Sounds like a fantastic virtual pub at AJB007, 'The Silencer and Bra Strap'—I'll strum some ukulele chords while enjoying the ambiance, especially in the private 'Blades' room with high-backed leather chairs for the Mods sipping Macallan Whisky and peering over their copies of The Times!
I'll have the usual, please. Today I'm sick and and I have stayed in bed all day feeling sorry for myself. I haven't opened a book all day, so I guess it's pretty serious. Don't worry, it's virtually impossible for you to catch it.
Thunderbird 2East of Cardiff, Wales.Posts: 2,821MI6 Agent
Coke Zero it is.
Its Ok, I have a stomach bug that has weird effects. Mostly audio, but with a bit of dizzyness. Have I missed much while I was out?
This is Thunderbird 2, how can I be of assistance?
King Charles isn't feeling well either and Iceland looks like the scene in Star Wars that made Dart Vader don a mask. In the forum? Higgins has visited us.
Silhouette ManThe last refuge of a scoundrelPosts: 8,941MI6 Agent
edited February 2024
The world changed while you were away. Only joking, nothing much has happened here lately.
I'll have a steaming mug of PGTips tea please, landlord.
"The tough man of the world. The Secret Agent. The man who was only a silhouette." - Ian Fleming, Moonraker (1955).
LoeffelholzThe United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
A pint of stout for me, please, sir. The confluence of writing and marketing outreach has left me ragged. I think two or three of those might just be the cure. Don't mind me; I'm just on my laptop in the furthermost-removed corner booth. I'm busy writing a tale about my noir 1940s private eye on the loose in my hometown, circa 1942, and the pressure is dreadful. I need a diving bell...or an isolation tank.
Check out my Amazon author page!Mark Loeffelholz
"I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
"Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
Haha! Yes. Although my seriousness wanes by the passing moment; my recent venture into existentialist fantasy has taught me to keep things in perspective. But it's nice to be in from the cold, as Le Carre said in many more words than that.
Don't mind me, gents. Hope everyone is well.
Check out my Amazon author page!Mark Loeffelholz
"I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
"Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
Feels like old times in here, and that is very much not a complaint.
Coffee, milk, one sweetener (๐) please.
Thunderbird 2East of Cardiff, Wales.Posts: 2,821MI6 Agent
edited February 2024
Right then, Tea (large mug)
It is PG Tips, but we are low on the pyramid bags so the next ones will be Twinings till the delivery is in.
stout (latge glass)
and one of my Captain Janeway Coffee Junkie coffees, with milk and sweetner. The sweetner will make the coffee whistle and vibrate at a lower pitch, but thats normal.
Pleased to hear Higgins has been in. Ita always nice when old friends return from being off in the digital ether!
By the way, whats all this hoo-hah I have been hearing that the House Of Eon could make the next Bond woke / overly PC, etc etc?
[The coffee mug gently vibrates and whistles to itself as normal. Periodically, the mug twitches causing it to 'hop' on the tray.]
This is Thunderbird 2, how can I be of assistance?
Making a lot of hoo-hah about how woke something will be is standard prosedure these days and it's done with great enthusiasm. The other day someone complained in the comments section of a youtube channel I follow of how woke Peter jackson was when he made LoTR! I suggest that people stop complaining of how woke Bond26 will be until the producers actually do something woke with Bond ...... or generally speaking do anything at all.
Quite so. One crisis at a time! Though I do worry about 007 being done in by such fiddling with the core concept, and a sense of foreboding definitely exists. Better have another pint, please, good sir.
Check out my Amazon author page!Mark Loeffelholz
"I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
"Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
One crisis at a time. Absolutely. The current crisis, as everyone should know, is that I'm still feeling poorly. This is much more important than the volcanic eruption on Iceland and when Biden said ..... I forgot what it was.
Desperate times call for desperate measures: give me some hot chocolate, please.
Thunderbird 2East of Cardiff, Wales.Posts: 2,821MI6 Agent
(Thunderbird 2 puts a huge ateaming tanakard of Wonka's quality hot chocolate on the bar. The smell of rich quality cocoa fills the air... Holly blinks her eyes slowly while sniffing the air in appreciation.)
One Hot choclate, large 24. and it seems the Kitty likes the cocoa too!
This is Thunderbird 2, how can I be of assistance?
"We can't travel. We're the Transport Committee!" ๐
Indeed! There is a certain irony there. ๐
A little bit.
Don't worry, in the future they'll be able to teleport. I'm sure Star Trek would never lie to us.
