Judi is a fantastic signer TTM & also IP (so I hear.)
UNBELIEVABLY fantastic TTM! She even sends personalized authentics after emailed requests.
I met her IP at the NYC premiere of 'NINE', and couldn't have been nicer. Imagine my excitement when I saw that the signature looked exactly like my TTM success... She has a very distinct signature.
Anoushka Hempel, now Lady Weinberg, is VERY rare and, as far as I know, hasn't signed anything in decades. I've only seen signed photos such as yours, and an album page I have, but I'm sure these date back to her film and TV days in the 60s and early 70s.
Thanks for your help there Steve, very good of you.
I hadn't realised that she has signed nothing since her acting days back in the 60s & 70s - although that may explain why I got nothing back from her after writing to her via her Hotel a few years ago! Your scan looks very similar to mine, so I am confident that mine is genuine.
I don't suppose anyone knows anything about getting Maryam D'Abo TTM? I know Jeroen Krabbe is quite reliable, and I'd love to have both their autos on an 8x10 print I have of TLD Japanese one sheet.
Believe it or not, I'd likely rank TLD as my second favourite Bond film.
I think I know where the Anthony Dawson autograph that is being discussed is located.
It was part of a large autograph collection, recently purchased.
What do you think it is worth?
Great! Can you tell us where you think you might have seen it?
I think personally, and this is an estimate due to not having any description of material it is signed on, condition & if it's personalized etc - so I would estimate around £250 - £390 for it.
They are all most definetaly fake mate, they are a disgrace of a 'fake', so obvious (don't mean that about you in a patronising way) just that the guy selling it obviously thinks we're so gullible to believe that they are real. 8-)
To be honest, at a first glance that Connery signature looks authentic because Connery's signature these days is becoming more 'sloppy' & rushed, hence why thinking this autograph was authentic at a first glance.
But, upon comparing this signature to other genuine examples of his, it doesn't IMO look real I'm sorry to say.
You often find that the 'fakers' who sell these autographs do tend to use sharpie pens, which does make it more hard to determine as in person the majority of collectors do ask them to sign using a sharpie therefore making it difficult to decipher if it is a 'good' forgery.
I've never heard of that seller & looking at their other Bond signatures, alarm bells started ringing as all of them are most definetaly fakes. 8-) :v
In my opinion the seller only has 3 authentic Connery signatures for sale. The two cheques and the contract. None of the others look good to me. The prices are also very, very high.
Connery's signature is not exactly a rare commodity these days due to the amount of books/bookplates he has signed recently. An authentic 8 x 10 Bond shot however is very rare indeed. Even a certain seller, considered by many to be very reputable, has far too high a turnover in 8 x 10 Connery signed Bond shots for my liking no matter how authentic they may look. Firstly, Connery doesn't like to sign autographs full stop unless for charity or to help sell a book as he doesn't like the idea of people making a profit off of his signature. On top of that, he despises the whole 'Bond' thing so getting him to sign Bond shots is next to impossible. I know many people who have been refused in person.
I think there are going to be many, many people who have purchased the majority of their 8 x 10 Bond collections from one particular source who are going to be very disappointed in years to come. Obviously I cannot name names here for legal reasons.
The best advice I can give is to stick with buying signed documents. Cheques, hand written letters, book signings or contracts are your best bet.
Check out this little collection! The first thing that grabbed me was the price (FAR, FAR, FAR too high!) , but secondly the autographs themselves. Whilst most of the girls and the villains look genuine, I dont consider any of the Bond's are real. The Timothy Dalton one is simply awful.
You're absolutely right Andy, firstly the price is way way way exaggerated as you say (who on earth in their right mind is going to pay nearly £2,500 for an autograph lot?) 8-)
To be honest, I'd take the entire lot there with a pinch of salt and exercise extreme caution certainly around the Bond actors signatures............don't get me started on that Dalton signature as you say, utter b*ll*cks!! )
I would like your expert opinion on these two Connery autographs. Do you think they are authentic based on my photos? Thanks for all thoughts and opinions!
I've been collecting Bond autographs, in person mainly, for years. The below is my prize piece - signed in person (in front of me) by 4 of the 6 Bond actors.
Dalton NEVER signs anything anymore unfortunately. I saw him literally two weeks ago and asked him to sign this, which he refused to do...very rude man really. Shame, I think his Bond is great.
