Bond Book of the Month



  • JamesBondBlogJamesBondBlog USAPosts: 34MI6 Agent
    I love Gala Brand - what a woman! Policewoman trained in self-defense, goes undercover on Drax, wears a "shocking pink" skirt on her outing with Bond, resists him, endures torture, rewards Bond with a kiss for freeing them, and throughout remains faithful to her real love.
  • AlphaOmegaSinAlphaOmegaSin EnglandPosts: 10,926MI6 Agent
    You can never go wrong with Moonraker, I keep meaning to re-read it one of these Days but it will have to wait for a while as I'm currently going through the Gardner Books -{
    1.On Her Majesties Secret Service 2.The Living Daylights 3.license To Kill 4.The Spy Who Loved Me 5.Goldfinger
  • Charmed & DangerousCharmed & Dangerous Posts: 7,358MI6 Agent
    Thunderball is my favourite Fleming novel, the 'Fleming Sweep' as Raymond Benson called it is best seen here as the pace never let's up. The sparse prose (sorry my daughter is studying English A level so I think a bit has rubbed off on me :)) ) and tight plot make it zip along.

    Bond is finally a really fleshed out character and Fleming's first description of Domino in her straw hat and the way Bond tries to pick her up are brilliant, just part of this standout novel, with the underwater stuff, the Shrublands scenes and the casino scene highlights. -{
    "How was your lamb?" "Skewered. One sympathises."
  • AlphaOmegaSinAlphaOmegaSin EnglandPosts: 10,926MI6 Agent

    Only into Chapter five, and so far it seems a lot like a Tom Clancy Novel. The Fight Scene between Bond and the two Thugs in Paula's Flat is very Detailed as always.
    1.On Her Majesties Secret Service 2.The Living Daylights 3.license To Kill 4.The Spy Who Loved Me 5.Goldfinger
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    I think the early J Gardner books are very good. -{
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • AlphaOmegaSinAlphaOmegaSin EnglandPosts: 10,926MI6 Agent
    The Villain of Von Gloda in Icebreaker is nowhere near as interesting an Ex- Nazi as Hugo Drax.
    1.On Her Majesties Secret Service 2.The Living Daylights 3.license To Kill 4.The Spy Who Loved Me 5.Goldfinger
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    The Spy who loved me :

    Fleming's ninth Bond novel is a little different from what has come before. Written in the first person
    as the leading lady Vivienne Michel. The shortest of the Books the basic story is the past life of Vivienne
    and her travels to "The Dreamy Pines Motor Court" were she meets a couple of gansters who are there
    to burn the place down for insurance and she'd get the blame ( Her body to be found in the building ).
    Bond arrives to change their plans.
    This is the only Fleming Novel I've only read once ( Now Twice :)) ), Not one of my favourites But as
    always an enjoyable read. The part where Bond arrives it does pick up and the Thugs are suitably Menacing.
    aspects of "Horror" have obviously been carried over on to the screen as Jaws.
    Fleming only allowed the title to be used by eon.
    The reason as to why Fleming wanted to do such an unusual story for Bond might be ( From wikipedia )

    The reception to the novel was so bad that Fleming wrote to Michael Howard at Jonathan Cape, to explain why he wrote the book: "I had become increasingly surprised to find my thrillers, which were designed for an adult audience, being read in schools, and that young people were making a hero out of James Bond ... So it crossed my mind to write a cautionary tale about Bond, to put the record straight in the minds particularly of younger readers ... the experiment has obviously gone very much awry".

    A treat for Me for May, as OHMSS is a favourite of Mine since I first read it as a Boy under the covers at night. :))
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • AlphaOmegaSinAlphaOmegaSin EnglandPosts: 10,926MI6 Agent
    No Deals Mr Bond

    Gardner's sixth Bond Outing returns to the Feel of Icebreaker, with Double Crossings and multiple Twists and Turns. His previous two Novels, Role Of Honor and Nobody Lives Forever felt very Episodic and would have been better as one large Novel.
    1.On Her Majesties Secret Service 2.The Living Daylights 3.license To Kill 4.The Spy Who Loved Me 5.Goldfinger
  • AlphaOmegaSinAlphaOmegaSin EnglandPosts: 10,926MI6 Agent
    From Russia With Love

