XBox 360 Gamers.



  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,288MI6 Agent
    edited October 2008
    Funny you mention FF:ROTSS as I had picked up the game a while ago for the PS3 (like yours, it had been heavily discounted). I'd played a little bit of the first level and then put it aside to try some other stuff. It has been waiting patiently ever since. Nice to hear that it has its moments; I'll have to fire it up again soon.

    Tomb Raider: Anniversary was a lot of fun (I still have my copy); its basically the original game but uses the Legend engine. A couple of the boss encounters were a little frustrating but overall it was definitely worth the money.

    I've been playing Fable II; very similar to the first game in that you're free to branch off from the main story, explore the land and take on as many quests as you like in any order that you wish. Lots of open-ended gameplay in this one and it has, for the most part, a nice leisurely pace to it allowing you really lose yourself in the game. You can also seriously customize your character's appearance as well as his attributes.
  • 00640064 Somewhere out west...Posts: 1,083MI6 Agent
    Alright everyone, I broke down and bought ANOTHER game the other day, and this one was Far Cry 2. This game needs little review, and the two words I have for it are....OH SNAP! Amazing game, and buy it...I love it, very much, and if it werent 1:24 in the morning. I would go on, but if you have amy questions, ask...I have answers.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,288MI6 Agent
    edited October 2008
    As is the case every holiday season, there are simply too many good games and not enough time (or money) to play them all. I'm hip deep in Fable II, Fallout 3 will most likely be next and Gears of War 2 comes out next week, as does Resistance 2. And of course QoS is due shortly. As such, Far Cry will probably end up taking a back seat for me until after the holidays.

    I really wish these software publishers would spread their releases out a little more throughout the year; they're only hurting themselves by dumping everything between October and December as there is only so much money to go around, especially in this shaky economy.

    One concern I do have with Far Cry 2 is that the entire game takes place in one location: Africa. Do the levels all start to look alike after a while or is there some variety to the environments?
  • 00640064 Somewhere out west...Posts: 1,083MI6 Agent
    TonyDP wrote:
    As is the case every holiday season, there are simply too many good games and not enough time (or money) to play them all. I'm hip deep in Fable II, Fallout 3 will most likely be next and Gears of War 2 comes out next week, as does Resistance 2. And of course QoS is due shortly. As such, Far Cry will probably end up taking a back seat for me until after the holidays.

    I really wish these software publishers would spread their releases out a little more throughout the year; they're only hurting themselves by dumping everything between October and December as there is only so much money to go around, especially in this shaky economy.

    One concern I do have with Far Cry 2 is that the entire game takes place in one location: Africa. Do the levels all start to look alike after a while or is there some variety to the environments?

    The environments are very different for about the first 10-15 hours of gameplay, and then they do become familiar...However, it isnt as much of a drawback as you might think because the devs really mix things up in terms of the environments, so it never becomes intolerable.

    As for your previous point, I actually disagree with this idea, as I try to save up money all year long (maybe a 20 dollar game once or twice)and then go crazy at the holidays (Sep.-Dec.). I do want quite a few games right now and the binge has already started (Spore, STALKER Clear Sky, Crysis Warhead, and Far Cry 2). However, I still want Call of Duty World at War, Mirrors Edge, and a few other games.
  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    edited November 2008
    Anyone interested in Gears of War 2, Circuit City has a nice promotion starting Friday, buy the game and get 1,600 free Microsoft Live points.

    I agree with Tony, releasing all these games at once ultimately hurts the games producers. I can only buy so many games during the holidays. I actually considered giving my kids a picture of the game they would be getting and then buying it after Christmas when the prices immediately drop. Kind of seemed like a cheap basta*d thing to do though.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,288MI6 Agent
    edited November 2008
    Anyone interested in Gears of War 2, Circuit City has a nice promotion starting Friday, but the game and get 1,600 free Microsoft Live points.

    Thanks for the heads up Barry; that's a great deal as those points cards go for $20 each. I'm definitely picking up GoW2 so I'll take a look at my local CC this weekend.
    I actually considered giving my kids a picture of the game they would be getting and then buying it after Christmas when the prices immediately drop. Kind of seemed like a cheap basta*d thing to do though.


    The other thing is that if you buy too many games at once, one or more will invariably get pushed aside and just linger on the shelf for months. I'm pretty disciplined about materially finishing one game before getting another (unless there's a good deal going on) but I have a few games that I haven't touched in ages because new stuff keeps coming out and I never get around to those older titles.

    I finished the main quest in Fable II over the weekend; pretty good game but quite honestly not as fun or innovative as the original Fable. Even though the main quest is done, the world remains open and there are still lots of things to do and places to explore so I still feel like I got my money's worth.

