This is a bit late but I've just remembered that in DAF talking about T Case
and how Bond was thinking of marriage Fleming used the phrase " All the time
in the world " and retiring to Japan, which of course was what Blofeld did.
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
This Book reminds me of Moonraker in that Bond is in the one place and the story itself is a simple affair.
I've read many reviews stating that this is Flemings Homage to all the old Sax Rohmer, Fu Manchu stories
and that's pretty obvious.
Dr No is a great villain, with metal pincers for hands and his own private island. What's not to like.
The film has several extra scenes which are not in the Book and In my Opinion as with Goldfinger I think
the Film slightly improves on the basic story.
Fleming has got his writing style now and the usual beautiful discriptive pasages lead you into Bond's
world. Quarrrel ( from LALD ) is back and Fleming writes his character as an equal to Bond and a friend,
Bond is genuinely upset when he's killed ( I don't think that's a spoiler as I'm sure everyone has seen
the film if not read the book ).
Honeychile 'Honey' Ryder , is an incredibly sexy creation, Bond's first vision of her is amazing. The trials
Bond has to endure really put him through it, the worst for me was the extreme heat, as you could imagine
Bond's skin burning.
The attack on Bond in his hotel room by Centipede, is really creepy. I do think the idea of one of those settling
down around your "Man bits" gives me a shudder, ( I don't mind spiders )
So another Fine adventure for Bond now armed with his new gun and off to meet Mr Goldfinger. -{
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
Just started Goldfinger and I'm amazed how we have moved on from the 50's.
Mr Du Pont points out to Bond that Goldfinger couldn't be Jewish as he wouldn't
be allowed in the hotel. 8-) crazy times.
Had me thinking about Sammy Davis, Jr, he must of confused so many red necks
They couldn't figure out what to get more angry about. Him being Black, or Jewish
or being married to a white woman. )
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
It's funny how by going back and reading the original Fleming novels, Many of my Opinions on all things Bond
Have changed, or at least been massaged in a slightly different direction. )
Having grown up with Roger Moore as Bond, ( I last read the books as a Teen, then the continuing novels as they
came out ). I thought I knew what Bond was supposed to be, the jokes etc.
Now having re-read several I can see I was remembering the feel good Bonds of the 70s and not the character
that Fleming had created. So time for a 180 on many of my previous views. :007)
Although I always liked Daniel Craig as Bond ( didn't think he looked anything like the character but you can't have it all )
I disliked QOS, mainly for the shaky camera work and quick editing, but as many have pointed out. The editing etc does
calm down as the film moves along. So I wasn't a happy camper.
Now like a reformed smoker, I can see what many were trying to point out to me way Back then. Although I'll always think
T Dalton did a fantastic job as Bond and up to that point he was the closest to the Books than any other actor. ( Just ask
Bondtoys if you don't believe me. ) )
But having immersed myself in the literary Bond now, with a Novel every Month. I've come to the conclusion that I was wrong.
I know I can't believe it either, Thunderpussy Wrong - It can't be. )
Craig has got the Bond of the books Down! basic fact ( Fact to me at least ), His attitude is perfect and Once again ( sorry to keep
going on about it ) from reading the books, I can now understand what all concerned were trying to do with QOS. which
has steadily made its way up my list of Bond films.
So back to Goldfinger, just up to the end of the Golf game. It's amazing how many little changes there are between the Movie
and the novel. I also think it's the first time Bond reflects on his job, Killing for Queen and Country. I know this becomes a larger
part of his character in the later Books. The tension of the Golf games is as exciting as any of the many card duels Fleming had
in his other books. Although I can see how the Film decided to cut it down and play it more tongue in cheek.
