Bond26 in 2025 and 007 to be "reinvented" says Babs Broccoli



  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 6,040MI6 Agent

    I don't think it's likely to be a complete unknown: they will want and need someone with experience of movie acting, because it's too big a gig to give to someone who's never done it before. Not a big star, no, but someone who knows what they're doing.

  • SomeoneSomeone Posts: 1,613MI6 Agent

    I think with this "reinvention", as Babs has said, they were thinking about who Bond is, and that would be the basis of any script and you might ask, who is doing this reinvention, who is on that team and I'd be surprised if Purvis and Wade were not on it, even if they don't pen the script themselves, maybe "story by x and Purvis & Wade" but the screenplay is by x.

    As I understand it, Hollywood typically begins with a script, then they have an idea about who they'd like to play the role or a list of actors and they go down the list to negotiate with the movie star, and then when the actor is on-board they pick a director, or that process runs in parallel, and then usually the script changes, to what degree depends on its "development" as its known, what the lead actor and director want. For example, the movie "Salt" was originally going to be a Tom Cruise vehicle but he dropped out and they gave it to Angelina Jolie, then there were script changes.

    EON, I think, will 'reinvent' Bond, and have a Bond26 script that expands on that reinvention, pick a director (hopefully Martin Campbell) and then they want an actor who can be Bond for the next 4 films, at least, as the typical contract is 3 movies plus one optional one. I think while the DC era was a soft reboot with M still played by Dame Judi Dench, having killed Bond off they can only really go for a hard reboot reinvention with an all new cast.

    What I thought was interesting about the story emtiem linked too is that it refers to 75th anniversary, so 15 years away, and that would be five films (3 films and optional 2 more contract?) with 3 years between each film, which I think has to be a realistic timeframe for making big budget movies now. The reference to 2024 is interesting too, I'd only seen 2025 and 2026 suggestions before. With a 2024 release, they'd likely announce the actor in about a year's time, as pre-production is about to start, and we should definitely hear about script writers in the first half of 2023.

    The date of 2037 is also interesting because I believe that is about when the worldwide copyright on Fleming's work runs out - it already has in Canada. Non-EON Bond films could be made then and I could imagine that EON might want to bring things to a close, whether it is still Babs or Michael Wilson's kids. Perhaps it's appropriate that official Bond films finally end with the 007th actor to play the role of 007, however reinvented they are?

  • SomeoneSomeone Posts: 1,613MI6 Agent

    I think its going to be an 'unknown' because if you go to the trouble of reinventing a character and franchise what is the point of having say a Henry Cavil when the audience will simply see either Superman in a Tux or "that villain from the Mission Impossible movie" in a Tux. When I suggest people like Leo Suter, I look on IMDB for British born actors who have TV and film experience, but are not big names. When I say big names I'd include that guy who played Jon Snow in Game of Thrones, not just the Cavils of this world. As Thunderbird 2 says, it will be someone we don't ALL know. Peaky Blinder or Valhalla fans might say, 'oh it's that guy, what's his name,' but pretty much everyone will only see James Bond 007 on screen. And that is what is needed.

  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 6,040MI6 Agent

    I think it very much depends on your definition of 'unknown' then. By that definition it seems you would class Daniel Craig as being an unknown at the time, which I very much wouldn't.

  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,569MI6 Agent

    I Imagine someone who hasn't been on the cover of major movie or celeb magazines yet and hasn't been the lead of a big-budget movie yet. But the actor may have been the lead of a couple of good TV series and/or smaller quality movies and ad supporting cast in big-budget movies.

  • AugustWalkerAugustWalker Posts: 880MI6 Agent

    Of course I‘m biased bc he‘s my top choice for the part but I think you all are overestimating the „star power“ of Henry Cavill… ;D

    The name is Walker by the way.

