No Q in 21?

HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,901Chief of Staff
Rumors, rumors, rumors. . . Much as I hate them, here's another: John Cleese claims that Q does not appear in the present version of the Bond 21 script. You can read more about it by clicking on the link to the right of the main page, or by going directly to the source:

Post your thoughts here, but PLEASE--don't turn this into a "Who should be the next Q?" discussion!
Vox clamantis in deserto


  • darenhatdarenhat The Old PuebloPosts: 2,029Quartermasters
    Not having Q in Bond 21 would be a big mistake...especially if the're introducing a new Bond. Q's absence from LALD was big minus for me. Unless they plan on doing a complete Bond makeover (and by that I mean making him not a British male spy with gadgets, guns, girls, extremely evil villians, and lots of dangerous, life-threatening action and escapes) than I suppose no Q would be acceptable.
  • justvisitingjustvisiting Posts: 61MI6 Agent
    That's very interesting, Hardyboy. It seems as if they are taking a page out of the playbook for writing LALD, trying to disassociate a new Bond (if that is the case) from previous Bonds. For the longest time, I couldn't understand why Desmond Llewellyn wasn't in LALD, and didn't believe the "he was busy acting in "Follyfoot" story. I'm confiedent that his missing presence in LALD is the same reason why Bond doesn't wear a dinner jacket or drink a martini in that film . . . too much association with the earlier films.

    I feel the present group planning the Bond films like to take things to the extreme. DAD had extreme computer graphics, and now the rumors are that they are swinging in the opposite direction, getting back to a "realistic" Bond, and away from gadgets.

    I would still like to see John Cleese in Bond 21. I didn't care for his comedic performance as 'R' in TWINE, but I did like his more serious performance in DAD. We'll just have to wait a while to find out . . .
  • MrsDallowayMrsDalloway Posts: 79MI6 Agent
    Of course, there could be another implication here:

    No Q, no gadgets...

    Yes, yes, I know that there was a trick watch in LALD, but it's an interesting supposition nonetheless.
  • superadosuperado Regent's Park West (CaliforniaPosts: 2,654MI6 Agent
    edited November 2004
    I doubt we'll ever see another Bond without a Q, being that the absence of this tradition will affect the viewing public's reception.

    However...wouldn't it be nice to see some regular, non-up-upity, non-eccentric arms expert who is actually called "Quartermaster"? For the matter, have him again be called "Major Boothroyd" and reinforce the tradition of Fleming's day (and to the present?) of having govermnment staffers coming from uniformed service, like Bond, M, Moneypenny, and even Hammond. It would be refreshing to see some guy who clearly looks ex-military, middle-aged, competent and most importantly, confident in delivering a briefing to 007. A pipe and eyepatch might even be nice touches!
    "...the purposeful slant of his striding figure looked dangerous, as if he was making quickly for something bad that was happening further down the street." -SMERSH on 007 dossier photo, Ch. 6 FRWL.....
  • MFisherMFisher Posts: 747MI6 Agent
    I would be thoroughly pleased if they did in fact get back to a more realistic character and got away from all the silly B.S. gadgets (like invisible cars etc) If Casino Royale is in fact the next Bond film then I could handle an absence of Q..
  • Lady RoseLady Rose London,UKPosts: 2,667MI6 Agent
    I can live without Q for a movie.If it is indeed a true,back to basics film, it could be a good move.I have never given nuch thought to the fact he was missing in LALD and I have felt generally that over the last few movies Q,M and Moneypenny have all had far too much screen time anyway.
    I was unsure about John Cleeses Q as I thought he was a bit OTT,but he seemed to pull it back a bit in DAD,so I wouldn't want to see him go altogether
    As previously stated,it could be that the new Bond could benefit from no previous associations.We shall have to wait and see..
  • DAWUSSDAWUSS My homepagePosts: 517MI6 Agent
    Q should be in the next Bond film but issue more realistic gadgets
  • taitytaity Posts: 702MI6 Agent
    According to Desmond's official biography, the producers opted to do this one (LALD) differently. But since then, the legend of Q has grown ever stronger.

    And by having John Clease as Q, surely it would boost the profile of the film. He is a classic British comedian, and I think it would reflect negatively on the film not having him in there.

    On the other side, if Bond 21 is a period piece, I wouldnt mind seeing no Q.
  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent
    No Q?? what!? why? arggg! *does really frustrated dance* the movie would be downright AWFUL! Q is one of the best characters....
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?
  • yodboy007yodboy007 McMinn CountyPosts: 129MI6 Agent
    A Bond film without Q??? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
  • Bond_James_BondBond_James_Bond +++ Classified +++Posts: 569MI6 Agent
    it'll only take 2mins to write him in (for his 30 secs of film time.

    "right 007 do pay attention.......and try and bring them back in one piece"
    The name's Bond_James_Bond
  • Golrush007Golrush007 South AfricaPosts: 3,421Quartermasters
    Come on! What is bond without Q. He will never be the same without Desmond Llewellyn, but not to have him at all would be a shame. I am not against the idea of more realistic and 'back to basics' bond, but surely Q can still fit in.
  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent
    Quoting Bond_James_Bond:
    it'll only take 2mins to write him in (for his 30 secs of film time.

