Danny Boyle has left Bond25 over 'creative differences'



  • superdaddysuperdaddy englandPosts: 917MI6 Agent
    He also gets an "Executive Producer" credit. ;)
    Indeed; at least since Skyfall, Daniel Craig has a BIG vote in what happens. As of Spectre he even has official involvement as co-producer.
    wasn't aware of this, thanks for enlighten me gents -{
  • zaphod99zaphod99 Posts: 1,415MI6 Agent
    superdaddy wrote:
    He also gets an "Executive Producer" credit. ;)
    Indeed; at least since Skyfall, Daniel Craig has a BIG vote in what happens. As of Spectre he even has official involvement as co-producer.
    wasn't aware of this, thanks for enlighten me gents -{

    It's one of the 'issues' that for the first time the incumbent has had so much say over casting and Producer, script etc. The Babs/Danny love fest has meant that fueled this delay and his eventual return has contributed to our pain. If not for this we would not have had to do suffer Mawkish Mendes and noxious Newman for two films. That said the films have been phenomenally successful commercially and Craig has reestablished the character in a way that has chimed with the public.When the dust settles it will I think become clear that since 2006 we have had one superb, one train wreck, one good and one meh movie.

    There are echoes here of clinging on to a past it lead when the better option would have been to recast and move on. Waiting has been a disaster. I don't think EON are capable of making these film anymore. Pass the Duchy for Christ's sake.
    Of that of which we cannot speak we must pass over in silence- Ludwig Wittgenstein.
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,543MI6 Agent
    MrZareba wrote:
    LOL Tomasz Kot was about to play the main villain!? This sounds unreal :D Shame, he's a very, very good actor in Poland, one of the very best and it would be a pleasure to watch him along Craig on screen.

    Shame Craig didn't go for it, weird to be honest.

    I haven't seen Kot in anything, but he seems like just the type of actor they should cast for Bond movies:
    Someone who is among the best actors in their country, but unknown international ly.
    Is he a movie star in Poland?
  • MrZarebaMrZareba Krakow, PolandPosts: 1,775MI6 Agent
    Number24 wrote:
    MrZareba wrote:
    LOL Tomasz Kot was about to play the main villain!? This sounds unreal :D Shame, he's a very, very good actor in Poland, one of the very best and it would be a pleasure to watch him along Craig on screen.

    Shame Craig didn't go for it, weird to be honest.

    I haven't seen Kot in anything, but he seems like just the type of actor they should cast for Bond movies:
    Someone who is among the best actors in their country, but unknown international ly.
    Is he a movie star in Poland?

    Absolutely, if you find a version with subtitles watch "Skazany na bluesa" - this movie is just awesome and it's a biography about the lead singer of the most famous Polish band back in the 80's and 90's, rottentomateos page: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/detined_for_the_blues

    But most of the movies he started in were comedies so that's interesting. He's widely recognized among one of the best polish actors nevertheless!

    Oh damn, and of course "Bogowie" - the movie about the famous Zbigniew Religa who made the first succesful heart transplant, that's probably his best movie to date.
  • bonded123bonded123 Posts: 291MI6 Agent
    zaphod99 wrote:
    superdaddy wrote:
    Indeed; at least since Skyfall, Daniel Craig has a BIG vote in what happens. As of Spectre he even has official involvement as co-producer.
    wasn't aware of this, thanks for enlighten me gents -{

    It's one of the 'issues' that for the first time the incumbent has had so much say over casting and Producer, script etc. The Babs/Danny love fest has meant that fueled this delay and his eventual return has contributed to our pain. If not for this we would not have had to do suffer Mawkish Mendes and noxious Newman for two films. That said the films have been phenomenally successful commercially and Craig has reestablished the character in a way that has chimed with the public.When the dust settles it will I think become clear that since 2006 we have had one superb, one train wreck, one good and one meh movie.

    There are echoes here of clinging on to a past it lead when the better option would have been to recast and move on. Waiting has been a disaster. I don't think EON are capable of making these film anymore. Pass the Duchy for Christ's sake.

    Be careful what you wish for. I reckon there are many Star Wars fans that dislike what Disney has done to that franchise. Disney bought the SW franchise. The Last Jedi got huge criticism. I don't think it's a given that a new studio/new owners of Bond will do better than Eon.

