Someone posted this bit of fluff on the Bond films from the Waitrose magazine. No surprises but it's a fun read that throws in a few unexpected points.
I believe I was the first one to spot the Mata = Mathilde coincidence, so I claim a share of the royalties on that lucrative Twitter thread. you two arent gonna get rich quick without me!
You’re right, apologies: I missed that at first and went out last night (hence that rather stupid last post of mine!) but put it there on Twitter at the end of the thread when I got back. The credit is indeed yours.
Someone did point out that the Paloma and Scotland scenes in both have parallels (his first mission early in the film, teaming up with a woman we don’t see again in a sort of platonic way) which I liked.
I guess you could also say he’s spurred into action at the beginning of both when a structure close to his heart explodes in his face in both too 😄
Daniel Craig is trending on Twitter. A new film about to come out? Unlikely, he's not very prolific. Instead, users are having fun with a still that shows him talking about Bond watches for Esquire magazine.
Note, you're invited to choose between two Bond films - 'Remove' means that's the one you prefer, otherwise the final result will be in reverse order; I had No Time To Die as my favourite.
It also helps to do this game while in between a long gap of watching Bond films, otherwise you're never going to pick FRWL if you saw it yesterday. For the repeated question is, what Bond film would you rather watch right now?
It's good because it really forces you to assess which films you really like as opposed to the films you say you like.
"This is where we leave you Mr Bond."
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Sir MilesThe Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 28,197Chief of Staff
As expected, Daniel Craig's masterwork No Time To Die is crowned the winner - his swan song being the culmination of several films' brilliance at reworking the genre and touching on both sci-fi elements in the series and bona fide espionage. Unmatched, though Brosnan's Die Another Day - making the Top 5 - comes close, with the similarly intense Licence to Kill just missing out. Propping up the table is game-show host Bond's Moonraker, which... okay okay.
As I said, a misunderstanding had my films listed in reverse order and in a parallel universe I'd be confined to a desert island, someone saying 'I never knew you were such a Craig fan, Naps...'
The worst films are about right but the favourites floor me... Moonraker is my second favourite but it's a sort of wild card. Goldfinger is my fave but it only makes the Top 10. Recent viewings - including at the cinema - have put me off a bit; there's something I find a bit cold and hollow about it and Bond is a sort of heartless travelling salesman with an expense account, as one critic put it. His actions towards the women - all of them, really - leave something to be desired (whatever that phrase means) and the finale is one big plot hole. The wit is there for sure and it's still the best use of the Aston Martin to date imo but its reach exceeds its grasp a little - it's still a small film and the production values aren't quite there; Miami is clearly on the Pinewood lot, etc. Bits of it look cheap.
It's cold this time of year so maybe I warmed more to epics like OP and YOLT, also TB which are not in my Top 5 usually.
I'd normally rate DAF higher though it's a TV movie really, it doesn't work well in the cinema imo, it's the reverse of OHMSS in that respect.
It's funny because the survey makes you think, do I enjoy this film or just the memory of watching it? Also, if the question was 'If this film were on TV right now, would you choose to switch it on for 20 mins?' then the answer would be different because I don't mind catching a bit of No Time To Die or Die Another Day or Skyfall, they just don't work as movies for me. I wouldn't switch on for LTK or NSNA (not included in the list) because they just don't have that 20 minutes of interest, action or humour in them.
The quiz is that classic 'what do you really think" thing - it would be interesting to apply to other areas of your life like career plans or romance.
You can do: if you search for 'preference revealer' there are a few sites where you can enter a list of your selection and discover your preferences. I've done it with Bond films before, it's quite fun.
Nice little homage taken from a latter day Connery film, watch with sound up.
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Someone posted this bit of fluff on the Bond films from the Waitrose magazine. No surprises but it's a fun read that throws in a few unexpected points.
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Then there's this, of course...
Roger Moore 1927-2017
A fun Twitter thread detailing how No Time To Die is really a remake of 1967's Casino Royale!
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Copied from this-
Posted over a year ago!
Good grief !
Well, we kind of came up with it together 😄
I believe I was the first one to spot the Mata = Mathilde coincidence, so I claim a share of the royalties on that lucrative Twitter thread. you two arent gonna get rich quick without me!
You were decent and honest enough to give me and AJB credit when you used this on MI6 Community. Why not on Twitter?
You’re right, apologies: I missed that at first and went out last night (hence that rather stupid last post of mine!) but put it there on Twitter at the end of the thread when I got back. The credit is indeed yours.
