The return of Doctor Who (SPOILERS)



  • FelixLeiter ♀FelixLeiter ♀ Staffordshire or a pubPosts: 1,286MI6 Agent
    Oh Yes!!!!!! April 15 hurry up and come!
    I do wish I could subscribe. I can't really now as I've only just asked my mom if I can subscribe to Only Fools and Horses. I'm putting £3 to every issue of that, and I know I'm gonna have to completely pay for Doctor Who Adventures next week. :D I know it's meant to be for the 'younger fans', But I'm not out of my teens yet and I'm an eager fan who will go for any regular cheapish merchandise. :D
    Relax darling, I'm on top of the situation -{
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,750MI6 Agent
    edited March 2006
    Incidentally- the first trailer (similar to the 'trip of a lifetime' ones from last year) will air tomorrow (Saturday 1st April) night on BBC One!

    The Doctor will ask “Think you’ve seen it all? Think again. If you come with me, nothing will ever be the same again.”
    Apparently this is the only time the 1 minute version will be shown and apparently it will air just before 7pm.
    There will also be a campaign of short trailers featuring the TARDIS in an alien landscape advertising the new 'Tardisodes' (mobile phone episodes).
  • Moore Not LessMoore Not Less Posts: 1,095MI6 Agent
    It would appear there is some confusion regarding the official launch time and date of Series Two.

    From Outpost Gallifrey

    New Earth Release and Launch Date Confusion

    The BBC Press Office has this morning released official confirmation that Series Two will begin on BBC One in the week beginning Saturday 15 April...but still says that the episode is "unplaced" in BBC1's schedule.

    Interestingly, on BBC1's schedule, Strictly Dance Fever is shown as running from 6.15pm to 7.15pm on Easter Saturday; a live football match has been confirmed elsewhere as scheduled for 5.15pm on BBC One the following week, which is likely to run until 7.15pm (at least). It may be that 'New Earth' will launch the series in a slightly later timeslot than last year; We'll keep you posted.
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,750MI6 Agent
    Weird, eh? Certainly can't see it being anything other than Saturday- it may end up being a little later in the evening. Same thing happened for an episode last series.
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,750MI6 Agent
    edited April 2006
    Aargh! Rumours of the series being pushed back to the 29th are flying around! Possibility of no trailer tonight!

    Mind you; hopefully the date today has some bearing on those! Fingers crossed! :)
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,750MI6 Agent
    New info- it seems the trailer is still on for 7pm (and now BBC Two between 8 and 9) and is now even longer- 1min 10secs!
  • FelixLeiter ♀FelixLeiter ♀ Staffordshire or a pubPosts: 1,286MI6 Agent
    Oh great and I've missed it. :( Never mind. But I swear I'll pass out if it goes out and later than the 15th. I don't think it will because even Russel Davies in DWM says it's going out on the 15th.
    Relax darling, I'm on top of the situation -{
  • Moonraker 5Moonraker 5 Ayrshire, ScotlandPosts: 1,821MI6 Agent
    edited April 2006
    Saw it (twice tonight) and the Werewolf looks fantastic!! Got high hopes for this series!

    (PS - trailer is now on the BBC Doctor Who website)
  • FelixLeiter ♀FelixLeiter ♀ Staffordshire or a pubPosts: 1,286MI6 Agent
    Ah yes I checked this morning. :) And now I have to survive a fortnight with all this excitement inside of me. :))
    Relax darling, I'm on top of the situation -{
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,750MI6 Agent
    The werewolf looks incredible, doesn't he? And the kung-fu monks look rather fun too! Can't wait!
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,750MI6 Agent
    edited April 2006
    Okay- the new series of 'Doctor Who Confidential' starts this weekend on the 9th April; 'Totally Doctor Who' begins on BBC One on April 13th at 5pm I think; and 'Doctor Who' itself begins on April 15th at 7.15pm; all confirmed and on the BBC website. Three series enough for ya? :)
  • FelixLeiter ♀FelixLeiter ♀ Staffordshire or a pubPosts: 1,286MI6 Agent
    sh*t. guess this means i can't get involved in totally doctor who now. X-( I really wanted to but I never got round to it. X-(
    Well our easter hols are here and I'm planning lots of things for the first week so the time to saturday will fly by. :D
    Tomorrow, I'm going into town with my mate and we're going to see the pink panther. Saturday there'll be footie on of some time and i might have a mate round. tuesday should be going alton towers with some mates. wednesday or thursday should be having another mate round if all goes as planned, and there's this great programme on 5 at 9. 'The 1970s - that was the decade that was'.
    And on one of those free days in the week, we're planning to go to Cardiff and see the Doctor Who exhibition - I can't wait! :D
    Relax darling, I'm on top of the situation -{
  • JonesJones Posts: 90MI6 Agent
    Felix, I'm back. And Moony, the werewolf did look smashing.