    IG: @thebondarchives
    Check it out, you won’t be disappointed :)
  • Red_SnowRed_Snow Posts: 297MI6 Agent

    As I understand it, Babs & Co. are waiting to see whether they can carry a film on their own. What isn't clear is whether it's someone in an upcoming film, or they're waiting for it to happen.

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  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,569MI6 Agent

    Of course they have to find someone who can carry a film, that's the point! The hard part is to find someone who can carry someone who can carry a big-budget action movie, but hasn't done it yet.

  • Red_SnowRed_Snow Posts: 297MI6 Agent

    Yes, that was implied. What I meant, is that they're essentially, at this point, going down the Craig route again with a Layer Cake type scenario. But wasn't communicated to me, was whether it's someone in an upcoming release, or something that's only in the early stages of production.

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  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,569MI6 Agent

    By a Layer Cake scenario you mean .....?

  • SomeoneSomeone Posts: 1,613MI6 Agent

    Exactly. As for how unknown Daniel Craig was, I'd seen Our Friends in the North and the Lara Croft movie he was in and when they announced it was him, I didn't recognise the name, Didn't recognise the face either. I immediately went and rented Layer Cake and could see he'd make a good Bond. I think the new guy will be seen by many in the same light though some may know the name, just as emtiem did with DC. I'm really interested in seeing how they reinvent Bond and the franchise, though many will no doubt be dreading it.

  • SomeoneSomeone Posts: 1,613MI6 Agent

    My speculation about a film/game tie in for Bond26 might be right.

    This video game website, and others, are reporting that IO Interactive is not expected to release its Project 007 game until 2025.

    Wanting to face capture the new actor?

  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 6,040MI6 Agent

    Very doubtful; they'd have to change creative course entirely to fit in with wherever Eon go if they were to do that.

  • SomeoneSomeone Posts: 1,613MI6 Agent

    The game is an origin story and Babs Broccoli has said they are reinventing Bond.

    I can't see any need to change creative course. New Bond, reinvented, potentially younger 30s Bond, an origin story of sorts seems to me to be pretty likely as a possible direction. The video game websites also talk about the fact that once IO publishes the latest Hitman game this year, the ONLY game they are working on is Project 007. Quite a commitment. I'd say a movie tie in for a new Bond would justify that level of commitment of resources. IMHO.

  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 6,040MI6 Agent
    edited September 2022

    IO are going down their course now and have been for a while, Eon haven’t been pursuing that and the two are unlikely to be connected. Maybe IO will pause their whole operation so they can connect to the Eon project, but I suspect they’d be hoping to make some money as soon as they possibly can rather than pause the project for an indeterminate amount of time while they wait for The next movie (and then get told by Eon that they’ve gone the wrong way with it and have to start again). But you’re the expert, you tell us. There’s only one way to do Bond in his 30’s after all, isn’t there?

    i do remember you arguing that there weren’t any scenes set in Jamaica in NTTD though… 😉

  • SomeoneSomeone Posts: 1,613MI6 Agent

    Eh?! I never argued there were no Jamaica scenes in NTTD. I argued Jamaica could double for Cuba and it did, for example, with Bond's arrival on his yacht.

    Anyway, IO do not have to 'pause' their operation, video games have been like films for years now and it takes a few years to dvelop a game and IO are spending a longer than usual amount of time developing Project 007 which is a good sign as we want another Goldeney007, not 007 Legends.

  • SomeoneSomeone Posts: 1,613MI6 Agent

    I did make some other Bond predictions which stirred the pot somewhat and some people got quite heated.

    I'll leave this;

    and this;

    ...right here. What do they know. ;-)

    60th anniversary this October. Just sayin'.

  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 6,040MI6 Agent
    edited September 2022

    I remember you kept on arguing that the scenes clearly set in Jamaica such as the roundabout scene with Bond's Land Rover must be set in Cuba (or even Uganda 😉), even though there were Jamaican taxis and flags in view. It was ridiculous, but it doesn't matter now.

