Pros and Cons: Die Another Day



  • thegreatgallingthegreatgalling Posts: 180MI6 Agent
    Bloody hell, that's like watching a Saw movie. :))
    " When his helmet was sucked off !". That's the way I want to go ! ;)

    I'm always will to be taught new stuff, I have that printed on my business cards
    That I leave in phone boxes . ;) :))

    Interesting videos -{

    {[] I think we can agree then that Gustav Graves became Gustav Gravy.
  • broadshoulderbroadshoulder Acton, London, UKPosts: 1,363MI6 Agent
    I'm always will to be taught new stuff, I have that printed on my business cards
    That I leave in phone boxes . ;) :))


    :)) :)) :)) :))
    1. For Your Eyes Only 2. The Living Daylights 3 From Russia with Love 4. Casino Royale 5. OHMSS 6. Skyfall
  • Virgil37Virgil37 Posts: 1,212MI6 Agent
    chrisisall wrote:
    Virgil37 wrote:
    I've gone through my reasons for considering TND the all time low of the franchise. Others feel that way in this forum, so I'm not the only one.
    Really? Can you name one? I mean, someone who feels TND is 'the all time low'? I can't recall seeing it dead last on anyone's list but yours... I could be wrong...
    with your "chinese girls" and "personal prejudice" comments you are clearly crossing a red line
    A 'red' line? Is that Commie reference? Are you saying I should move to Russia? X-(

    :)) Okay, seriously, by 'personal prejudice' I mean something in your past that affects your judgement of the film- like for ME, I was severely traumatized by Bambi as a child, and consequently when a beloved or main character dies in a movie, my first reaction is 'this movie sucks'. When Matrix Revolutions came out I flat out stated that it was THE worst movie ever made. :))
    Now I can say it's a well made flick that I just can't enjoy.
    For years I couldn't watch YOLT because of Aki's death! :o
    That's what I mean.

    Seriously Chrisisall, do not play games by using "chinese girls" and "personal prejudice" in the same sentence. It sounds much worse than you intended.

    I've said it many times, I'll say it again. TND is a disjointed film. Action sequences put together. It's quite noticeable that the script was not properly developed. No "personal prejudice" whatsoever, no freudian theories, no child traumas, no racial bias... I tried watching the film many times, and always think the same. Just a very bad film. Period. DAD, the topic of this thread, is a much better film.

    Just accept the fact that we all have a favourite and a least favourite film. It so happens that TND is my least favourite, and your third favourite, which I respect without getting into weird theories (like you must be blind or something).

    No hard feelings right? {[]
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    I'm happy you boys have kissed and made-up. :D {[]
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • chrisisallchrisisall Western Mass, USAPosts: 9,062MI6 Agent
    Virgil37 wrote:

    No hard feelings right? {[]
    'Hard feelings'? Is that a sexual reference? Are you saying something about my manhood? X-(

    Ha ha, no man, we're cool. I'm known for extensive deceased equestrian pulverizing... :D
    Dalton & Connery rule. Brozz was cool.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    Chrisisall wrote :
    " I'm known for extensive deceased equestrian pulverizing "

    :)) :)) :))
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • Virgil37Virgil37 Posts: 1,212MI6 Agent
    Chrisisall and I only argue about TND. But when we do, it's tough... :o ;)
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    I think a couple of thongs and a mud pit, might make it more
    Of a spectacle, for the rest of us ! :))
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • chrisisallchrisisall Western Mass, USAPosts: 9,062MI6 Agent
    edited February 2015
    As long as we can all at least agree that Dalton was a great Bond, all is well.

    AND, on topic: NO BOND EVER was more about the lasers than DAD. -{
    Dalton & Connery rule. Brozz was cool.
  • BlackleiterBlackleiter Washington, DCPosts: 5,615MI6 Agent

    The first part of the movie up until Bond leaves Cuba.


    The rest of the movie!

    And I must comment separately on Jinx (Halle Berry), as I see that some commentators consider her as an asset, while others view her as one of the film's worst elements:


    Seeing Berry on screen. She is top of the line when it comes to the gorgeousness of Bond Girls.


    Just about every time Berry opens her mouth. She has absolutely some of the worst lines and worst line readings in the entire series.

    +1 Agree with everything you say BL.

    It's good to know I'm making sense to someone! :)) -{
    "Felix Leiter, a brother from Langley."
  • BlackleiterBlackleiter Washington, DCPosts: 5,615MI6 Agent
    Last night it was Blackleiter and myself !

    You call that an argument, TP? These others lads laugh at us old codgers struggling to find something about which we disagree! :))
    "Felix Leiter, a brother from Langley."
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    We have to be careful, with your pacemaker and my blood pressure ! :))
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • BlackleiterBlackleiter Washington, DCPosts: 5,615MI6 Agent
    We have to be careful, with your pacemaker and my blood pressure ! :))

    So true, my friend! :)) :)) :))
    "Felix Leiter, a brother from Langley."
  • Absolutely_CartAbsolutely_Cart NJ/NYC, United StatesPosts: 1,740MI6 Agent
    chrisisall wrote:
    AND, on topic: NO BOND EVER was more about the lasers than DAD. -{


    Eon knew lasers were a popular trope in fiction and that they were a motif in some of the other James Bond movies. So, they just went nuts with it.
  • AlphaOmegaSinAlphaOmegaSin EnglandPosts: 10,926MI6 Agent
    Laser to the Nuts? No thanks :D
    1.On Her Majesties Secret Service 2.The Living Daylights 3.license To Kill 4.The Spy Who Loved Me 5.Goldfinger
  • broadshoulderbroadshoulder Acton, London, UKPosts: 1,363MI6 Agent
    . So, they just went nuts with it.

