James Bond Car Collection - Questions and praise

batester2005batester2005 Dudley, West Mids, UKPosts: 155MI6 Agent
I am opening this topic to find out your good points of view for this collection. it is not here to moan about the collection and it is definately not here to discuss the packaging issue. i would like to know what you think about the quality of the COLLECTION and i would also like to know which cars you would like to see in the collection and discuss the good aspects of the collection.
Richy Bate:007)


  • Disco VolanteDisco Volante Surrey, EnglandPosts: 543MI6 Agent
    I think the original thread on the collection starts with the intention of providing comments on the collection itself (I myself have made comments about each model) but due to subscribers receiving damaged models/casing, it seems to have turned into a packaging thread!

    Personally, I have been quite impressed with the collection - the magazines are a bit 'thin', but the models are first class, epsecially when you think of how much they are (i.e. £7.99). I had only intended to buy the cars I really like (DB5, DBS, Lotus etc) but I just know I'm going to buy all of them - I certainly have so far!

    I've also left them in their sealed boxes so far. I think I'll wait till I've got the whole collection (or as far as they go if they stop mid-way) and see how much room I need to display them all.
  • lordfsalordfsa Posts: 19MI6 Agent
    They are fantastic...a great bargain. Ill agree with what others have said about the magazine that comes with it, but there are some decent full page spreads of the cars in there....if anyone would like to use them to decorate their bond altars!

    The attention to detail is fantastic...im a very happy bond collector. You have to bear in mind the price youre getting these for...there may be even more refined collector's items out there...im not an expert, but for eight quid a pop, you cant go wrong with these!

    Naturally, my only hope is that they dont stop midway...theres nothing worse than an incomplete collection!
  • batester2005batester2005 Dudley, West Mids, UKPosts: 155MI6 Agent
    yeh i agree with the magazine being a bit crud. but to be honest i have never really collected anything like this for the magazines. i buy them for the models. and yes also in agreement about how fantastic the models are and i'm sure that it wont stop halfway because it is doing so well. after the first release day it is difficult to find them in the newsagents. trust me i had that problem with issue 4
  • Asp9mmAsp9mm Over the Hills and Far Away.Posts: 7,544MI6 Agent
    trust me i had that problem with issue 4

    WHSmiths in Merryhill get loads, check em out {[]
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 28,187Chief of Staff
    Asp9mm wrote:
    trust me i had that problem with issue 4

    WHSmiths in Merryhill get loads, check em out {[]

    Your very lucky then - I've only ever seen one issue in any store. Even the large WHSmith stores near me haven't had them !
    YNWA 97
  • lordfsalordfsa Posts: 19MI6 Agent
    Sir Miles wrote:
    Asp9mm wrote:
    trust me i had that problem with issue 4

    WHSmiths in Merryhill get loads, check em out {[]

    Your very lucky then - I've only ever seen one issue in any store. Even the large WHSmith stores near me haven't had them !

    The WHSmiths in Ealing Broadway still has tonnes of the BMW Z8...ive seen them loaded for the past fortnight. Either they ordered too many, or the punters arent coming in!
  • flem007flem007 Posts: 26MI6 Agent
    edited March 2007
    I think the models are good value, when attention to detail and the fact that they come with a diorama are taken into consideration.And are better in comparison to what Corgi have to offer (sorry any Corgi aficionado's).I agree the magazine could be better, but the models more than compensate , really looking forward to the Thunderball DB5 with water jets. With regards to these type of publications after early issues there availabilty becomes like looking for the proverbial needle.
  • batester2005batester2005 Dudley, West Mids, UKPosts: 155MI6 Agent
    i went to merry hill last night and there was none left. ive subscribed now anyway so ill be recieving it soon. shops who have loads left are a bad sign. if they arent selling, chances are that the magazine will be pulled, and we dont want that do we.
  • redlotus84redlotus84 Posts: 9MI6 Agent
    Thanks for the link. That diorama looks great! Does anyone have any idea when the Lotus Esprit Turbo (from For Your Eyes Only) will be released? I am very interested in getting one of these- as I own a 1984 Turbo Esprit! Sadly, we don't get this magazine/model in the US..perhaps someone on the other side of the pond could be of some help?


  • batester2005batester2005 Dudley, West Mids, UKPosts: 155MI6 Agent
    yes redlotus, that link is excellent. if you look at the whole shop you can see the models that have been released in germany. not 100% sure what issue it will be in, i think it could be number 12. ill keep you posted on that anyway. to look at the lotus espirit turbo go to http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Lotus-Esprit-Turbo-1-43-mib-James-Bond-007-Diorama_W0QQitemZ250093215024QQcategoryZ56322QQcmdZViewItem
    enjoy, cos all of the models are great.
  • redlotus84redlotus84 Posts: 9MI6 Agent
    thanks for the link...that looks beautiful! I hope they release this in the UK..as I can't see spending 22 pounds for it (remember it just about doubles that in US dollars)! Please keep me posted when it becomes available in the UK. Much thanks!