Once again I'd recoment to anyone if you want to know Bond, pick up the Books. -{ and with Kindle it's so easy now. Although
I do have several copies and sets of Bond Books I've been downloading tham every month to my phone so I can read a chapter
or two anywhere. Infact it would be great fun if you where near one of the locations to go and read that segment of the novel. )
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
Goldfinger was published in 1959 and was originally titled The richest man in the world. The novel sees Bond finishing a job
and brooding over his career, for the first time he seems to brood over how he has to kill, How a body can be full of life and
possibilities one minute and a sack of lifeless tissue and bones the next. He expresses the view he doesn't revel in death but
takes a pride in doing it well.
Catching Goldfinger cheating at cards is pretty much as the film shows, only Bond has a longer relationship with Jill Masterson,
and doesn't find out till much later in the book what has happened to her.
Bond has the famous Golf match, outwitting Goldfinger, then following him to his Factory in Switzerland, where he meets up
wtith Tilly, who is out for revenge. They get captured and Fleming sets up a brilliant torture scene.
This is One part of the Book where I think the film improves on, Having Goldfinger get Bond and the girl to work for him, just
doesn't seem to ring true ( for me at least, Goldfinger should've just shot both of them and moved on ). In the film Goldfinger
keeps Bond close simply to because he needs him to keep the secret service at bay.
Moving to America, the Gansters meeting is very well written, I love Fleming's discriptive passages, he can build such a good
visual picture in your mind.
IMHO the attack on Ft Knox seems a little rushed, I'd have loved to read a little more of Bond running through the throng
dispensing justice to a few more villains. Some might have been suprised that Tilly fancies Pussy ( In many ways ). and meets
her end looking for her, and isn't interested in Bond himself.
Fleming gives us a final act with Bond being kidnapped and taken By Goldfinger on his hijacked aircraft. Here Both Oddjob
and Goldfinger ( Infact everyone on Bord dies except Pussy and Bond ) Die at Bond's hands.
Now we have another little plot point that I think is either under written, or seems a little rushed for My liking. Pussy seems
to fall for 007 very quickly.
Goldfinger is a great Bond adventure, Bond himself is a little more complex and rounded as a character. The plot is as always
with Fleming some fantastic boy's own adventure with the sheer audacity of Goldfingers scheme. Oddjob is a menacing Henchman
( with a liking for cats ).
I'd love to read others opinions and views on Goldfinger or indeed any of the Bonds so far. It's amazing to think we're halfway
Through the Fleming Novels.
I like to think of all Goldfingers Gold sitting there on the sea Bed waiting, for a Smersh team to salvage it, Only to be hindered
by a certain British agent. )
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
Ah, FYEO: Fleming's opportunity to convert some unused TV scripts into excellent short stories, and to experiment a bit with his writing (QoS). Also a godsend for Broccoli and his team once they'd run out of novels!
I rember reading about another character Fleming had in mind, James Gunn ?
Who lived on a boat and got his orders via a speaker on board. Or have I been
eating the wrong mushrooms again. )
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
It certainly was. FAVTAK, FYEO, R, would have been TV episodes, while QoS was his stab at a Somerset Maugham-style tale with Bond merely bookending the narrative.
Perhaps from today's perspective it's for the better that the TV series didn't happen.
Sir MilesThe Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 28,204Chief of Staff
Fleming was approached to write some stories for tv....I think he wanted to call it Commander Jamaica....
Yes, that was the title. James Gunn was to be the hero, and not a million miles removed from Our Hero either. As I said above, it's perhaps for the best that this never came to be.
The first collection of five short stories from Fleming, I feel this Book shows more of Bond the man, rather than a
villain's big scheme. The first "From a View to a Kill", I feel ( only my opinion ) was writen long before, as the writing
to me feels more like Fleming's early work. ( I'm probably wrong ) ), the only connection with the film would be
the Paris Location. Bond investigates the killing of a dispatch rider, could be used as an exciting PTS for a film.
"For Your Eyes Only"
On a personal request from M, Bond sets out to aveng the Killing of a married couple by a cuban ganster. Brilliant writing
from Fleming here his discriptive passages are wonderful, and what a figure Judy Havelock would have made on screen.