Of course. Star Trek were right about computer tablets after all.
But will Norwegian authorities blame snow when the transporters go down? You can after all see the space snow in this photo,
No snow in London, thank goodness, it is my Mum's funeral tomorrow and snow and ice would just be a nightmare for cars, people and gravediggers.
The snow is gone, to be replaced with very strong winds thanks to Storm Whatever. I've had to batten down the hatches here at Schloss Drache. ๐
My daily dilemma:
Life's too short to not be yourself.
As all of you know, I don't have that problem. ๐
Yes, be weird and unique like me. ๐
Sounds like a fantastic virtual pub at AJB007, 'The Silencer and Bra Strap'—I'll strum some ukulele chords while enjoying the ambiance, especially in the private 'Blades' room with high-backed leather chairs for the Mods sipping Macallan Whisky and peering over their copies of The Times!
Welcome @maxunt, can we buy you a virtual drink? Nice to see a fellow musician here!
You seem to have the lie of land down pat already, @maxunt. That's not bad for a first post.
Welcome. @maxunt. SABS is very nice. The service may not be the quickest, but the ambience is excellent!
(Pops up behind the bar)
This IS Thunderbird 2!
I'm Baaack! Not that I was actually gone!
Who wants what to drink?
Holly will be back next week, she is rat hunting at my Father's house this week.
I'll have the usual, please. Today I'm sick and and I have stayed in bed all day feeling sorry for myself. I haven't opened a book all day, so I guess it's pretty serious. Don't worry, it's virtually impossible for you to catch it.
Coke Zero it is.
Its Ok, I have a stomach bug that has weird effects. Mostly audio, but with a bit of dizzyness. Have I missed much while I was out?
King Charles isn't feeling well either and Iceland looks like the scene in Star Wars that made Dart Vader don a mask. In the forum? Higgins has visited us.
The world changed while you were away. Only joking, nothing much has happened here lately.
I'll have a steaming mug of PG Tips tea please, landlord.
A pint of stout for me, please, sir. The confluence of writing and marketing outreach has left me ragged. I think two or three of those might just be the cure. Don't mind me; I'm just on my laptop in the furthermost-removed corner booth. I'm busy writing a tale about my noir 1940s private eye on the loose in my hometown, circa 1942, and the pressure is dreadful. I need a diving bell...or an isolation tank.
"I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
"Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
You're suffering for your art. It's a prerequisite for any serious artist.
Haha! Yes. Although my seriousness wanes by the passing moment; my recent venture into existentialist fantasy has taught me to keep things in perspective. But it's nice to be in from the cold, as Le Carre said in many more words than that.
Don't mind me, gents. Hope everyone is well.
"I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
"Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
Feels like old times in here, and that is very much not a complaint.
Coffee, milk, one sweetener (๐) please.
Right then, Tea (large mug)
It is PG Tips, but we are low on the pyramid bags so the next ones will be Twinings till the delivery is in.
stout (latge glass)
and one of my Captain Janeway Coffee Junkie coffees, with milk and sweetner. The sweetner will make the coffee whistle and vibrate at a lower pitch, but thats normal.
Pleased to hear Higgins has been in. Ita always nice when old friends return from being off in the digital ether!
By the way, whats all this hoo-hah I have been hearing that the House Of Eon could make the next Bond woke / overly PC, etc etc?
[The coffee mug gently vibrates and whistles to itself as normal. Periodically, the mug twitches causing it to 'hop' on the tray.]
Making a lot of hoo-hah about how woke something will be is standard prosedure these days and it's done with great enthusiasm. The other day someone complained in the comments section of a youtube channel I follow of how woke Peter jackson was when he made LoTR! I suggest that people stop complaining of how woke Bond26 will be until the producers actually do something woke with Bond ...... or generally speaking do anything at all.
And a Coke Zero, please.
Quite so. One crisis at a time! Though I do worry about 007 being done in by such fiddling with the core concept, and a sense of foreboding definitely exists. Better have another pint, please, good sir.
"I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
"Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
One crisis at a time. Absolutely. The current crisis, as everyone should know, is that I'm still feeling poorly. This is much more important than the volcanic eruption on Iceland and when Biden said ..... I forgot what it was.
Desperate times call for desperate measures: give me some hot chocolate, please.
(Thunderbird 2 puts a huge ateaming tanakard of Wonka's quality hot chocolate on the bar. The smell of rich quality cocoa fills the air... Holly blinks her eyes slowly while sniffing the air in appreciation.)
One Hot choclate, large 24. and it seems the Kitty likes the cocoa too!