    I picked up Fallout 3 as I had some store credit at Gamestop (one of those deals I mentioned). Fired it up briefly but as it is such a long and involved game I may put it aside until after Gears of War 2.

    Also tried the Tomb Raider Underworld demo which is now up on Xbox live; beautiful graphics in this one although the control feels ever so loose. Still, the demo was fun and I'll be getting it as well.

    QoS as only garnered so-so reviews and the single player campaign (which is what I was most interested in) weighs in at a paltry 4-5 hours. No go on that one for me for a while; I'll get it when it drops in price as there's plenty more to play in the interim.
  • 00640064 Somewhere out west...Posts: 1,083MI6 Agent
    Well, I have a broken XBox 360 to work with that I can have if I can get it sadly doesnt have the RRoD so I would have to pay to have it repaired, not sure how much though.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,288MI6 Agent
    edited November 2008
    0064 wrote:
    Well, I have a broken XBox 360 to work with that I can have if I can get it sadly doesnt have the RRoD so I would have to pay to have it repaired, not sure how much though.

    What's wrong with the console? Also, look at the back of the console and see when it was built. If it isn't that old, MS may just go ahead and fix it.
  • 00640064 Somewhere out west...Posts: 1,083MI6 Agent
    MFR is 1-24-06, so it is past warranty. It is an e73, which is some ethernet port error as I gather. I think I might be able to fix it (irony, my dad gave me a set of tools to take to college, thought Id never use them) by opening up the 360. Something is clearly rattling in the area of the ethernet port, so I am betting a little reconnecting could make it work. Then I need a thing to plug it into a TV, a hard drive, and a controller. And then I have a working 360!!!!
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,288MI6 Agent
    edited November 2008
    The rattling that you're hearing is probably the sensor that tells the 360 whether it's standing vertically or horizontally and turns on the correct sections of the ring of light.

    I don't see any info for error code E73; check out this support page from MS; it may help you narrow down the problem: XBox 360 Error Code Info
  • 00640064 Somewhere out west...Posts: 1,083MI6 Agent
    I checked tonight and its actually E74. So I replaced my AV cable with a different one like it says, and it still doesnt work. According to people, there is a 90% chance that the ethernet port chip is giving me issues, otherwise it is a GPU error, which is definately bad.

    Also, the ring stays in the same location reguardless from what I have seen.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,288MI6 Agent
    I got an E74 error on my second 360 console. Like you I was directed to replace the AV cable, it didn't work for me either. In my case the console was less than one year old at the time so I sent it in and MS replaced it free of charge. Sounds to me like your console is terminal; it wouldn't hurt to call Xbox tech supprt (1-800-4-MYXBOX) and see what they say.
  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    Went to Circuit City today to pick up Gears of War 2 and get the free 1,600 point xbox live card. Of course, they were out. However, after going home empty handed it occured to me to check out their website. They had the game and you got the 1,600 point card too. Shipping was free so I ordered it. The card is on backorder, but that's OK, I can deal with that. One Christmas present done.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,288MI6 Agent
    Went to Circuit City today to pick up Gears of War 2 and get the free 1,600 point xbox live card. Of course, they were out. However, after going home empty handed it occured to me to check out their website. They had the game and you got the 1,600 point card too. Shipping was free so I ordered it. The card is on backorder, but that's OK, I can deal with that. One Christmas present done.

    Same thing happened to me; CC had the game but the 1600 points card was backordered. They'll be calling me when it arrives (hopefully in a week or so). Still, it works out to be a very good deal. Thanks again for the heads up.

    I played the first couple of levels of Gears 2 yesterday; very good, hyper-detailed graphics, gigantic monsters and even a few little twists to the gameplay so far. The game retains the original's reduced color palette and the storytelling is again a little disjointed (these game developers need to hire some real writers). But overall the game is a lot of fun and quite the showcase for the 360. I'm looking forward to spending some quality time with it in the coming days.
  • i expect u2 diei expect u2 die LondonPosts: 583MI6 Agent
    Just finished the single player Campaign for Quantum of Solace. One word: Short.

    Its over in a flash, and the plot would, I imagine, only make real sense to those who have seen the films because the levels are so spread between CR and QoS.
    There are some 'that's cool' moments, and above all, the game is pretty fun.

    However, the multiplayer seems to hold more replay value. Golden Gun mode makes a welcome return!

    I'll be buying a new game tomorrow with any luck. I'm torn between Gears of War 2, and Fallout 3 - both supposedly great. I'm after something quite deep and involved (especially after QoS!), so I'm erring towards Fallout 3.

    By the Way, AJB gamertags - PM them my way!
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,288MI6 Agent
    I have both Fallout 3 and Gears of War 2 and have put a few hours into both games.

