The Bond Experience



  • The Bond ExperienceThe Bond Experience Newtown, PAPosts: 5,490Quartermasters
    I love it...ridiculously comfortable!
  • Westward_DriftWestward_Drift Posts: 3,123MI6 Agent
    Great video David. Very nice sweater. I'm not sure how you wore it in 71 degree weather. I overheat way too easily to do that. Just trying on the Club Monaco cardigan (Tom Ford budget alternative) last year had me getting too hot in a 68 degree house. And that was a rather lightweight wool sweater.
  • hthomashthomas Philadelphia, PAPosts: 833MI6 Agent
    Loved that video David. Where is that grey polo from?
  • The Bond ExperienceThe Bond Experience Newtown, PAPosts: 5,490Quartermasters
    The grey polo, which was WAY too tight, was just a budget alternative from target...$9.95! But it played the part for under the sweater....
  • kaddkadd Posts: 917MI6 Agent
    edited April 2015
    David where's the beard gone!!!

    Great video. Loved the packaging the sweater came in. Really makes the opening an experience.
  • The Bond ExperienceThe Bond Experience Newtown, PAPosts: 5,490Quartermasters
    Alas, the warm weather is finally the beard is down the return next winter, no doubt!
  • The Bond ExperienceThe Bond Experience Newtown, PAPosts: 5,490Quartermasters
    The NPEAL SPECTRE Bond Sweaters:
  • PPK 7.65mmPPK 7.65mm Saratoga Springs NY USAPosts: 1,256MI6 Agent
    The Mantis wrote:

    Defiantly going to check this out soon. I keep having issues with my Gillette Razor, periodically.
  • VasBond84VasBond84 Posts: 2MI6 Agent

    Hello gents

    I'm hoping to order a peacoat however I am a little unsure of sizing.

    Is there anyone in the London area who has a Skyfall peacoat that would be willing to let me try on for sizing?

    Many thanks and regards
  • Westward_DriftWestward_Drift Posts: 3,123MI6 Agent
    The Mantis wrote:
    The NPEAL SPECTRE Bond Sweaters:

    David, were you wearing the Billy Reid or Royale Peacoat in this video? Just curious. Thanks.
  • The Bond ExperienceThe Bond Experience Newtown, PAPosts: 5,490Quartermasters
    It was the BR peacoat....
  • thespyboys11thespyboys11 Lindenwold,NJPosts: 1,898MI6 Agent
    Any luck on getting the interview with Lana finished???????????
  • The Bond ExperienceThe Bond Experience Newtown, PAPosts: 5,490Quartermasters
    edited May 2015
    That question needs more question marks.... :))

    Seriously though, the sound was really bad on it, so I needed someone to tweak up the sound (way beyond my editing prowess and software) but I have handed it off to someone who boosted the clarity....the camera was too far from the stage...I will try to get something up here before I leave on vacation...
  • The Bond ExperienceThe Bond Experience Newtown, PAPosts: 5,490Quartermasters
    Give this a whirl, Ed...
  • thespyboys11thespyboys11 Lindenwold,NJPosts: 1,898MI6 Agent
    That was great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (Hope I gave that the appropriate number of exclamation marks)

    You did a great job moderating the panel!!

    Could you post the link to the Power Point presentation you mention at the end of the video.? (Only 1 this time)
  • The Bond ExperienceThe Bond Experience Newtown, PAPosts: 5,490Quartermasters
    New Body by Bond Video:

    David tests out the TITIN weighted compression shirt system and reviews it before and during a workout.
    The TITIN Force™ Shirt System is a three part hyper gravity system. The first part of the system is the 8 pounds of weighted hydro-gel inserts. The second part is a 14-pocket inner compression shirt. The third part is the outer compression shirt. Gels are strategically placed over large muscle groups evenly distributing the weight throughout the upper body.
  • 7700777007 Posts: 502MI6 Agent
    Nice vid.

    Couple of form things though... No half reps lol. You should be going all the way down on pull ups. Get all that negative going down, thats the meat of the movement down there . Works more lats which is the main target for chins and pull ups. Keep your shoulders back and mind muscle connection on the lats by envisioning youre pulling your elbows back until you reach the top. You're doing more of a bicep pump by hanging up there. Just an fyi observation, take it or leave it. Maybe you do go all the way down at other times.

    And i kept waiting for the chuks or staff to kill the TV lol. FINISH HIM!
  • The Bond ExperienceThe Bond Experience Newtown, PAPosts: 5,490Quartermasters
    I hear ya, and no excuses but I had done a full workout BEFORE I put the shirt on so I was spent...

    77007 wrote:
    Nice vid.

    Couple of form things though... No half reps lol. You should be going all the way down on pull ups. Get all that negative going down, thats the meat of the movement down there . Works more lats which is the main target for chins and pull ups. Keep your shoulders back and mind muscle connection on the lats by envisioning youre pulling your elbows back until you reach the top. You're doing more of a bicep pump by hanging up there. Just an fyi observation, take it or leave it. Maybe you do go all the way down at other times.

