no, emtiem meant, that the BMW seems to have the long wheelbase and therefore has the elongated rear doors. The car is longer than the normal version and is indicated by the "L" in the type 750 iL (stands for Langer Radstand = long wheelbase)
I have been there when shooting took place (as an extra) and there have been around 8 similar BMW 750 iL, all with long wheelbase (but not all cars had the 5,0 litres engine, most of them had the cheaper 3,5 litres engine, which would have better called them 735)
Ah righto- so the film ones were long wheelbase? Well that's fair enough- I'll have to have another look. Shame about the silver spoliers.
batester2005Dudley, West Mids, UKPosts: 155MI6 Agent
ow come iv recieved issue 14 and 15 so early? i dont normally recieve them till the first week of the month. i was well happy when they turned up yesterday. the collection is really starting to come together now. lovin it. -{ :007)
on friday I sent an email asking why i still hadn't been charged for issues 14 and 15 yet. i got a reply today saying they haven't been able to take a payment from my credit card, so if any of my details have changed, i should ring them up and tell them the new details.
i replied saying that my card only expires in december, and i have successfully used the card at petrol stations, supermarkets and with online retailers, so there shouldn't be a problem.
i hope they can sort it out quickly, look like i won't receive 14 and 15 till mid-to-late August at the earliest
The Aston looks nice, the BMW 750iL however does not - many nasty errors.
1. It appears on the model as if it has some strange 17-inch aftermarket wheels instead of the gorgeous BMW 18-inch ones of the original.
2. The colour is wrong, the car in the film was a darker grey, definitely not this shiny silver.
3. The model looks more like a facelifted BMW E38 7-series in the front.
4. The spoilers and skirts are of the same colour as the rest of the car, not black as on all 7-series of 1997-1998 and the one in the film.
yeah bad news about them making so many errors on the BMW.
and just checked my credit card online, i now have a pending transaction of £15.98, so it looks like they have resolved the problems with taking payments from my card.
This has only just been released here is Australia, and I was wondering if anyone knows how many parts are in it.... I am loving it just from the first issue.
finally got 14 and 15 today, and i must say, the BMW doesn't look so "off" in the flesh, as i thought so originally from only seeing pictures. the wheels do still look a bit small though. shame they made the skirts and spoilers silver instead of black as they shoild have been, as Vantage Volante pointed out. If you open your models, you can probably easily paint them black to make them movie-accurate.
the Aston is quite good too, and did you notice the left-front wheel is missing it's tyre? nice touch, i didn't even know it would be like that till i saw the pic in the magazine:
Hi all, whilst subscribing i was also offered to collect the special edition models that would be produced at easter and xmas at an extra cost of £10 naturally i said yes yet having seen the list of 40 cars there seems to be no mention of these and easter has come and gone with no extra car - did anyone else get offered these, do they actually exist or have i been misinformed???
i've received the 3 free gifts, but didn't read anything about extra gifts at Easter or Christmas while subscribing. does anyone else know about these?
it was the sales rep on the phone that told me about the special editions, i assumed they would be vehicles such as GF's rolls royce, the oil tanker from LTK, MR's space shuttle and gondela or even DN's dragon etc (strange that they dont seem to be included in the collection!) - i will get on the phone to the company to recheck, will keep you posted
yes please do, i didn't know anything about paying extra for them. i did check the "receive special issues" box when i subscribed though, don't know if that entitles me to them or not.
and you may remember i told you on page 8 about my OHMSS DBS not having any writing on the base? well i received my replacement issue today, and thankfully it does have writing on the base:
does anyone think the one without writing on the base will ever be worth anything in the future (as was commented about the same model with the wrong movie name printed on it's base on page 8), therefore worth keeping? i might just put the model and magazine on ebay if not.
collection is coming on nicely so far, i have 4 rows with 4 cars in each row stacked on my shelf, with the tank and Little Nellie sitting on top (the Renault taxi is part of the 4x4 rows).
oh and looking on ebay, there is the DB5 from issue 40 (issue 12 from the French collection, from the description) with a buy It Now price: Click
it's not worth buying now as we'll get it in good time, but i just wanted to show you the picture of it. That's the 4th DB5 in the collection apart from the 2 we've already had and the one from Casino Royale, from the factory chase in Goldfinger.
