Bond26 Wishlist

BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,439Chief of Staff

Number 1- Please, please, no more previously unknown family members or surrogate family members.

Numbers 2 through 200- See Number 1



  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,577MI6 Agent

    I agree with all of Barbel's points. In short Bond should start focusing on the presence and the future again, not the past.

    - want to see Bond in a uniform from time to time and referenced to his background in the navy.

    - I want less involvement from the Scooby Gang

    I also want more of the traditional Bond activities such as:

    - raids

    - diving

    - skiing

    - womanizing

  • Smithers500Smithers500 Spectre IslandPosts: 1,347MI6 Agent

    Agree with everything said above.

    How about a return to a more escapist Bond, no F-bombs from M, no more “Scooby gang” and a bit more humour.

    Bond on a straightforward mission with no personal/revenge motivations.

    If they are going to reference the events of NTTD, I suggest the following:

    Villain: “Mr Bond! But I thought you were dead?!”

    Bond: “No, that happened to the other fella” (optional breaks fourth wall look to camera).

    Bond is back!😉

    Japanese proverb say, "Bird never make nest in bare tree".
  • The Red KindThe Red Kind EnglandPosts: 3,342MI6 Agent

    100% agree with you both on all points.

    -Would love to see Bond rock climbing

    -Bond on a day off with a young lady

    "Any of the opposition around..?"
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,577MI6 Agent
    edited October 2021

    Oh ... to state what should be obvious:

    - James Bond is a straight British man.

    - Bond26 has to be a hard re-boot.

  • writingsonthewallwritingsonthewall SpainPosts: 425MI6 Agent

    No more “rogue agent” situations, please.

    • CR was about Bond getting the 00, but, ok, he more or less stayed within his mandate (albeit with a little help from the CIA), but at the end he resigned.
    • QoS, he goes rogue, M has his passports annulled, escapes arrest and in the end is back (“He never left”).
    • SF, is apparently KIA, rejoins under false pretences, does a dangerous solo mission with her boss as bait which ends up getting her killed.
    • SP, goes to Mexico unsanctioned, lifts the DB10 and crashes it after a pointless chase, acts more or less undercover for the remainder of the movie (justifiably so with C’s role), makes his whole team rebel at the end. Retires for good.
    • NTtD, has effectively retired and even presumed dead, is brought back by the CIA, is reluctantly readmitted by M, ends up… well, you know.

    So, please, please, please (as The Smiths sang way back), let us have a simple, straightforward mission, with as many surprises as you want, but without “personal stakes” nor family drama. Give us an international criminal with an outrageous plot, have Bond be on charge of stopping it, and let us have a good time with him beating the odds and the baddie.

    "Enjoy it while it lasts."
    "The very words I live by."
  • The Red KindThe Red Kind EnglandPosts: 3,342MI6 Agent

    It would be fun and uplifting to have the OHMSS Lazenby "This never happened to the other fella" line or similar. I would love to have a strong presence actor with the chops to pull of the "Wow! James Bond is back!" factor and, with respect to DC and what he has brought to the franchise and the enjoyment he has brought to us in the role, somebody to almost blow him out of the water and banish the memory of the last few minutes of NTTD.

    That said, I'm not sure any current candidate truly fits that bill and I think they'll go left field with a young far less mature actor in their reboot.

    "Any of the opposition around..?"
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,577MI6 Agent

    I'm not completely against rouge agent plots, but it has to be the exeption that proves the rule. When Lazenby and Dalton went rouge it was a refreshing change. With Craig it was the norm. The same goes with personal missions. The same actors and movies are examples of this.

  • hcantrellhcantrell CharlottePosts: 170MI6 Agent

    Idk what's wrong with M dropping f-bombs, but I agree that less Scooby gang would be good. I would wish for Bond to actually be shown to be clever and cunning. Let the thing he's investigating or the plot he has to stop be something that makes Bond outwit the bad guys as well as out-shoot or out -fist fight or out-maneuver. Let him actually do some espionage. Agree as well with what others have said about classic Bond activities: skiing, diving, womanizing, nice hotel and luxurious food and drink.

    "I don't think the dead care about vengeance."
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,577MI6 Agent
    edited October 2021

    Good point! Other than "one sympatizes"(spelling?) in CR I can't remember Bond commenting on food or wine at all. I want the gourmet and wino .... I mean wine expert .... Bond back.

  • caractacus pottscaractacus potts Orbital communicator, level 10Posts: 4,167MI6 Agent
    edited October 2021

    In this latest film...

