


  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    What's the most controversial anti-Corona meassure among our hardy Nordic neighbours in the east?
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,457Chief of Staff
    Boris Johnson has been found guilty, er, positive and is now self-isolating. Health Secretary Matt Hancock, too.
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    The irony is, that he‘s probably caught the virus at a time when he stated that it was the birth right for every Brit to hang out in a pub.
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    edited March 2020
    Higgins wrote:
    It has been just reported, that Boris Johnson has been infected with Corona
    Barbel wrote:
    Boris Johnson has been found guilty, er, positive and is now self-isolating. Health Secretary Matt Hancock, too.

    And old news, Barbel, use the search function before posting :p
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    I only hope that Anyone who has it, can pull through and recover -{
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,457Chief of Staff
    Higgins wrote:

    And old news, Barbel, use the search function before posting :p

    But then I wouldn't have been able to get my joke in, Higgy.
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    I hope no AJB members or their families and friends are infected. My cousin has Corona. I haven't seen him in years, but I haven't heard any talk of it being a serious case. If anyone here or theirr family is infected I'm sure they'll get nothing but support and kind words here in AJB :)
  • 00730073 COPPosts: 1,061MI6 Agent
    Number24 wrote:
    What's the most controversial anti-Corona meassure among our hardy Nordic neighbours in the east?

    The Nyland area was isolated from the rest of the country, because the majority of the cases are here. People react pretty badly to limiting their freedom of movement.

    That and the bars being closed!
    "I mean, she almost kills bond...with her ass."
    -Mr Arlington Beech
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    0073 wrote:
    That and the bars being closed!

    The nation will have to survive on the time-honoured tradition of moonshine! :D
  • The Red KindThe Red Kind EnglandPosts: 3,316MI6 Agent
    I'm quite surprised in the UK Off-licences are categorised as an essential business to remain open. Supermarkets sell alcohol and cigarettes. Why do Off-licences need to stay open?
    "Any of the opposition around..?"
  • Smithers500Smithers500 Spectre IslandPosts: 1,347MI6 Agent
    Booze is the more widely available opium of the masses - so long as people are off their faces they’re less likely to criticise poor government.
    Japanese proverb say, "Bird never make nest in bare tree".
  • Asp9mmAsp9mm Over the Hills and Far Away.Posts: 7,504MI6 Agent
    I'm quite surprised in the UK Off-licences are categorised as an essential business to remain open. Supermarkets sell alcohol and cigarettes. Why do Off-licences need to stay open?

    So supermarkets don’t get as busy through people shopping for booze there. Takes the pressure off them quite considerably.
  • CoolHandBondCoolHandBond Mactan IslandPosts: 6,916MI6 Agent
    Cebu City has now closed it’s borders. Only authorised access is allowed.
    Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    >> "If they don't treat you right, I don't call" <<

    Donald Trump about the Governors of Michigan and Washington on March 27.
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    As bad as things are in the countries we often talk about (China, Italy, Spain etc) these places are relatively well prepared to handle Corona compared to refugee camps in Greece and some countries in the Middle East, Gaza, the favelas in Rio de Janairo, much of Africa and other highly populated and poor areas of the world. Just think of how important it is to have plumbing with hot water, your own room to self-isolate in and more than one hospital bed per 1000 people.
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    I just read a very interesting article on how the Corona epidemic is likely to change the world. Here is a quick summary. feel free to comment:

    1) The role of countries will get stronger and free trade weaker, continuing the trend seen in Brexit and Trump's elelction.

    2) The economy. The World Trade Organisation says this will be worse than the crack in 2008.

    3) Authoritarianism. China managed to push back the virus using strong meassures. Even the Norwegian government asked for a law giving the cabinet permission to put emergency meassures in place without getting permission from the parliament first.

    4) Ethical conflicts. We are forced to chose between the economy and people's lives. Hospitals are even in some cases chose who to save, more countries may have to chose to let old patients die to save younger people.

    5) The balance of power. China sends vital supplies to many countries while the US and the EU struggle to help their own and even see conflict over important equipmet and help.

    6) Technology and competance. The need for a vaccine shows the need for that kind of expertese and the use of home offices and working through IT will increase
  • superadosuperado Regent's Park West (CaliforniaPosts: 2,654MI6 Agent
    Mr Martini wrote:
    Number24 wrote:
    I have a question for everyone:
    What is the most controversial ordisliked anti-Corona measure in your country?

    In Norway it's not allowed to stay overnight in your cabin. :o

    I don't mind this at all. I'm considered an "essential worker" My drives to work and home are great. Hardly anybody on the road. My days off from work I hardly went anywhere in public. Since I work with the public, I do my best to stay away from people on my day off. I'm guessing right now the restaurant workers aren't liking the take-out only part of my states stay at home order. Poor owners aren't getting much business.

    How’s your store doing on the TP front? I went on a grocery run yesterday and 1st went to Costco near the SF airport but left because there was a line. No line at Safeway in Millbrae as usual so I got what I needed but like other places, left empty handed as far as TP, Lysol spray and household alcohol, my personal staples even under normal circumstances. Walgreens across the street didn’t have any of that. Was going to Trader Joe’s but there was a line. Hope I don’t regret not bearing the lines, though my visit to Trader Joes was meant more for treats vs. “essential” food.
    "...the purposeful slant of his striding figure looked dangerous, as if he was making quickly for something bad that was happening further down the street." -SMERSH on 007 dossier photo, Ch. 6 FRWL.....
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    I have been spread a little thin over the past few weeks. ;)
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    edited March 2020
    Adidas yesterday announced that they will not pay the monthly rent for their retail stores.
    This may apply to Germany only, but as far as I understand it is worldwide.
    H&M and a large German shoe retailer (Deichmann) joined the club today.