In those tight shorts dirty tied up shirt, with Bow and arrow and almost Bond's equal in hunting skills. ( far from Fleming
giving us "Damsels in distress", as Many of the movies did. Fleming's women are usually Very independent, and can take
Bond on in equal terms. )
"Quantum of Solace"
Bond gets told a story By the Island Govenor of how Love can turn to hate.
I remember reading this as a Teen thinking " This is crap " . Now I'm older and I've seen a bit more of life, taking
my share of relationships ups and downs, falling in and out of love etc ( even had a physco ex, stalking me 8-) ) So I've
come to the age where I can appreciate this story. Once again Fleming shows his skill at moving a story along, and I think
it helps show more of Bond's personality.
Bond stops a drug ring. Some great characters here and some Brilliant scenes, Bond being chased along a beach with one
henchman sadly stepping on an mine. Meeting Colombo and becoming friends to stop the double agent Kristatos.
Much of this and parts of For you eyes Only were used in the Movie. Perhaps why FYEO is one of my Favourite Moore Bond
"The Hildebrand Rarity"
Bond helps an American Millionaire Milton Krest find a rare fish, Krest is a bully, a wife beater and very Hard to get along with.
I love Fleming's discription of him standing in a doorway arms up, looking like a Baboon. Krest is Killed by having the stuffed
down his throat. Bond cleans up the scene as if he fell overboard.
Another story showing the human side of Bond, he tries to save the fish from being caught and killed by Krest, and how he
feels it would help his training in selfrestraint in putting up with Krest when he's being obnoxious.
FYEO, is a terrific Book sure it may be a collection of a few old TV script ideas, and the odd experiment in writing styles but
they give a better idea into Who Bond is, rather than all the exciting rush from one event to another in the longer novels.
Once again I hope some others are also reading the Books and any reviews, thoughts or opinions of All members, are always
welcome, on any of the Novels.
I remember when I first Joined AJB ( 5 years ago now ) I was like a young turk, giving all my views on Bond and how this
New rebbot of the series was all wrong. When others pointed out that this new direction was infact closer to the Books, I thought
they were wrong and Told them Loud and often. Then I had a thought, "Maybe I should re-read them as it has been a very long
time " So I did ( am doing ).
Finding out that from Reading the books ( haven't read them since my teens) that Bond isn't the wise cracking, eyebrow lifting
joker of the films, but rather a Cold, experienced field agent, hardened by life. whom when needed will be the "Blunt instrument "
than Britain needs.
At the moment I'm reading "The James Bond bedside companion " by Raymond Benson, Which I can recommend to all ( if you
don't already have it ) dealing with Fleming's life, the Novels and movies.
For March it's time for Thunderball, the one that led to all those legal problems. )
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
Given that the gaps between films are getting longer I wish Eon would make
a TV series of the short stories. Set them back in the late 50s/60s, so they would've
happened before Dr No. I know it will never happen, but I can dream, )
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
I've always had a soft spot for the story of FYEO, as it talks place just a couple of hours away from where I live, and I've actually been through some of the towns named (Enosburg Falls for one.)
The story is great, the descriptions, as always are amazing and full of the Fleming sweep. It's got just about everything you'd expect in a full length novel - the setup, the meeting with M, Bond travels to the assignment, prepares, meets a girl, the bad guys are vanquished and he gets the girl.
I enjoy Bond's "random thoughts" as he's walking through the woods. Next time I go camping, I'm doing the James Bond thing of bringing a flask filled with 3/4 bourbon and 1/4 coffee.
The ending is very satisfying, the villains are done away with - especially Major Gonzalez - while Von Hammerstein is the boss and main target, you wouldn't want to have Gonzalez get away with his life.
If you want a quick taste of Fleming and James Bond, FYEO is a great quick read.