    I would prefer a man making the final decisions, though. Bond is an alpha male hero and I think it's better for a man to be in charge of Bond. Just personal preference. I'm sure Barbara Broccoli's perception of Bond is different to that of most male Bond fans. Ian Fleming created Bond and two men, Cubby and Harry, brought it to the big screen. Bond's success was due to the imagination and business acumen of men. A female producer has a different mindset which may explain the more personal, character-driven elements in Craig's films.
  • MrZarebaMrZareba Krakow, PolandPosts: 1,775MI6 Agent
    OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT from the manager of Tomasz Kot:

    "Odnosząc się do doniesień medialnych dotyczących napięć na linii Danny Boyle – Daniel Craig, które miałyby być konsekwencją różnych wizji artystycznych obu Panów, i które miałyby dotyczyć ewentualnego udziału Pana Tomasza Kota w najnowszym „Jamesie Bondzie”, pragniemy stwierdzić, że nie dysponujemy żadną wiedzą na ten temat i nie wiemy co obu Panów poróżniło. Natomiast prawdą jest, że Tomasz Kot został poproszony przez reżysera o przygotowanie kilku scen, w których interpretował ostatnie role czarnych charakterów, co zrobił z wielką przyjemnością. Kwestie obsadowe leżą wyłącznie po stronie producentów oraz reżysera. Nie otrzymaliśmy żadnego oficjalnego stanowiska wyżej wymienionych podmiotów, wobec czego nie możemy odnosić się do informacji uzyskanych wyłącznie za pośrednictwem przekazów medialnych.

    Lucyna Kobierzycka,
    Kot, Tomasz Kot…"

    My translation:
    "Addressing the rumors in the news regarding the misunderstandings between Danny Boyle and Daniel Craig, supposedly caused by some creative differences between both gentlemen regarding the eventual hiring of Tomasz Kot in the new "James Bond", we would like to announce that we have no knowledge in that matter and we have no clue what disunited both gentlemen.

    Truth is however that Tomasz Kot has been asked by the director to prepare a couple of scenes, in which he interpreted roles of the last few villains, which he has done with absolute pleasure.

    Casting decisions stay purely with the producers and the director. We didn't get any official message from the aforementioned parties, in which case we are unable to address the information only spread by the media."

    Link here: https://www.facebook.com/907147502652749/posts/2071722429528578/
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,543MI6 Agent
    This is one of the reasons why it's great to have members from around the world :)

    I don't mind that Tomasz Kot is best known for comedies. Comedy actors have delivered great dramatic performances often before Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting" and Dead poets society" is one of them.
  • ChriscoopChriscoop Belize Posts: 10,458MI6 Agent
    So as the media rumour mill grinds into action spewing out spurious and unfounded stories what do we know? Boyle has left the production some months before filming is due to start, and Hodge has also departed! Personally I'm not surprised, Boyle has always much preferred smaller budget/independent films where he has much more control and artistic licence than I'm certain he will have with a bond production. I think this is nothing more than a disagreement between how Boyle wants the film to be and how eon want it to be. These things happen. I was wondering how quick the press would be to throw blame in Craig's direction.
    It was either that.....or the priesthood
  • Gala BrandGala Brand Posts: 1,173MI6 Agent
    Gala Brand wrote:

    I'm sure there's a clause in the contracts allowing Universal to pull out if certain things happened (Craig leaving, Boyle leaving being the two most obvious). There's no way they're going to put up at least $250 million for a film directed by somebody they regard as a hack.

    Remember, Universal signed on at the same time as Boyle and Hodge. Before that EON/MGM had spent two fruitless years trying to find a distributor.

    I wouldn't give Universal that much credit. Just last year they released the Alex Kurtzman directed The Mummy.

    And they should have learned their lesson.
  • ChriscoopChriscoop Belize Posts: 10,458MI6 Agent
    Gala Brand wrote:
    Gala Brand wrote:

    I'm sure there's a clause in the contracts allowing Universal to pull out if certain things happened (Craig leaving, Boyle leaving being the two most obvious). There's no way they're going to put up at least $250 million for a film directed by somebody they regard as a hack.

    Remember, Universal signed on at the same time as Boyle and Hodge. Before that EON/MGM had spent two fruitless years trying to find a distributor.

    I wouldn't give Universal that much credit. Just last year they released the Alex Kurtzman directed The Mummy.

    And they should have learned their lesson.

    At the risk of sounding naive, is nothing put in place for such things as directors becoming ill? Or any number of reasons why they can't or don't fulfill a directorship.
    It was either that.....or the priesthood
  • Gala BrandGala Brand Posts: 1,173MI6 Agent
    Number24 wrote:
    Gala Brand wrote:
    Number24 wrote:

    My completely unbiased opinion is that this is good question :v

    If Hodge turned in a completed script, his involvement would be finished.

