The UK General Election [8 June 2017]



  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • ChriscoopChriscoop Belize Posts: 10,458MI6 Agent
    Just to be clear I was not inferring disadvantaged or "poor" people should not be helped, I believe strongly that they should. Circumstances can deal people a terrible hand and they need support. But in the UK there are swathes of the populus who are capable and have opportunity to work to build a better life and change their circumstances but prefer not to, they prefer to let the government sponsor them and also to dishonestly glean as much as possible from the government and therefore the British taxpayer whether they be wealthy or not.
    It was either that.....or the priesthood
  • Thunderbird 2Thunderbird 2 East of Cardiff, Wales.Posts: 2,785MI6 Agent
    News - Prime Minister alleged to have had a row with the EU President about Brexit terms over dinner last week.
    - These things would be avoided if they served Strawberry Moouse for pudding instead of the Raspberries!
    This is Thunderbird 2, how can I be of assistance?
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    May starting to create a defensive mentality (They are froming up 27 against us, The EU interfering in the UK elections) is the usual creation of an enemy image when you have no better ideas.
    Worked with Trump (America First) worked with the BREXIT campaign (get back control) and will work again.
    Populism can be so easy! :s
    But what annoys me most are young voters! I've seen a report about young UK voters - remember many of them did not vote because they could not get out of bed and complained heavily that they have been cheated for their future.
    Now the same people say, that they won't vote because they are fed up with politicians 8-)
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • ChriscoopChriscoop Belize Posts: 10,458MI6 Agent
    I actually don't believe in being apathetic about voting or politics, it's a convenient excuse for not being bothered or I don't understand or I can't be bothered reading up. I'll also refuse to discuss politics with someone who didn't vote.
    It was either that.....or the priesthood
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    {[] {[]
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • ChriscoopChriscoop Belize Posts: 10,458MI6 Agent
    Of course you can vote with apathy, this general election will see a lot of apathetic voting, purely due to their being no real choice. Only the tories are capable of running the country at this moment in time.
    It was either that.....or the priesthood
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    I am sick and tired of that 'all of them are the same' and 'won't change anything' argument.

    Just put yourself in the shoes of a random politician for a moment.
    I am sure that quite often - if not always - they decide over something which is not clearly right or wrong. They know that there is not the perfect decision and many of them go the way, that they think is best - though not overly excited about the options and their consequences.

    It's not too much asked to tell the voters to make a similar decision once every 4 or five years.
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    But will voters be respected ? The majority voted
    To leave the EU, but have faced constant ridicule
    That " They didn't know what they were doing " :))
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    Well, they didn't but in the end it will be up to us all to deal with the consequences and pay the price for it. And I am speaking about the UK and the EU
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • ChriscoopChriscoop Belize Posts: 10,458MI6 Agent
    Higgins wrote:
    I am sick and tired of that 'all of them are the same' and 'won't change anything' argument.

    Just put yourself in the shoes of a random politician for a moment.
    I am sure that quite often - if not always - they decide over something which is not clearly right or wrong. They know that there is not the perfect decision and many of them go the way, that they think is best - though not overly excited about the options and their consequences.

    It's not too much asked to tell the voters to make a similar decision once every 4 or five years.
    I share this view, difficult decisions need to be made and not everyone can be made happy all the time nor can any government afford to do everything that's required. It's all very well promising more of that and more of the other but how is it financed? Waste of taxpayers money is ridiculous, these days reducing waste is called austerity. Since when was a government responsible for every single aspect of our lives? I find more and more a lot of people just do not have well researched reasoning these days.
    It was either that.....or the priesthood
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    UKIP seem to be taking a beating too.
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    Well deserved I say.

    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • ChriscoopChriscoop Belize Posts: 10,458MI6 Agent
    Well UKIP only had one line and that's been achieved so they're redundant now.
    It was either that.....or the priesthood
  • Silhouette ManSilhouette Man The last refuge of a scoundrelPosts: 8,825MI6 Agent
    UKIP are not needed any longer and only serve to split the Conservative vote. Good riddance to them I say.
    "The tough man of the world. The Secret Agent. The man who was only a silhouette." - Ian Fleming, Moonraker (1955).
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,457Chief of Staff
    I've been amused by various politicians being interviewed today (mainly Labour, but not exclusively) attempting to put a positive spin on disastrous results. And, of course, there'll be a lot more of that in about a month's time!
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    In about an hour we'll have the exit polls from the French election. I assume Macron will win, since there is a limit to how wrong the polls can be. But I worry about the turnout. This may be the most important election in the history of the 5th republic, so it this turns out to be the lowest turnout FN may very well win the next time. The mainstream parties must have done some major mistake.
  • Thunderbird 2Thunderbird 2 East of Cardiff, Wales.Posts: 2,785MI6 Agent
    Now we know. Some good news for once. Emmanuel Macron is France's new President.