    Fleming had reached his Peak here, classic Spy Story and a real Page Turner.
    1.On Her Majesties Secret Service 2.The Living Daylights 3.license To Kill 4.The Spy Who Loved Me 5.Goldfinger
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    {[] one of the best Bond novels and a great spy story. -{
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • AlphaOmegaSinAlphaOmegaSin EnglandPosts: 10,926MI6 Agent
    -{ It also mentions Aldershot, five Minutes from me
    1.On Her Majesties Secret Service 2.The Living Daylights 3.license To Kill 4.The Spy Who Loved Me 5.Goldfinger
  • chrisisallchrisisall Western Mass, USAPosts: 9,062MI6 Agent
    Just minutes ago finished Devil May Care. I started it some time back, but picked it up again this week. It wasn't an obsessive page-turner like Fleming, but I found it to be a good solid story with a few real highlights to it. I enjoyed the sense of the era, too. Some very predictable parts though, but even then, nicely written. I liked it. On to Gardner next. I'll see how he compares with Faulks.
    Dalton & Connery rule. Brozz was cool.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    Sadly no one has Fleming's skill at being able to quickly explain
    the rules of a game, then set up a fantastic tension filled event. -{
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • chrisisallchrisisall Western Mass, USAPosts: 9,062MI6 Agent
    Sadly no one has Fleming's skill at being able to quickly explain
    the rules of a game, then set up a fantastic tension filled event. -{
    I'm entirely sure there are a few out there, sadly, none of them has had a shot so far.
    Dalton & Connery rule. Brozz was cool.
  • AlphaOmegaSinAlphaOmegaSin EnglandPosts: 10,926MI6 Agent
    Gardner has some good Books, and some poor ones. I'm nearing Brokenclaw which I'm looking forward to reading. -{
    1.On Her Majesties Secret Service 2.The Living Daylights 3.license To Kill 4.The Spy Who Loved Me 5.Goldfinger
  • chrisisallchrisisall Western Mass, USAPosts: 9,062MI6 Agent
    Gardner has some good Books, and some poor ones.
    Artists don't always produce masterpieces if my intel is correct. I'll be more than happy with just a few gems. -{
    Dalton & Connery rule. Brozz was cool.
  • AlphaOmegaSinAlphaOmegaSin EnglandPosts: 10,926MI6 Agent
    License Renewed is very good -{
    1.On Her Majesties Secret Service 2.The Living Daylights 3.license To Kill 4.The Spy Who Loved Me 5.Goldfinger
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    My review of LR, would be slightly biased. As I remember all the excitement of having a
    new Bond story after such a long time, with nothing. :)) I though Gardner did a good job
    of giving us a slightly older Bond. Although he was obviously influenced by the movies as His
    books have far more gadgets than Fleming's, but all believable ( If not real ) ;)
    My only complaint with Gardner, Is his later Books seemed very similar to earlier stories, and
    His love of double/triple agents I found tiresome at times. IMHO he began to write more like
    Alistair MacLean than Ian Fleming ( Not that he was even trying to copy Fleming's style, as Faulks
    did ).
    I think I still prefer his work to the Novels from the other continuing writers ( Except, Col Sun -{ )
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • AlphaOmegaSinAlphaOmegaSin EnglandPosts: 10,926MI6 Agent
    LR to IB are his best in my Opinion -{
    1.On Her Majesties Secret Service 2.The Living Daylights 3.license To Kill 4.The Spy Who Loved Me 5.Goldfinger
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    I'd love to see his car chase from LR ( Bond with lights out and using
    His nightfinder goggles -{ ) used in a Bond film.
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • AlphaOmegaSinAlphaOmegaSin EnglandPosts: 10,926MI6 Agent
    Finally managed to pick up a Copy of Solo (Paperback) from my local Waterstones. Was going to leave it till last but I saw it half Price -{ One thing that has bugged me about it is that there is no Chapter Listing ?:)
    1.On Her Majesties Secret Service 2.The Living Daylights 3.license To Kill 4.The Spy Who Loved Me 5.Goldfinger
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    As always, read it and enjoy it, Unlike some I didn't like it at all. Then
    again I've only read it once, so it might be better for me, a second time. :D
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • AlphaOmegaSinAlphaOmegaSin EnglandPosts: 10,926MI6 Agent
    Already read the first Chapter on the Bus :)) Boyd has adopted Fleming's writing Spirit rather well -{
    1.On Her Majesties Secret Service 2.The Living Daylights 3.license To Kill 4.The Spy Who Loved Me 5.Goldfinger
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    I've just finished OHMSS, and will be posting my thoughts near the
    end of the month.
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • AlphaOmegaSinAlphaOmegaSin EnglandPosts: 10,926MI6 Agent
    Love it. The Ending is just as sad as the Film Version and Lazenby shed a Tear or two whilst reading it -{
    1.On Her Majesties Secret Service 2.The Living Daylights 3.license To Kill 4.The Spy Who Loved Me 5.Goldfinger
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    -{ it's always been a favourite of mine, real boys own adventure stuff. :))
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • Charmed & DangerousCharmed & Dangerous Posts: 7,358MI6 Agent
    Me too. Fleming at his best -{
    "How was your lamb?" "Skewered. One sympathises."
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    OHMSS :
    Fleming's tenth Bond novel, It's funny to think that when Fleming was writting this, The first
    Bond film Dr No was being filmed near his home. :)
    I'll not dwell on the plot as it's well known. For Me this is the ultimate Bond novel, a truly Great
    story, with interesting characters and a blend of villains and action. Once again Fleming adds to
    Bond's character Making him even more human ( falling in love ) and for me at least
    as with Goldfinger the Movie adds a few touches that Improve the story. For instance having
    Blofeld kidnapp Tracy and hold her in Piz Gloria, rather than have her saftley tucked away during
    the attack ( as in the novel) as this adds to the tension and excitement.
    OHMSS is my favourite Bond novel ( and Film ) Bond once again is not superhuman but a Human
    Intelligence agent, alone and up against superior odds but still manages to gain the upper Hand.
    OHMSS is the second Book in what is known as "The Blofeld Triliogy " TB, OHMSS & YOLT. ( even
    though he's hardly in TB at all ).
    Looking forward to reading YOLT in June, Only a few months ago, I heard the bbc radio 4 radio
    adaptation of it.
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • AlphaOmegaSinAlphaOmegaSin EnglandPosts: 10,926MI6 Agent
    Was the YOLT Radio Adaption the 1990 one? Or a a rather recent one?
    1.On Her Majesties Secret Service 2.The Living Daylights 3.license To Kill 4.The Spy Who Loved Me 5.Goldfinger
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,439Chief of Staff
    What he said. Great book, perhaps the best 007 story.
    (And I can hear John Barry's music in my head while reading it, even better!)
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