Does anyone else think that it's strange that we're getting so many DB5's in the collection and that we're being a little short changed???
On one hand it will look like many of the same model, (until you look closer at the collection as a whole, but then again the DB5 has featured in several guises in several different films. Not only that but it is the most strongly linked with 007.
Still at least when I've got them all I can put the Thunderball Mustang between the Goldfinger DB's and the one from Thunderball - or else we'd have 3 DB5's in a row!
well rang the number supplied on the 'jamesbondcar' website to ask about the special issues and unfortunately it doesnt help much. they had indeed asked if we would agree to paying for any special issues but have used the cop out of 'any special issues we MAY decide to produce' - so basically dont hold your breath!!!!
superadoRegent's Park West (CaliforniaPosts: 2,660MI6 Agent
Does anyone else think that it's strange that we're getting so many DB5's in the collection and that we're being a little short changed???
On one hand it will look like many of the same model, (until you look closer at the collection as a whole, but then again the DB5 has featured in several guises in several different films. Not only that but it is the most strongly linked with 007.
Still at least when I've got them all I can put the Thunderball Mustang between the Goldfinger DB's and the one from Thunderball - or else we'd have 3 DB5's in a row!
Yes, as "The Most Famous Car in the World," the DB5 is #1 on many all-time favorite Bond vehicle lists of diehard and casual fans alike. I'd guess that whatever the #2 car is on anyone's list, it is a very distant second at that in terms of pure appeal. For those who are getting only a select number of models, I wonder how many will not get both versions of TSWLM Lotus, though they obviously have different toolings.
However, I'm not surprised of their DB5 rehashing and I'm sure they'd attempt that with other Bond cars should they be assured of fan demand, though I doubt any would equal the DB5's appeal. Corgi and others do the same to leverage existing model tooling for the diecast process (and injection molding process for the smaller parts), which I believe is the most expensive aspect in the whole process.
Interestingly, I feel that my own collection of Bond vehicles from various lines is too saturated with the DB5, and I'm still on the fence about getting any of the versions in this particular line.
"...the purposeful slant of his striding figure looked dangerous, as if he was making quickly for something bad that was happening further down the street." -SMERSH on 007 dossier photo, Ch. 6 FRWL.....
A limited edition, especially created to go with the new James Bond DVD release
The best eight Bond film cars, all with a silver chrome finish packed in a quality metal 007 branded suitcase
Each case comes with a certificate of authenticity
Each case has a For Your Eyes Only wallet with technical specifications on each car
Cars approximately 120mm in length
Case dimensions 380W x 280H x 80D mm
The complete collector's set edition, each car is represented in polished Chrome.
These are the classic fully gadget loaded versions of each car,
That DB5, you know the one with the ejector seat, bullet proof pop up rear windshield, pop out machine guns.
Goldfinger's 1937 Rolls Royce, no it's not gold, we've already said it's in chrome.
The Lotus Esprit, yes that one, the submarine with firing missiles & pop out sea wings & rudder
The Z3, yeah we know, but it was in the film.
The Aston Martin Vanquish, with pop up shotguns & missiles in the radiator grille
The Jag XKR, pop up gatling gun & front firing missiles
The classic DB5, no gadgets but Craig won it, you know you want it.
Finishing up with the brand new DBS, no it hasn't got the defibrilator.
I saw that collection some months ago and ordered an additional copy of CR just to get the £50 off discount. However, apparently email you the discount code within 2 weeks of delivery of the CR dvd and mine never arrived. Believe it or not it seems impossible to contact Their helpline number is not working (diconnected according to BT) and there's no apparent email addresses for them either. They do look great, but I didn't want to pay full price for them as I wasn't sure how much they were really worth as they haven't been mentioned on here before.
just got pt16 & pt17 - although i love the collection cant help being a bit dissapointed with pt16 another lotus! in all 3 lotus and 4 db5, nice to have but cant help but feel that there are so many other key vehicles missing that perhaps should be in the collection - anyone else agree?
I got the same models too this morning - would have got them yesteday but there wasn't anyone in when the postman called. Anyway...