So, my only hope is to have Brosnan sign it, which is possible. He's signed for me before.
However, I'm in the process of selling ALL of my collection including countless autographs. Should anyone be seriously interested in this, I might be willing to sell. It took some bloody work though!!
I do know what you mean by the 'D' always being a giveaway, but for me on this one, the 'T' left me a bit perplexed to say the least!
UNBELIEVABLY fantastic TTM! She even sends personalized authentics after emailed requests.
I met her IP at the NYC premiere of 'NINE', and couldn't have been nicer. Imagine my excitement when I saw that the signature looked exactly like my TTM success... She has a very distinct signature.
I have a signed photo of her, and just wanted to know if she is highly sought after?
I hope this comes thru clearly. It's dated Dec. 1975.
I hadn't realised that she has signed nothing since her acting days back in the 60s & 70s - although that may explain why I got nothing back from her after writing to her via her Hotel a few years ago! Your scan looks very similar to mine, so I am confident that mine is genuine.
Believe it or not, I'd likely rank TLD as my second favourite Bond film.
Be prepared to wait a while though, she's not the quickest at responding but she does sign TTM as far as I know.
Just curious which one of these addresses is the best for her?
c/o Diamond Management
31 Percy Street
London W1T 2DD
United Kingdom
2-4 Noel Street
London W1V 3RB
Thanks again.
It was part of a large autograph collection, recently purchased.
What do you think it is worth?
Great! Can you tell us where you think you might have seen it?
I think personally, and this is an estimate due to not having any description of material it is signed on, condition & if it's personalized etc - so I would estimate around £250 - £390 for it.
Looks to be all fake?
BTW, seller is asking $ 200
Thanks -{
Looks to me that all are fakes -{
TIS - "The moment you think you got it figured - you're wrong"
Formerly known as Teppo
They are all most definetaly fake mate, they are a disgrace of a 'fake', so obvious (don't mean that about you in a patronising way) just that the guy selling it obviously thinks we're so gullible to believe that they are real. 8-)
Tell him where to stick his $200!!
Does anybody know this seller and are the autos authentic?
Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
But, upon comparing this signature to other genuine examples of his, it doesn't IMO look real I'm sorry to say.
You often find that the 'fakers' who sell these autographs do tend to use sharpie pens, which does make it more hard to determine as in person the majority of collectors do ask them to sign using a sharpie therefore making it difficult to decipher if it is a 'good' forgery.
I've never heard of that seller & looking at their other Bond signatures, alarm bells started ringing as all of them are most definetaly fakes. 8-) :v
Connery's signature is not exactly a rare commodity these days due to the amount of books/bookplates he has signed recently. An authentic 8 x 10 Bond shot however is very rare indeed. Even a certain seller, considered by many to be very reputable, has far too high a turnover in 8 x 10 Connery signed Bond shots for my liking no matter how authentic they may look. Firstly, Connery doesn't like to sign autographs full stop unless for charity or to help sell a book as he doesn't like the idea of people making a profit off of his signature. On top of that, he despises the whole 'Bond' thing so getting him to sign Bond shots is next to impossible. I know many people who have been refused in person.
I think there are going to be many, many people who have purchased the majority of their 8 x 10 Bond collections from one particular source who are going to be very disappointed in years to come. Obviously I cannot name names here for legal reasons.
The best advice I can give is to stick with buying signed documents. Cheques, hand written letters, book signings or contracts are your best bet.
I know what I think of it!
Expert minds think alike Andy!
To be honest, I'd take the entire lot there with a pinch of salt and exercise extreme caution certainly around the Bond actors signatures............don't get me started on that Dalton signature as you say, utter b*ll*cks!!
That's what I thought too....but second opinions always help!
I've been collecting Bond autographs, in person mainly, for years. The below is my prize piece - signed in person (in front of me) by 4 of the 6 Bond actors.
Dalton NEVER signs anything anymore unfortunately. I saw him literally two weeks ago and asked him to sign this, which he refused to do...very rude man really. Shame, I think his Bond is great.
So, my only hope is to have Brosnan sign it, which is possible. He's signed for me before.
However, I'm in the process of selling ALL of my collection including countless autographs. Should anyone be seriously interested in this, I might be willing to sell. It took some bloody work though!!