    Are you sure? On some productions the screenwriter is kept at hand during the filming in case something happens (delays, the wishes of the actors, practical stuff). It makes sense to me.

    If they do, that's contracted for separately, after the script is accepted. You wouldn't want a writer on set if his script didn't end up being used.
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,543MI6 Agent
    Chriscoop wrote:
    So as the media rumour mill grinds into action spewing out spurious and unfounded stories what do we know? Boyle has left the production some months before filming is due to start, and Hodge has also departed! Personally I'm not surprised, Boyle has always much preferred smaller budget/independent films where he has much more control and artistic licence than I'm certain he will have with a bond production. I think this is nothing more than a disagreement between how Boyle wants the film to be and how eon want it to be. These things happen. I was wondering how quick the press would be to throw blame in Craig's direction.

    Actually there is no information about John Hodge leaving. If Gala Brand is correct in the post above (probably is) the involvment of Hodge was over when he turned in the script. If Hodge had left under a cloud his name would be next to Boyle's in the shocking statement.
  • ChriscoopChriscoop Belize Posts: 10,458MI6 Agent
    Number24 wrote:
    Chriscoop wrote:
    So as the media rumour mill grinds into action spewing out spurious and unfounded stories what do we know? Boyle has left the production some months before filming is due to start, and Hodge has also departed! Personally I'm not surprised, Boyle has always much preferred smaller budget/independent films where he has much more control and artistic licence than I'm certain he will have with a bond production. I think this is nothing more than a disagreement between how Boyle wants the film to be and how eon want it to be. These things happen. I was wondering how quick the press would be to throw blame in Craig's direction.

    Actually there is no information about John Hodge leaving. If Gala Brand is correct in the post above (probably is) the involvment of Hodge was over when he turned in the script. If Hodge had left under a cloud his name would be next to Boyle's in the shocking statement.

    Its mentioned in one of the British papers today http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6088271/amp/Danny-Boyle-quit-new-Bond-movie-casting-row-Daniel-Craig.html
    Not that I hold much faith in such stories.
    It was either that.....or the priesthood
  • OOOO United KingdomPosts: 16MI6 Agent
    The Daily Mail article quotes The Mirror as its source for John Hodge having departed. Here's a link to the article from The Mirror:

    Hola. Somos maestros en año sabático… y nos ganamos la lotería.
  • walther p99walther p99 NJPosts: 3,416MI6 Agent
    Chriscoop wrote:
    Number24 wrote:
    Chriscoop wrote:
    So as the media rumour mill grinds into action spewing out spurious and unfounded stories what do we know? Boyle has left the production some months before filming is due to start, and Hodge has also departed! Personally I'm not surprised, Boyle has always much preferred smaller budget/independent films where he has much more control and artistic licence than I'm certain he will have with a bond production. I think this is nothing more than a disagreement between how Boyle wants the film to be and how eon want it to be. These things happen. I was wondering how quick the press would be to throw blame in Craig's direction.

    Actually there is no information about John Hodge leaving. If Gala Brand is correct in the post above (probably is) the involvment of Hodge was over when he turned in the script. If Hodge had left under a cloud his name would be next to Boyle's in the shocking statement.

    Its mentioned in one of the British papers today http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6088271/amp/Danny-Boyle-quit-new-Bond-movie-casting-row-Daniel-Craig.html
    Not that I hold much faith in such stories.
    Ouch, those comments make it clear what some of the public thinks of Craig.
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,543MI6 Agent
    I have to ask a couple of questions ("A fool ask more than ten wise men can answer" - Norwegian proverb):

    - Was it Boyle who wanted the Polish actor or was it EON?

    - Is it really clear that Hodge left because of the conflict and not because he was finished with his job?
  • Miles MesservyMiles Messervy Posts: 1,775MI6 Agent
    edited August 2018
    Chriscoop wrote:
    So as the media rumour mill grinds into action spewing out spurious and unfounded stories what do we know? Boyle has left the production some months before filming is due to start, and Hodge has also departed! Personally I'm not surprised, Boyle has always much preferred smaller budget/independent films where he has much more control and artistic licence than I'm certain he will have with a bond production. I think this is nothing more than a disagreement between how Boyle wants the film to be and how eon want it to be. These things happen. I was wondering how quick the press would be to throw blame in Craig's direction.

