Bond 22 is 'Quantum of Solace'



  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,901Chief of Staff
    cpoulos62 wrote:
    Not sure if this has been posted but there appears to be a poster of the film already!

    Great catch Tilly

    Has to be a fake. No way would the film be released as "Marc Forster's Quantum of Solace."

    And it looks to me that the producers are, much like Sue Grafton, working through the alphabet. Bearing in mind that the articles "A" and "The" don't count as the starting letters in a title, we now need films that begin with A, B, E, H, I, J, K, N (unless you count Never Say Never Again as official), P, R, U, X, and Z. OK, that's it. I have to go to work now. . .
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • jetsetwillyjetsetwilly Liverpool, UKPosts: 1,048MI6 Agent
    The story is in FYEO, and consists of a story told to Bond by the Governor of Bermuda. Basically...
    Philip Masters meets and marries an air stewardess, Rhoda Llewellyn, and they move to Bermuda where Master's works for the Colonial Service. Rhoda rapidly becomes bored, spends all Masters' money and becomes known for her racy affairs, while Masters meekly takes all her cruelty and flagrant infidelity.

    He goes away on an extended posting, and while he is away Rhoda realises that she is shunned by polite society, and sees the error of her ways. When he returns, she meekly apologises and says she will be a good wife.

    Masters has changed however. In terms of the Quantum of Solace, he has lost all humanity and affection for his wife because she has brought him to his lowest ebb. Instead he divides the house in two, and insists they lead separate lives in each half of the house, not communicating other than through messages left in the shared bathroom. She has no money, and becomes downtrodden and low; they finally divorce and she becomes a hotel receptionist. Rhoda finds some happiness as the wife of a millionaire, while Masters returns to Africa where he was last happy.

    The Governor then reveals that Bond had actually been dining with Rhoda earlier that evening, a woman who 007 had thought was dull in the extreme.[/spoiiler]
    Founder of the Wint & Kidd Appreciation Society.

  • rennervisionrennervision Posts: 106MI6 Agent
    edited January 2008
    Thanks Napoleon Plural for that synopsis. When I remember the book FYEO, I instantly think of Risico and The Hildebrand Rarity. I'm afraid this one was somewhat forgettable.

    EDIT: And thank you too jetsetwilly. You posted that about the same time I responded.
  • GumboldGumbold LondonPosts: 102MI6 Agent
    Trips off the tongue like a tube of Superglue
  • Bond_James_BondBond_James_Bond +++ Classified +++Posts: 569MI6 Agent
    The Quantum of Solace: the smallest unit of human compassion that two people can have. As long as that compassion exists, people can survive, but when it is gone, when your partner no longer cares about your essential humanity, the relationship is over.

    No one in the world has a Quantum of Solace for James Bond.
    The name's Bond_James_Bond
  • darenhatdarenhat The Old PuebloPosts: 2,029Quartermasters
    Thanks Napoleon Plural for that synopsis. When I remember the book FYEO, I instantly think of Risico and The Hildebrand Rarity. I'm afraid this one was somewhat forgettable.

    I don't remember much of the story either. I seem to recall that it had nothing to do with Bond who simply sat and listened to the story.
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,871MI6 Agent
    Not sure if this has been posted but there appears to be a poster of the film already!

    Nah- that's an old fan poster from a few months back.
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,871MI6 Agent
    It's a short story in the compilation called For Your Eyes Only. Bond is attending a dinner in Nassau, and boredly remarks that he's not the marrying kind but wouldn't mind marrying an air hostess as they're so obliging, The governor picks him up on this by telling a yarn about a male traveller who befriends an air hostess and gets married... it degenerates into a nasty little tale but there's nothing Bondian about it... Bond is merely listening in.

    He does mention tailing a man to the opera though, doesn't he? And some of the new film seems to be set at the opera...
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,420MI6 Agent
    Oooh I don't remember that! Hmmm.

    QoS is also about how a couple can curse and be cruel to each other, but once one cares neither if the other is alive or dead, ie is totally indifferent, then that is gone and the relationship is dead.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • wordswords Buckinghamshire, EnglandPosts: 249MI6 Agent
    All terribly deep isn't it...