  • kristopherm3kristopherm3 Posts: 161MI6 Agent

    I still feel to this day that, irrespective of whether it's one of your favourites or not, GoldenEye struck the perfect tone. It was the perfect balance between light and dark, modern yet classic. It reinvigorated the franchise and brought Bond to a new audience without totally reinventing it. That's what I'd hope to see moving forward but honestly, I feel like they're going to go even more experimental than the Craig era, though I hope not.

  • SomeoneSomeone Posts: 1,613MI6 Agent

    The point I was making was that what you saw in the BTS, where flags etc were visible, was not necessarily going to be in the view of the actual camera recording the scene. And if you watch that scene where Bond encounters Felix and Logan in their car in that square, no flag is visible.

    I look forward to similar debates when Bond26 is being made and our shero is fighting anti-woke mealtimesixers during Pride day/month in Washington DC with a rainbow coloured non-lethal Q gun.

  • Miles MesservyMiles Messervy Posts: 1,777MI6 Agent

    The game won’t tie in with the new actor or the fIlm. My guess is the game comes out a year before the film.

  • kristopherm3kristopherm3 Posts: 161MI6 Agent

    Is this a trusted source?

  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 6,040MI6 Agent
    edited September 2022

    Yes it's a good point, it was a pretty perfect relaunch. But then CR was too I guess. I'd be happy with something like GE but I wouldn't mind it given a good refresh- I do remember anticipating GE for months and months and then finally seeing it and thinking 'it's great I love it, although it is very much a Bond film like the ones I've seen before'.

    No that wasn't your point, the link is right there. Honestly, it doesn't matter, you get some things right too occasionally; but I'm just saying that you stick dogmatically to these ideas you have and ignore new evidence. It's okay to rethink things based on new information, you don't have to argue from one POV.

    No idea what point you're trying to make in the second para.

  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,569MI6 Agent
    edited September 2022

    Let's not worry too much based on guesswork. And we know one thing for sure: Bond in Bond26 won't be a "shero". BB has said quite clearly that James Bond will always be a man.

  • HalfMonk HalfHitmanHalfMonk HalfHitman USAPosts: 2,366MI6 Agent

    "I look forward to similar debates when Bond26 is being made and our shero is fighting anti-woke mealtimesixers during Pride day/month in Washington DC with a rainbow coloured non-lethal Q gun."

    Can't we save this cack for whatever white nationalist forum you learned those words on?

  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,439Chief of Staff

    I'll close this thread if comments continue in this way. Use PMs if you have to.

  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,569MI6 Agent

    Let's continue the discussion in a calmer, factual and absolutely less personal style. Someone mentioned a "non-lethal Q-gun". Is this prediction based on experience? I don't think so. After Cubby passed away and especially during Craig's tenure we've seen a more lethal and brutal Bond. I don't see any reason at all to expect Bond to turn in his PPK in favour af a non-lethal gun.

  • The Red KindThe Red Kind EnglandPosts: 3,342MI6 Agent

    Agree guys. Let's keep an interesting debate, civil and respectful.

    They'll have to evolve Bond to keep things fresh, they've always done that in a way that for the audience it's still a James Bond film, whilst not necessarily keeping all the stereotypes and things that are no longer accepted in the age we live in. Society and culture changes, whether we like it or not.

    I fully expect and accept that the next James Bond will not necessarily look or act like Roger Moore or Sean Connery, but he will still be James Bond and it will still be a James Bond film.

    The Beatles are a perfect example of evolving. The early albums were completely different to those in the mid sixties to those in the late sixties. And that was just spanning less than 10 years. For Bond to remain pretty much the same character that he has, successfully as he has, for 60 years, is pretty amazing. The next actor will be different from the last, and all those that have gone before, might be a different colour, nationality, but he will still be James Bond.

    "Any of the opposition around..?"
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,569MI6 Agent
    edited September 2022

    Just what does "mealtimesixers" mean? A quick online search didn't give any results.

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