I really enjoyed the Spectre train fight, and thought nothing would come close
To that other little known bit of fisticuffs in FRWL . It's always nice when you
See something great.
Like with OHMSS, I thought nothing will ever come close to matching it .... Then
Out pops CR. Same with the FRWL train fight, so brutal, like two animals fighting for
Survival, then after a long wait comes the Spectre train fight, another fantastic piece
Of choreography, less contained obviously but still very brutal and realistic. Infact
It's not often shown Bond has been beaten, with no ideas or energy reserves left.
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
The score has many great moments: the opening, introduction to Rome, the eerie music when Bond first sees Blofeld at the funeral, Rome car chase, Writing's on Wall instrumental (such a shame that we did not hear the full instrumental in the film and only the ending that plays during the train kiss scene). And I absolutely adore this theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyxxDHcyA8c. So emotional.
The problem I have with Newman, especially in Spectre is his scores are just very pedestrian. So much so that they actually sap the excitement out of some scenes. Sound and soundtracks are very important to the overall sensory enjoyment of a movie. Just take the Haiti boat chase in qos. Arnold delivered a blistering musical accompaniment to that and it ramps up the excitement. I believe if Arnold had done the score for Spectre it wouldn't get as much flack for being a bit lacklustre. I mean for crying out loud even using the bond theme when Bond ejects from the db10 in Rome would have been a good start!
The problem I have with Newman, especially in Spectre is his scores are just very pedestrian. So much so that they actually sap the excitement out of some scenes. Sound and soundtracks are very important to the overall sensory enjoyment of a movie. Just take the Haiti boat chase in qos. Arnold delivered a blistering musical accompaniment to that and it ramps up the excitement. I believe if Arnold had done the score for Spectre it wouldn't get as much flack for being a bit lacklustre. I mean for crying out loud even using the bond theme when Bond ejects from the db10 in Rome would have been a good start!
This is probably the biggest problem with Spectre. Newman's approach is to not distract the viewer with his music, but instead the music is distracting because it is so out-of-place and doesn't do its job!
The problem I have with Newman, especially in Spectre is his scores are just very pedestrian. So much so that they actually sap the excitement out of some scenes. Sound and soundtracks are very important to the overall sensory enjoyment of a movie. Just take the Haiti boat chase in qos. Arnold delivered a blistering musical accompaniment to that and it ramps up the excitement. I believe if Arnold had done the score for Spectre it wouldn't get as much flack for being a bit lacklustre. I mean for crying out loud even using the bond theme when Bond ejects from the db10 in Rome would have been a good start!
This is probably the biggest problem with Spectre. Newman's approach is to not distract the viewer with his music, but instead the music is distracting because it is so out-of-place and doesn't do its job!
Exactly, which is I would have thought elementary for a film score? I think of jaws and the extra bite that music brings or how the imperial March is used to great effect in star wars. In fact pretty much every big film uses its main theme at chosen places which is taken from the bond themes..... An important aspect that the latest bond films have eschewed.
I believe that some people found SPECTRE to be boring due to its lack of good music. It is supposed to pump you up while watching the movie, not underwhelm you to death. For example the Thames chase in TWINE. Without the music it would've been very boring in some parts and that's precisely what is happening with SPECTRE.
I will admit that I enjoyed "Los Muertos Vivon Estan" (hope I didn't butcher it) precisely why it fits so well to the film and gets you pumped up to see the movie.
What I'm trying to say is bring back Arnold, you imbeciles. @BJB006, the QoS score wasn't that great. I prefer the Casino Royale score, mainly because of City Of Lovers. The only piece that I really liked in Solace was Night In The Opera. While I'm sure that Arnold found it interesting that he was given sheets talking about the characters and their backgrounds and write music with those in mind but I think that takes away the whole point of having a composer in the first place. The music is supposed to be written with the editing of the scenes in mind, not the other way around. That's mainly why I liked the early Barry music, when it wasn't butchered in the editing room by Peter Hunt.
The problem I have with Newman, especially in Spectre is his scores are just very pedestrian. So much so that they actually sap the excitement out of some scenes. Sound and soundtracks are very important to the overall sensory enjoyment of a movie. Just take the Haiti boat chase in qos. Arnold delivered a blistering musical accompaniment to that and it ramps up the excitement. I believe if Arnold had done the score for Spectre it wouldn't get as much flack for being a bit lacklustre. I mean for crying out loud even using the bond theme when Bond ejects from the db10 in Rome would have been a good start!