    Just another thought - I can't wait to see how this title translates into different languages!
  • Tilly Masterson 007Tilly Masterson 007 UKPosts: 1,472MI6 Agent
    cpoulos62 wrote:
    Great catch Tilly

    Thanks, but it looks like according to others that it may even be a fake or it has been about for a while.
    emtiem wrote:
    Nah- that's an old fan poster from a few months back.

    Ah! There's me saying "what a nice poster" only for it to be a fake, or as you say, been around for a few months. Bah! :)) :p
  • Moonraker 5Moonraker 5 Ayrshire, ScotlandPosts: 1,821MI6 Agent
    words wrote:
    Just another thought - I can't wait to see how this title translates into different languages!
    And how many countries give up and decide to call it "007 to the Rescue!" and the likes :))
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,871MI6 Agent
    Ooh look; publicity photos!

    And the BBC report has pictures of Craig and girls at the press conference.
  • VirgilVirgil Posts: 99MI6 Agent
    words wrote:
    Just another thought - I can't wait to see how this title translates into different languages!
    And how many countries give up and decide to call it "007 to the Rescue!" and the likes :))

    I bet Spain does, as always...TLD was "007:High tension". The title properly translated wouldn´t sound Bondian at all, something like "un pequeño consuelo" or "un ligero respiro". But in english it does sound Bondian to me. Maybe it´s released without translation.
  • highhopeshighhopes Posts: 1,358MI6 Agent
    The Quantum of Solace: the smallest unit of human compassion that two people can have. As long as that compassion exists, people can survive, but when it is gone, when your partner no longer cares about your essential humanity, the relationship is over.

    No one in the world has a Quantum of Solace for James Bond.

    Is there a difference in the meaning of the word "solace" in the U.K. and the U.S.? (Perhaps Nape could ask Michael Caine :D) Over here, "solace" doesn't mean "compassion." Quantum of Solace would basically be a fancy way way of saying "small comfort" as in "Bond killing all those responsible for Vesper's death was small comfort for the death of his true love." I could see where that might fit Bond22, so maybe it isn't so bad, after all. On the other hand, I'm not sure it fits the original short story all that well, although I don't remember it in any detail. Quantum of Solace still strikes me as a bit too highbrow for Bond. Something with the word "death" in it would have been better.
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    In the centenary year of his birth...Fleming Lives! -{

    Quantum of Solace...I can certainly live with it. The small amount of comfort Bond might get by killing his way up 'The Organization's' chain of for it worked into the script, via dialogue...and listen for the howls of derision and protest from the Loyal Opposition :))

    And I thought Christmas was over :v
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,420MI6 Agent
    highhopes wrote:
    Quantum of Solace[/i] still strikes me as a bit too highbrow for Bond. Something with the word "death" in it would have been better.

    You jest, surely hh... Yes you do. Will ask Mr Caine on your behalf ;% about the other matter. Solace in the short story is some reassurance, consolation that the other half does not totally despise you but cares enough to be horrible... like how I feel about Casino Royale :)
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • ConOO7ConOO7 Posts: 7MI6 Agent
    I have to say I don’t love it, but I don’t hate it either, it might grow on me as time passes.
  • A7ceA7ce Birmingham, EnglandPosts: 655MI6 Agent
    Daniel Craig now on Radio 4s PM program commenting on the title and film
  • darenhatdarenhat The Old PuebloPosts: 2,029Quartermasters
    watch for it worked into the script, via dialogue...and listen for the howls of derision and protest from the Loyal Opposition :))

    A few days ago people were talking about how they don't want some Fleming title slapped on the movie and 'shoehorned' into the script. Now that Eon is doing that very thing, if someone happens to not like it, you automatically lump them into some group? Thanks for sharing the love, man. 8-)
  • Lazenby880Lazenby880 LondonPosts: 525MI6 Agent
    edited January 2008
    I remember suggesting Quantum of Solace as a title a while ago, not that I am claiming any sort of foresight of course! I think it is an excellent title: dark, evocative and brooding, it sums up (what I hope is) the atmosphere of the film. It is a sign of confidence, I think, on the part of the film-makers to choose such a non-conformist title for a movie of this sort. I agree with Moonie that it stands out from other film titles in the genre.