    That was the big big problem with dad. Subtely is an alien word
    1. For Your Eyes Only 2. The Living Daylights 3 From Russia with Love 4. Casino Royale 5. OHMSS 6. Skyfall
  • AlphaOmegaSinAlphaOmegaSin EnglandPosts: 10,926MI6 Agent
    It was the 40th Anniversary of the Franchise, and I think EON wanted to make it a Birthday Bash.
    1.On Her Majesties Secret Service 2.The Living Daylights 3.license To Kill 4.The Spy Who Loved Me 5.Goldfinger
  • Absolutely_CartAbsolutely_Cart NJ/NYC, United StatesPosts: 1,740MI6 Agent
    edited February 2015
    Yeah, I agree Omega. They wanted to make it big. Bigger didn't necessarily mean better. The movie lacked a clear sense of direction, but it was really fun. I think that since there's several movies in the series that both lack a sense of direction and aren't fun, Die Another Day avoids my bottom 5. I'd call it underrated for sure.

    I'll put it this way:

    TND = great action + bad story + dull drab atmosphere + maudlin
    DAD = great action + passable story + colorful atmosphere + fun
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 36,986Chief of Staff
    I'd dispute that DAD had a bad story (all the ingredients are there, some from the MR novel). The way it was directed, that's a different matter.
  • Absolutely_CartAbsolutely_Cart NJ/NYC, United StatesPosts: 1,740MI6 Agent
    I said TND and DAD had bad stories to simplify my point, but truth be told, DAD's story was passable - not bad. It was original, for sure. A palace of ice, North Korea, DNA cloning. That's quite an imagination.

    What was wrong with the direction? You mean CGI (understandable) or just the pacing of the scenes>
  • chrisisallchrisisall Western Mass, USAPosts: 9,062MI6 Agent
    What was wrong with the direction?
    A severe OTT attitude. Taken down just a few notches and DAD would have been a solid entry IMO.
    Dalton & Connery rule. Brozz was cool.
  • Absolutely_CartAbsolutely_Cart NJ/NYC, United StatesPosts: 1,740MI6 Agent
    I don't necessarily agree. It's a ridiculous movie at its very core. I think a pretense of reality would've achieved the opposite effect.
  • broadshoulderbroadshoulder Acton, London, UKPosts: 1,363MI6 Agent

    What was wrong with the direction?
    :)) :)) :))

    Directed by an incompetent.Never had I been so embarassed when watching a movie.

    There are a couple of scenes in Cuba which pass muster - but the rest is shot to hell..
    1. For Your Eyes Only 2. The Living Daylights 3 From Russia with Love 4. Casino Royale 5. OHMSS 6. Skyfall
  • AlphaOmegaSinAlphaOmegaSin EnglandPosts: 10,926MI6 Agent
    The CGI Wind Surfing Scene always gets a Laugh from me :))
    1.On Her Majesties Secret Service 2.The Living Daylights 3.license To Kill 4.The Spy Who Loved Me 5.Goldfinger
  • chrisisallchrisisall Western Mass, USAPosts: 9,062MI6 Agent

    Directed by an incompetent.
    LOL, yeah, that's easy to say... he's actually a quite capable director. His choice to make DAD an OTT cartoon was the problem, not his skills or lack thereof.
    Dalton & Connery rule. Brozz was cool.
  • broadshoulderbroadshoulder Acton, London, UKPosts: 1,363MI6 Agent
    To be honest I've gone on about DAD too long.

    But his vision of what the film was about and what Bond was about was all wrong
    1. For Your Eyes Only 2. The Living Daylights 3 From Russia with Love 4. Casino Royale 5. OHMSS 6. Skyfall
  • chrisisallchrisisall Western Mass, USAPosts: 9,062MI6 Agent
    But his vision of what the film was about and what Bond was about was all wrong
    I agree with the first part totally, but he seemed to leave Bond alone. Brosnan gave his best performance in a sea of nonsense.
    Dalton & Connery rule. Brozz was cool.
  • broadshoulderbroadshoulder Acton, London, UKPosts: 1,363MI6 Agent
    chrisisall wrote:
    But his vision of what the film was about and what Bond was about was all wrong
    I agree with the first part totally, but he seemed to leave Bond alone. Brosnan gave his best performance in a sea of nonsense.

    You know that James bond was a codename according to tamahori

    1. For Your Eyes Only 2. The Living Daylights 3 From Russia with Love 4. Casino Royale 5. OHMSS 6. Skyfall
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 36,986Chief of Staff
    chrisisall wrote:
    Brosnan gave his best performance.

    Kudos, chrisisall. Something that's often forgotten on the endless DAD-bashing bandwagon. There are many things that can be nitpicked about that (or indeed any other) film, but Brosnan's performance isn't one of them (although IMHO his best Bond performance was one film earlier).
  • chrisisallchrisisall Western Mass, USAPosts: 9,062MI6 Agent
    Barbel wrote:
    (although IMHO his best Bond performance was one film earlier).
    Personally, I thought he did a great job on all his last three, and a really good one on his first.
    Dalton & Connery rule. Brozz was cool.
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