    Fallout 3 is a full blown roleplaying game. There is a lot of action and shooting to be done, but make no mistake this is an RPG thru and thru and as such the first few hours are very slow going as you need to complete some often tedious quests in order to get your stats up so that you can wield stronger weapons and generally do more of everything. When you begin the game you also have to choose the type of character you want to be and spread your stat points out accordingly. If you've ever played Oblivion, this is very reminiscent of that game (not surprising since it was made by the same developer) but I found the pace over the first few hours to be slower and the overall tone to be quite dour and even depressing at time (after all, it does take place after a nuclear holocaust). You'll definitely need to invest some time into it before getting a meaningful payoff.

    As for Gears of War 2, it is in many ways quite similar to the first game. The play mechanics are largely the same, although you do get some more variety in terms of how to play and what you shoot at. There are some levels where you're riding shotgun on vehicles and you must pick off enemies. The type and number of enemies has also been increased from the first game and you get to square on against some really big creatures. I've found the enemy encounters to be more fun than what was in the first game so far. The environments are pretty interesting - right now I'm in the middle of a sunken city - but the game's color palette is reminiscent of the first one. The single player campaign will probably clock in at around 12-16 hours for this one, and then there is of course multiplayer. You can also play scenarios against bots if you don't wish to go online.

    So, if you're looking for a pick up and play game with instant gratification, you may want to try Gears 2; if you want something with a longer campaign Fallout might be the better choice but be aware that there will probably be some tedium for the first few hours until you start to level up and that the game can be unrelentingly bleak at times.
  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    Picked up the new Call of Duty, World at War. Son has been playing it non-stop. Finished the single player campaign in two days of heavy playing, he was off of school yesterday. Got the "Special Edition" version of the game which comes with a replica canteen, and use of a special machine gun during play.

    As with most Call of Duty games you assume roles from various fighting forces during WWII. Much of it involves the Pacific Theater. You also are part of the Russian force trying to take Berlin. Graphics looked pretty good to me, but I am no expert.
  • Agent_MAgent_M lost in the speed forcePosts: 353MI6 Agent
    well it's that time of year again and my brother and I usually buy each other a multiplayer game that we can co-op together online as we dont get to see each other as much, what with families ect. So can anyone reccomend a good one? we usually get older or second hand copies as money's usually abit tight too
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,288MI6 Agent
    Agent_M wrote:
    well it's that time of year again and my brother and I usually buy each other a multiplayer game that we can co-op together online as we dont get to see each other as much, what with families ect. So can anyone reccomend a good one? we usually get older or second hand copies as money's usually abit tight too

    I've been having a lot of fun with Gears of War 2; it has a better story, longer single quest and more varied gameplay than the first game and does also offer a co-op mode (as well as lots of multiplayer modes that even let you use bots). It's a new title so you'd probably have to go the used route if you wanted to save some money.

    Other titles that feature online co-op that I've tried at one point or another include the first Gears of War, Halo 3, Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga, Rainbow Six: Vegas 1 and 2
    Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. All of those titles have been around for a while and should be available at reduced prices.

    If you're both into racing games, Forza Motorsport 2, Project Gotham Racing 3 and 4 and DiRT are all fun racers that support online and again should be well discounted by now.
  • Agent_MAgent_M lost in the speed forcePosts: 353MI6 Agent
    cheers thats not a bad idea about marvel,
    I did try to get him to look at MK VS DCU but he would'nt have it as he's a marvelite :o

    we've done both rainbow six games and gears too which was a quality game.

    mabey a racer might be a good idea as well as there should be a bit more replay value
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,288MI6 Agent
    Agent_M wrote:
    cheers thats not a bad idea about marvel,
    I did try to get him to look at MK VS DCU but he would'nt have it as he's a marvelite :o

    we've done both rainbow six games and gears too which was a quality game.

    mabey a racer might be a good idea as well as there should be a bit more replay value

    Nightshooter and I did a little Marvel: Ultimate Alliance a while back; our session was a little laggy and unstable but I think it was an isolated incident. The nice thing about that game is that you have tons of characters to choose from and you can even unlock multiple costumes and powers for each one so there's lots of replay value. Just as an FYI, there is also a M:UA#2 in development though still no word on when it will be released.

    Online racing is always fun; if you're looking for something a little more arcadey, you could also look at either Burnout: Revenge or Burnout: Paradise. The former is a more traditional racer with standard races and courses taking place at locales all over the world. The latter is an "open-world" racer that takes place in one city. Both involve crashing and taking out your opponents and other cars as much as actual racing. Both titles have been discounted for a while although personally, I preferred Revenge's more traditional layout as I hated having to memorize all the routes in Paradise.

