Random Chat!!! (All Welcome!)



  • General_OurumovGeneral_Ourumov United KingdomPosts: 861MI6 Agent
    You mean that you want everyone to post their username on the thread so that we know who will be posting here in the future? Well - I will do that, if it helps us search for a new name for the thread.

    - General_Ourumov -
  • Sir Donald MungerSir Donald Munger Posts: 22MI6 Agent
    I have a feeling I may return to this topic. So as you asked, I will put my name in also.

    Sir Donald Munger
  • Moore Not LessMoore Not Less Posts: 1,095MI6 Agent
    General_Ourumov. The other one's an imposter, just look at his photo.
  • General_OurumovGeneral_Ourumov United KingdomPosts: 861MI6 Agent
    edited November 2003
    Quoting Moore Not Less:
    General_Ourumov. The other one's an imposter, just look at his photo.

    "No! You'll never get away with it! Never!" shouts General Ourumov as he is arrested by authorities.

  • Jedi MasterJedi Master UKPosts: 1,093MI6 Agent
    hey guys your ruining it! So we have
    (these are all the ones i can think of off the top of my head at 10:30 sunday night so forgive me if i miss you just say your name afterwards.

    Jedi Master
    General Ourumove
    Sir Donald Munger
    The Sly Fox
    Moore Not Less
    Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice and everyone dies.
  • tirpitztirpitz Posts: 339MI6 Agent
    Sorry I haven't been on in a while.

    Well, I'll post my name.


    BTW, you missed ilovepierce.
  • The Sly FoxThe Sly Fox USAPosts: 467MI6 Agent
    edited November 2003
    Sorry I haven't had the chance to come to this thread lately...

    Name's Fox... Sly Fox... ;) And I'll have a vodka martini, Shaken, Not Stirred...
    (although I won't be able to drink it as I'm not old enough)...

    <Corny Bond Joke!> :)

    By the way, The Good General now sounds like a war veteran? :)) Well, have they taken you to jail yet for impersonating Moore Not Less/General Ourumov? :D
  • ilove pierceilove pierce Posts: 224MI6 Agent
    Quoting tirpitz:
    Sorry I haven't been on in a while.

    Well, I'll post my name.


    BTW, you missed ilovepierce.

    ;) took the words out of my mouth.

    ~ilove pierce~

    im really excited, i played nightfire all weekend at my freinds house up north and got to deep sea desent. but i had a hard time figuring out how to run the rockets. now that im home i wont get to finish it for a long while :( :( :(
  • General_OurumovGeneral_Ourumov United KingdomPosts: 861MI6 Agent
    edited November 2003

    Jedi Master

    Sir Donald Munger

    Moore Not Less - well, if that stab at me could be classed as a yes :)) !!

    The Sly Fox


    ilove pierce

    Seven members on the thread (this is not including all the members who posted once or twice and never again!). The second task is of course, the new name for the thread, because I think we are tiring of 'Jedi Master and General Ourumov chat'. The changing of the name doesn't have to be a big, slow event. We just need a few suggestions.

    On a further note - has anyone other than myself seen Sean Connery in 'The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen'? I went there expecting very little but I actually enjoyed it. There are certain things that I didn't like much though such as the fact that even though it was set in 1899, some of the technology was far too advanced like cars, tanks and submarines. But I recommend it.

    Okay that's it. Now that I have posted here I am off to have a cup of tea and a digestive biscuit!
  • Moore Not LessMoore Not Less Posts: 1,095MI6 Agent
    Quoting General_Ourumov:
    Moore Not Less - well, if that stab at me could be classed as a yes :)) !!


    Quoting General Ourumov:
    The second task is of course, the new name for the thread, because I think we are tiring of 'Jedi Master and General Ourumov chat'.

    How about The Master Moore Not Less Chats With His Servants. :))
  • General_OurumovGeneral_Ourumov United KingdomPosts: 861MI6 Agent
    Quoting Moore Not Less:
    How about The Master Moore Not Less Chats With His Servants. :))


    I have no problem with that except that I would be excluded from the topic!
  • Moore Not LessMoore Not Less Posts: 1,095MI6 Agent
    Quoting General_Ourumov:
    Quoting General_Ourumov:
    Quoting Moore Not Less:
    How about The Master Moore Not Less Chats With His Servants. :))


    I have no problem with that except that I would be excluded from the topic!

    I have no problem with that, General. :))
  • The Sly FoxThe Sly Fox USAPosts: 467MI6 Agent
    edited November 2003
    How about "JC, The Good General, Sir DM, MNL, Fox, Tirpitz, and ilove pierce Chat!!" Possibly shortened, of course... Maybe some of the other members could maybe suggest abbreviations for their names! :)

    Anyway, I have to go get ready for bed! Then in the morning, I have to get ready for school... So, talk to you guys later! :D
  • ilove pierceilove pierce Posts: 224MI6 Agent
    How bout somthin like ummm... like...somthing that we can make up to call our lil chat group, cuz i think that all our names might be to long for on the thread, even abr. but yeah, i cant think of anything right now but its 715 in the morning before school and i want to save the thinking for math test ;)
    if you guys dont like the idea its fine with me, i was just making a suggestion ;)
  • General_OurumovGeneral_Ourumov United KingdomPosts: 861MI6 Agent
    edited November 2003
    Quoting Moore Not Less:
    I have no problem with that, General. :))

    :( ;)
  • tirpitztirpitz Posts: 339MI6 Agent
    What about the AJB Off-topic discussion group?