    Let me say, that I find this absolutely disgusting and I‘ll not shop any Adidas product anymore!

    I understand that the situation is tight for everybody, but companies like Adidas had billions of profits last year and 2 weeks of shop closures certainly don‘t bring them on the edge.

    I have every sympathy for the small brick and mortar store that is in trouble of paying their rent - but Adidas certainly is not part of that group!

    That decision is in particular despicable as Adidas start their webpage with

    >>The health and safety of our employees, consumers and partners is our number one priority.
    We will continue to monitor the situation closely and remain in close contact with relevant authorities to implement the applicable local directives.
    Our doors may be closed, but our brand remains open and committed to fostering a spirit of unity and connection around the world
    This is a tough time – let’s look after each other, our families and our communities.
    The health of our teammates and friends is what matters most.

    Absolutely deplorable!!

    Adidas, how about if I order some shoes today and then refuse to pay because of my bad financial status because of the virus?

    For me adidas products are a big No! for the future
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • Asp9mmAsp9mm Over the Hills and Far Away.Posts: 7,504MI6 Agent
    That’s disgusting.

    Almost as disgusting as the things you buy off them. So every cloud.....
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    When this ends, there will be Heroes and Villains, companies have the
    Choice of what side they want to be on, and I think in this case the public
    will remember.
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,457Chief of Staff
    Oh I do hope so. And more than the public- the electorate.
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    So my parents are both 84 and I have asked them to be careful now for weeks.

    2 weeks ago, they have told me, that they have tried to enter church that sunday to discover that the church is closed
    A very emotional exchange from my side followed this and they promised me to be more reasonable.

    Yesterday, they told me, that they have staid home but needed to go to the car dealer to change to new summertires because these have been ordered and needed to be paid and mounted..... X-(
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • Asp9mmAsp9mm Over the Hills and Far Away.Posts: 7,504MI6 Agent
    I have had the same thing with mine. They were going to their second home in Cornwall which although ideally remote, is just too remote. No phone, WiFi or mobile signal. I would have been at my wits end not being in touch, as well as the obvious problems if one of them actually got this. My stepdad had pneumonia at Christmas. Thankfully after a heated debate, they didn’t go.

    My dad lives in the Bahamas now. And I’ve given up on him completely. He’s an utter Higgins.
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    Barbel wrote:
    Oh I do hope so. And more than the public- the electorate.

    I would not bet any money on this.
    One nasty social media campaign and all what happened in the past will be forgotten X-(
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,457Chief of Staff
    :# You're right, of course.
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    Just like who were the ones sucking dry the NHS for the last 10 years ;%
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    I am just reading over and over in the far right echochambers the following story, which is also penetrated by Donald Trump:

    The story goes >>The chinese where hiding and lying and have not told us about this virus and how dangerous it was until we noticed it ourselfs.<<
    That implies, that one day in February or March the chinese lies where busted and they are to blame for everything what happens now in the US and it's not Trump's fault.

    Recapturing the facts draws a slightly different picture:

    December 31 2019:
    China contacts the WHO and informs them of "cases of pneumonia of unknown etiology (unknown cause) detected in Wuhan"

    An "urgent notice on the treatment of pneumonia of unknown cause" was issued to the Wuhan Municipal Health Center.

    As a result of the official announcement of the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan immediately tightened their inbound screening processes.


    So latest on 31 december 2019 the chinese walls of silence and lies where busted and noone can say after this day, that it was unknown.

    Let me remind, that Donald Trump constantly downplayed the Virus threat and blamed media and opposition for making this up until mid March!

    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    Alexander Lukashenko is the president of Bellarus and doesn't even bother pretending he isn't a dictator. There are no prizes for guessing his ideas for stopping the virus: Vodka and sauna.
    I can't decide if it's tragic or comic, so it's probably both.
  • Mr MartiniMr Martini That nice house in the sky.Posts: 2,702MI6 Agent
    edited March 2020
    superado wrote:
    Mr Martini wrote:
    Number24 wrote:
    I have a question for everyone:
    What is the most controversial ordisliked anti-Corona measure in your country?

    In Norway it's not allowed to stay overnight in your cabin. :o

    I don't mind this at all. I'm considered an "essential worker" My drives to work and home are great. Hardly anybody on the road. My days off from work I hardly went anywhere in public. Since I work with the public, I do my best to stay away from people on my day off. I'm guessing right now the restaurant workers aren't liking the take-out only part of my states stay at home order. Poor owners aren't getting much business.

    How’s your store doing on the TP front? I went on a grocery run yesterday and 1st went to Costco near the SF airport but left because there was a line. No line at Safeway in Millbrae as usual so I got what I needed but like other places, left empty handed as far as TP, Lysol spray and household alcohol, my personal staples even under normal circumstances. Walgreens across the street didn’t have any of that. Was going to Trader Joe’s but there was a line. Hope I don’t regret not bearing the lines, though my visit to Trader Joes was meant more for treats vs. “essential” food.

    I didn't realize you were so close to me. The store I work for has a difficult time getting in TP. We get one or two boxes and that's it. We limit people to one pack, but its gone within minutes. I've been reading on my local Next-door page that some Trader Joes keep the TP at the managers desk. Not sure how much they have on a daily basis, but I guess if you get there early enough and wait in line you might get a pack. I believe most Costcos have a big billboard outside as to what essentials they have in stock and what they don't. I know Costco also limits the amount of TP one can buy. I think its done at the register.

    *Edit: Not sure if it applies, but most stores also offer "senior hours" Some stores do it daily, while some offer the hours two or three times a week. Usually its about an 1/2 to one hour before the store opens.
    Some people would complain even if you hang them with a new rope
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