I have fond memories of TB, as I was a teen and I remember it was one of those great summers, I'd cycle
the seven miles to a local beach, do a bit of Snorkeling ( Just a cheap mask etc ) although the Flippers
I used, according to my Dad were from WW2, Now as Far as I know My Grandfather was only a Private
so how we ended up with a set of ww2 flippers I'll never know but I like to think His being a Private
was only a cover and he was really a Lionel "Buster" Crab type. )
I was trying to live like Fleming ( But on a budget ), so I'd lie down to dry and read Thunderball, so
reading about those sandy beaches, I could feel like Bond. I'm looking forward to it. -{
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
While the main plot of Thunderball may have been a collaboration between Fleming, Kevin McClory, Jack Whittingham, Ivar Bryce and even Ernie Cuneo (who made the first outline of the plot), the novel Thunderball, with it's details, feel and sweep is pure Fleming.
Bond starts out the book feeling the effects of having consumed 11 whisky and sodas the following night, and the story goes from there. So many great settings, sub-plots, just a great read.
Domino is one of my favorite Bond girls, and her story about the Players packet is great storytelling by Fleming. I like the submarine captain who takes them to the final battle - he recognizes what he has onboard in James Bond and lets him run the show.
The sense of urgency with the imposed time limit adds to the drama of the book, while Felix Leiter is a welcome ally to the cause.
Fleming's habit of inserting his friends and acquaintances into the stories - sometimes against their wishes (see Boofy Gore in DAF) - and realizing when he's doing it is one of the most fun parts of reading the novels.
Fleming inserts the name of his friend Amherst Villiers into Casino Royale - he was a portrait artist and also an automotive, aeronautical and astronautical (!) engineer who really did invent the Bentley supercharger featured in the novel on Bond's car.
Just started reading For Special Services and the Book starts off in a very Tom Clancy way, with a Plane Highjacking. In fact, the second Chapter reminds me of the first from the Rainbow Six Novel.
1.On Her Majesties Secret Service 2.The Living Daylights 3.license To Kill 4.The Spy Who Loved Me 5.Goldfinger
Thunderball is a great read, -{ I could stop there as I'd forgotten how good it was. Fleming writes at a terrific pace
every chapter encourages you to press on. Sure this may have been a collaboration but Fleming has made it his own.
The plot is fantastic but believable and based in reality, It is a skill of Fleming, by putting in so many details that
when something a little "Fancifull" is placed before you ,you simply believe it without asking any questions.
I'm not going to lay out the plot as I'm sure everyone knows it by now. Largo is another great Fleming villain, we
get another exciting card game and Leiter is back helping, I was suprised at how many lines from the novel make it
To the film.
Domino is a stronger character than I remembered, ( I'm amazed how in the novels Fleming nearly always had very
strong female characters yet in many of the films these same characters were watered down so much, to be merely. The
damsel in distress or "Arm candy".
Speaking of Fleming's female characters the next novel was co-written by one. ) Vivienne Michel.
In his tenth Novel " The spy who Loved Me ".
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
Moonraker is a Masterpiece and really showcases Fleming's Writing Style. Has a unique Plot for the Time and the whole Novel is set in England, unlike any of the others that have Bond Globetrotting around the World.
1.On Her Majesties Secret Service 2.The Living Daylights 3.license To Kill 4.The Spy Who Loved Me 5.Goldfinger
Moonraker is also a favourite of mine too. -{ I love the card game , with Drax. Almost
turning red with rage as he's about to call Bond a cheat. With the line about "Spend the
Money Quickly " popping up in Octopussy. )
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
and how Bond was thinking of marriage Fleming used the phrase " All the time
in the world " and retiring to Japan, which of course was what Blofeld did.
This Book reminds me of Moonraker in that Bond is in the one place and the story itself is a simple affair.
I've read many reviews stating that this is Flemings Homage to all the old Sax Rohmer, Fu Manchu stories
and that's pretty obvious.
Dr No is a great villain, with metal pincers for hands and his own private island. What's not to like.
The film has several extra scenes which are not in the Book and In my Opinion as with Goldfinger I think
the Film slightly improves on the basic story.