    Yes, I know that stinks, but that's the best I can do.
  • Jedi MasterJedi Master UKPosts: 1,093MI6 Agent
    How about:

    We're just talking here! (All welcome)

    How cool is that!?
    Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice and everyone dies.
  • General_OurumovGeneral_Ourumov United KingdomPosts: 861MI6 Agent
    It could be something quite simple such as 'Off Topic Chat..(all welcome!)'

    - Something not too confusing that sounds inviting!
  • Jedi MasterJedi Master UKPosts: 1,093MI6 Agent
    i prefer mine!
    Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice and everyone dies.
  • ilove pierceilove pierce Posts: 224MI6 Agent
    Easy boys, i kindof like somthing to do with somthin like..umm...i dont know.
    how about..think of somthin cool to go in front of chat ;) lol
    how bout All Topic Chat.
    just an idea ;)
  • General_OurumovGeneral_Ourumov United KingdomPosts: 861MI6 Agent
    edited November 2003
    Quoting Jedi Master:
    i prefer mine!

    Okay, okay!!!

    I just don't think its worth spending much time debating a name for something of such little importance as a thread!

    Just call it what you want!
  • tirpitztirpitz Posts: 339MI6 Agent
    I never thought I'd say this, but let's keep it as it is. Also, we should put Moore not Less' crazy notions down!
  • ilove pierceilove pierce Posts: 224MI6 Agent
    When does the matrix come out over in england?
    it comes out here on nov 5. im thinkin ill go with a couple freinds. buit do any of you recomend i see the first two first?
  • wordswords Buckinghamshire, EnglandPosts: 249MI6 Agent
    Quoting ilove pierce:
    When does the matrix come out over in england?
    it comes out here on nov 5. im thinkin ill go with a couple freinds. buit do any of you recomend i see the first two first?

    Personally I don't think it matters because I saw the first one and it didn't make any sense to me anyway. Tell you what, don't bother watching the others in case you hate them and end up spoiling a good night out!
  • General_OurumovGeneral_Ourumov United KingdomPosts: 861MI6 Agent
    Quoting ilove pierce:
    When does the matrix come out over in england?
    it comes out here on nov 5. im thinkin ill go with a couple freinds. buit do any of you recomend i see the first two first?

    Yes, it was out in the UK November 5th. Personally I think it is imperative that you see the first two, or you'll be sat there saying to yourself; 'what the hell?!'
  • ilove pierceilove pierce Posts: 224MI6 Agent

    Yes, it was out in the UK November 5th. Personally I think it is imperative that you see the first two, or you'll be sat there saying to yourself; 'what the hell?!'

    LOL, i spose ill see if i can rent them this weekend the box office is probably sold out of tickets anyway. but i think i said that it comes out on nov 5th?, well i was wrong it comes out this weekend. so ill see if i can get some money and some brownie points from my parents lol ;)
  • tirpitztirpitz Posts: 339MI6 Agent
    I haven't seen Matrix Revolutions yet. I'll wait for it to come out on DVD.
  • ilove pierceilove pierce Posts: 224MI6 Agent
    edited November 2003
    That'd probably be more practical,, its rated R here so my parents prabably wont let me see it. ;)
    im deprived lol
  • Jedi MasterJedi Master UKPosts: 1,093MI6 Agent
    The matrix is a good film! That is my contribution to this conversation!

    I think a good name for the topic would be:
    Random chat!!! (all welcome)

    Which is why i have changed it to:
    Random chat!!! (all welcome)

    !!! lol !!!
    Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice and everyone dies.
  • General_OurumovGeneral_Ourumov United KingdomPosts: 861MI6 Agent
    edited November 2003
    Okay, Random Chat it is then. I think it sounds great. Let's make sure that we agree to keep it this way because it will surely be confusing for others once 'JM and GO chat' has gone.

    Let's make sure we actually have something to talk about. I thought of something the other day we could discuss.

    What is your favourite comedy film or favourite type of comedy?

    Just recently I have bought the 'Naked Gun' series and I find it absolutely hilarious! I always enjoy Leslie Nielsen films.

    A few lines from the second film;

    Lt. Frank Drebin: Now, Jane, what can you tell us about the man you saw last night?
    Jane Spencer: He's Caucasian.

    Ed Hocken: Caucasian?

    Jane Spencer: Yeah, you know, a white guy. A moustache. About six foot three.

    Lt. Frank Drebin: That's an awfully big moustache.

    [Lt. Frank Drebin is unhappy about Dr. Mainheimer]

    Lt. Frank Drebin: Have you noticed anything different about him?

    Jane Spencer: Well, only that he's a foot taller, and he seems to be left handed now... Frank, what are you trying to tell me? That Quentin has somehow found an exact double for Dr. Mainheimer and that tomorrow that double will give a fraudulent report to the president?

    Lt. Frank Drebin: Why that's brilliant, that's a lot better than what I came up with.
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