An original 1963 release STB or Japanese 2 panel for From Russia With Love. A number of years ago I had the choice of either purchasing the original STB or the 1972 rerelease STB which I went for because of the stunning artwork. A case of heart over head. A decision I've always regretted because the one I passed on was immaculate & the one or two originals which have surfaced haven't been!
I always felt with Japanese Bond posters, they, that is the Japanese always pushed the boat out with incredible unique designs where with FRWL they pretty much just took the standard B2 1 panel and stuck a green bit on the bottom!
With this slightly uninspired (yet bloody expensive) designed poster the Donkey finally has a complete set of original Bond STB posters ranging from Dr.No through to Live And Let Die -{
Covered at length in another post which some AJBers may not have seen? however an incredibly rare 1967 Japanese STB or two panel poster for Sean Connery's 5th outing as 007 in You Only Live Twice featuring a full body image of Sir Sean painted by Robert McGinnis with the signature Walther LP53 air pistol being replaced by an MGC suppressed replica Walther PPK and Bond's head being cropped from the one featured on all the other Japanese design YOLT posters. The fingers on his left hand are spaced differently plus he's been given a Rolex! Not much is known about this particular poster. It has been suggested that it was created for the premiere screening in Japan and has only been featured in the excellent License To Thrill Bond poster book by Thomas Nixdorf and his excellent Bond poster exhibition guide where it is featured in an A4 size full page colour image, in fact this nutty Donkey has been trying to track this poster down since the LTT book in question was first published -{
Well it's been a while (my posting anything) but thankfully where for Quantum of Solace through to SPECTRE, for No Time to Die the Japanese have not gone with the international bland/couldn't be bothered? movie poster designs and have pushed the boat out with this stunning montage design. Surprisingly only 500 B2 posters were printed for the Japanese cinema campaign with these changing hands for similar prices to those achieved by the 1970s re-release Bond B2 posters.
Sir MilesThe Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 28,204Chief of Staff
Great poster…I’ve always liked the Japanese ones 🍸
This could be as rare as rocking horse pooh? When Goldfinger hit the big screens in 1964 there was no mention of Shirley Eaton on the U.K. movie posters where she had star status on the US materials. To correct this oversight? NSS issued over flashes to be stuck beneath Gert Frobe to line up with and incorporate the printed TECHNICOLOR. I’ve owned this quad for in excess of 40 years and have never seen another with the Shirley Eaton over flash. Even EON’s archived example is the standard quad.
A rarely seen original 1963 first issue Japanese B2 poster for Dr.No which you will not find in Thomas Nixdorf's excellent License to Thrill, Tony Nourmond's Official 007 poster book or DK's 50th Anniversary Bond poster book/coffee table tome although it did make its way into Thomas Nixdorf's Bond poster exhibition catalogue. I believe the translation of the symbols is 007 the Killing Number! which is kind of appropriate for the slice and dice main image! This would be a perfect image apart from the pigs ear the graphic artist made when cutting out Bond's Walther PP pistol. Most books and indeed some auction houses illustrate the 1966 rerelease poster which features a Walther PP as the main image as the first issue! Purchased from Heritage Auctions in the US for $4.5k and then hit further by Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs for £677 vat! 🙈
1966 Japanese B2 rerelease design.
Sir MilesThe Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 28,204Chief of Staff
Ahh, Donk - you really do have some of the finest paper tat around 😳🍸🤣
A rare 1965 survivor from Japan. Known as a B2, the poster itself is not uncommon however to find one with an intact over flash or snipe that is something a bit special as is its translation: 007 the killing number, James Pond series 3rd in COLDFINGER!
The 007 series that you can't miss if you're a Western-style movie juan!
The poster came from The Umeda cinema in Osaka which is considered to be the birthplace of Bondmania in Japan!
Even though the lead actor has proven himself to be "a greedy tool!" I still have a soft spot for On Her Majesty's Secret Service so when this unusual unseen before? (Thomas Nixdorf has one!) landscape format B2 poster surfaced in Japan I nearly took the seller's arm off!
Printed in a slightly larger size than the standard 72x51cm B2 posters and on a slightly thicker stock, the respected seller believed it was part of a two panel set printed in very limited quantities for high end Japanese theatres as he had seen the artwork previously in a larger landscape poster (see image 3). Still tri-folded as sent out to Japanese theatres 52 years ago with great bleed through and vintage smell, the colours are still day 1 fresh. Quite a find in the franchise's 60th Anniversary year!
I am amazed I have not posted this previously because I've had it a considerably long period of time and it is without doubt IMO the best design internationally for the Goldfinger poster art campaign recreating tongue in cheek Bond's emergence from his wet suit in the pre-titles sequence, even though its release was a year behind everyone else in 1965. I did however feature this B3 size poster in The Most Famous Gun in the World in the From Russia with Love chapter! The design was also available in a landscape B2 and B1 format (both rocking horse pooh rare!)