Fleming has got his writing style now and the usual beautiful discriptive pasages lead you into Bond's
world. Quarrrel ( from LALD ) is back and Fleming writes his character as an equal to Bond and a friend,
Bond is genuinely upset when he's killed ( I don't think that's a spoiler as I'm sure everyone has seen
the film if not read the book ).
Honeychile 'Honey' Ryder , is an incredibly sexy creation, Bond's first vision of her is amazing. The trials
Bond has to endure really put him through it, the worst for me was the extreme heat, as you could imagine
Bond's skin burning.
The attack on Bond in his hotel room by Centipede, is really creepy. I do think the idea of one of those settling
down around your "Man bits" gives me a shudder, ( I don't mind spiders )
So another Fine adventure for Bond now armed with his new gun
Mr Du Pont points out to Bond that Goldfinger couldn't be Jewish as he wouldn't
be allowed in the hotel. 8-) crazy times.
Had me thinking about Sammy Davis, Jr, he must of confused so many red necks
They couldn't figure out what to get more angry about. Him being Black, or Jewish
or being married to a white woman.
Have changed, or at least been massaged in a slightly different direction.
Having grown up with Roger Moore as Bond, ( I last read the books as a Teen, then the continuing novels as they
came out ). I thought I knew what Bond was supposed to be, the jokes etc.
Now having re-read several I can see I was remembering the feel good Bonds of the 70s and not the character
that Fleming had created. So time for a 180 on many of my previous views. :007)
Although I always liked Daniel Craig as Bond ( didn't think he looked anything like the character but you can't have it all )
I disliked QOS, mainly for the shaky camera work and quick editing, but as many have pointed out. The editing etc does
calm down as the film moves along. So I wasn't a happy camper.
Now like a reformed smoker, I can see what many were trying to point out to me way Back then. Although I'll always think
T Dalton did a fantastic job as Bond and up to that point he was the closest to the Books than any other actor. ( Just ask
Bondtoys if you don't believe me. )
But having immersed myself in the literary Bond now, with a Novel every Month. I've come to the conclusion that I was wrong.
I know I can't believe it either, Thunderpussy Wrong - It can't be.
Craig has got the Bond of the books Down! basic fact ( Fact to me at least ), His attitude is perfect and Once again ( sorry to keep
going on about it
has steadily made its way up my list of Bond films.
So back to Goldfinger, just up to the end of the Golf game. It's amazing how many little changes there are between the Movie
and the novel. I also think it's the first time Bond reflects on his job, Killing for Queen and Country. I know this becomes a larger
part of his character in the later Books. The tension of the Golf games is as exciting as any of the many card duels Fleming had
in his other books. Although I can see how the Film decided to cut it down and play it more tongue in cheek.
Once again I'd recoment to anyone if you want to know Bond, pick up the Books. -{ and with Kindle it's so easy now. Although
I do have several copies and sets of Bond Books I've been downloading tham every month to my phone so I can read a chapter
or two anywhere. Infact it would be great fun if you where near one of the locations to go and read that segment of the novel.
one of them Fleming writes, ....
" He had the glazed eyes of the very rich or the dead " Now who says Fleming didn't put
humor into his novels.
Goldfinger was published in 1959 and was originally titled The richest man in the world. The novel sees Bond finishing a job
and brooding over his career, for the first time he seems to brood over how he has to kill, How a body can be full of life and
possibilities one minute and a sack of lifeless tissue and bones the next. He expresses the view he doesn't revel in death but
takes a pride in doing it well.
Catching Goldfinger cheating at cards is pretty much as the film shows, only Bond has a longer relationship with Jill Masterson,
and doesn't find out till much later in the book what has happened to her.
Bond has the famous Golf match, outwitting Goldfinger, then following him to his Factory in Switzerland, where he meets up
wtith Tilly, who is out for revenge. They get captured and Fleming sets up a brilliant torture scene.
This is One part of the Book where I think the film improves on, Having Goldfinger get Bond and the girl to work for him, just
doesn't seem to ring true ( for me at least, Goldfinger should've just shot both of them and moved on ). In the film Goldfinger
keeps Bond close simply to because he needs him to keep the secret service at bay.