    And i kept waiting for the chuks or staff to kill the TV lol. FINISH HIM!
  • Lee JohnLee John Beautiful British Columbia Posts: 90MI6 Agent
    Watching you handle those nunchucks like a boss was the highlight of my day. Did not see that coming.
  • thelordflasheartthelordflasheart Posts: 314MI6 Agent
    That leapt off the screen at me too, and I was going to mention it but was worried about being...unmotivational.

    One thing my old kinesiology prof cautioned us about was giving unsolicited exercise advice. He said that we hear ourselves giving constructive advice but what most people hear is that they are being criticised. Exercise, like sex, is such a part of the masculine identity that most guys get their backs up, even if only subconsciously, at the idea that they are "doing it wrong". That's not meant in reference to anyone here, just a general rule of thumb why I usually don't chime in on topics of exercise (although I will go through phases when I do!).

    If Daniel Craig was using this vest it's important to remember that he was using this vest *after* he got into the shape that he's in. He didn't start out where the general public is and use the vest to get into the shape we saw in, say, Skyfall. However, I just know that there are guys at my gym that will start using the vest thinking that it will get them into "Daniel Craig shape", much like all of those fake "Daniel Craig workouts" floating around the web in 2006.

    Great marketing for the vest though.
    77007 wrote:
    Nice vid.

    Couple of form things though... No half reps lol. You should be going all the way down on pull ups. Get all that negative going down, thats the meat of the movement down there . Works more lats which is the main target for chins and pull ups. Keep your shoulders back and mind muscle connection on the lats by envisioning youre pulling your elbows back until you reach the top. You're doing more of a bicep pump by hanging up there. Just an fyi observation, take it or leave it. Maybe you do go all the way down at other times.

    And i kept waiting for the chuks or staff to kill the TV lol. FINISH HIM!
  • thelordflasheartthelordflasheart Posts: 314MI6 Agent
    David, if you did a full workout and then did *another* workout (wearing the vest!) afterwards I think you need to really revisit your current's nowhere near hard enough for you now. :-)

    As a friend of mine (who just got his IFBB pro card) says, if you end your workout but could still do more...then it isn't a workout anymore ;-)
    The Mantis wrote:
    I hear ya, and no excuses but I had done a full workout BEFORE I put the shirt on so I was spent...

    77007 wrote:
    Nice vid.

    Couple of form things though... No half reps lol. You should be going all the way down on pull ups. Get all that negative going down, thats the meat of the movement down there . Works more lats which is the main target for chins and pull ups. Keep your shoulders back and mind muscle connection on the lats by envisioning youre pulling your elbows back until you reach the top. You're doing more of a bicep pump by hanging up there. Just an fyi observation, take it or leave it. Maybe you do go all the way down at other times.

    And i kept waiting for the chuks or staff to kill the TV lol. FINISH HIM!
  • The Bond ExperienceThe Bond Experience Newtown, PAPosts: 5,490Quartermasters
    It's hard to offend me...clearly I lost my embarrassment gene years ago or I wouldn't be able to do these videos...when doing my P90x3 I pride myself that I can do 20 good pull-ups (wasn't able to do three when I first started) during the Challenge CD....and you are right, exercise has become as sticky as religion and politics...but I consider you all brother in arms (look what I did there) so no worries... :)
  • James BoldmanJames Boldman Amherst, MAPosts: 464MI6 Agent
    The Mantis wrote:
    It's hard to offend me...clearly I lost my embarrassment gene years ago or I wouldn't be able to do these videos...when doing my P90x3 I pride myself that I can do 20 good pull-ups (wasn't able to do three when I first started) during the Challenge CD....and you are right, exercise has become as sticky as religion and politics...but I consider you all brother in arms (look what I did there) so no worries... :)
    Great video Thanks for posting. I do a similar workout Supreme 90 Day, and I think this shirt would work out great...see what I did there?
  • PaperbillPaperbill FloridaPosts: 812MI6 Agent
    Excellent video, thanks David
  • Westward_DriftWestward_Drift Posts: 3,123MI6 Agent
    Great video, David. If I tried that with the nunchucks or staff I'd have taken out the television screen. :))
  • Lee JohnLee John Beautiful British Columbia Posts: 90MI6 Agent
    Loved the video. If I tried those moves with nunchucks, I probably wouldn't be able to have children anymore!
  • The Bond ExperienceThe Bond Experience Newtown, PAPosts: 5,490Quartermasters
    :)) Thanks gents!
  • mudz112mudz112 London, United KingdomPosts: 130MI6 Agent
    Does anybody have a link to the video podcast David did on Tom Ford items from Quantum of Solace? Where he talks about the Tom Ford cardigan and other items. Thanks.
  • TennysonTennyson A View to a KillPosts: 606MI6 Agent
    Hey David, loved the Amazicon Panel video with Lana and Ed - you mentioned a link to the powerpoint at the end - is that still live? if so do you have the link, would love to see
  • The Bond ExperienceThe Bond Experience Newtown, PAPosts: 5,490Quartermasters
    Thanks for the reminder...will post it this week... -{
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