Sir MilesThe Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 28,204Chief of Staff
Absolutely love that artwork- thanks for sharing 🍸
That's quite inventive with the gun hand being stuck on, it kind of works. Shame they couldn't resist making it shoot a laser beam (or giving Sean beautiful baby blues!), but never mind! 😁
Got to love their great big 007 logos.
Thanks for sharing all these, they're great to see.
Back in March 2022, a visit from The Bond Vivant himself and his one man production team Gavin James a question was raised "when did it all begin?" the answer as scrawled by author Mark Hazard "In The Beginning", 1970 to be exact a rather shy knee hugger was taken to The Regal Cinema in Upper Edmonton (now a bloody Lidl!) just down the road from Tottenham to see a double bill of Dr.No and Thunderball. This apart from a Corgi 261 Aston Martin DB5 and a dog eared copy of Pan Books tie in for Dr.No was the Donkey's introduction to James Bond 👍️
The poster which was finished in day glow colours (typical late 60's to early 70's) featured an image of Sean Connery originally painted by Renato Fratini for the From Russia with Love campaign which was silk screen printed to achieve an almost three dimensional effect..
The roads really were this quiet back then. One thing I do remember is the queue went right round the block to the car park behind the cinema. A carpark which I may have had to spend many long hours stuck inside the car if I had been too young to be given access to the screening because my parents who are no longer with us had made it clear that they were going to attend the screening even if I couldn't! 🤔
I think the reason for the use of day glow colours on posters at that time was so that the poster could be seen from a distance when travelling on the London Underground.
Like a lot of people of a certain age I can relate to your visit to the cinema for your first Bond film experience albeit mine being in 1964. Sadly our cinema closed in December 1999 with TWINE being the last film shown, sadly the cinema laid derelict for about 12 years was then finally knocked down and here we are in 2022 the waste land where it stood is still boarded up and waiting for development of some sort!!!!!!!!
A rare Japanese transit poster measuring 52x37 cm from 1969’s classic On Her Majesty’s Secret Service starring George “the politically incorrect greedy tool” Lazenby!
Sir MilesThe Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 28,204Chief of Staff
I love that she appears to have not been born from a human mother but some sort of Bond girl perfect test tube experiment which has left her without a belly button 😅
I always felt with Japanese Bond posters, they, that is the Japanese always pushed the boat out with incredible unique designs where with FRWL they pretty much just took the standard B2 1 panel and stuck a green bit on the bottom!
With this slightly uninspired (yet bloody expensive) designed poster the Donkey finally has a complete set of original Bond STB posters ranging from Dr.No through to Live And Let Die -{
1963 original STB and B2 posters
Well it's been a while (my posting anything) but thankfully where for Quantum of Solace through to SPECTRE, for No Time to Die the Japanese have not gone with the international bland/couldn't be bothered? movie poster designs and have pushed the boat out with this stunning montage design. Surprisingly only 500 B2 posters were printed for the Japanese cinema campaign with these changing hands for similar prices to those achieved by the 1970s re-release Bond B2 posters.
Great poster…I’ve always liked the Japanese ones 🍸
Very nice poster Donk, what window is this going to cover 😁❤️
Time to use ceiling space.
This could be as rare as rocking horse pooh? When Goldfinger hit the big screens in 1964 there was no mention of Shirley Eaton on the U.K. movie posters where she had star status on the US materials. To correct this oversight? NSS issued over flashes to be stuck beneath Gert Frobe to line up with and incorporate the printed TECHNICOLOR. I’ve owned this quad for in excess of 40 years and have never seen another with the Shirley Eaton over flash. Even EON’s archived example is the standard quad.
Had a look in the Goldfinger UK Campaign Book and there is no reference to that in there, I think its the even rarer rocking donkey pooh version!!!!!
That's terrific; one of the very best I think.
A bit off-topic, but has the photo of Sean & Honor which is being projected there ever appeared in its original form?
Welcome to Japan Mr Bond!
A rarely seen original 1963 first issue Japanese B2 poster for Dr.No which you will not find in Thomas Nixdorf's excellent License to Thrill, Tony Nourmond's Official 007 poster book or DK's 50th Anniversary Bond poster book/coffee table tome although it did make its way into Thomas Nixdorf's Bond poster exhibition catalogue. I believe the translation of the symbols is 007 the Killing Number! which is kind of appropriate for the slice and dice main image! This would be a perfect image apart from the pigs ear the graphic artist made when cutting out Bond's Walther PP pistol. Most books and indeed some auction houses illustrate the 1966 rerelease poster which features a Walther PP as the main image as the first issue! Purchased from Heritage Auctions in the US for $4.5k and then hit further by Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs for £677 vat! 🙈
1966 Japanese B2 rerelease design.
Ahh, Donk - you really do have some of the finest paper tat around 😳🍸🤣
Lovely stuff, Donk 🍸️ Am I the only one that noticed the different color of the bikini's 🤨😏😁
TIS - "The moment you think you got it figured - you're wrong"
Formerly known as Teppo
A rare 1965 survivor from Japan. Known as a B2, the poster itself is not uncommon however to find one with an intact over flash or snipe that is something a bit special as is its translation: 007 the killing number, James Pond series 3rd in COLDFINGER!
