So no need to see the visuals that go along with it, to see
If they complemy each other ? still it's all a personal thing
If you don't like it, you don't like it. {[]
That's not to say, when I hear the full thing, I might not like it
either. )
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
Times do change. In the silent movie era (Goldfinger was much closer to the silent movie era than we are to Goldfinger) there was a guy in the movie theatre banging away on a piano throughout. Music was even more important then because there was no spoken dialogue.
Simlarly, acting styles were much different in the silent era. Today, you could never get away with the over-the-top acting of the silent era but back then it was necessary.
You may argue that Newman's scores are too subtle for a Bond film but from the dozen or so reviews I've read of "Spectre," too subtle isn't a complaint.
In fact, none have even mentioned the score.
LoeffelholzThe United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
Variety said it could have used more bombast, or something like that.
Check out my Amazon author page!Mark Loeffelholz
"I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
"Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
So no need to see the visuals that go along with it, to see
If they complemy each other ?
I have no doubt that the visuals and the music will complement each other just fine. But I think a soundtrack should be judged on more levels than just that.
Well your the one slagging off the spectre score not me !
so is it only ok for you to be insulting ?
As a certain captin would say " I am have had enough of you "
Hopefully the next time I hear from you will be through
a Medium !
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
Asp9mmOver the Hills and Far Away.Posts: 7,544MI6 Agent
It can't be judged until we see it in context. I'm no major fan of Newman's SF score, but it's not invasive or annoying. Anyone hating it now is setting themselves up for a fall before they've even seen the height of the steps. Not a clever thing to do, and in the end, it's only detrimental to yourself. It's like a kid deciding to hate salmon before they've tried it 8-)
Well your the one slagging off the spectre score not me !
so is it only ok for you to be insulting ?
As a certain captin would say " I am have had enough of you "
Hopefully the next time I hear from you will be through
a Medium !
I'm not being insulting, I'm just criticising the work.
Well your the one slagging off the spectre score not me !
so is it only ok for you to be insulting ?
As a certain captin would say " I am have had enough of you "
Hopefully the next time I hear from you will be through
a Medium !
I'm not being insulting, I'm just criticising the work.
From what I listened to, about half of the soundtrack is just basically minimalist tones with some percussion -- eminently forgettable, aural wallpaper -- and the other half is okay to good. Nothing remarkable. A lot is derivative, aping Steve Jablonsky, Hans Zimmer, Danny Elfman and even David Arnold. It's a better soundtrack than the one for Skyfall, but that's not saying much. It's completely inoffensive and mostly lacking in innovation or courage. Coincidentally, I was watching How the West Was Won and got shivers from his father's score, as usual.
Well your the one slagging off the spectre score not me !
so is it only ok for you to be insulting ?
As a certain captin would say " I am have had enough of you "
Hopefully the next time I hear from you will be through
a Medium !
I'm not being insulting, I'm just criticising the work.
Wishing me dead was uncalled for.
I quite agree...
Peace and love seem to have been short lived.
Of that of which we cannot speak we must pass over in silence- Ludwig Wittgenstein.
Not sure what the big fuss is... I just got my hands on the soundtrack here in the states. It's pretty good. Better than Skyfall for sure. Very pretty music lines which I'm guessing have to do with the love interests; great nods back to Skyfall's soundtrack. Coming from a music major in college, I like it a lot.
I listened to the whole soundtrack and I find it very good. I wish he could use more variations of the Bond theme like Anrold had been doing, but in the end, they are there. The first song about the day of the dead was very pleasing.
I'm only disappointed that it remembers Skyfall way too much, specially "backfire" and the songs with the Bond girls, that sounds like skyfall's Severine. It's like he is trying to create a Bond girl theme, I don't know.
For me, this score is by far the most disappointing thing about the film. The repurposing of so much music from Skyfall is just incomprehensible to me. Not to mention the completely theme-less electronic rhythms that pervade the entire London finale.
For me, this score is by far the most disappointing thing about the film. The repurposing of so much music from Skyfall is just incomprehensible to me. Not to mention the completely theme-less electronic rhythms that pervade the entire London finale.
Yes the score for the climactic scenes is just pure laziness by Newman.
Thunderbird 2East of Cardiff, Wales.Posts: 2,821MI6 Agent
Jimatay thanks for he YouTube link, it confirmed my suspicions.
Mr Newman bless him, is under the mistaken impression he understands the music from an event perspective. It's not in Bond, it's about the characters and what they are doing at those moments. Something Mr Barry did and Mr Arnold knows only too well.
No wonder the score is understated and feels it's like it's from a holiday series or historal documentary programme. He is focusing on the wrong aspects to create the score. Then it seems he has cut and pasted to try to fill in the gaps where his approach has left holes!
This is Thunderbird 2, how can I be of assistance?
Newman said, "More than representing the characters with the music, I think it's more themes and ideas, a moment of mystery, the unveiling of some idea that is reflecting in the musical motif more than relating to character."
That's a fine approach, but he doesn't convey this through his music. Newman is terrible at writing musical motifs. Barry used this same approach a lot in his scores, with motifs reflecting moments, themes and ideas in the films, though it is also necessary to use the Bond theme to represent Bond. The Bond theme is part of the character, and without the theme the character is missing something.
Well, I have heard the whole thing.
If they complemy each other ?
If you don't like it, you don't like it. {[]
That's not to say, when I hear the full thing, I might not like it
Simlarly, acting styles were much different in the silent era. Today, you could never get away with the over-the-top acting of the silent era but back then it was necessary.
You may argue that Newman's scores are too subtle for a Bond film but from the dozen or so reviews I've read of "Spectre," too subtle isn't a complaint.
In fact, none have even mentioned the score.
"I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
"Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
I have no doubt that the visuals and the music will complement each other just fine. But I think a soundtrack should be judged on more levels than just that.
It 's just to add some mood to a scene.
I did have a laugh with AA when Sam Smith started singing and pretended to block my ears
That's an insult to soundtrack composers.
so is it only ok for you to be insulting ?
As a certain captin would say " I am have had enough of you "
Hopefully the next time I hear from you will be through
a Medium !
" Sono Topolino, e tu chi saresti? ".
I'm not being insulting, I'm just criticising the work.
Wishing me dead was uncalled for.
TP, as you're no doubt listening
drop me or Sir M a line, please!
I quite agree...
Peace and love seem to have been short lived.
I'm only disappointed that it remembers Skyfall way too much, specially "backfire" and the songs with the Bond girls, that sounds like skyfall's Severine. It's like he is trying to create a Bond girl theme, I don't know.
Mr Newman bless him, is under the mistaken impression he understands the music from an event perspective. It's not in Bond, it's about the characters and what they are doing at those moments. Something Mr Barry did and Mr Arnold knows only too well.
No wonder the score is understated and feels it's like it's from a holiday series or historal documentary programme. He is focusing on the wrong aspects to create the score. Then it seems he has cut and pasted to try to fill in the gaps where his approach has left holes!
That's a fine approach, but he doesn't convey this through his music. Newman is terrible at writing musical motifs. Barry used this same approach a lot in his scores, with motifs reflecting moments, themes and ideas in the films, though it is also necessary to use the Bond theme to represent Bond. The Bond theme is part of the character, and without the theme the character is missing something.