Moving to America, the Gansters meeting is very well written, I love Fleming's discriptive passages, he can build such a good
visual picture in your mind.
IMHO the attack on Ft Knox seems a little rushed, I'd have loved to read a little more of Bond running through the throng
dispensing justice to a few more villains. Some might have been suprised that Tilly fancies Pussy ( In many ways ). and meets
her end looking for her, and isn't interested in Bond himself.
Fleming gives us a final act with Bond being kidnapped and taken By Goldfinger on his hijacked aircraft. Here Both Oddjob
and Goldfinger ( Infact everyone on Bord dies except Pussy and Bond ) Die at Bond's hands.
Now we have another little plot point that I think is either under written, or seems a little rushed for My liking. Pussy seems
to fall for 007 very quickly.
Goldfinger is a great Bond adventure, Bond himself is a little more complex and rounded as a character. The plot is as always
with Fleming some fantastic boy's own adventure with the sheer audacity of Goldfingers scheme. Oddjob is a menacing Henchman
( with a liking for cats ).
I'd love to read others opinions and views on Goldfinger or indeed any of the Bonds so far. It's amazing to think we're halfway
Through the Fleming Novels.
I like to think of all Goldfingers Gold sitting there on the sea Bed waiting, for a Smersh team to salvage it, Only to be hindered
by a certain British agent.
Who lived on a boat and got his orders via a speaker on board. Or have I been
eating the wrong mushrooms again.
for a TV series.
Perhaps from today's perspective it's for the better that the TV series didn't happen.
The first collection of five short stories from Fleming, I feel this Book shows more of Bond the man, rather than a
villain's big scheme. The first "From a View to a Kill", I feel ( only my opinion ) was writen long before, as the writing
to me feels more like Fleming's early work. ( I'm probably wrong
the Paris Location. Bond investigates the killing of a dispatch rider, could be used as an exciting PTS for a film.
"For Your Eyes Only"
On a personal request from M, Bond sets out to aveng the Killing of a married couple by a cuban ganster. Brilliant writing
from Fleming here his discriptive passages are wonderful, and what a figure Judy Havelock would have made on screen.
In those tight shorts dirty tied up shirt, with Bow and arrow and almost Bond's equal in hunting skills. ( far from Fleming
giving us "Damsels in distress", as Many of the movies did. Fleming's women are usually Very independent, and can take
Bond on in equal terms. )
"Quantum of Solace"
Bond gets told a story By the Island Govenor of how Love can turn to hate.
I remember reading this as a Teen thinking " This is crap "
my share of relationships ups and downs, falling in and out of love etc ( even had a physco ex, stalking me 8-) ) So I've
come to the age where I can appreciate this story. Once again Fleming shows his skill at moving a story along, and I think
it helps show more of Bond's personality.
Bond stops a drug ring. Some great characters here and some Brilliant scenes, Bond being chased along a beach with one
henchman sadly stepping on an mine. Meeting Colombo and becoming friends to stop the double agent Kristatos.
Much of this and parts of For you eyes Only were used in the Movie. Perhaps why FYEO is one of my Favourite Moore Bond
"The Hildebrand Rarity"
Bond helps an American Millionaire Milton Krest find a rare fish, Krest is a bully, a wife beater and very Hard to get along with.
I love Fleming's discription of him standing in a doorway arms up, looking like a Baboon. Krest is Killed by having the stuffed
down his throat. Bond cleans up the scene as if he fell overboard.
Another story showing the human side of Bond, he tries to save the fish from being caught and killed by Krest, and how he
feels it would help his training in selfrestraint in putting up with Krest when he's being obnoxious.
FYEO, is a terrific Book sure it may be a collection of a few old TV script ideas, and the odd experiment in writing styles but
they give a better idea into Who Bond is, rather than all the exciting rush from one event to another in the longer novels.
Once again I hope some others are also reading the Books and any reviews, thoughts or opinions of All members, are always
welcome, on any of the Novels.