    This. And before we jump all over Craig and EON based on questionable reports citing “sources,” let’s not forget what our own ASP9mm had to say earlier in this thread. I trust his account far more than the British tabs. So, I say good riddance to Danny Boyle and his collaborators.
  • HowardBHowardB USAPosts: 2,773MI6 Agent
    Chriscoop wrote:
    So as the media rumour mill grinds into action spewing out spurious and unfounded stories what do we know? Boyle has left the production some months before filming is due to start, and Hodge has also departed! Personally I'm not surprised, Boyle has always much preferred smaller budget/independent films where he has much more control and artistic licence than I'm certain he will have with a bond production. I think this is nothing more than a disagreement between how Boyle wants the film to be and how eon want it to be. These things happen. I was wondering how quick the press would be to throw blame in Craig's direction.

    Ah, the voice of reason. Well said.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    If Danny won't direct it get his brother Frankie Boyle ! :D
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • MrGoreMrGore Posts: 129MI6 Agent
    Oh dear. I'm getting worried.

    Imagine if it gets put back another year. 2020. That's FIVE years since Spectre. Grrrrr.
    Almost Licence To Kill-Goldeneye gap proportions. And with no change of lead actor.

    Since I've been a fan since I played with my tiny Aston Martin on the living room carpet in the 1960s, I won't say what I really think about this.

    I'll just have to put my optimism hat back on and look forward to next year.

    But..... Mr DC, Mrs BB, Mr MGW. Get your act together.

    Be nice to who pays your bills.
  • ChriscoopChriscoop Belize Posts: 10,458MI6 Agent
    I wouldn't worry too much at this stage, we are still some months from the start of filming, and who knows we may yet get Chris Nolan? Though he is I agree doubtful. It's probably just as well this has happened rather than Boyle taking Bond in a quirky unbondian direction. Ron Howard walked out on a movie recently as has Spielberg in the past. Losing the Director at this stage is manageable as much as they are a massive part of a movie they are still a part and not the whole. Usually when such "bad" news surrounds a bond film in the making they end up delivering a cracker.
    It was either that.....or the priesthood
  • Shady TreeShady Tree London, UKPosts: 3,029MI6 Agent
    In my opinion, for what it's worth, when a Bond director is hired he or she should be allowed considerable latitude with regards to creative decision-making, including casting, within broad parameters set out by the franchise producers from the get-go. The best directors will inevitably want to make their distinctive mark. I'd venture that audiences today want more than just a series of samey Bonds churned out by a jobbing director, or directors - however well crafted - which is what we all happily settled for in the 80s and 70s.
    Critics and material I don't need. I haven't changed my act in 53 years.
  • Bond44Bond44 Vauxhall CrossPosts: 1,581MI6 Agent
    Like others have said we have to trust in Babs and Micheal they have gotten it this far. So you lose a director but these things happen, he is not the first to walk. All the hypothesis is great but mostly that is what it is and you have to take it all at face value, stay positive and just see what happens.

    Be sure given what is at stake I am sure wheels are in motion to find someone else and deliver on schedule, but if not you know what - there is nothing we can do about it except enjoy the ride :D

    Cheers :007)
    My name is Bond, Basildon Bond - I have letters after my name!
  • SomeoneSomeone Posts: 1,613MI6 Agent
    EON is looking for a writer or writer-director for Bond25, so its bound to miss November 2019, hello 2020 release date.

  • Matt SMatt S Oh Cult Voodoo ShopPosts: 6,625MI6 Agent
    According to Gareth Owen, John Hodge was not writing an original story but was brought in to add his ideas to Purvis and Wade's script. So that's why there's no need to fear that Hodge is no longer working on Bond. They have their script. If they bring in another writer, it sounds like it will be to work from that script, not start a new script. Variety doesn't have all the details.
    Visit my blog, Bond Suits
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,543MI6 Agent
    If Variety is correct this is really bad. :o
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    Good God guys, are you building the funeral pyre ? :))
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • Matt SMatt S Oh Cult Voodoo ShopPosts: 6,625MI6 Agent
    Number24 wrote:
    If Variety is correct this is really bad. :o

    It sounds like speculation.
    Visit my blog, Bond Suits
  • SomeoneSomeone Posts: 1,613MI6 Agent
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,543MI6 Agent
    edited August 2018
    It is speculation, but it's Variety speculating.
    But I thought they had two scripts, but now they're saying they need a new one?
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