Military Service

Hello friends. I wondered if they're are any peoples here in AJB who used to be in the military of their country.
I served for three years in the army of my country.
I served for three years in the army of my country.
Back in the day, it was 15 months mandatory, now it's voluntarily.
Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
However due to OPSEC I can only talk about what happened 25 years ago - everything else is still covered by the OSA apart from my Facing the Loaded Gun POST stories - which will of course form part of my memoirs to bore my grand children with 8-)
So my experiences in my early days somewhat mirror your own Joshua - fun times though and oh how things have changed! It was always emotional to see your highly polished boots take a flying lesson out the window - or to parade with all you kit, bed, locker and all on the parade square for a Show Parade! (then have to put it all back in your room again).
Funny thing was as I progressed through the Ranks I got it, why things were so tough in the early days. If you could not administer yourself in Barracks how the hell would you survive in worse conditions on Operations!
Its funny how you never see it that way at the time though
Cheers :007)
To get the uniform ready and the room and the bed and the boots ready would take all of the time until lights were out!
It was also fun when foreign elite units came to train winter warfare, and only after six months of service we did well against them! That was fun
The Russians had some serious atv's at that time, huge machines that went anywhere.
Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
The final two years of my enlistment were at Luke AFB in Arizona, outside the Phoenix metropolitan area. After winning the Deputy Commander for Maintenance Airman of the Quarter competition, I received a back-seat ride in an F-15 Eagle...the flight surgeon cleared me to an altitude of 18,000 feet - they had to go to another squadron to find a G-suit that fit me because of my height - and I was trained on the emergency egress system (ejector seat! haha)...and then I got to see the Grand Canyon from a fighter jet in the late afternoon. He hit the full afterburner, so I was actually supersonic for a minute or two, and briefly gave me control of the aircraft. Once I gave it back to him, we did rolls, and a loop! And I didn't vomit - I still have my unused airsickness bag as a souvenir.
It was possibly the best time of my life.
"I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
"Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
Im not sure if I have asked you this before, but what country are you from?
Later he asked what I did so I told him and he laughed and said 'you know we would just have fixed you in place, gone around you, then headed straight for the channel'. Hindsight is a great thing if only I had known all those hours sat in a sodden trench in Germany was a complete waste of time!
It's a funny old world - As M would say 'Christ I miss the Cold War!'
Cheers :007)
After the event we sat chatting a some time I was expecting it to be quiet awkward - reality was he was a young lad sent to a place he knew nothing much about to sit in a trench and protect its new sovereignty. No one had expected the UK would react the way it did at the time. We both called the place by our own name but we knew where we were talking about and neither was upset by the other. Needless to say we skirted around the why's and wherefores and talked with affection about the weapons (their FN out SLR and we both had gimpys), kit and tough environment experiences etc. He was quiet a senior guy in a global NGO.
Fortunately that conflict was before my time but it was the catalyst for this scroat to make something of his life rather than continue to borrow other people's cars without permission!
It was funny how we laughed and moaned about the same things from different sides - seemingly all soldiers moan about crap food, dodgy kit and the commanders above them!
Cheers :007)
On a major NATO exercise we spent 2 days digging a set of full trenches ( about 10 of them between us), next day we died in place from an Arty barrage, we were then extracted from our location to allow the enemy to occupy them (so naturally we left them some surface laid rectal bar mines). Only to have to reoccupy the same positions 2 days later where they had doubled up on the mines in return. It stank, was covered in crap and we had to stay there 5 days!
Then yes spent 2 days filling it back in again ( though we did help a local farmer get a new barn by reversing accidentally into the corner of his old one!!)
Cheers :007)
my regiment can look down always!