    ...its Q who seems to be the gourmet with the nice kitchen. Bond tries to prepare breakfast for the child, and I think all he manages is to peel an apple.

    People laff at Roger Moore baking that quiche, but chicks dig a man who can cook!

    anybody ever read the Harvard Lampoon parody Alligator (a J*mes B*nd adventure by I*n Fl*m*ng)? Every other page he's demanding to speak to the chef and giving him these endless lists of specifications for his order. No wonder M suggested outraged chefs amongst those who'd want to kill Bond!

  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,577MI6 Agent

    In the books Bond is far better at consuming fine meals than producing them. I'd like it to stay that way

  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,439Chief of Staff

    Yes, I've read it. It'd no doubt seem very dated these days except to those who know Fleming almost by heart. More info- Bookgasm » Blog Archive » DOUG’S DIGS >> Alligator I believe it's available to read online or download as a PDF, but I of course wouldn't know anything about that.

  • Miles MesservyMiles Messervy Posts: 1,777MI6 Agent

    I think we need a palate-cleanser, much like Goldeneye was following the dour License to Kill, competing franchises, and much talk of Bond’s post-Cold War irrelevance.

    In fact, there’s an old esquire cover from 1995 (which you would never see from Esquire today) that sums up what I want to see perfectly:

  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,532MI6 Agent

    What I would like is a 10-year plan. What are they looking to do?

    This can be problematic when they only sign an actor for three movies, though often that can now take 10 years to do those.

    I think cat and mouse games with a bad villain with personality can do a lot for a film, rather than getting involved in realpolitik because I think if you look at who are the villains in the world generally it can be a bit dispiriting; Craig's films went that way, flirted with conspiracy theories and I'm not averse to that in all cases but like I say, you go down that route and don't have a 10 year plan, you get boxed into misery movies.

    I get the sense they cast either prestige Oscar-winning actors as villains or last minute choices who just don't do much for the film.

    Maybe bring in some of the other 00 agents to get away from the Scooby gang, I mean did they even exist in Craig's tenure? Save his last film.

    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • UnderwaterBattle007UnderwaterBattle007 Posts: 284MI6 Agent

    I'd love Tom Hardy as the next Bond, but he might be a bit old maybe not for the first film but certainly by the third.

    I just want Bond to go and save the World without, brothers, nephews, cousins, daughters, or any family member involved.


    "Do you expect me to talk? "No Mister Bond I expect you to die"
  • James SuzukiJames Suzuki New ZealandPosts: 2,406MI6 Agent


    Henry Cavill as Bond.

    David Arnold as Composer.

    Martin Campbell as director.

    Recast MI6 regulars but keep Ralph Fiennes as M. (But make him play Sir Miles not Gareth Mallory)

    New Zealand/Australian Setting maybe? Bond's never been to Oceania but he tends to spend every waking moment in Italy.

    Would love to see Bond on a big yellow dinghy at the end. Also did I mention the scuba ninjas

    “The scent and smoke and sweat of a casino are nauseating at three in the morning. "
    -Casino Royale, Ian Fleming
  • John from CorkJohn from Cork Posts: 129MI6 Agent

    I think bond 26 should be a sequel to OHMSS set in 1970

  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 38,439Chief of Staff

    Yes- Bond is depressed after the death of Tracy, so M sends him on a diplomatic mission to Japan, where Tiger Tanaka makes him go to kill a foreign doctor with a garden of death who turns out to be... oh, wait a minute... 😑

  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,577MI6 Agent
    edited June 2022

    Scuba ninjas are great! I'd like to see Bond with British scuba ninjas, or Special Boat Service as they're usually called.

  • James SuzukiJames Suzuki New ZealandPosts: 2,406MI6 Agent

    Yeah that's perfect! Bond gets to approach the base with the SBS. That would be so cool.

    “The scent and smoke and sweat of a casino are nauseating at three in the morning. "
    -Casino Royale, Ian Fleming
  • TennysonTennyson A View to a KillPosts: 606MI6 Agent

    However they do it (1950s/60s style or more contemporary), I think they should remake some of Rogers films to more closely follow the books. Flemings Moonraker is a great story, and I think the story of TSWLM is a great juxtaposition from the normal stories being from someone else’s perspective.. lots to play with in those stories. They might bear the same name as Rogers films but the stories would be very different

  • TennysonTennyson A View to a KillPosts: 606MI6 Agent

    Definitely down here in Oceania, further to my post above, we have the RocketLab launch site within view of my house… moonraker filmed here in Hawke’s Bay, NZ

  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,577MI6 Agent
    edited June 2022

    No. Andøya Space Center, Norway! Europe's dedicated spaceport.

