Bond26 Wishlist



  • MailfistMailfist Posts: 246MI6 Agent

    I wish they would make any decision just to show some momentum going forward.

  • The Red KindThe Red Kind EnglandPosts: 3,338MI6 Agent

    I agree @Number24

    "Any of the opposition around..?"
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,547MI6 Agent
    edited September 2024

    I wouldn’t go that far. I'd rather wait six months than learn that Bond26 is written by George Lucas and the director is Uwe Boll.

  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,547MI6 Agent
    edited September 2024

    Some of my hopes and wishes for future Bond movies:

    • More diverse locations and use the local culture more. Give Italy and Turkie a break.
    • Skiing, diving, snowmobiles and raids (not in the same scene ...... probably 😁)
    • Miss Moneypenny as the leader of 00-section. A clearer division between the 00-section and the rest of MI6.
    • More non-technological gadgets.
    • James Bond saving the world from time to time.
    • Fun and adventure!
    • More focus on spectacular stunts.
    • Less focus on personal drama and the past.
    • No direct story link between movies.
    • No more than one "this time it's personal!" plots per Bond actor.
    • No more than one Bond going rogue movie per actor.
    • Obviously Bond is a tall, handsome heterosexual British male.
    • Bond is an experienced 00-agent from the start, but his background in the navy can be referenced and used.
    • New timeline. No actors from previous Bonds and only subtle references to past Bond movies.
    • More spycraft.
    • Take a break from French Bond girls. India, all of Africa, Indochina, southeast Asia, the Middle East. There is a world of opportunity out there.
    • In- camera action scenes and stunts. CGI can help the scenes, but never be the scene.
    • Bond showing off how much he knows (especially to his boss).
    • Bond having a luxurious lifestyle. Food clothes, hotels, cars etc.
    • Gunbarrel in the right place.
  • The Red KindThe Red Kind EnglandPosts: 3,338MI6 Agent

    I would agree with pretty much all of that. Although I'm not a fan of Moneypenny becoming head of 00 section, or promoted to M.

    Also, I think I'm scarred for life from the Parahawks in TWINE to relish a return to snowmobile types. Having said that the snowmobile chase in JG's Icebreaker worked.

    Bond most definitely needs to dive and ski again! The former could have featured most recently when accessing Safin's base, instead of the disappointing Q Glider approach. I guess he literally had No Time To Dive (sorry..)

    "Any of the opposition around..?"
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,547MI6 Agent

    I would be against making Moneypenny M.

  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,547MI6 Agent
    edited October 2024

    On snowmobiles: The Parahawk sequence in TWINE didn't really work for me. But that doesn't mean snowmobile chases and stunts couldn't work very well in the future! it would also break new ground. Die Hard 2 and DAD had a litte bit of snowmobile action, but I found those scenes unimpressive too. The Bond movies has the opportunity to be leaders in stunts again! Look at this for a taste of what can be done:

  • Mr MartiniMr Martini That nice house in the sky.Posts: 2,709MI6 Agent
    Some people would complain even if you hang them with a new rope
  • Thunderbird 2Thunderbird 2 East of Cardiff, Wales.Posts: 2,821MI6 Agent
    edited November 2024

    Right then....

    I want to see some narrative backbone!

    Give some Political tension....

    DAD was the last Bond film that pointed the finger at a nation state for its storyline. That was a key point of a lot of ealier stories. Not Beijing or Moscow persae, but figures under their flag. Now is an excellent time for that to resurface.

    A Female 00.

    Have a recurring 00 (they have had them before) who helps Bond. A woman who is just as capable and potentially fun too. I do NOT want Jemima Bond, I want a female 00 that shuts up the equality brigade beside Bond as a colleague.

    Keep the office staff - and in the Office.

    There is no reason why Ralph Finnes, Ben Wishaw, Rory Kinnear, and the amazing Naomi Harris should be dropped, all are brilliant and still relevant in those roles. Keep them. But give them solid material to work with in the traditional sense.

    M-Messery had a few interesting naval themed offices. M-Mallory could have a few army based ones.

    Bankable Bond? - Bear out Bond.

    The actor behind 007 needs to have staying power. Not just in the role on screen, but long term to give a decent run of films. Sir Sean and Sir Roger did this. Mr Brosnan wasn't given the chance. (Look at him today, he could be a Bond as M even now!) We need an actor who can hold the role over a series of films.

    If not Fleming, at least Fleminesque.

    There is, as far as I know, no original Fleming material left to use. Its all been mined out.

    (What a waste the poison garden was in NTTD.) As a result, new material will be needed, but it needs to have the correct feel and tone. CR-06 did a good job of using classic Fleming material and adding to it with the first third of the film and in a (then) contemorary setting of post nine - eleven, 2006. It was classic and also very much of the moment. We need that back, esp in the knife edge world we have now in 2024.

    Go back to the Toolsbox!

    Bring back miniatures. Bond never needed CGI and its a less is more. It dates films in a way miniatures have not. I like my 'and the plot went BOOM!' to be outside a computer database.

    Bring back GOOD composers, such as Dave Arnold. Thomad Newman's plinky plonk muck is generic, and crap. It often doesn't fit the scenes its used in.