    As for Gear 2, I'm about 2/3 of the way thru the single player game and really have a good time with it. You do battle in some pretty unique locations and environments (I'm being purposefully vague) and after an intially shaky start, the storyline actually becomes pretty good. The game also has improved targeting; nothing beats hitting a Locust in the knees, causing him to keel over in anguish and futilly try to crawl away as you move in to deliver one of any number of killing blows.
  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    Received Gears of War 2 in the mail from Circuit City on Thursday, which is pretty good since I ordered it Saturday. Son didn't have to wait until Christmas because he had a real good report card so I let him have it now. Has been playing it nonstop. I have seen some of the game and the look of the game is pretty cool. He says it is better than Gears 1, so he is happy.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,288MI6 Agent
    I just finished the single player campaign for Gears 2 myself; overall a very fun game with some good variety to the gameplay mechanics. The final levels re-introduced the Hammer of Dawn weapon from the first game and gave you plenty of open space to make use of it.

    I also briefly tried some of the multiplayer game modes but instead of going online I used "bots", computer controlled AI players who fight alongside and against you. That was fun too and a throwback to the days when all shooters had bot modes.

    Overall the game has a lot of replay value and I'll be holding onto this one for a while but I plan on putting it aside for a bit and getting back into Fallout 3.
  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    I was reading a story today and it mentioned that Microsoft is coming out with the Xbox 720. It didn't give a timeline, I imagine it isn't soon, but does anybody of any additional information. Tony, that would be you. :)
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,288MI6 Agent
    edited November 2008
    I was reading a story today and it mentioned that Microsoft is coming out with the Xbox 720. It didn't give a timeline, I imagine it isn't soon, but does anybody of any additional information. Tony, that would be you. :)

    :)) You give me far too much credit Barry, but I wouldn't expect a new Xbox any time soon for a number of reasons:

    - Given the amount of money MS poured into R&D on the original Xbox and the 360, they lost a ton of money on the original Xbox and are only just starting to show a profit with the 360. They're going to want to keep the 360 around as long as possible in order to recoup as much of their R&D investment to date as possible.

    - Given that both hardware and software sales are still very strong and that the 360 continues to outsell the PS3 (which MS views as its main competition) there's no need for a 720 right now.

    - Another thing to consider is the storage medium. Its no secret that MS covets an online model that would do away with DVDs and instead enable/force users to download everything as that would give them really tight control over licensing and eliminate the whole used game market (which most developers hate anyway). The infrastructure for that kind of delivery system just doesn't exist yet and I don't think you'll see any movement until more inroads are made in that area.

    I'm sure MS started laying the foundations for the 720 (or whatever they decide to call it) shortly after the 360 was released but I think Sony will be the first to announce something new this time around, and MS will follow suit shortly thereafter.

    Here's an article from last year in which EGM brought up the subject of the 720 with then VP Peter Moore; he suggested the 360 would be around at least until 2010-2011:

    EGM Interview With Peter Moore
  • Sweepy the CatSweepy the Cat Halifax, West Yorkshire, EnglaPosts: 986MI6 Agent
    I now have:

    Bully: Scholarship Edition
    Call of Duty: World At War
    Grand Theft Auto IV
    Quantum of Solace
  • Agent_MAgent_M lost in the speed forcePosts: 353MI6 Agent
    any one downloaded the new dashboard yet?
    I'm at work so wont get to see it till tonight
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,288MI6 Agent
    I DL'd the NXE (New Xbox Experience) earlier today. The whole process from initial download to avatar creation took about 10 minutes.

    It takes a little getting used to as the interface is quite different from the old blade layout but after a few minutes of poking around it quickly becomes second nature. I am somewhat intrigued by the integration of Netflix into the new NXE, though I haven't had a chance to play with that yet.

    The new avatars on the other hand are terminally cute and beyond dorky. Mine looks kind of like me...when I was 11 years old. :))

    I also noticed that getting stuff like game add-ons and trailers from MS's online stores is very much hit or miss today, most likely due to the high volume of people updating their console.
  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    I have attached an article concerning the addition of Netflixs to Xbox live, which I think is a great idea. However, Sony doesn't want to play along, so they will not release their movies to Netflixs for digital download. Sony just keeps giving me more and more reasons not to like them.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,288MI6 Agent
    I have attached an article concerning the addition of Netflixs to Xbox live, which I think is a great idea. However, Sony doesn't want to play along, so they will not release their movies to Netflixs for digital download. Sony just keeps giving me more and more reasons not to like them.

    Sony is already catching some bad press for this move. As far as Netflix is concerned, the 360 is just another networked client (like a PC or a TiVO) and they are said to be actively working on a solution. When all is said and done I wouldn't be surprised to see some agreement that will allow Netflix to show Sony content on the 360. After all, what company in its right mind would close the door on several million accounts worth of potential royalties, especially when their earnings have been so dire as of late?
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