NTTD Movie Questions/remarks - not Reviews (maybe SPOILERS in responses)

- After 5 years in Jamaica why would Bond be surprised that women in that part of the world wear hair extensions?
- How / when did Primo the eye guy move from Spectre to Saffin's group, when Saffin wanted all of Spectre dead?
- Anybody else find Obruchev annoying, bordering on Borat?
- What exactly did Phoebe WB bring to the party after all the hype - a couple of lines?
- The Nomi hype was a load of *&&^%% too.
- Probably pieced together a good 60 % of movie or at least sequence from trailers alone - the PTS great but not new.
- Even though Bond had retired and was in Jamaica for 5 years he is still renting a garage in London and keeping his Aston.
Some of mine, please post some of your own whys and whats too.
Thanks - lol at 3, 4 and 5.
7: so you know about the Skyfall estate but have a rare narcoleptic condition triggered whenever someone mentions the Floating Dragon casino..
...Oh god, I'm sorry...are you OK?! Look out, a Komodo dragon! 😃
There's a whole recruitment scene which spells out number 2.
Oh, god, its got my leg, its got my... oh, my arm, my head, no more memories ............
Incidentally, Bond doesn't leave with any winnings.
Just cos we don't see him leave with any, doesn't mean he didn't go back and... try another day.
I have a question:
Why were Safin's family killed by Spectre? I thought they were Spectre's official poisoners, so why would Spectre kill them? Or were they not Spectre's poisoners, but rather, a family of poisoners that did a few jobs for Spectre?
1 - Moore, 2 - Dalton, 3 - Craig, 4 - Connery, 5 - Brosnan, 6 - Lazenby
2. Probably way before Cuba as he meets the Cia traitor, working for Safin, before Cuba according the Eye video log cracked by Q
But then why the scientists tried to trick him by exchanging the USB keys if they are working for the same person??
> They did not know?
7.GF 8.TLD 9.TND 10.SF
"Where’s Fekkesh?” “Pyramids.” *thwap* “AHHHHHHH!”
Per the dialogue the eye scene seems to happen post Cuba as he alludes to it. Although that does create a timeline glitch for how Mi6 get it.
And 3 others question...
8. Why does madeleine lies to bond about his daughter?
> It does not seem to help anyhow or serve any purpose...
7.GF 8.TLD 9.TND 10.SF
"Where’s Fekkesh?” “Pyramids.” *thwap* “AHHHHHHH!”
9. (Why does Safin goes himself to Norway, and in the yet unsecured forest, to collect Madeleine and her daughter?)
(> weird but ooook, why not)
10. And most questionable, what does Safin want with Madeleine(and daughter) ?? Why does he bring her to the island?
> I may have missed an important plot point but I did not have the feeling that he was really "attached" to madeleine nor to her daughter...
- He explained that they have a link as he saved her but.. He is clearly not in love with her, he does not even ask or check on her once he separated her from the little girl. He does not seem to care much actually... So... What was the forest act in Norway??
- He wants the little girl to grow there... but offer to bond to leave with her later one.. Even if it was only bluff, he just let the girl leave alone in the facility without looking anyhow sad...
7.GF 8.TLD 9.TND 10.SF
"Where’s Fekkesh?” “Pyramids.” *thwap* “AHHHHHHH!”
11. What was the tea?? Was it poison?? Probably... To kill her? To make her do what he wants?? (which is?? See we question 10)
7.GF 8.TLD 9.TND 10.SF
"Where’s Fekkesh?” “Pyramids.” *thwap* “AHHHHHHH!”
Yea, there is a problem here... Or not enough explanation...
7.GF 8.TLD 9.TND 10.SF
"Where’s Fekkesh?” “Pyramids.” *thwap* “AHHHHHHH!”
Maybe another stupid question...
12. Why does Safin want to kill everybody??
> because he is mad? Because he want to be god? Because he can? Because he hate some specific groups of persons?
7.GF 8.TLD 9.TND 10.SF
"Where’s Fekkesh?” “Pyramids.” *thwap* “AHHHHHHH!”