    This has got me wondering what will happen next here. Labour is in trouble if the local elections were anything to go by. If Theresa May gets a landslide... (Starts hyperventilating.)
    This is Thunderbird 2, how can I be of assistance?
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    edited May 2017
    Good news that it is Macron, but

    Almost 40 (!!!) % of the voters voted for LePen and Putin!!

    France's economy is really on the bottom, work times are low and social benefits are high.
    Macron will have to reform France like Germany did in 2005. And that means less social spending, longer work hours, less security for workers, time contracts etc. nothing which is really popular among the people and it could result in LePen reaching her goal in 5 years.

    We all must support our friends in France, particularly Germany and the EU.

    Maybe in 5 years, people will see with the example of Brexit, that there is nothing to win by leaving the EU, but that is uncertain yet.

    Some of our UK agents may ask, what is so bad with France potentially leaving the EU:
    I'll try to explain: There were scenarios among experts, that there would be a bank run after a decision pro LePen because people want to keep the stable Euro and bring them in safe havens - for example to German banks.

    That would terminate the French banks within 48 hours and with a Domino Effect other EU banks (particularly Greece, Spain, Italy etc) and the worldwide system. Could have become a heavier crisis than 2008.
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    Looks like 34-35% for Le Pen, and that's still a lot. One really wonder what happens in five years.
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    I think Macron's new party is interesting. First thousands of people applied to become candidates for the party, then he chose a few hundred to run for office. About half of them are not politicians to begin with, half of them are women and they are on average younger than representatives of other parties. They include a former fighter pilot, a female bullfighter and a few unemployed. What do you think?
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,402Chief of Staff
    Number24 wrote:
    I think Macron's new party is interesting. First thousands of people applied to become candidates for the party, then he chose a few hundred to run for office. About half of them are not politicians to begin with, half of them are women and they are on average younger than representatives of other parties. They include a former fighter pilot, a female bullfighter and a few unemployed. What do you think?

    I think this has nothing to do with the UK General Election !
    YNWA 97
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    No, not directly. But it is relevant. It's also worth mention ingen that the French election has been mentioned several times before in this thread, and no harm came of it.
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,402Chief of Staff
    Number24 wrote:
    No, not directly. But it is relevant. It's also worth mention ingen that the French election has been mentioned several times before in this thread, and no harm came of it.

    Not even indirectly...

    Had I been around at the time I would have mentioned it earlier...
    YNWA 97
  • OakvaleOakvale Pennsylvania Posts: 155MI6 Agent
    It seems that there is a reversal back to the two main parties (Tories and Labour) in the polls are to be believed. Interesting after all the talk of there being a third and fourth party in British politics after 2010 (Lib Dems) and 2015 (UKIP), the latter of which seems to have taken an unbelievable nose dive, but that's not unexpected given that they accomplished their namesake.
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    Do you think May.... may lose the election? Could the expected Tory landslide turn into a windabago for Corbyn?
    It seems recent polls open up for this posibility.
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,457Chief of Staff
    Number24 wrote:
    Do you think May.... may lose the election?

    Not impossible, though not probable.
    Number24 wrote:
    Could the expected Tory landslide turn into a windabago for Corbyn?
    It seems recent polls open up for this possibility.

    Dunno what you mean by "windabago", N24- if you mean "win", then not probable, though not impossible.

    And the polls have been very wrong before!
  • ChriscoopChriscoop Belize Posts: 10,458MI6 Agent
    All this "news" about the polls is because yougov have done a poll using a different method and come up with a result that shows the tories could lose 2 seats. Though the odd thing about polls is no one ever admits to voting tory. This has been an odd general election, I have only seen a couple of tory banners on the side of the road. I havnt seen anyone knocking on doors, nothing in the post and I havnt watched any of the TV debates, I say debates more like a grandstanding free for alls IMHO from past history.
    It was either that.....or the priesthood
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    Winnebago is a manufacturer of camping-cars :D

    Generally speaking, UK polls where so wrong the last time, so that I don't care about them yet.

    If I understand correctly, BREXIT (and immigration) are the main topics in the UK.

    As the BREXIT decision was pretty close, I wonder how many of the "Stay" people are really willing to support May.
    I know that there are many people with the "decision has been made - carry on" attitude but still I can't follow "Stay" sayers voting now for May. Doesn't make sense.

    So based on that the elections may be closer than we think (maybe that's only wishful thinking from my side) if we encounter those "stay" people who stayed at home for whatever reason :s will vote for this time.

    Anyhow, I am quite sure that May will get her majority but it won't be the "large support" that she's hoping for.
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • Charmed & DangerousCharmed & Dangerous Posts: 7,358MI6 Agent
    Number24 wrote:
    Do you think May.... may lose the election? Could the expected Tory landslide turn into a windabago for Corbyn?
    It seems recent polls open up for this posibility.

    Bearing in mind that two years ago, you never would have put money on UK leaving the EU, Trump becoming POTUS, and Leicester winning the Prem... anything g is possible :# :o
    "How was your lamb?" "Skewered. One sympathises."
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