This is probably the biggest problem with Spectre. Newman's approach is to not distract the viewer with his music, but instead the music is distracting because it is so out-of-place and doesn't do its job!
Yeah we've discussed and agreed on this before I'm pretty sure how Spectre's score actually hinder's some of the action scenes by how overbearing and bad it is. Skyfall in comparison may still be a mostly lackluster and pedestrian score but it never really distracts from the film even if it doesn't add much beyond certain tracks and moments.
I find it strange that Spectre is the more standard bombastic Bond film that warrants big musical moments but the more somber and gloomy Skyfall has more bombastic, bolder moments musically then Spectre has.
The thing that would've really helped SF and SP is an Arnold score. Imagine the plane chase in Austria scored with an updated version of the OHMSS theme.
The thing that would've really helped SF and SP is an Arnold score. Imagine the plane chase in Austria scored with an updated version of the OHMSS theme.
It would just make us compare it poorly to the better scenes that use the theme in OHMSS.
However, I would have appreciated an OHMSS-inspired theme, like the action themes in AVTAK and DAD.
That's the trouble with the world today. No-one takes the time to do a really brutal train fight scene. It's a lost art. -{
To that other little known bit of fisticuffs in FRWL
See something great.
Like with OHMSS, I thought nothing will ever come close to matching it .... Then
Out pops CR. Same with the FRWL train fight, so brutal, like two animals fighting for
Survival, then after a long wait comes the Spectre train fight, another fantastic piece
Of choreography, less contained obviously but still very brutal and realistic. Infact
It's not often shown Bond has been beaten, with no ideas or energy reserves left.
Just listen to CR and QOS. David Arnold got better and better with every film.
But having said that I do like one track in particular in SF. "Grand Bazaar Istanbul" The rest though is just awful.
In SPECTRE there are several great tracks and Newman, even when copy/pasting from SF, did it better overall imho.
Notably: Backfire / Snow Plane / the use of WOTW and the use, well almost, of the Bond theme.
I would be very disappointed though if Newman did Bond 25 as well. Let's hope not. :007)
This is probably the biggest problem with Spectre. Newman's approach is to not distract the viewer with his music, but instead the music is distracting because it is so out-of-place and doesn't do its job!
Exactly, which is I would have thought elementary for a film score? I think of jaws and the extra bite that music brings or how the imperial March is used to great effect in star wars. In fact pretty much every big film uses its main theme at chosen places which is taken from the bond themes..... An important aspect that the latest bond films have eschewed.
I will admit that I enjoyed "Los Muertos Vivon Estan" (hope I didn't butcher it) precisely why it fits so well to the film and gets you pumped up to see the movie.
What I'm trying to say is bring back Arnold, you imbeciles.
@BJB006, the QoS score wasn't that great. I prefer the Casino Royale score, mainly because of City Of Lovers. The only piece that I really liked in Solace was Night In The Opera. While I'm sure that Arnold found it interesting that he was given sheets talking about the characters and their backgrounds and write music with those in mind but I think that takes away the whole point of having a composer in the first place. The music is supposed to be written with the editing of the scenes in mind, not the other way around. That's mainly why I liked the early Barry music, when it wasn't butchered in the editing room by Peter Hunt.
I find it strange that Spectre is the more standard bombastic Bond film that warrants big musical moments but the more somber and gloomy Skyfall has more bombastic, bolder moments musically then Spectre has.
It would just make us compare it poorly to the better scenes that use the theme in OHMSS.
However, I would have appreciated an OHMSS-inspired theme, like the action themes in AVTAK and DAD.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPftfNcZNG4 (Music from Radio Symphony Orchestra and Phiffer Broz.)
Helicopter Fight.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVOPv2snTnM (Music from Quantum of Solace)
Car Chase.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4uQl513f7k (Music from 007 Everything or Nothing.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91AVii2kO8E (Music from 007 Blood Stone.)
Plane Chase.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGH8Ht1ZXHc (Music from 007 Everything or Nothing.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FG3p_PvsaoM (Music from the concert John Barry.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBYY81sjbrY (Music from Thunderball.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpRqIOtuenY (Music from The World is Not Enough.)
London Helicopter Finale/Ending scene.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4IWEwOCowE (Music from A View To A Kill, Quantum of Solace and BBC Proms Orchestra.)
"You forgot the first rule of Mass Media Elliot! Give the people what they want!!!"
"I never miss..."
"Time to face gravity!"
Bravo Sir! -{ -{ -{ Fantastic job!
"You forgot the first rule of Mass Media Elliot! Give the people what they want!!!"
"I never miss..."
"Time to face gravity!"