Someone did point out that the Paloma and Scotland scenes in both have parallels (his first mission early in the film, teaming up with a woman we don’t see again in a sort of platonic way) which I liked.
I guess you could also say he’s spurred into action at the beginning of both when a structure close to his heart explodes in his face in both too 😄
Glad to see it's all worked out amicably.
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Does that mean I perish from a heart attack imminently? 😁
Either that or cash in on two Thunderball big screen adaptations!
I suppose @caractacus potts can be Jack Whittington...
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Thanks, emtiem. Handshakes, kisses and flowers have been exchanged backstage and normality is resumed.
Excellent bit of fan fiction here re the opening scene of The Living Daylights - just a tad wordy but generally very good. Nicely presented, too.
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Daniel Craig is trending on Twitter. A new film about to come out? Unlikely, he's not very prolific. Instead, users are having fun with a still that shows him talking about Bond watches for Esquire magazine.
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Here's someone's uploaded a behind the scenes shot of the famous chase scene in The Spy Who Loved Me.
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Not from Twitter, but this Metro story from last month got me thinking of a certain Brosnan Bond film....
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Twitter doesn't always raise the tone.
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Brilliant and brief 12 Days of Christmas in style of Bond clip here:
Roger Moore 1927-2017
That is excellent 🤣
Not Bond but certainly Twitter this is for Dr Who fans
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Not Twitter in this case, but how Smersh is back in the Putin era, from yesterday's Times. 'We Meet Again, Mr Bond: the return of Smersh'.
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Writing Bond has a good piece on Bond film plot points - what Bond generally does when he's given an assignment.
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Around Christmas, Bond fans on Twitter/X were having fun with this survey to find out what is really your favourite Bond film:
Note, you're invited to choose between two Bond films - 'Remove' means that's the one you prefer, otherwise the final result will be in reverse order; I had No Time To Die as my favourite.
It also helps to do this game while in between a long gap of watching Bond films, otherwise you're never going to pick FRWL if you saw it yesterday. For the repeated question is, what Bond film would you rather watch right now?
It's good because it really forces you to assess which films you really like as opposed to the films you say you like.
Roger Moore 1927-2017
That was interesting…I went on gut instinct without overthinking it…the final result is very close to my actual rankings 🤔
Well, here's the result for mine:
As expected, Daniel Craig's masterwork No Time To Die is crowned the winner - his swan song being the culmination of several films' brilliance at reworking the genre and touching on both sci-fi elements in the series and bona fide espionage. Unmatched, though Brosnan's Die Another Day - making the Top 5 - comes close, with the similarly intense Licence to Kill just missing out. Propping up the table is game-show host Bond's Moonraker, which... okay okay.
As I said, a misunderstanding had my films listed in reverse order and in a parallel universe I'd be confined to a desert island, someone saying 'I never knew you were such a Craig fan, Naps...'
The worst films are about right but the favourites floor me... Moonraker is my second favourite but it's a sort of wild card. Goldfinger is my fave but it only makes the Top 10. Recent viewings - including at the cinema - have put me off a bit; there's something I find a bit cold and hollow about it and Bond is a sort of heartless travelling salesman with an expense account, as one critic put it. His actions towards the women - all of them, really - leave something to be desired (whatever that phrase means) and the finale is one big plot hole. The wit is there for sure and it's still the best use of the Aston Martin to date imo but its reach exceeds its grasp a little - it's still a small film and the production values aren't quite there; Miami is clearly on the Pinewood lot, etc. Bits of it look cheap.
It's cold this time of year so maybe I warmed more to epics like OP and YOLT, also TB which are not in my Top 5 usually.
I'd normally rate DAF higher though it's a TV movie really, it doesn't work well in the cinema imo, it's the reverse of OHMSS in that respect.
It's funny because the survey makes you think, do I enjoy this film or just the memory of watching it? Also, if the question was 'If this film were on TV right now, would you choose to switch it on for 20 mins?' then the answer would be different because I don't mind catching a bit of No Time To Die or Die Another Day or Skyfall, they just don't work as movies for me. I wouldn't switch on for LTK or NSNA (not included in the list) because they just don't have that 20 minutes of interest, action or humour in them.
The quiz is that classic 'what do you really think" thing - it would be interesting to apply to other areas of your life like career plans or romance.
Roger Moore 1927-2017
You can do: if you search for 'preference revealer' there are a few sites where you can enter a list of your selection and discover your preferences. I've done it with Bond films before, it's quite fun.