Because she is still angry for leaving her… and until she knows what his plans are, why should she?
I couldn't work out what Safin's plan was, and what Bond is trying to stop. Safin has the weapon that can wipe out huge numbers of people based on DNA, but does he have a specific plan to use it? At one point we see a map of the world on a screen with dots all over it. Are these targets? Is Bond trying to stop a specific plot to use the weapon, or is Safin not at that point yet and Bond is just trying to destroy the weapon before a plot can develop?
Another ones...
13. Why to destroy the island?? And so urgently??
> Bond had communication ON, and he just wiped out all the bad guys...
Why not asking to abort? Even if it would not work like in Tomorrow Never Dies PTS...
He could at least ask and say that his mission is finished and successful...
//A bit like in the movie The Rock when N. Cage secured the missiles on alcatraz island//
So... Suicide? It was enough from him... and he gave up? Not even tried?
7.GF 8.TLD 9.TND 10.SF
"Where’s Fekkesh?” “Pyramids.” *thwap* “AHHHHHHH!”
Again... Question..?
14. Why Nomi, bond colleague, does not even try to come back to pick him up??
> it could have been too short in time of course but she could have tried or even have only offered to come back... even if not makeable
7.GF 8.TLD 9.TND 10.SF
"Where’s Fekkesh?” “Pyramids.” *thwap* “AHHHHHHH!”
Nobody has an answer to mine yet? See post #10
1 - Moore, 2 - Dalton, 3 - Craig, 4 - Connery, 5 - Brosnan, 6 - Lazenby
I think Craig's Bond movies, or at least the last three, share three basic misconseptions about James Bond series:
- Everything must be connected.
- The audience has a strong urge to learn everyone's past.
- Every movie must have a huge "hook", a throw away the rules book moment. (M dies and the villan wins. Everything is connected and Bond and Blofeld are "brothers", Spectre is destroyed, Bond has a child, Bond dies).
15. How does Bond father a child after what happened to him at the end of CR ? 😬
Not really sure why either...
> maybe to get the island?
Safin said that he just got the island back
7.GF 8.TLD 9.TND 10.SF
"Where’s Fekkesh?” “Pyramids.” *thwap* “AHHHHHHH!”
9. Safin goes to Norway (not Finland) in the PTS because he probably doesn't have people working for him at that time. His mission is personal, he wants revenge for his family.
10. Safin sees himself in Madeleine. Both had their families murdered while they were children. At the same time it seems like Safin is unna way in love with Madeleine.
9. Norway 😁😅
Sorry, I meant when he goes to collect Madeleine and her daughter later in the movie. He sends a full army and go himself to get them in the forest
10. OK I understand that he feels linked to her but what does he want to do with them?
Drug Madeleine with the tea to make her be his slave? (see question 11 about the tea)
And it all really unclear that he would be in love with her...maybe...
He would eventually be jalous of Bond then... Which does not seem the case... Or why to separate the kid and mom, keep the kid and don't really check or even talk to her anymore in the rest movie?
7.GF 8.TLD 9.TND 10.SF
"Where’s Fekkesh?” “Pyramids.” *thwap* “AHHHHHHH!”
I don't 100% get how Safin has programmed Bond's nanobots against Madeline and her daughter.
Yes, he has Madeline's DNA from that hair sample and he carries that little flask with her DNA.
Was that flask actually containing the "programming sauce" to trigger Bond's nanobots while scratching his face or how did that work?
Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
The timeline from the PTS does not make sense.
When Safin kills Madeline's mother how old is she? 11? or 12?
Rami Malek is 4 years older than Seydoux, so he would be only 15 or 16 when trying to kill her father and killing her mother?
While he wears this mask, he's certainly older in the PTS when he goes to Norway?
Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
16. I probably missed it, but how does Blofeld communicate through the eye from his cell?
7.GF 8.TLD 9.TND 10.SF
"Where’s Fekkesh?” “Pyramids.” *thwap* “AHHHHHHH!”