don
    Black: No they’re about Bond
    Jones: Really? Most of the words seem to be about Largo to me
    Black: Well, I suppose they could apply to both but does it matter? No one’s gonna be talking about it in 2020 are they?

    Through the power of a breakthrough in modern technology, we actually have a picture of this conversation-


    (Don Black has just published his memoirs- I for one will be buying!)
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    Since this thread has started, Barbel is on fire! :D

    Waiting for his version about how they decided to go with Craig :))
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,425Chief of Staff
    Since you asked...

    2005. (Eon HQ, deep inside a hollowed out volcano. With a monorail.)

    BB: Right, we've fired Pierce Brosnan- his films only brought in $1.5 billion at the box office. What do we do now?
    MGW: We do what Cubby always said- go back to Fleming.
    BB: Seems reasonable, what do the books say?
    MGW: They say James Bond has black hair and is six foot tall. You know, like Pierce Brosnan. How about Hugh Jackman?
    BB: Nah...
    MGW: Clive Owen?
    BB: Nah...
    MGW: Dougray Scott?
    BB: Nah... how about Daniel Craig?
    MGW: But, Barbara, he's got blond-
    BB: Yes, Daniel Craig!
    MGW: And he's only five foot-
    BB: (Stamps foot.) Daniel Craig!! Or I'll tell mother!!
    MGW: Ok, ok....
  • CoolHandBondCoolHandBond Mactan IslandPosts: 7,624MI6 Agent
    Barbel wrote:
    Barbel wrote:
    1965. (A recording studio.)

    Barry: Now, Tom, this is in a very high key. You'll need to watch the high B at the end-
    Jones: Yeah, yeah. Gimme the mike.

    Jones: Good lyrics about Largo, Don
    Black: No they’re about Bond
    Jones: Really? Most of the words seem to be about Largo to me
    Black: Well, I suppose they could apply to both but does it matter? No one’s gonna be talking about it in 2020 are they?

    Through the power of a breakthrough in modern technology, we actually have a picture of this conversation-


    (Don Black has just published his memoirs- I for one will be buying!)

    :) :) :) If only they had taped the conversation :))
    Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,425Chief of Staff
    I'm sure we got it pretty close!
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,425Chief of Staff
    2008. (Eon HQ. Michael G. Wilson & Barbara Broccoli are politely listening to David Arnold.)

    David: … so I wrote this tune, you’re really going to like it, and I’ve used bits of it in the score. Then I got Don Black to write the lyrics- they’re really good, and he managed to fit the word “solace” in! Then I thought, well I’ve got to go all out here so I asked- you’ll never believe it- Shirley Bassey to sing it!
    BB: Er, David-
    David: Yes, Shirley Bassey herself! And guess what? She said yes! I mean, I’ve got the real Shirley Bassey, the real James Bond singing person, Dame Shirley herself singing this great song that Don and I wrote!
    MGW: David-
    David: I never thought she would agree! I mean, I was so pleased that Don agreed to work with me, makes it even more like I’m filling John Barry’s shoes, but Shirley-
    BB: David-
    David: - and she said it was a great song and she was delighted to be singing it, I mean, I’d never have even thought that-
    MGW: DAVID!!!!
    David: Oh yes, sorry, Barbara and Michael, what did you want to say?
    BB: Well, we’ve asked Jack White if he could come up with something for the main titles.
    David: Jack White? But I’ve got this-
    MGW: Here, David, put these earphones on. Right, now take a listen…

    (Three and a half minutes later.)

    MGW: David? David?
    BB: What do you think’s wrong?
    MGW: I don’t know. He was listening to Jack White’s song for about ten seconds before he got that glazed look in his eyes. Then he sort of shook all over before freezing into that unnatural position. It may be shock.
    BB: Do you think he’ll ever move again?
    MGW: Well, I hope so. He’s a talented composer who’s a definite benefit to the Bond series. We wouldn’t want to have to replace him for the next film or two with someone derivative and repetitive, even if the director says so.
    BB: Do you think we should play him the Jack White song again?
    (David leaps up from his chair and runs screaming from the room.)
    MGW: ….perhaps not.
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,425Chief of Staff
    1965. (On set, Palmyra.)