...I love both of the models and once again amazing detail - you can even make out the blue tie roger moore is wearing in the Lotus and the model in the Sunbeam actually does look like Sean Connery!
As for the number of Lotus and DB5 models I was a bit miffed about this at first but then you realise that these are the most Iconic of the 007 vehicles and the DB5 in various guises has been in 5 movies so you have to appeciate this is what people think of when they think of 007 cars.
Also glad to say that despite being somewhat lacklustre some of the magazines do throw up a treat now and then. This time I get to see a photo of the model of the Liparus that I'd never seen before - with people stood next to it.
Derek Meddings - now he was a genius!
Agreed that they are iconic and i can see a need for their inclusion in the collection. Dont get me wrong i too love the attention to detail and believe it or not i quite like the magazine!
It just surprises me that there are other vehicles that have not been included, some of which (in my opinion) i would class as equally iconic for example:
Rolls Royce 337 - Goldfinger (surely a must!!!)
Double Decker Bus - Live and Let Die
Tankers Trucks - Licence to Kill
BMW motorbike - Tomorrow Never Dies
unfortunately i stop my list there as after all it is a 'car' collection but would love to see the collection to continue after with more vehicles ie Dragon tank, Speedboats, Gondola Hovercraft, Q Boat and why not think bigger ie Space shuttle and the Liparus Tanker!
Obviously the list is quite long when you think of all the varying vehicles used throughout the films but with some careful thought the 'iconic' ones could be picked out and added to the collection - couldnt they??
Probably does nt belong here but it loosely involves the Bond car collection so here goes...
Saturday id just returned from my holidays when i got a call from one of my oldest freinds telling me that "Little Nellie" was appearing outside a Lotus dealership in my town and knowing what a huge Bond fan i am he wondered if i wanted to go and have a look.For sheer novelty value the Wallis Autogyro in Barnet High St. would be hard to beat anytime so i went down to have a look.
Yep,sure and surrealy enough,there was,indeed,Little Nellie(is there a more original or untouched Bond prop in existence?)and a lovely old boy chatting away to a grown man who displayed the wonderment of a 5-year-old!!It was only after eavesdropping a little of this conversation whilst taking in the beautiful lines of this timeless machine that i realised,when i heard him say how the producers asked him to slow down flying because he was outrunning the helicopters,that the Gentleman in question was none other than Wing Commander Ken Wallis himself-and it was my turn to be starstruck!!At 91 years old he remains sharp as a tack with a level of enthusiasm that puts people a third his age to shame and an ability to make you feel you re the most important person around.
We chatted for a few minutes and then he asked if id like an autographed card.He did nt need to really!Having just returned i had no English money on me so i wandered down the road to a cash point and on the way back i stopped in the newsagents where to my surprise issue 7 of the car collection was sitting on the bottom shelf-the "YOLT" issue!So i did nt even think about it really...the only thing to do was the buy the magazine and present it to the great man!
When i got back he was busy with another couple of people so i put £2.00 in his collection tin for retired servicemen,he asked my name and signed me a card"To Neil-best wishes!!Ken Wallis=007!!" and as i left i said"Id like you to have this!" and gave it to him.Kind of wish id elaborated on the fact that the aerial dogfight is in my top three Bond set-pieces and still to my eye one of the greatest battle scenes in cinematic history,but he seemed delighted with the gift and thanked me profusely leaving me to go home and unpack a very happy man indeed.
the real model we receive has Z8301, so I assume it is just a mistake in the pictures in the magazine. i'm not aware that the car had changing number plates.
I received 16 and 17 today:
as Aston Martin DBS commented, yes, the figure really does look like Connery in the Sunbeam!
anyone notice on page 3 of issue 17's magazine where the pictures of the Sunbeam are, it says "with issue 18 collect your scale model of the Sunbeam Alpine in action"?
someone was asleep while typing or proof-reading...
anyone notice on page 3 of issue 17's magazine where the pictures of the Sunbeam are, it says "with issue 18 collect your scale model of the Sunbeam Alpine in action"?
someone was asleep while typing or proof-reading...