    Dr. Jones {[]
  • FelixLeiter ♀FelixLeiter ♀ Staffordshire or a pubPosts: 1,286MI6 Agent
    Ah, UKTVGold are having a Doctor Who weekend and tomorrow, BBC3 a Doctor Who night. I think I'll faint if my parents don't let me watch it - it is the hols now after all. :D
    And yes, Jones - it's good to hear from you again.
    Relax darling, I'm on top of the situation -{
  • Moore Not LessMoore Not Less Posts: 1,095MI6 Agent
    Saw it (twice tonight) and the Werewolf looks fantastic!!

    Below is an article from The Sun's website (which features impressive images of the werewolf). I am posting a ***SPOILER*** warning as the article reveals episode details.

    Dr aaaWho telly foe!,,2-2006160298,00.html

    By Emma Cox
    Deputy TV Editor

    A HOWLING man turns into a werewolf and threatens to take over the world in a scary new episode of Doctor Who.

    The Doctor (David Tennant) and assistant Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) encounter the beast on a time-travelling trip to 1879 Scotland.

    They find the werewolf kept in a cage by monks and soon realise it is out to get Queen Victoria (Pauline Collins).

    The pair rush to protect her - but find themselves trapped in a room as the hairy monster scratches at the walls.

    Doctor Who creator Russell T Davies said of the episode - part of a new BBC1 series which begins next week: "It's very British - that Oliver Reed, Hammer Horror thing."

    Fans can see the new series from Saturday, April 15.
  • FelixLeiter ♀FelixLeiter ♀ Staffordshire or a pubPosts: 1,286MI6 Agent
    Something good turns up - but it's a spoiler. I'm steering clear of spoilers now - I scrolled straight past that one. :D I don't want any more being given away cus I've already been majerly disappionted by one spoiler i accidentally found. :(
    Relax darling, I'm on top of the situation -{
  • Moore Not LessMoore Not Less Posts: 1,095MI6 Agent
    There is a sixteen page Doctor Who supplement in this week's Radio Times. Included, is an episode by episode guide from Russell T Davies. There are interviews with David Tennant and Billie Piper plus behind the scenes photo's aswell as a group photo of the cast and crew.
  • FelixLeiter ♀FelixLeiter ♀ Staffordshire or a pubPosts: 1,286MI6 Agent
    Thanks MNL - I read about that or heard it somewhere and then completely forgot about it. :o I think I'll pop to town tomorrow now you've reminded me. {[]
    Relax darling, I'm on top of the situation -{
  • Moonraker 5Moonraker 5 Ayrshire, ScotlandPosts: 1,821MI6 Agent
    I have no idea if it's still available or not, but if you have digital press the Red button while on a BBC channel and you should have the option of an extended preview of Series 2. Some very impressive looking moments, the Queen Victoria/Werewolf episode looking fantastic (apparently it is to come with a warning that it is not suitable for children under 8), as well as the Cybermen and those creepy 18th century masked "ballroom" characters.

    K-9 looks as if he gets well into the action, and there's a neat little bit of dialogue between Rose and Sarah Jane, trying to trump each other with what they've seen. (SJS wins with the exclamation of the Loch Ness Monster, which prompts a "Seriously??")

    Of course, A New Earth airs tomorrow at 7.15pm on BBC1, with the return of Cassandra and The Face Of Boe, and the website has been updated accordingly.
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 26,763Chief of Staff
    I have no idea if it's still available or not, but if you have digital press the Red button while on a BBC channel and you should have the option of an extended preview of Series 2. Some very impressive looking moments, the Queen Victoria/Werewolf episode looking fantastic (apparently it is to come with a warning that it is not suitable for children under 8), as well as the Cybermen and those creepy 18th century masked "ballroom" characters.

    K-9 looks as if he gets well into the action, and there's a neat little bit of dialogue between Rose and Sarah Jane, trying to trump each other with what they've seen. (SJS wins with the exclamation of the Loch Ness Monster, which prompts a "Seriously??")

    Of course, A New Earth airs tomorrow at 7.15pm on BBC1, with the return of Cassandra and The Face Of Boe, and the website has been updated accordingly.

    It was still running this morning - I watched it last night on BBC3 after the last episodes from the first series, then again this morning with my little boy - he LOVED it !!