The 007 series that you can't miss if you're a Western-style movie juan!
The poster came from The Umeda cinema in Osaka which is considered to be the birthplace of Bondmania in Japan!
Very Nice Donk👍️
Interesting translation !!
Even though the lead actor has proven himself to be "a greedy tool!" I still have a soft spot for On Her Majesty's Secret Service so when this unusual unseen before? (Thomas Nixdorf has one!) landscape format B2 poster surfaced in Japan I nearly took the seller's arm off!
Printed in a slightly larger size than the standard 72x51cm B2 posters and on a slightly thicker stock, the respected seller believed it was part of a two panel set printed in very limited quantities for high end Japanese theatres as he had seen the artwork previously in a larger landscape poster (see image 3). Still tri-folded as sent out to Japanese theatres 52 years ago with great bleed through and vintage smell, the colours are still day 1 fresh. Quite a find in the franchise's 60th Anniversary year!
Guess who already owned the right panel poster?
Compositionally that's one of the very best Bond posters I've seen.
Great find, the colours are truly amazing and the condition is fantastic for its age!!!!
Look forward to seeing them side by side in a frame ........ once I have had the opportunity to have a good sniff 😀
Absolutely stunning paper tat 😳 I’m SO jealous 🤤
I am amazed I have not posted this previously because I've had it a considerably long period of time and it is without doubt IMO the best design internationally for the Goldfinger poster art campaign recreating tongue in cheek Bond's emergence from his wet suit in the pre-titles sequence, even though its release was a year behind everyone else in 1965. I did however feature this B3 size poster in The Most Famous Gun in the World in the From Russia with Love chapter! The design was also available in a landscape B2 and B1 format (both rocking horse pooh rare!)
Absolutely love that artwork- thanks for sharing 🍸
That's quite inventive with the gun hand being stuck on, it kind of works. Shame they couldn't resist making it shoot a laser beam (or giving Sean beautiful baby blues!), but never mind! 😁
Got to love their great big 007 logos.
Thanks for sharing all these, they're great to see.
A poster with a backstory? unheard of!
Back in March 2022, a visit from The Bond Vivant himself and his one man production team Gavin James a question was raised "when did it all begin?" the answer as scrawled by author Mark Hazard "In The Beginning", 1970 to be exact a rather shy knee hugger was taken to The Regal Cinema in Upper Edmonton (now a bloody Lidl!) just down the road from Tottenham to see a double bill of Dr.No and Thunderball. This apart from a Corgi 261 Aston Martin DB5 and a dog eared copy of Pan Books tie in for Dr.No was the Donkey's introduction to James Bond 👍️
The poster which was finished in day glow colours (typical late 60's to early 70's) featured an image of Sean Connery originally painted by Renato Fratini for the From Russia with Love campaign which was silk screen printed to achieve an almost three dimensional effect..
The roads really were this quiet back then. One thing I do remember is the queue went right round the block to the car park behind the cinema. A carpark which I may have had to spend many long hours stuck inside the car if I had been too young to be given access to the screening because my parents who are no longer with us had made it clear that they were going to attend the screening even if I couldn't! 🤔
Nice One Donkey👍️
I think the reason for the use of day glow colours on posters at that time was so that the poster could be seen from a distance when travelling on the London Underground.
Like a lot of people of a certain age I can relate to your visit to the cinema for your first Bond film experience albeit mine being in 1964. Sadly our cinema closed in December 1999 with TWINE being the last film shown, sadly the cinema laid derelict for about 12 years was then finally knocked down and here we are in 2022 the waste land where it stood is still boarded up and waiting for development of some sort!!!!!!!!
A rare Japanese transit poster measuring 52x37 cm from 1969’s classic On Her Majesty’s Secret Service starring George “the politically incorrect greedy tool” Lazenby!
My favourite film with some of my favourite artwork - stunning 😍
Two down, two to go! The Donkey is currently "James" "Back In" courtesy of Heritage Auctions
$7800 including fees plus $935 packing & shipping 😮 so probably looking at just over £1300 on top courtesy of His Majesty's Revenue & Customs? 😪
Last one of these I saw for sale was possibly 20 years ago for just over $800 when you had to fund with Bidpay (up to $800) 🙄
That's superb- enjoy it!
I love that she appears to have not been born from a human mother but some sort of Bond girl perfect test tube experiment which has left her without a belly button 😅