Hi to everybdody. I'm new in this forum, I'm from Italy. I'm trying to collect these beautiful models buying it on the web (France version).
To answer to Muks_C, maybe they dind't change the sentence. In fact, in France collection, Sumbeam is number 18.
I think that the publisher could be more careful...
Ah righto- so the film ones were long wheelbase? Well that's fair enough- I'll have to have another look. Shame about the silver spoliers.
i replied saying that my card only expires in december, and i have successfully used the card at petrol stations, supermarkets and with online retailers, so there shouldn't be a problem.
i hope they can sort it out quickly, look like i won't receive 14 and 15 till mid-to-late August at the earliest
1. It appears on the model as if it has some strange 17-inch aftermarket wheels instead of the gorgeous BMW 18-inch ones of the original.
2. The colour is wrong, the car in the film was a darker grey, definitely not this shiny silver.
3. The model looks more like a facelifted BMW E38 7-series in the front.
4. The spoilers and skirts are of the same colour as the rest of the car, not black as on all 7-series of 1997-1998 and the one in the film.
and just checked my credit card online, i now have a pending transaction of £15.98, so it looks like they have resolved the problems with taking payments from my card.
the Aston is quite good too, and did you notice the left-front wheel is missing it's tyre? nice touch, i didn't even know it would be like that till i saw the pic in the magazine:
and you may remember i told you on page 8 about my OHMSS DBS not having any writing on the base? well i received my replacement issue today, and thankfully it does have writing on the base:
does anyone think the one without writing on the base will ever be worth anything in the future (as was commented about the same model with the wrong movie name printed on it's base on page 8), therefore worth keeping? i might just put the model and magazine on ebay if not.
collection is coming on nicely so far, i have 4 rows with 4 cars in each row stacked on my shelf, with the tank and Little Nellie sitting on top (the Renault taxi is part of the 4x4 rows).
oh and looking on ebay, there is the DB5 from issue 40 (issue 12 from the French collection, from the description) with a buy It Now price: Click
it's not worth buying now as we'll get it in good time, but i just wanted to show you the picture of it. That's the 4th DB5 in the collection apart from the 2 we've already had and the one from Casino Royale, from the factory chase in Goldfinger.
On one hand it will look like many of the same model, (until you look closer at the collection as a whole, but then again the DB5 has featured in several guises in several different films. Not only that but it is the most strongly linked with 007.
Still at least when I've got them all I can put the Thunderball Mustang between the Goldfinger DB's and the one from Thunderball - or else we'd have 3 DB5's in a row!
Yes, as "The Most Famous Car in the World," the DB5 is #1 on many all-time favorite Bond vehicle lists of diehard and casual fans alike. I'd guess that whatever the #2 car is on anyone's list, it is a very distant second at that in terms of pure appeal. For those who are getting only a select number of models, I wonder how many will not get both versions of TSWLM Lotus, though they obviously have different toolings.
However, I'm not surprised of their DB5 rehashing and I'm sure they'd attempt that with other Bond cars should they be assured of fan demand, though I doubt any would equal the DB5's appeal. Corgi and others do the same to leverage existing model tooling for the diecast process (and injection molding process for the smaller parts), which I believe is the most expensive aspect in the whole process.
Interestingly, I feel that my own collection of Bond vehicles from various lines is too saturated with the DB5, and I'm still on the fence about getting any of the versions in this particular line.
Click on the 'enlarge picture' to see to see them in the case
A limited edition, especially created to go with the new James Bond DVD release
The best eight Bond film cars, all with a silver chrome finish packed in a quality metal 007 branded suitcase
Each case comes with a certificate of authenticity
Each case has a For Your Eyes Only wallet with technical specifications on each car
Cars approximately 120mm in length
Case dimensions 380W x 280H x 80D mm
The complete collector's set edition, each car is represented in polished Chrome.
These are the classic fully gadget loaded versions of each car,
That DB5, you know the one with the ejector seat, bullet proof pop up rear windshield, pop out machine guns.
Goldfinger's 1937 Rolls Royce, no it's not gold, we've already said it's in chrome.
The Lotus Esprit, yes that one, the submarine with firing missiles & pop out sea wings & rudder
The Z3, yeah we know, but it was in the film.