    This series does look good - I just hope they haven't over-hyped it !
    YNWA 97
  • FelixLeiter ♀FelixLeiter ♀ Staffordshire or a pubPosts: 1,286MI6 Agent
    I think I'll have got more excited about the trailers than the actual thing. :)) In our house, every time a trailer is shown, my brother and I call each other into the room and stare at the telly, eyes wide and huge smiles across our faces, as if the Doctor's something of a god. :))
    I swear he could have cried yesterday in town when I bought the poster instead of the Cassandra action figure. :))
    I'm going to the Cardiff exhibition on Wednesday. It's supposed to be very good. Has anyone here been? If so, what did you think of it? And, just out of interest, has anyone here ever hid behind anything, whilst watching Doctor Who? ;) Honestly?
    Relax darling, I'm on top of the situation -{
  • Moonraker 5Moonraker 5 Ayrshire, ScotlandPosts: 1,821MI6 Agent
    edited April 2006
    And, just out of interest, has anyone here ever hid behind anything, whilst watching Doctor Who? ;) Honestly?
    Well, over 20 years ago, but yes, tended to be cushions rather than the sofa though. The Doctor's face materialising in the title sequence always spooked me a bit, but when I was a kid there was some genuinely scary moments. And I can see through my best friend's 4 year old son that nothing much has changed in the scary factor for kids.
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,750MI6 Agent
    I'm going to the Cardiff exhibition on Wednesday. It's supposed to be very good. Has anyone here been? If so, what did you think of it? And, just out of interest, has anyone here ever hid behind anything, whilst watching Doctor Who? ;) Honestly?

    I went to it in Brighton when it was there last year and it was great. Obviously it is an exhibition of a BBC show so don't go expecting Disneyland or anything (!) but they've done it excellently. And the hovering Dalek speaks to you!
    As for being scared, the only Who that ever scared me growing up was the Peter Cushing Invasion movie! The idea of the Daleks invading was the only one that ever worried me- nothing else, I'm afraid!
  • PredatorPredator Posts: 790Chief of Staff
    I was very impressed with the new doctor in the first episode of series 2 (I've still got to ask why it isn't series 46 ... or whatever).

    Next week's Werewolf episode looks stunning however. I can't wait.
  • Moonraker 5Moonraker 5 Ayrshire, ScotlandPosts: 1,821MI6 Agent
    Despite making his debut in The Christmas Invasion tonight was really the first time we get to assess David Tennant, given that he was asleep for 40 minutes of above episode.

    He's far more jovial, a lot more animated, but manages to retain flashes of darkness (quite a scary expression when questioning Novice Harne). Quite simply, he's ideal.

    I enjoyed tonights episode, wasn't scary or particularly suspenseful, but it jogged along at a decent pace (seemed much shorter than 45 minutes long!) and was good fun! Both Rose and Doctor "being" Cassandra was very funny and, considering the Doctor had let her "die" once before, his final act of kindness was quite touching.

    Also liked the Catch 22 of Chip and Cassandra - her watching a film of the last day she was called "beautiful", Chip being cloned on her "favourite pattern" and then finding out that Chip was the one (as Cassandra) who told her that night she was beautiful. The complexities of time!

    They've adopted the new orchestral version of the theme for the end title sequence too!! Granted, annoying BBC Scotland announcer talked over the middle section, but it's nice to hear the "b part" again!
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,750MI6 Agent
    Lovely to see the Doctor actually save the day again! I understand the reasoning behind his not doing this much in the first series (he inspires others around him to be better) but, darn it; I just like it when he does something heroic!

    Good, although not great episode, but I hear even better is still to come. I find myself still warming to Tennant and missing Eccles more than I thought I would: he had a great gravitas that Tennant doesn't yet have. But then Tennant does the jokes a lot better! All in all- can't wait for more!
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 26,763Chief of Staff
    And I can see through my best friend's 4 year old son that nothing much has changed in the scary factor for kids.

    That's right - my son is four and you can see he loves the scary bits, even though he is scared by them :))

    Tonight's episode was very good - a great introduction to the new series, and the new Doctor. Tennent carries the role very well - no mean feat after Eccleston - just glad he's ditched the Scottish accent he has - sorry Moonie {:) :p :D
    YNWA 97
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,750MI6 Agent
    Sir Miles wrote:
    just glad he's ditched the Scottish accent he has - sorry Moonie {:) :p :D

    He gets it back next week, though!

    As for scary bits, the walking sick were great this week, weren't they? The episode really got going when they got free.
  • Moonraker 5Moonraker 5 Ayrshire, ScotlandPosts: 1,821MI6 Agent
    Sir Miles wrote:
    Tennent carries the role very well - no mean feat after Eccleston - just glad he's ditched the Scottish accent he has - sorry Moonie {:) :p :D
    I can still hear it, actually. Still, his adopted accent is far, far better than the depressing, miserable north western accent! Eccelston's only downside! :D
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 26,763Chief of Staff
    I can still hear it, actually.

    But he does make a conscious effort to ditch it ;) And who can blame him :D
    Moonraker5 wrote:
    Still, his adopted accent is far, far better than the depressing, miserable north western accent! Eccelston's only downside! :D

    Depressing accent ?:) That's a bit rich coming from a Scotsman :))
    YNWA 97
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