  • ClassicBondFanClassicBondFan Posts: 11MI6 Agent

    I’ll copy and paste from the other thread which was locked. I want to apologize for that, as I didn’t mean to have that overlap from this thread.

    I would ask for a restoration of a proper gunbarrel sequence like what we got from 1962-2002 (minus the flying bullet in Die Another Day). I want the gunbarrel at the beginning of the movie, I want the actor to fire - gun hidden until he does, with blood coming down and I want it to zoom around and open the pretitle sequence like it used to.

    I want the classic Bond formula back that they deviated so much from during the Craig era. I felt like Spectre and No Time To Die (no spoilers intended) gave us some classic Bond elements in both films. The reason Spectre is my favorite of Craig’s five films is because that film was the closest we got to the classic Bond formula, which includes a not perfect, but proper, gunbarrel.

    I want Bond 26 to be a standalone film. It’ll obviously have to be a reboot, but it should be more of a soft reboot, not a hard one like Casino Royale.

    Based on pictures I’ve seen, I’d like either Henry Cavill or Richard Madden in the role of Bond. Those two look the most of what I imagine a Bond looking like. Then again, Daniel Craig didn’t look like Bond and he pulled it off.

    Lastly, it should be standard Bond procedure - saves the world, lives and gets the girl. That’s the Bond franchise we all know and love and have known for so long.

  • ClassicBondFanClassicBondFan Posts: 11MI6 Agent

    This is from the other thread that was locked, and I want to apologize for creating a thread that overlapped this one. It wasn’t intentional.

    I would ask for a restoration of a proper gunbarrel sequence like what we got from 1962-2002 (minus the flying bullet in Die Another Day). I want the gunbarrel at the beginning of the movie, I want the actor to fire - gun hidden until he does, with blood coming down and I want it to zoom around and open the pretitle sequence like it used to. 

    I want the classic Bond formula back that they deviated so much from during the Craig era. I felt like Spectre and No Time To Die (no spoilers intended) gave us some classic Bond elements in both films. The reason Spectre is my favorite of Craig’s five films is because that film was the closest we got to the classic Bond formula, which includes a not perfect, but proper, gunbarrel.

    Bases on pictures I’ve seen, give me Henry Cavill as Bond, with Richard Madden as the runner-up. Even though Craig made it work, I feel like Bond should have a certain look to him, and these two fit the profile the most.

    I just want a proper Bond ending, back to basics. Give me a film where Bond saves the world, gets the girl and has that happy ending - where we saw it in every 1962-2002 film, except On Her Majesty’s Secret Service.

  • Royale-les-EauxRoyale-les-Eaux LondonPosts: 822MI6 Agent

    Firstly, announced as part of the the 60th anniversary celebrations an announcement of a no-nonsense series of 80-90min episodes, filmed at the same time, with the same cast, that are slavishly faithful to the books. Plus Two Christmas specials made up of vignettes for the short stories.

    These should be separate to the movies - which would allow for authentic brands and products. Ideally filmed and released by Jan/feb 2024.

    The big screen Bond should stay contemporary - part of the DNA of cinematic Bond is 'men want to be him' etc. That is far. far more powerful in contemporary storytelling vs nostalgia cosplay. As for direction my personal ranking and enjoyment of the Bonds moves on a scale from "really good" to "genius" so I would not be disappointed with echos of any era in the characterisation itself. I would get a kick out of all the living Bond's having Michael G Wilson style cameos purely for the enjoyment reading the debate about Universes, code names and linear timelines on here has already provided. I don't anticipate a new Bond film under either this parliament or very sadly, as has been mentioned elsewhere, this monarch.

  • ichaiceichaice LondonPosts: 604MI6 Agent

    I just want no talk of spin offs, no talk of ticking boxes, no talk of a woman playing Bond…. I just want Bond to be Bond and crack on with saving the world with plenty of action, funny one liners and beautiful locations 👏

    Yes. Considerably!
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,577MI6 Agent

    If the movies keep being released every 4-5 years I think they have to make a spin-off, but not one that directly competes with and has an effect on the stories in the James Bond movies.

    A TV series set decades back in time or an animated series is the best way to do this I think.

  • Miles MesservyMiles Messervy Posts: 1,777MI6 Agent

    Maybe I’m being blindly optimistic, but I think we’ll see another Bond within 4 years, and then sooner after that. I think these long gaps post-2012 were a feature of catering to Craig more than anything else.

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