The Aston Martin Vanquish, with pop up shotguns & missiles in the radiator grille
The Jag XKR, pop up gatling gun & front firing missiles
The classic DB5, no gadgets but Craig won it, you know you want it.
Finishing up with the brand new DBS, no it hasn't got the defibrilator.
edit: it says in the reviews that they are 1:36.
anyone received issues 16 and 17 yet?
...I love both of the models and once again amazing detail - you can even make out the blue tie roger moore is wearing in the Lotus and the model in the Sunbeam actually does look like Sean Connery!
As for the number of Lotus and DB5 models I was a bit miffed about this at first but then you realise that these are the most Iconic of the 007 vehicles and the DB5 in various guises has been in 5 movies so you have to appeciate this is what people think of when they think of 007 cars.
Also glad to say that despite being somewhat lacklustre some of the magazines do throw up a treat now and then. This time I get to see a photo of the model of the Liparus that I'd never seen before - with people stood next to it.
Derek Meddings - now he was a genius!
It just surprises me that there are other vehicles that have not been included, some of which (in my opinion) i would class as equally iconic for example:
Rolls Royce 337 - Goldfinger (surely a must!!!)
Double Decker Bus - Live and Let Die
Tankers Trucks - Licence to Kill
BMW motorbike - Tomorrow Never Dies
unfortunately i stop my list there as after all it is a 'car' collection but would love to see the collection to continue after with more vehicles ie Dragon tank, Speedboats, Gondola Hovercraft, Q Boat and why not think bigger ie Space shuttle and the Liparus Tanker!
Obviously the list is quite long when you think of all the varying vehicles used throughout the films but with some careful thought the 'iconic' ones could be picked out and added to the collection - couldnt they??
Saturday id just returned from my holidays when i got a call from one of my oldest freinds telling me that "Little Nellie" was appearing outside a Lotus dealership in my town and knowing what a huge Bond fan i am he wondered if i wanted to go and have a look.For sheer novelty value the Wallis Autogyro in Barnet High St. would be hard to beat anytime so i went down to have a look.
Yep,sure and surrealy enough,there was,indeed,Little Nellie(is there a more original or untouched Bond prop in existence?)and a lovely old boy chatting away to a grown man who displayed the wonderment of a 5-year-old!!It was only after eavesdropping a little of this conversation whilst taking in the beautiful lines of this timeless machine that i realised,when i heard him say how the producers asked him to slow down flying because he was outrunning the helicopters,that the Gentleman in question was none other than Wing Commander Ken Wallis himself-and it was my turn to be starstruck!!At 91 years old he remains sharp as a tack with a level of enthusiasm that puts people a third his age to shame and an ability to make you feel you re the most important person around.
We chatted for a few minutes and then he asked if id like an autographed card.He did nt need to really!Having just returned i had no English money on me so i wandered down the road to a cash point and on the way back i stopped in the newsagents where to my surprise issue 7 of the car collection was sitting on the bottom shelf-the "YOLT" issue!So i did nt even think about it really...the only thing to do was the buy the magazine and present it to the great man!
When i got back he was busy with another couple of people so i put £2.00 in his collection tin for retired servicemen,he asked my name and signed me a card"To Neil-best wishes!!Ken Wallis=007!!" and as i left i said"Id like you to have this!" and gave it to him.Kind of wish id elaborated on the fact that the aerial dogfight is in my top three Bond set-pieces and still to my eye one of the greatest battle scenes in cinematic history,but he seemed delighted with the gift and thanked me profusely leaving me to go home and unpack a very happy man indeed.
the real model we receive has Z8301, so I assume it is just a mistake in the pictures in the magazine. i'm not aware that the car had changing number plates.
I received 16 and 17 today:
as Aston Martin DBS commented, yes, the figure really does look like Connery in the Sunbeam!
someone was asleep while typing or proof-reading...
Hi to everybdody. I'm new in this forum, I'm from Italy. I'm trying to collect these beautiful models buying it on the web (France version).
To answer to Muks_C, maybe they dind't change the sentence. In fact, in France collection, Sumbeam is number 18.
I think that the publisher could be more careful...