    "right 007 do pay attention.......and try and bring them back in one piece"

    ha, that would be
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?
  • Soviet UnionSoviet Union Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    "Don't touch that! That's my lunch."
  • golddefender001golddefender001 Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    If there's no Q, there will not be good gadgets. And what is Bond without gadgets? He's like a bird with no wings. There needs to be a Q, or the public, for the most part, will hate the movie.
  • jbfreakjbfreak Posts: 144MI6 Agent
    Bond just wouldn't be Bond if Bond had no Q gadgets in the next Bond film. :)
  • DAWUSSDAWUSS My homepagePosts: 517MI6 Agent
    unless Bond has no use for gadgets because he
    isn't on a mission, like he's on some vacation time and falls in love with some woman, and there's no violence at all with the exception of a possible PTS
  • justvisitingjustvisiting Posts: 61MI6 Agent
    Quoting golddefender001:
    If there's no Q, there will not be good gadgets. And what is Bond without gadgets? He's like a bird with no wings. There needs to be a Q, or the public, for the most part, will hate the movie.

    I respectfully disagree. Some of the better Bond films, Dr. No, OHMSS, and FYEO really didn't have gadgets, and they are quite respected in the series. I like the films that don't rely heavily on gadgets as part of the story. OHMSS did have the safe-cracking/Xerox-copier device, but that scene could have been written without the gadget. IMO, its the best film of the series.

    The next film is supposedly Casino Royale, if the rumors are to be believed, and if it is closely based on the novel, there are no gadgets. I would prefer character-driven plots rather than lots of gadgets.
  • LBTVLBTV Posts: 10MI6 Agent
    Quoting DAWUSS:
    unless Bond has no use for gadgets because he
    isn't on a mission, like he's on some vacation time and falls in love with some woman, and there's no violence at all with the exception of a possible PTS

    That sounds like a pretty weak Bond film
  • RoebuckRoebuck UKPosts: 25MI6 Agent
    Quoting justvisiting:
    The next film is supposedly Casino Royale, if the rumors are to be believed, and if it is closely based on the novel, there are no gadgets.

    Depends on how you define gadget. As I remember there are two assassination weapons in Casino Royale (walking stick gun and camera bomb) which could loosely be described as gadgets.

    Most fictional spies today use unusual or technologically sophisticated equipment to help them complete their mission, even in shows like ‘Spooks’ and the Bourne movies. It would be unrealistic if they didn’t. The difference is that the gadgets have become too much of a focus in the recent Bond films, rather than being treated as tools which assist him in his job.
  • wordswords Buckinghamshire, EnglandPosts: 249MI6 Agent
    The Daily Express printed a report the other day stating that the next Bond was going to be Casino Royale & lose many of the gadgets. This 'no Q' theory would add credence to that idea.

    If you ask me the producers are heaping serious pressure on themselves to get the right Bond. Without the gadgets & the strong supporting cast whoever it is is going to have to give a fantastic performance otherwise the movie will bomb badly.
  • justvisitingjustvisiting Posts: 61MI6 Agent
    Quoting Roebuck:
    Quoting justvisiting:
    Depends on how you define gadget. As I remember there are two assassination weapons in Casino Royale (walking stick gun and camera bomb) which could loosely be described as gadgets.

    True, but I was thinking in terms of equipment used to Bond by 'Q'. . . but I definitely agree that it depends how much focus the filmmakers place on gadgets.
  • PredatorPredator Posts: 790Chief of Staff
    Quoting Hardyboy:
    John Cleese claims that Q does not appear in the present version of the Bond 21 script.

    Interesting ... but why should Cleese know about the (let's face it) first draft of the script ... they are not going to finalise a script until a director has been contracted, and they are certainly not going to let the actors know too much until a director is ready, willing and able.

    I have no problem with Q being there or not there ... all I want is a cohesive story that features the most appropriate characters to drive forward that story ... I personally found DAD's Q section to be particularly cringe-worthy with the subnormal 'Vanish' gag. This was no fault of Cleese, but if the gadgets and Q's involvement are there just to provide one-dimensioanl comic relief then no. If Q is there to provide an advancement of the plot then great ...
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    Well...I've been numb ever since we lost Desmond Llewelyn so it doesn't bother me much...

    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • RimouskiRimouski Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    Don't worry these are just rumors... Or, at least, I hope so! Can you figure out a Bond film whitout Q? I can't! Come on, will they rate the vodka martini too?

    Waiting for the 21 with a Q... of course!
  • Agent WadeAgent Wade Ann ArborPosts: 321MI6 Agent
    TWINE has shown us that Cleese is quirky. DAD has shown us that Cleese is now the man with the job. I'd really hope the next one would present him again with something really important to do. I mean, M was put in personal danger in Bond 19. Maybe for humorous shats and giggles, something should happen to the quartermaster.
  • Agent WadeAgent Wade Ann ArborPosts: 321MI6 Agent
    Now having some idea that Bond 21 is using Casino Royale as a stepping block, there may again be some need for the Quartermaster, just as there was in The Living Daylights. I still think the story should leave Bond to be vulnerable in the places where he's without help.
  • osmir007osmir007 Posts: 23MI6 Agent
    This is an interresting thread ! well done Hardy.

    I didnt thought about this , yes CR is before Q
    But what superado said is interresting it would be cool to see a middle-aged ex-military doing that job! ín CR or in the future Bonds
  • osmir007osmir007 Posts: 23MI6 Agent
    Quoting JakeL:
    Maybe people shouldn't post things like "This is a great topic! I love this." They don't really take the discussion anywhere.

    If somebody only put :this is great ....
    and depends.
  • Bond_JamesBond_James Posts: 24MI6 Agent
    In the book there is no Q but I think he will be used in CR the movie. And yes, time does fly without bond!
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