    That said, if Americans apparently did not understand 'Licence Revoked' (which I cannot believe for a second, incidentally), who knows the level of dictionary-flicking across the world at this title! In that sense, this could be a Bond film that entertains *and* educates.
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,420MI6 Agent
    Hey! We're learning and we're having fun too.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • chrisno1chrisno1 LondonPosts: 3,519MI6 Agent
    To be honest I detest the title; it is Fleming's worst by a long chalk and all the excellent explanations above will not help me change my mind. The short story, while fairly interesting, doesn't really develop Bond's character much (if anything he comes across as very boorish and, frankly, rude) and there is no action. The characters are cardboard cut-outs and I always got the impression of Fleming "going through the motions". This was one of his failed TV scripts originally, and as such I can imagine it as a minorly diverting show a la Tales Of The Unexpected. Obviously as a film it's going to have all the pre-requisite thrills and spills but I can't help thinking anyone without knowledge of Fleming's writings, or a thorough understanding of the English language, is going to baffled. And thats most of the cinema going public. I think its a brave decision, but I think its going to get a lot of criticism. If the film is as good as CR they'll be forgiven for it; if it aint.....
  • Moonraker 5Moonraker 5 Ayrshire, ScotlandPosts: 1,821MI6 Agent
    edited January 2008
    On Radio One's Newsbeat this afternoon, they actually explained what it meant (literally saying that quantum was a measure of something and that solace was peace or tranquility).

    Would have been nice if ITV actually pronounced the titles properly (Quan-tem, with weird emphasis on the tem, and Casino Royal 8-) )
  • rennervisionrennervision Posts: 106MI6 Agent
    chrisno1 wrote:
    To be honest I detest the title; it is Fleming's worst by a long chalk

    How about "007 in New York"? I can't imagine that one ever making the final cut. :)
  • actonsteveactonsteve Posts: 299MI6 Agent
    I adore it. Its the most original title for decades..

    It has a dark air about it. Its going to get journalists asking "what is Quantum of Solace" and the answer about the amount of solace a person needs to retain his humanity is newspaper gold. This will generate column interest.

    Excellent news!
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,420MI6 Agent
    chrisno1 wrote:
    The short story, while fairly interesting, doesn't really develop Bond's character much (if anything he comes across as very boorish and, frankly, rude)

    Hmm, not like Craig's Bond then... :D
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • highhopeshighhopes Posts: 1,358MI6 Agent
    Solace in the short story is some reassurance, consolation that the other half does not totally despise you but cares enough to be horrible... like how I feel about Casino Royale :)

    :)) Sounds like the winning entry in a Bad Albert Camus contest.

    Actually, it reminds me of the masochist who married the sadist. On their wedding night the masochist turns to the sadist and says, "Hurt me."
    The sadist answers: "No."
  • Sir Hillary BraySir Hillary Bray College of ArmsPosts: 2,174MI6 Agent
    My reaction:
    -- As much as I can really care about a title, this one does nothing for me.
    -- Michael Wilson can say all he wants about the title fitting the story, but my hunch is that this is more about Fleming-for-Fleming's-sake, which on one hand I admire, and on the other hand I think is pandering.
    -- My first thought was the same one Loeff raised: if they try and weave the title into the dialogue, it will be worse than in AVTAK! :))
    -- They could call this film Bond-O-Rama and I would still be first in line on premiere night. Bring on November!! {[] old devil!
  • cbdouble07cbdouble07 Posts: 132MI6 Agent
    While I can see why this title will definitely take some getting used to for a lot of people, I tend to think it's great and was very excited to hear the news. First of all I am thrilled that they used another title related to Fleming rather than trying to invent some generic crap with "Die" and "Gold". I agree with above posters that it makes sense for the producers to continue the Fleming theme with the titles, and hopefully the content, for Craig's films. Secondly, while the title may confuse a lot of people I tend to think it will also bring a lot of interest to the film. Reporters will certainly be digging for information about the meaning of the title and it might be the kind of thing that draws interest from moviegoers who are curious about the title and want to know more about what it means. Finally, I think that the title will go along with the mood of the film. Definitely like it. I guess we can start abbreviating this as QoS?
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