  • batester2005batester2005 Dudley, West Mids, UKPosts: 155MI6 Agent
    i certainly will keep you posted. if you want a copy of the issue i am willing to pick one up for you. you can pay me through paypal and ill send it to you. we can discuss it nearer to the time. im not sure what issue it is but as soon as it comes out ill let you know.
    rich. ps, where abouts in america do you live?
  • redlotus84redlotus84 Posts: 9MI6 Agent
    Thanks for the help on this rich. I would really appreciate it, and could send you the funds via paypal..no problem! I live in Indiana. Lots of cornfields here- not much else. Actually, I enjoy going the US Grand Prix, which is held about 45 minutes away from me!

    If you need anything from the US, let me know!

  • batester2005batester2005 Dudley, West Mids, UKPosts: 155MI6 Agent
    im comin over to the USA in august, im on Holiday (vacation) to florida. i really appreciate that. im sure one day there will be something that i want from the USA. im a huge WWE fan so im sure there will be something along those lines. i take it your a formula 1 fan then.
  • redlotus84redlotus84 Posts: 9MI6 Agent
    Yes Rich, I really enjoy F1 racing, although in these parts everyone is Nascar crazy- just not my cup of tea! Let me know what I can be on the lookout for you in WWF. Enjoy your holiday in Florida!

  • batester2005batester2005 Dudley, West Mids, UKPosts: 155MI6 Agent
    yeah cheers man. i aint watched F1 for years, i used to be a big fan.
    laters, Rich
  • Mr EricMr Eric Posts: 3MI6 Agent
    I thought it'd be worth reposting (I've posted this in another Car Collection forum, but no response). Sorry if I wasn't supposed to. :P

    Is the series definitely going to have 40 parts to it? I bought the DB5 model, and it's all very pretty and stuff. I like very much.

    Furthermore, I've heard about problems packaging-wise through perusal of these forums, and I'd like to know if packaging in Australia was any better? I'm thinking of subscribing for the 3 free models, but if the magazines are going to come crumpled, and the model cases smashed, I'd rather not.
  • Disco VolanteDisco Volante Surrey, EnglandPosts: 543MI6 Agent
    Certainly 40 is what was originally stated, but as with other collections over the years, they sometimes don't go the distance if the take-up isn't as expected.

    I decided I was only going to get the cars I really like, but I've got every one so far. The Citroen 2CV last week looks a little out of place I think with the Lotus and Astons!!
  • Mr EricMr Eric Posts: 3MI6 Agent
    I'm thinking of subscribing, but only choosing the models I like also sounds like a good idea. Then again, it doesn't really seem cool if you only get half the collection, eh? :P

    I'm using parents' credit card (yay, independence), and I don't think they'd like the idea of $800 on model cards. :o

    (Is there anything official I can read up re: 40 parts?)
  • s96024s96024 Posts: 1,519MI6 Agent
    It's going to depend on how popular it is. It is a great collection. But the large price of the complete collection might put some people off and they may stop collecting after a while.
  • batester2005batester2005 Dudley, West Mids, UKPosts: 155MI6 Agent
    i subscribed myself the other day. i havent recieved them yet so i cant comment on packaging. to be honest i think it will go the whole way. and yes it is worth subscribin cos the shops wont do the later issues. plus you get the free gifts and any specials which they do.
  • Steve Rush DI5 AgentSteve Rush DI5 Agent Oxfordshire, Great BritainPosts: 59MI6 Agent
    Hi all

    I just wondered whether anyone has received issues 5 and 6 yet?


  • s96024s96024 Posts: 1,519MI6 Agent
    I subscribed from part 2 onwards. I have been charged for 4 copies so far but have yet to receive anything. :(
  • batester2005batester2005 Dudley, West Mids, UKPosts: 155MI6 Agent
    no i should be recieving 6 + 7 next week. (i phoned up cos i missed number 4) you should give em a ring or summat.
  • batester2005batester2005 Dudley, West Mids, UKPosts: 155MI6 Agent
    you should definately ring em if u aint got any issues but youve been charged for em. somethin deffo aint right there. the number should be on the letter u recieved.
  • Steve Rush DI5 AgentSteve Rush DI5 Agent Oxfordshire, Great BritainPosts: 59MI6 Agent
    Yep... sorry... I meant issues 6 and 7.

    It's been about a month since I received the last package so I reckoned that the next lot should be due about now.

    Thanks for the update.

  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 6,038MI6 Agent
    So what's next in the series? I didn't get the 2CV.
  • Steve Rush DI5 AgentSteve Rush DI5 Agent Oxfordshire, Great BritainPosts: 59MI6 Agent
    Issue 6 comes with Zao's Jaguar. Not sure about Issue 7.

  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 6,038MI6 Agent
    Lovely- thanks! Not too keen on the Jag; might miss that as well!
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