    Terence: ...then you fight the bad guy in the pool. You kill him, then Largo opens this hatch and lets in the sharks. You have to-
    Sean: Hey shlower, shlower there- did you shay sharksh?
    Terence: Yes, that’s right, sharks. We’ve got about three or four of them and they come down the tunnel into the pool-
    Sean: The pool where I am?
    Terence: That’s right, and you-
    Sean: Now wait a minute, where’sh the shtuntman?
    Terence: Shtuntman, er, stuntman?
    Sean: Damn right, I’m not shwimming with shome sharksh.
    Terence: Well, I want the audience to see that it’s you. I’ve got to have some shots of you with the sharks.
    Sean: I don’t care what you’ve got to have, no way am I going in the water with them!
    Terence: (Losing patience.) How would you feel about some mutated sea bass?
    Sean: Are they ill-tempered?
    Terence: They will be after I poke them with a stick.
    Sean: Friggin’ shea bassh….
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,425Chief of Staff
    1986. (Eon HQ.) that’s about it, then. Pierce, if you’ll just sign on the dotted line here. Now, where did I put my pen?
    Pierce: I’ve got mine all ready, Mr Broccoli, sir!
    Cubby: That’s great, if you’ll just- oh, I see you’ve already done it. In fact the paper is smoking from the speed with which you signed.
    Pierce: I’ve been practising for just this moment.
    MGW: Well, allow me to be the first to say congratulations, Pierce- or should I say, Mr Bond.
    Pierce: (Slightly dazed and starry-eyed.) Mr Bond. James Bond. My name’s Bond, James Bond. (Smiles happily.)
    Cubby: Yes, that’s the case. I hope we make a lot of good movies together.
    Pierce: Oh yes, me too.
    Cubby: Michael, have you got the script there?
    MGW: Yes, right here- have a look, Pierce.
    Pierce: (Reading.) “The Living Daylights”- interesting title.
    Cubby: Yes, I’m looking forward to this.
    Pierce: I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time…
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,425Chief of Staff
    2008. (Editing suite.)

    Forster: So, as you see we start with the camera panning across the water getting closer to the car chase-
    MGW: That’s fine, Marc, it can come just after the gunbarrel.
    Forster: Gunbarrel?
    BB: Yes, you know, the gunbarrel that starts off the Bond films.
    Forster: You didn’t do that on the last film!
    BB: Yes, well, we sort of did, but there was a reason for that. There’s no reason not to include it here.
    Forster: I want to make an artistic statement, unclouded by decades of tradition.
    MGW: Artistic statement?
    Forster: I told you- earth, fire, water, air. Well, we’re going to open on water.
    BB: Sure, but after the gunbarrel. I mean-
    Forster: You are interfering with my artistic judgement! You said I could direct this film my way!
    MGW: Yes, but-
    Forster: Next thing you’ll be telling me how to edit it!
    BB: Ah, yes, that’s another thing. About the editing-
    Forster: Philistines!
    (He stomps off.)
    MGW: (Sighs heavily.) I suppose we could let him do it his way.
    BB: I suppose so. It’s still bound to be a big success, and it’s not as if Bond fans will be arguing about it for years afterwards.
  • CoolHandBondCoolHandBond Mactan IslandPosts: 7,624MI6 Agent
    1982. Cubby, Maibaum, MGW and Glen are discussing the next Bond movie.

    Glen: The general view of Bond fans is that FYEO is a great entry in the series, getting Bond back on a more serious level, many think it’s the best Roger film so far, I’m really happy with it!
    Cubby: Maybe so, but it made a lot less profit than MR so we need to get back to some good old comedy.
    MGW: We need to play to Roger’s strengths as an actor, he hates all that macho stuff like kicking cars off a cliff, he’s much better clowning around.
    Maibaum: Ok, I will get him dressed up as a clown in a circus!
    Glen: But....
    Cubby: Brilliant idea, Richard.
    MGW: How about getting Bond swing through trees on a vine doing the Tarzan yell?
    Glen: But...
    Cubby: Great idea, write it in, Richard.
    Maibaum: Who’s popular on TV at the moment?
    MGW: That Barbara woman, who trains dogs
    Glen: But no one outside of the UK knows her!
    Cubby: Oh we all watch that, John, maybe try and get something out of that, Richard, I’m sure we can think of something.
    Glen: (Exasperated) We may as well dress him up in a gorilla suit as well!
    Cubby: Now you’re talking! Write that in, Richard.
    Glen: (Stands up to leave, in a huff) Oh, for goodness sake!
    Cubby, Maibaum and MGW, altogether: SIT!!!!!
    Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,425Chief of Staff
    :)) :)) :)) :))
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,425Chief of Staff
    1975. (Eon HQ.)

    MGW: Cubby, I have some news for you. It seems that Harry Saltzman-
    Cubby: Friggin’ Saltzman, always causing trouble, I wish I’d never-
    MGW: Listen, he’s lost a lot of money and he’s had to sell up. You’re now the sole producer of the James Bond movies.
    Cubby: What? That’s wonderfu- I mean, poor Harry!
    MGW: Yes, he sold out to United Artists and you’re now the owner of Eon without him.
    Cubby: Amazing, er, I mean, amazingly bad for Harry.
    MGW: Are you feeling ok Cubby? I mean, you’re smiling so wide it looks like the top of your head might fall off. And I’ve never seen you dance for joy like that.
    Cubby: No, no, everything’s fine, I’m just feeling, er, sorry for Harry. Yes, sorry…
    MGW: So what does this mean?
    Cubby: It means a promotion for you, my boy! But first, let’s get the family all together and have a meal to celebra- commiserate for Harry. Better order some fireworks, and flowers, and champagne. Lots of champagne.
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