NTTD Movie Questions/remarks - not Reviews (maybe SPOILERS in responses)



  • GoldthunderGoldthunder EnglandPosts: 11MI6 Agent

    The DNA targeting part of the plot is indeed clear. What didn't seem clear is whether or not Blofeld’s DNA is included among the Spectre agents that are targeted. We could make the assumption that there would be no point in targeting Blofeld when we know he’s not at the party, but when Q inspects the flash drive and is able to assemble the missing parts of the data, he is able to see that it is a list of Spectre agents and Blofeld is specifically highlighted at this point. Perhaps I misinterpreted the scene, but this was where I took my queue from that it targeted all Spectre agents, including Blofeld. 

    Safin does know that Blofeld only speaks to Madeleine and this is why he gave her the spray - he couldn’t have anticipated that Bond would visit Blofeld. But given the scene in Q’s apartment, it felt like Bond was already carrying NanoBots to infect Blofeld and therefore the conclusion that MI6 draw after his death is what I would call into question in the plot. Like I say though I may have misinterpreted it. I’ve only seen it twice and I’m happy to be proved wrong! 


    "Seems terribly difficult... No it isn't, is it?"
  • MrZarebaMrZareba Krakow, PolandPosts: 1,775MI6 Agent
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 28,176Chief of Staff

    I think you are three-quarters of the way there 🍸

    It is shown later on - as you say - in Q’s apartment that Blofeld wasn’t targeted…I think, and this is my interpretation, that Safin wanted Madeleine to kill Blofeld…this is how he wanted to start to exercise his control over her…

    YNWA 97
  • CantsayorspellCantsayorspell Posts: 2MI6 Agent

    Why does Madeleine agree to be Blofeld's therapist/doctor? Is she really with Spectre? Why would you work with or help the killer of your father? Do you think Madeleine needs the money? I would think her father would leave her enough money she wouldn't need to work and could permanently stay in Norway and raise her child.

    Why does the child only speak french rather than English? Are we to believe Madeleine has tucked her away at the childhood home in Norway? Perhaps with a nanny?

    Why does Madeleine return to Norway? I think it must be to retrieve her daughter. Why else would she return to the place where Saffin knows she would be?! Why?!

  • CantsayorspellCantsayorspell Posts: 2MI6 Agent

    Is Bond the child's father? Madeleine says "she isn't yours" and he mentions her eyes. Later, she confirms the child does have his eyes. But really, how can she keep this kid a secret from MI6? I think Moneypenny or someone would have made the connection and linked the child to Bond. I need clarity on is the kid his and why does she lie.

  • Asp9mmAsp9mm Over the Hills and Far Away.Posts: 7,544MI6 Agent

    Yes, she is Bonds. Swann says as much at the end. She lies at first as she doesn’t want to get hurt again. They have only just hooked up for an hour since he dumped her five years back. She doesn’t know how his visit will end, or if they have a future at that point. Far from it.

  • GoldthunderGoldthunder EnglandPosts: 11MI6 Agent

    Sir Miles, I’ve think you’ve just given me the excuse I needed to go and see the movie again… as if I needed one! 🍸

    "Seems terribly difficult... No it isn't, is it?"
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 28,176Chief of Staff
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,538MI6 Agent
    edited October 2021

    We don't know yet what Phoebe Waller-Bridge wrote for NTTD, but I have a feeling she's the type of witty, modern writer the franchise will need in the future. I'm not saying she can't do overall plot or doesn't know Bond properly, but we know Antony Horowitz does. Maybe EON should hire them to be the writer team for future movies?

  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,538MI6 Agent

    I was unsure of where to put this, but here it goes: I'm impressed by David Zaritsky in The Bond Experience lately. He has managed to interview Cary Fukunaga, the two producers and Daniel Craig himself! Very good 😁

  • Shady TreeShady Tree London, UKPosts: 3,028MI6 Agent
    edited October 2021

    A piece of incidental casting I found striking in NTTD was Lourdes Faberes as one of the SPECTRE agents flanking Bond at the party in Cuba. I've been a fan of Ms Faberes ever since her hilarious turn as Woo Woo (a send-up of Tsai Chin's performances as Lin Tang, Fu Manchu's daughter) in 'Frenzy Of Tongs', an episode of Steve Coogan's 2001 satirical horror series, 'Dr Terrible's House Of Horrible'. More recently, in 2019, I saw her in the all-female cast for 'Richard II' at The Globe. It would have been great if she'd got a larger role in a Bond film; she clearly looks the part as a SPECTRE femme fatale here, if only briefly.

