Post needing approval
Posts: 206MI6 Agent
I just posted a message on Die Another Day and got that message about it having to be approved. Please let me know about any updates as to why this occurred. Thank you.
I've approved it, Dovy. This happens from time to time.
Thanks. I see it just appeared.
I see it just happened again with my posting on Casino Royale.......
When will my post about Casino Royale appear? Thanks.
It's there, Dovy, as is my response.
On my posting about Spectre I had one more question:
12) Where did Madeline Swann go when Bond put her on the train at the end of the film, and what's Bond's life for the next five years in retirement in Jamaica after Italy?
Hi Dovy. Press the symbol in the top right corner of your post, and you will be presented with the choice of "Edit" or "Delete". If you choose to press "Edit", you can add your latest question to your post.
I posted a message on and it is waiting for approval too. Can someone help? Thanks.
That's it done 🙂
Thank you!!! 👍️🙂
Why are posts needing approval? Is this required for all posts? I posted in the Bond 26 section and didn't see my post. Then posted again (pretty much the same thing) and noticed it said approval was needed, before disappearing.
It’s because the forum software doesn’t let its members post several posts too quickly - this is to stop spammers spamming the whole forum…
You made a post and then went to edit it…you did so under the required time - so it hit the spam filter…that’s the reason, nothing sinister 🙂