    Bring back UnPC narratives. This is a tricky one and standards have to adhered too. But just because sexism, facisim, racisim etc are (correctly) unacceptable in the real world, they are still present. This should not exclude the idea of Bond fighting these elements in new stories.

    Modern British politics shows elitisim is still very much alive and well unfortunately too.

    There ARE options, good ones, if The House of EON and MGM have the bottle to pursue them. Once these things are fixed, then thry can 'experiment' with other bits and pieces.

    Please excuse me now, I have glasses to wash in the pub, and to feed the cat!

    This is Thunderbird 2, how can I be of assistance?
  • SeanIsTheOnlyOneSeanIsTheOnlyOne Posts: 547MI6 Agent

    Concerning Fleming, don't forget the continuation novels also exist. They used Colonel Sun in the past, and it could be a good opportunity to give credit to another author than Kingsley Amis. Someone like Anthony Horowitz clearly deserves it considering the quality of his work.

  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,547MI6 Agent

    I agree on much of what you write, but not everything. I too want a female 00 poping up now and then. But not to "shut up the equality brigade", but because it would be both fun and realistic.

    All big-budget movies use CGI these days, and more than we'd like to know. Bond absolutely needs it. But the tradition of doing the stunts as real as possible must continue. The CGI should help the scene and never BE the scene. CGI in Bond movies must be top notch and used only where it’s needed. I'd love to see more use of miniatures!

    I see every reason to get a new MI6 staff, and I mean every one of them. They did a good job, but they belong in a differnt timeline. It just about worked with Dame Judi with Craig's Bond because Bond didn't die in DAD. When NTTD ended as it did it won’t work to bring back any of the actors. It will only cause confusion and encourage the Code Name Theory brigade, and that's never a good thing. A simple rule of thumb is that any actor who was at Bond's wake in NTTD can't be in any more Bond movies.

    I'm not sure precisely you mean by "pointing the finger at a nation state". The tradition is to have Bond working in the real international situation. There was never any real doubt that the pre-Brosnan saw the USSR a an opponent and often worked against it. But the main villain should never be a real one in my opinion, and especially not a country.

    But more importantly, what do you feed Holly? 🤔

  • Thunderbird 2Thunderbird 2 East of Cardiff, Wales.Posts: 2,821MI6 Agent
    edited November 2024

    As is oftrn the case, we are agreeing eithout realising it 24!

    Female 00. Yrs I referenced Equality brigade, as their double standards annoy me. Realistically, a well rounded, properly written female character not unlike Holly Goodhead, but British and an experienced double oh in her own right. Its something that should have been done years ago. MPenny in Skyfall is the closest we have ever got and Naomi Harris was marvelous. Then they dumped her behind a desk again!

    CGI. I am not saying it should be stamped out. There IS CGI in CR-06, but its subtle and effective as a result. I fully agree on miniatures being 'real' as are the amazing stuntmen and women who never get the credit they deserve.

    Find the balance Please H.O.E!

    Pointing the finger - Going back to the era where baddies have silent partners as political states, and or as financual backing on the quiet.... I agree directly accusing nations is out, but Bond never did that anyway. 😉

    Re the office staff... its tricky.

    Lois Maxwell was with the series until AVTAK... Desmond Llewellyn was Q until TWINE...

    May they both rest in peace. The fact they did such sterling work with several Bond actors speaks volumes.

    Dame Judi? (bows) is in a class by herself. As an actress she is almost unstopable!

    In the end these characters don't change and that is part of their appeal. Familiar faces, familiar elements... and these actors deliver.

    Plus I cannot accept that James Bond 007 is dead.

    (Even if the Craig version unquestionably IS. Blown up by the Royal Navy. Its right out of a Looney Toones cartoon. Who wrote such upter Crap?!)

    Huge amounts of Chicken, Turkey, Tuna or on special occasions Steak. Oh and she loves fresh Strawberries, ever since she was a cub! 😉

    This is Thunderbird 2, how can I be of assistance?
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,547MI6 Agent
    edited November 2024

    The former MI6 staff did great, and many stayed for a long time. But keeping any of them will be a disservice to Bond. CraigBond is dead - Long live James Bond!

  • Thunderbird 2Thunderbird 2 East of Cardiff, Wales.Posts: 2,821MI6 Agent

    I nearly forgot.

    Bring back affordable product placement!

    Tom Ford stuff is insane and unreachable.

    (I'm a poor Scotsman, its tough to keep up!)

    This is Thunderbird 2, how can I be of assistance?
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,547MI6 Agent

    I want more fun names for characters. I was reading about some county level politics and a politician named Elin Maria L'Estrange was mentioned. Why can't we have more names like that in Bond movies again?

  • Mr MartiniMr Martini That nice house in the sky.Posts: 2,709MI6 Agent

    You mean like naming a woman Connie Lingus or if the Austin Powers movie hadn't used it, Dixie Normus?

    Some people would complain even if you hang them with a new rope
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,547MI6 Agent

    No,that wouldn't work today. But Maria l'Estrange would be great!

  • HowardBHowardB USAPosts: 2,773MI6 Agent

    Would not argue with any of those choices.

  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,547MI6 Agent
    edited December 2024

    I'd like to see a Bond girl in a Jaguar E-type Zero. It's an incredibly elegant classic car, dating back to the 60's

    But the Zero is also electric and has a computer screen, making it modern:

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