    I wonder if the Cuban party was the scene for which Grace Jones was offered a cameo.

    Critics and material I don't need. I haven't changed my act in 53 years.
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,411Chief of Staff

    Yes, I agree, and suggest starting a new thread in the Films forum discussing not only the fine work David is doing (I can't help thinking of him as "our David" and nearly called him that) but also Joe Darlington, Calvin Dyson, etc. Title "YouTube Bond" or something less bland if you can think of it.

  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,538MI6 Agent

    "Bond on YouTube"?

  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,411Chief of Staff

    "The YouTube Bond Community" is getting closer.

  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,538MI6 Agent

    That's a good solution.

  • MrZarebaMrZareba Krakow, PolandPosts: 1,775MI6 Agent

    Tube. YouTube.

    That will be 500$, no need to thank me, barely an inconvenience.

  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,411Chief of Staff

    Pay the man, N24.

  • Revs1972Revs1972 Posts: 78MI6 Agent

    Is Bond the child's father? 

    One thing i noticed on second viewing was that Madeline says to Bond that she has something to tell him, but he dosent let her. Then as she is stood on the train, just as the door is closing she puts her hand on her stomach ,as a pregnant woman would

  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,538MI6 Agent
  • Glidrose007Glidrose007 Posts: 70MI6 Agent

    RE - your instangram profile, Lukey Sparrow. Wasn't he a character from the TV series `The Sweeney'?

  • ichaiceichaice LondonPosts: 604MI6 Agent

    Yes he certainly was 👏🏻 We were at school at the time and watched them filming part of that episode 😀

    Yes. Considerably!
  • Glidrose007Glidrose007 Posts: 70MI6 Agent

    Nice. Great episode too, starring Diana Dors. 😎

  • ichaiceichaice LondonPosts: 604MI6 Agent

    Very true….classic mother in law 😂

    Malcom McFee who played Lukey was also in the Fenn Street Gang……….. remember them?

    Yes. Considerably!
  • MrZarebaMrZareba Krakow, PolandPosts: 1,775MI6 Agent

    I found a Monopoly money transfer in my PayPal account. Disregarding the utter disrespect towards my marketing craft here - how is that even possible?

  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,411Chief of Staff

    We do function in your absence, Mr Zareba.

  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,538MI6 Agent

    I'm planning a poll or two about NTTD and the future of Bond. In adition to rating NTTD I intend to pose a series of statements and if you agree you tick it off. I'm listing the statements I've come up with som far. If you have aditional questions/statements or suggestions for improving my statements, please post them. These are not neccessarily my opinions, but tools to gauge the views of the members here in AJB.

    - James Bond should've survived NTTD.

    - Bond shouldn't have become a father in NTTD.

    - The Bond movie series is dead.

    - Bond26 should be a hard re-boot.

    - Bond26 should be an origin story.

    - The movies of the next Bond actor should have a lighter tone.

    - All the MI6 regulars should be re-cast.

    - Future Bond movies should generally be standalone stories.

  • caractacus pottscaractacus potts Orbital communicator, level 10Posts: 4,167MI6 Agent

    Havent read all five pages yet, but I have these two questions:

    Near the end Nomi requests M give the 007 number back to Bond and M agrees. so what's her new number? (I wish they'd done more with the confusion of there being two 007s)


    At one point M is in a hallway and we see a prominent portrait of Judi Dench. then the camera angle changes, and we see another portrait which looked like Robert Brown. Was there one of Bernard Lee?

  • Asp9mmAsp9mm Over the Hills and Far Away.Posts: 7,544MI6 Agent

    Yes, the Bernard Lee one from TWINE was there too. Not sure you see it in the final cut though.

  • caractacus pottscaractacus potts Orbital communicator, level 10Posts: 4,167MI6 Agent

    ha! very good question. But James Bond is not just any man, he has Mojo superpowers, 'nads of steel.

    Same issue is inherent in the books, come to think of it

  • caractacus pottscaractacus potts Orbital communicator, level 10Posts: 4,167MI6 Agent
    edited October 2021

    jarvio said;

    What did Madeline write on the note that she burned?

    did anybody answer this one yet? it was legible enough in the film, I think it said "the Man in the Mask", or similar.

    Bond's said "forgive me", wasn't that Vesper's last words?

    EDIT: @Barbel and @chrisno1 got it, it was in French: " L'HOMME MASQUE"

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