I remember when I first Joined AJB ( 5 years ago now
New rebbot of the series was all wrong. When others pointed out that this new direction was infact closer to the Books, I thought
they were wrong and Told them Loud and often. Then I had a thought, "Maybe I should re-read them as it has been a very long
time " So I did ( am doing ).
Finding out that from Reading the books ( haven't read them since my teens) that Bond isn't the wise cracking, eyebrow lifting
joker of the films, but rather a Cold, experienced field agent, hardened by life. whom when needed will be the "Blunt instrument "
than Britain needs.
At the moment I'm reading "The James Bond bedside companion " by Raymond Benson, Which I can recommend to all ( if you
don't already have it ) dealing with Fleming's life, the Novels and movies.
For March it's time for Thunderball, the one that led to all those legal problems.
a TV series of the short stories. Set them back in the late 50s/60s, so they would've
happened before Dr No. I know it will never happen, but I can dream,
The story is great, the descriptions, as always are amazing and full of the Fleming sweep. It's got just about everything you'd expect in a full length novel - the setup, the meeting with M, Bond travels to the assignment, prepares, meets a girl, the bad guys are vanquished and he gets the girl.
I enjoy Bond's "random thoughts" as he's walking through the woods. Next time I go camping, I'm doing the James Bond thing of bringing a flask filled with 3/4 bourbon and 1/4 coffee.
The ending is very satisfying, the villains are done away with - especially Major Gonzalez - while Von Hammerstein is the boss and main target, you wouldn't want to have Gonzalez get away with his life.
If you want a quick taste of Fleming and James Bond, FYEO is a great quick read.
Twitter: @FlemingsBond
I have fond memories of TB, as I was a teen and I remember it was one of those great summers, I'd cycle
the seven miles to a local beach, do a bit of Snorkeling ( Just a cheap mask etc ) although the Flippers
I used, according to my Dad were from WW2, Now as Far as I know My Grandfather was only a Private
so how we ended up with a set of ww2 flippers I'll never know but I like to think His being a Private
was only a cover and he was really a Lionel "Buster" Crab type.
I was trying to live like Fleming ( But on a budget ), so I'd lie down to dry and read Thunderball, so
reading about those sandy beaches, I could feel like Bond. I'm looking forward to it. -{
Bond starts out the book feeling the effects of having consumed 11 whisky and sodas the following night, and the story goes from there. So many great settings, sub-plots, just a great read.
Domino is one of my favorite Bond girls, and her story about the Players packet is great storytelling by Fleming. I like the submarine captain who takes them to the final battle - he recognizes what he has onboard in James Bond and lets him run the show.
The sense of urgency with the imposed time limit adds to the drama of the book, while Felix Leiter is a welcome ally to the cause.
Twitter: @FlemingsBond
small points, such as the owner of Palmyra being a certain Mr Bryce.
Twitter: @FlemingsBond
They don't make them like him anymore! -{
Thunderball is a great read, -{ I could stop there as I'd forgotten how good it was. Fleming writes at a terrific pace
every chapter encourages you to press on. Sure this may have been a collaboration but Fleming has made it his own.
The plot is fantastic but believable and based in reality, It is a skill of Fleming, by putting in so many details that
when something a little "Fancifull" is placed before you ,you simply believe it without asking any questions.
I'm not going to lay out the plot as I'm sure everyone knows it by now. Largo is another great Fleming villain, we
get another exciting card game and Leiter is back helping, I was suprised at how many lines from the novel make it
To the film.
Domino is a stronger character than I remembered, ( I'm amazed how in the novels Fleming nearly always had very
strong female characters yet in many of the films these same characters were watered down so much, to be merely. The
damsel in distress or "Arm candy".
Speaking of Fleming's female characters the next novel was co-written by one.
In his tenth Novel " The spy who Loved Me ".
turning red with rage as he's about to call Bond a cheat. With the line about "Spend the
Money Quickly " popping up in Octopussy.